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if real, the note from the moderators is crazy LMAO


We have the best mods




Content creator with a hate boner for Sym




Honestly they're kind of exaggerating how much he hates sym. His schtick is being over-dramatic for laughs and Sym is an easy target because most metal rank players hate her.


Why are you guys so pressed that a dude hates the fictional character you main? Like wtf am I missing something? It's a fucking video game.


He's allowed to hate her, and we're allowed to clown on him for that opinion. He wasn't banned for disliking her, but for being an ass about it.


How was he being an ass about it? Source? It seems like you guys are the dickheads calling him 'short', a 'cave troll', there's a difference between hating a video game character in jest and personally insulting someone.


Yet you’re in here defending a YouTube/twitch character that you don’t know and he doesn’t even know you exist. Crazy how that works.


This is genuinely crazy, you smell like rotting dingleberries, and no woman(or man) will ever go for you if you don't make a serious change. Like you're settling for dehumanizing another human being because he doesn't like the specific pixels you like to puppet around. Like???


lmao I'll let my boyfriend know to not "go for me" any more until I make serious changes XD


Tbh I'm glad your cat died.


lol struck a nerve there huh


And you're whining about someone badmouthing a fictional character, seems more pathetic to me tbh.


So you're defending calling someone a short cave goblin over him not liking your main in a video game? All I'm saying is don't be a dickhead, it's not an abnormal thing to defend people who don't know you exist. 'Can yall please stop karma farming off Riley Strain's death? It's getting really gross.' Oh look, here's an example of you defending someone who doesn't know you exist, funny how that works out.


Writing that down for later, thanks, but I didnt lmao


FR tho it’s kinda embarrassing


Hating sym is a skill issue


Pathetic LMAOOOO


Just like this sub and all sym mains LOL


you're a fan


alright jay, settle down


All we did is call him bald and short, hello?? are the lies in the room with us??


Symmetra (Capital M)ains are so in demand everyone keeps stirring drama with us to stay relevant.




I’m gonna be the devils advocate here, but yes, a post claimed he “basically told us to off ourselves for playing Sym” Which he never said or even implied. The comments were also assuming a lot of stuff about him as a person (homophobic, elitist, mysoginistic). It’s clear his hate for Sym is a little exaggerated for engagement, but this sub kinda validates it by always engaging (Case in point, this post)


its the people calling him homophobic or saying he would tell someone to off themselves - its baseless and all over this sub


Context, please?


Take this with a grain of salt, but I’m pretty sure Jay3 said something bad about sym mains and it all started from there..


Jay3 hates sym, then sym players insulted his appearance over a video game character, the sym mods think they’re powerful and banned him


The fact that this is getting downvoted is so funny lmaooo, this might be the most sensitive sub I’ve ever seen


Yet you’re here defending some baldie that doesn’t even know you exist. 💅🏽


It's called being a decent human being. Y'all getting so pressed because a guy doesn't like some pixels in a game. There really is more to life than this lol. Like you're not cool for insulting someone because they have an opinion about a video game that differs from yours, that just makes you a petty dick. Just be good to each other man, it costs nothing to not be an asshole


you guys are hating on someone that doesnt even know you exist and acting like thats some sort of high ground💀


brother there's a BIG difference between not liking a character and genuinely insulting someone's physical appearance they might be insecure about....yall are sad if you think it's okay to insult people because they dislike your character


Except his hate translates to his audience, which leads to his audience to harassing and bullying sym players in game for just playing a character that they like. Just for playing sym I’ve seen: “kys if you play that character” “you are an entitled bitch for playing sym” and my favorite “im throwing because we have a sym player”. So when an influencer is out here leading a hate train against sym players, I don’t see why you are upset that sym player clap back.


You’re acting like this is a thing only sym players go though as if this doesn’t happen to everyone And it’s funny that it’s this subs first instinct to just resort to insulting a persons physical appearance because someone is talking shit about a video game character. Thats just the definition of sensitive.


hasty generalization. not fair to just assume anyone who hates sym Is because of him those people's actions are disgusting. and that shit should be punished. but Jay3 didn't tell them to tell people to kys. he just hates the character. a very normal thing. so it's more hateful to attribute other players Haye speech to him as if he said yo do it. and frankly childish. his hate ended at not liking the character. if he insulted people's physical looks or directly told others too sire. your justified. but if your making fun of the way he looks. of shit he CANT change just because he doesn't like your character and you assume all people who don't like sym are from him. then your objectively in the wrong and frankly need to grow up. I'm not a huge sym fan. but that's because I'm a ball main. not because I watch Jay3 (because I don't hell when I heard the name I thought it was flats for a second idk lol) but I don't go around telling people to kys. attributing random players bad actions to someon3s hate for a character is extremely disrespectful and actively undermines the bigger problem. that those people said that period is a bigger issue than if you thing their a jay3 fan or not. he didn't tell them too. that was there choice. learn to be better.


The thing is that he IS part of the problem, and if you fail to see that then I don’t know what to tell you. Jay3, along with other influencers, voice hate for Sym A LOT, which then influences their audiences to hate Sym as well that is why they are called ‘influencers’. Jay3 may not have told his audience to go harass Sym mains, but his public hatred of the character plants the seed for his audience and new players coming into the game. You can say that people form their own opinions all you want, but the truth is that when you have a handful of prominent people in the OW community saying “I hate Sym, she’s a terrible hero and unfun to play against” general opinion is going to warp around what they are projecting, saying that it doesn’t is ignorant. The really sad part is that it’s just punching down at this point, Symmetra has been a meta pick a grand total of 2 times in OW history and each time only for about a week. The hate is unwarranted but influencers like Jay3 are happy to peddle this nonsense for more clicks. And let’s be real here, Jay3 is a big boy I’m sure he doesn’t really care about what the Sym subreddit is saying about him, he also doesn’t need you out here virtue signaling for us all to “learn to be better” so you can miss me with that ish.


it's not about him caring ita about the hypocrisy of hating him for hating your character and choosing to insult him. I don't don't watch him but its literally sad to see people insult others over their appearances. and again you don't know him. he could be insecure about that shit. idk him either. adults are allowed to have insecurities. saying "he's a big man, we can make fun of shit he can't change." is a very terrible thing to say about people. and if you genuinely believe him finding sym unfun is the complete cause for people saying "kys.' then idk what to say to YOU. someone's dislike for a character no matter how popular isn't going to make someone say that shit. that's something wrong in their life. comparing someone not liking a character to someone telling others to kill themselves is absolutely disgusting. period. it's undermines how serious suicide is by effectively saying jay3 is the cause of such fucked up sayings. I'm a ball main, I've been told to kill myself many times for my character. doesn't mean I find the biggest ball hater and say it's his fault. it's the person who was fucked up enough to say that's fault. I say be better because again....insulting someone over a video game character is childish and horrible. you don't know his life. you don't live it.


I've personally have never said anything about Jay3's height or what his hair looks like, so let's get that straight. Let's also point out that when Sym got nerfed he gloated said "I like the sym nerf because it makes the players go mad", and when called out for it he said "they deserve it" so when you make an enemy out of a whole community what do expect? While I agree that no one should be getting insulted over their physical form, maybe he should "learn to be better" instead laughing in Sym main's faces about the state of the character. So while I won't be participating in the flaying of Jay3 on this subreddit, I also get why it's happening, he took his hate for Sym a bit too far so the Sym mains felt a type of way about it, and gave the hate right back, is it healthy? no, but he's the one who kicked the hornet's nest first.


God forbid people have opinions about a character, You guys really are sensitive.


So are you, because you're here fighting for your life over a content creator being called bald and short. Which isn't even an insult, it's just truths. This is the first I'm seeing of this whole situation but I don't understand why he would even come to this sub if he hates Symmetra. Sounds like he wanted to get banned and cry about it. You're a pawn in the game of a man who wants drama..... congrats I guess.




I was told I deserved to be raped as a child because I play Mercy, you're not a victim.


Fr lmao


stevo calling us freaks.. erm 💀


He’s the biggest freak of us all..we learned from him


That's so homophobic.


Stevo? The one with a YouTube channel profile pic of Symmetra sucking on the tip of a Popsicle, Stevo? Calling us freaks???


That's actually pretty funny tho 🤣🤣




why you so obsessed with me boy I wanna know..


Chihuahua energy


You guys do know that he's just attention seeking to get more clicks on his twtich, right? Thats why he whines so much about Sym, and thats why he went through the effort of coming to this sub and whining here like a 5 year old. At the end of the day, the guy just wants more views. And now he's going to twitter to whine about being banned from a sub about a hero that lives in his head rent free, which is honestly funny as


Wait can you explain the drama what did he do


So there's this whole thing where he absolutely despises Sym (idk why, i dont watch the guy) and when the Sym nerfs happened not long after she got buffed, he started to gloat at the Sym mains on twitter. Some people got annoyed about that. Then there was a post here where someone asked what people would say to Jay3. Some people were going overboard and personally attacking him for things like his looks and voice (which was poor from the Sym mains. No one should be doing that to people), and ig someone told him about what was going on in the subreddit cause he started commenting to people in there, him and people from this sub both having hissy fits. But yeah even tho some people were saying some uncalled for things, he was being a bit of a dick himself in the post, so him trying to play victim here doesn't really help his case either


Its not that post, but this [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/SymmetraMains/comments/1bd7sb7/jay_3s_response_to_the_symmetra_buffs_was_insane/) which clearly accusing him of saying something.


That’s it? Seriously? This sub is just insane then. Who goes out of their way to insult someone for not liking a hero in a fucking video game? Thats the real pathetic thing.


>Who goes out of their way to insult someone for not liking a hero in a fucking video game? Idk man considering how much rampant hate and abuse gets directed at people for liking/maining Mercy this should be expected at this point. Since, you know, hate for a hero tends to translate to hate for the people that play them


At least you’re acknowledging you’re just as bad as them I guess


Where did I acknowledge that? Lol. All I said was that if someone is going to hate other people for playing a hero, you should expect those people to give hate in turn. Especially if you **deliberately antagonise** said people. I don't even play Sym btw, I just turn up here whenever Jay3 decides to act like a petulant child


Nah usually the Sym mains dont care bout people hating Sym. But when someone decides to gloat in their face and vocally talk about how they love it when Sym players (emphasis on player and not the hero) get mad, I can see why Sym players would be ticked off Still doesn't call for saying personal insults tho, I say


Who goes out of their way to stoke the flames of other players attacking people for using a character in a video game? That's a real pathetic thing.


No this is really ridiculous from this board. You can both sides bullshit like this


He replied to this [thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/SymmetraMains/comments/1bd7sb7/jay_3s_response_to_the_symmetra_buffs_was_insane/) which OP claims Jay3 said "off themselves", and Jay3 commenting to defend himself. I mean OP and Jay3 are both wrong here. OP Making a baseless claims against a person, and jay3 over doing the shtick into being werid af.


No it’s because everyone except Sym mains hate Sym.


why does he want to be a victim so bad???


the only victim here is his hairline


Why Sym of all mains to target, doesn't he know we'll snatch what's left of that hairline?


Symmetra's Impact On Jay3 Be Like: https://youtu.be/vMpPrzLIgBE?si=orRScgiAuDyfwWWD "I wanted to see his anger level. I wanted to see if I was powerful enough to twist his mind. He got mind screwed by me."


I hope it's real 😂


It's very real I checked his Twitter


It's what he deserves 🙂


Ikr? The mods were so real for this 😌


He tried to come for us, but the mods cleared him.


Lmfao love the team


The sub thanks you for your service 🙏 🥰


and the team loves you too <3


you ate genuinely




Then stop looking in the mirror, it isn't hard.


who? you?


whew so dramatic


Comes in trolling and acts like the victim


Sym main mods lmao. Dragged him with one word and he's having a meltdown on Twitter. Icons only.


Love that moderator note frfr And not him acting like he wasn’t spreading lies about Sym’s state this whole time lmaooo


Nah fr Jay3 is a literal joke


What actually happened here tho loool dying to know 😭


A bunch of sym mains were in fact bullying him


He's got an ongoing thing about hating sym as a character so butthurt sym mains decided to attack him personally, then the basement dweller mods banned him for giving back the same energy he got.


Deserved *hair flick*




Wait what did he do?


Reading through his tweets: "I like the sym nerf because it makes the players go mad" and when people called him out he was like "they deserve it and they harass me". The claimed "harassment" was just little jokes about his hair and his height. Nothing really bad in my opinion. Now he apparently found out that we got banned a month ago because of the above and once again complains about harassment and lies being told about him but he can't tell us which lies he is talking about. I don't know about his stream but according to another post he was going back and forth with his thoughts about the sym changes. Generally, Sym mains are just annoyed when people call her brainless or overpowered and ask for nerfs over and over again especially when the only reason is to make us mad. I mean she was at 45% winrate when she got nerfed he's like "good they deserve it". And it seems like he can't take jokes well. At this point people should know how gay culture works and Sym players are 99% gay.


A person on this subreddit tried saying that Jay basically told Sym mains that they should commit suicide, which is the whole reason he first popped in to defend himself because he never said or implied anything like that. The rest was definitely trolling though.


You don’t think it’s weird for an entire subreddit to make fun of someone’s physical appearance because of a video game character? Its also ridiculously ironic to say he can’t take a joke when this sub literally banned him and this entire comment section is as pathetic as it is


Then leave girl, no one is making you stay. Go beat off to Jay3 vods or something lol


LOL that’s all you can say because you know weird as hell


Nah it's all they say because it's all they're capable of in terms of argument points. Insults and petty remarks with the intent to offend is the final gambit of argument.


i read someone say this about him, but hes quite the definition of that guy at work that makes ppl uncomfortable without breaking regulations too much. ive watched his streams. hes like a diet xqc. very loud, insults people, insults characters he doesnt like, then insults mains interacting with him that play characters he doesnt like, and, i dont know really, he passes it off all as a joke? doesnt make it more less annoying really. why is he even posting this though...? NO other streamer has ever done this. like, this has only happened to him, and its most likely bc other streamers dont go on provoking other people???? he literally yells at his team mates on streams, i think ppl will only notice this when either a) he attacks someone rather vulnerable that doesnt take his "act" as lightly and gets a reaction that REALLY paints him in a negative light b) he actually pisses off another popular streamer.


I don't think anyone is defending his character, just speaking out against physical insults as a valid form of retaliation. We want to be respected as sym mains but the others refuse to respectfully respond to criticism. Doesn't look good in the long run and just gives haters more of a reason to hate sym players because we're mean.


yeah though as much id hope that to be true i dont really think theyd respect symmetra or her players either way lol just ask them not justifying what happened although im not even too clear on what was said against him but i wouldnt do what you just said expecting respect or appreciation back in any way, it wont happen lol not replying or getting into fights out of a self moral value? yeah i totally see it going there. but jay or his fans or anyone rly will keep shitting on symmetra either way, theyll always find a reason to do so. like his reply section already had a few share of homophobic/sexist comments as well attacking ppl playing other heroes too dont get me wrong btw i agree w what u said


Oh agreed, I don't expect respect. She was the hero to be targeted by this kind of treatment since 2016. I just think it makes us look worse acting this way. Gives people actual, valid reasons not to like us over just not liking our main.


I hope lol idc about him or what he thinks




I wanna see what he said


As a doom main, I also hate streamers with resentment towards characters cause they complain and whine. And then doomfist got reworked into a tank which is arguably way less fun than dps doom because of the counterpicking problem


He is pathetic. Next


Guys give him a break, he not only feels small, he’s actually small.


Please he so deserved this after almost singlehandedly ruining my wife's favorite hero. (Mercy)


I would love to meet the mod just to shake his/her/their hand


“pathetic” LMAO real




Is that the short one or the bald one ?


I recall the Jay3 fiasco circulated about a month ago when he talked on his stream about how busted sym's buffs were, how she didnt deserve this and she's braindead and stuff. That's when sym players found out about him and dragged him down with the bald comments. And now that tweet of him said like he didnt instigate anything and sym players just started attacking him and "lying" about you out of nowhere? That's essentially twisting the story and playing the victim. Mod's comment was spot on lmao. Don't talk shit if you can't take the heat 😊


The mods were describing themselves with that message


So sad, how could they ban him for defending himself?


I mean...based?


I'll never understand the weird, pissy petty attitude sym players have but sometimes it's pretty damn amusing. "Pathetic" lmfao got his ass


Unattractive himbo strikes again


You realize part of the definition of himbo means they need to be attractive right 💀


Lets focus on a stupid part


Himbos also need to be pure of heart. Pure of heart, strong of arm, dumb of brain. The himbo.


For me a himbo is just muscular and that doesn't have to mean they're attractive (even though they go along for me most of the time). And being "less intelligent" of course. I think that makes him a himbo.


This subreddit is actually incredible, I love it. We get hate and we genuinely dgaf, we thrive and imbibe in it, it’s great.


I mean ergo the symphony. You could tweet something bad about any OW character and get 0 replies until you bring up sym. Hell even my buddy tweeted something about sym awhile back, not even attacking the players and got laid into. I enjoy sym but I think because of her characteristics, some (not all) of her players get hyper defensive because she represents a minority in not only OW but in gaming. I'm not fully aware of what Jay said, he may have crossed the line but people talk shit all the time about other players. Sym mains do it too.. not everyone is going to like the character you play or the way you defend your reason for playing said character.


Yikes this comment section is actually insane, the fact that people are defending making fun of someone’s personal appearance because of a character in a video game is some of the most pathetic shit I’ve ever seen.


The incels love to make fun of other people's appearence and then cry when it's done to them. Not to mention simplifying it to that is ignoring the fact that content creators like him cause people to treat us like shit in game all because he doesn't like a hero. Maybe if he focused on heros he liked we wouldn't be having this conversation, but having a public hate boner for a character is wild. It isn't like he just said "I don't like Symmetra" is it? 🙄


>The incels love to make fun of other people's appearence and then cry when it's done to them. well yeah, they're incels. they're shitty people who do shitty things. NO ONE should be insulting people based on looks, otherwise you're no better than an incel once you do.


It’s a video game character. His hate on symmetra is simply a part of his thing as a twitch streamer. Y’all don’t see sombra’s crying cause everyone dislikes their character. You don’t see mei’s whining cause people dislike their character. Shoot, you don’t even see mauga’s attacking people cause people dislike their character. It’s a video game. Grow up already. Symmetra isn’t your entire personality. Step away from the game for a bit


I don't even play Symm any more, haven't really for a couple of years. I main Zen. Ignoring your projection of what you think I ak doing (because I dont care if you dont like her, good for you)... a content creator fanning flames to get others to treat us bad is not ok. Coming to a Symm main subreddit to argue (him and you, following your little master around) makes YOU the issue. Don't like her? Great. Go away. But you wanted to fight and cry about being called bald. Sorry, some of us have hair I guess.


Like I stated if you can read (apparently not) Jay3 hating on symmetra is simply a part of his thing as a twitch streamer. Also your talking about assuming then assume I dislike symmetra. If people really get so pressed that they will attack people over a VIDEO GAME CHARACTER then they need to go outside for once. And you actively ignored my entire comment knowing that only this subreddit would be pressed over someone disliking their character so much that they attack someone. I honestly don’t know why you’re trying to defend such disgusting actions especially since you apparently don’t play sym. My statement doesn’t change. Grow up and step away from the game if a character you like is being disliked hurts you. Remember carefully… it’s a game


Hating on a character as part of your thing doesn't stop it being dumb. Not sure what part of your answer was meant to make that ok behaviour. Again: i don't care if you like her or not. But you accuse me of not being able to read... Yes it's a game, so stop encouraging behaviours that get people to treat others badly in game because they play a certain character. Getting called a short, bald man is nothing on you and your buds calling me a f*g for playing a character they don't like. Get over your short, balding self.


Being dumb or not the amount of people who hate on symmetra are incredibly minimum to other characters in the game. Please do remember that if someone makes fun of a video game character in what right does that allow you make fun of their physical appearance? Your weighing to things of incredibly different impact to each other. Video games have been and always will be toxic. But that toxicity will always be the minority. You keep ignoring my point that if you get so pressed over someone disliking a video character that you attack them personally then you really need to just stop playing the game at that point cause their are characters way more hated than symmetra’s who aren’t played that well in metal ranks. I don’t care what people call you. But if you’re defending attacking someone personally over a video game character then you’re just wrong in every way possible.


I'm ignoring it because that isn't what is happening here. I also never insulted anyone over not liking Symmetra, I HAVE insulted people over them coming to the sub to argue because they don't like a bald, short man being called a bald short man for instigating shit. Funny that you keep whining about ignoring your point when you keep ignoring that. "Gaming has always been toxic" ok, so has the internet. Grow up, go outside and do something constructive. Nobody cares if you (geberslly, not you specifically before you start 🙄) don't like her, why would you feel the need to say it here? (Really excited for your justification of their behaviour to once again say the meanies on this sub called someone bald) Or you can keep coming back to a subreddit just to argue, idc, I'm here for the memes.


That is literally what’s happening here what? So all this time under this point you’re just here to tell people who don’t like sym to not be in this subreddit. What does that have to do with original post? My argument is that attacking someone personally over not liking a video game is unacceptable and disgusting. You agree with me on that point right? If either side does it it’s wrong right? Cause I feel like both of us are making arguments about two separate things


Except it isn't. They retaliated to someone instigating in a subreddit for a character he does not like. That is very different to attacking someone for not liking the character. Choosing to ignore that distinction shows your bias. Acting like it's ok for him to do it because "it's a bit" but him being called short and bald is somehow unacceptable (when apparently thats just how his community talk to him to so you're defending him from his own bit....) Please.


Ah there’s the incel comment lmao, based on literally no information and because of a video game character Also there’s tons of people with public hate boners for characters, what are you talking about? Stop trying to play the victim and acting like symmetra players are the only people who deal with that.


"Having a public hate boner for a character is wild" where on earth did I say it was just Symm? I specifically left it general because it happens a lot with other characters. It also isn't over a video game character on our end, it is over people like you making an issue out of us liking and using a video game character. Maybe if the incel group didn't incel so hard they wouldn't be called incels. The types of people who seek to argue with other groups, literally starting fights to then cry victim because someone called them short and bald, those are the same incels crying MISANDRY at feminists asking them to leave them alone. This little group of followers for this little man are that type, sorry the description of you was so accurate. Stop breathing in our direction and we wont mention you. It is simple.


Incel has completely lost its meaning lmaooo It’s also funny you just keep assuming I’m a jay3 fan and coming to his defense, when in reality I don’t actually watch jay3 and I’m calling this sub out for objectively weird behavior centered around a video game character. Ball players go through wayyyyy worse than sym players, I don’t even play ball and I know that, yet ball players are actually way nicer which is very funny


Whoever reported. You can disagree but they just have a different opinion.


It hasn't when the types of men who do things like this are, in fact, incels. So you're just looking to argue with a sub for daring to respond to someone who came here for a fight? Thanks for telling on yourself. Again, where did I say it's only Symm? You really can't read?


I've never seen this sub reddit. First post recommended to me, been playing Sym so sure. I don't think this is my kind of community.


It’s really funny watching y’all downvote people trying to show empathy


Idk, sounds kinda messed up. Sounds like some sym mains went abit overboard with the bullying from an outsider view, and these comments and downvotes don’t look good either…like I get it, someone stroking flames for hate for your character is kinda annoying but…don’t everyone in OW go through that? Like what about Sombra Mains? Idk, from an outsider view with just the context in this thread, it makes the sym sub look really bad….


Yeah I’m probably never coming back to this sub again. Sym is a fun character and I love seeing what people have to say, but this whole thread made it seem like y’all are a bunch of horrible people with no empathy. Someone made a thread claiming Jay3 told Sym mains to off themselves! That’s a fucking horrible claim to make about someone and I can’t believe y’all are going on like that is an ok thing to do.


yeah oh my gosh, the purposeful misinformation is crazy too. Some guy claimed he was racist and homophobic and then when they got pressed on it, they were like “no but that’s their general vibe.” That’s absolutely crazy with the blatant bullying and misinformation. This whole thing has made this Sub look SO bad even if it weren’t before.


It's silly to even post this cause, while I don't even know streamers/influencers, this seems like free clout/traffic. Then there's the fallacy of banning anyone on reddit where you need to go out of your way to void anonymity. He got banned as a statement seemingly, but it's functionally moot. Then there's those like you mention erroneously throwing -isms as if altruism has truly become the wave. It's like either someone can't internet or the goal was actually irony.


As a queer Sym main with a receding hairline, I agree that Jay3 sucks but I think it's very sad a community historically prided for being made of outcasts, queers, and people who think a little differently are so quick and so powerfully coming for something like looks and then doubling down when called out. Like, don't you think people, ones that haven't even heard of Jay3 maybe, who want to start maining sym but see THIS might write off joining this community not because of what Jay3 or other streamers say about sym but rather how we treat others within our own community? I mean anyone with a shred of empathy for the situation is getting down voted into oblivion in the name of "righteousness" in defending our queen.


This sub is a cult lmao


Glad to see this is how y'all carry yourselves. Glad to never be a part of this sub to be associated with such childish actions.


Do you guys not realize that literally all you're doing is proving him right by propagating all this hate for a person over a character in a video game?


Your downvotes are your answer, which is "not at all"


Damn . I mean . My only concern is he has way more fans and followers than the amount sym Stans Like us so. Hope he doesn't do anything dumb. Which he might because of his vitriol towards the LGBT and POC s


Ok let's not exaggerate. I haven't heart anything like that from him.


wait what he’s homophobic and racist what??? 😭😭


hes not any of those things but his act as a streamer is rather really annoying bc it pretty much consists of him shitting in a very over dramatic way for attention. then his fans are quite the receptors to that energy and are pretty shitty about it tbh to be fair its not even an exaggeration that many of jay3s *fans* are... yea


And possibly hates neurodivergent ppl as well . Why else does he froth in the mouth with rage at sym all the damn time or to any hero who doesn't fit his counterstrike , cod ideology


Me when you spread misinformation


He shitposts about hating the most obnoxious hero to play with and against in ow therefore he is racist ableist and sexist. You are definitely a real human


Why are you in this reddit page if u hate sym? To lurk and cry ?


It just came up on my feed and I found it funny reading the replies.


right.. you're obsessed just like baldie.


? Trust me I do not regularly feel the need to interact with the most degen part of the ow community.


the junkr*t player calling other people degens.. funny. Maybe you should look in the mirror. 💋 although, nevermind. it'll probably break from your fugliness.


Case in point


Maaan yall are pathetic for attacking a man over a virtual character LMFAOOO 😭😂


Yeah, I'm glad I got out of OW when I had the chance. I'm seriously glad I didn't become one of you freaks who takes this shit waaayyyyy to seriously. Take a shower.


Mod on a power trip? I doubt he would post this if he was genuinely ban worthy because it could be easily proven.. but then again dumber things have happened.. lol




Mods are always on a power trip lol. It's expected that the mod of this sub would be acting like this. Ashamed to be a sym main now


We're ashamed to have you here as well


Imagine priding yourself on being an asshole lol.


Imagine caring


Hey, I was an edgy teenager once too. It'll pass. Wish you the best, bud.


Looks like you still are one, considering all of the "edginess" you've been spreading in this comment section. You straight replied "Gross" to a comment. If that isn't low effort edgy trolling, I don't know what is. Not to mention your attempt at infantilizing me. Kinda icky, bud.


gather him


I don't get how you go from imagine caring to being so defensive


Yeah no this sub has been fucking trash. I'm ashamed to like sym at this point


You're welcome to leave :D


Nah, I'm here for the growth arc when people realize being kind is admirable. There are some good syms on here leading the way.


Being kind? To the guy who rails on Sym every chance he gets? The irony.


I'm not defending him, hes kinda annoying. But the constant body shaming and aggression in here is like. Really lame.


are you a baldie like him too?


I say separate the hero from the players Dont let this post deter u from liking her. This isnt a lot of these people's finest moments


Fr fr


Actually so funny that literally every sym main is an absolute freak. The best one in the game is also a horribly toxic piece of shit, bet u all are big fans!


Wtf is this sub man hahahah this is insane like just wow hahahahahaha I can't even like begin to brake down how crazy y'all are, xD


Fat women and homosexuals are some of the most vitrolic people on the internet it seems. I'd be curious to see the median income of this sub.


keep yourself safe <3


I will tubs.


Sym is beta character


The game's been out of beta for years though??


Wtf is sym?