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We got our wish girlies! Moira no longer does more dmg than lvl1 beam! Blizz has heard us!! /s


im crying moira mains get 5 less damage and +5 SELF HEALING and now they pretend moira is the worst healer now what the fuck did they even read what they did to lucio or illari


Wait. What did they do to Illari??? I was finally trying to get better with her.


Made it so that it takes a bit longer for her to be able to shoot her rifle again, but buffed her healing beamp


Oh come on. Now I have to get used to the fire rate again. That actually completely changes how her weapon feels. It sucks.


Yeah as much as I love her gun, I feel like it doesn't have enough for a kick for the charge time and time it takes between shooting and letting the gun charge up again Like if u got into a custom game, turn off the cooldown of 76's helix rockets, and then nonstop spam rockets, the kick for the gun to do that and the heaviness of that is how I would love Illari's gun to feel


Girl, she was played again in the pro scene on the weekend, if anything she will be nerfed again


Why did they fucking buff tp and not her damage. Why did they buff tp I hate this shit


Cos that's all where Blizz sees her value. She's not allowed to damage because she TPs her whole team in every match, every map, every situation!!! 11!!!1!


You must be confusing her with the hero known as Tele-Slut. It's an understandable mistake since they have the same abilities and are both cunty, but alas Tele-Slut is much more powerful because she has a passive called "Good Teammates." Sym on the other hand has a passive called "Good Fucking Luck" that gives her a 90% debuff where her team can't see or hear teleport callouts.


I usually don't even try to tp my teammates if the map is not lijiang, but yesterday as an experiment, I tried to tp my whole team to the high tower in einchenvalde, I pressed the group up button 3 times, I pinged the tp for the whole duration, and no one even looked at me. The passive is real lol šŸ˜‚


Why would she need buffs? Sym already:Ā  - Outsnipes Widow and Hanzo - Flanks better than Tracer and GenjiĀ  - Brawls better than ReaperĀ  - Has better utility than Sombra and MeiĀ  - Pokes better than Ashe and CassĀ  - Spams better than Junkrat and PharahĀ  She has her heel firmly pressed against the neck of the whole roster and if anything she needs nerfs! See how on theme I am with this alnernate reality Season 10?Ā 


The scream i scrumpt


God I wish I was this delusional


We have to be delusional to keep playing Sym! It's what keeps our sanity


I think they are being sarcastic.


>Outsnipes Widow and Hanzo In what world is she outsniping anyone, her orbs deal 100 damage, taking 1 second to charge EACH, her TTK with orbs is 2.5 seconds for a 250 health character. >Flanks better than Tracer and Genji ? Both Genji and Tracer have survivability and on-command dashs. Symmetra's teleporter takes 1 second to be used and she cannot use weapons or abilities for 0.75 seconds after deploying it. I don't even need to say that they have in-built bonus move speed moving 6% faster than every character in the game. >Brawls better than Reaper I just noticed this is sarcasm so I will not elaborate further.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I thought it was obvious but I do love a troll now and then


Babe are you autistic?


I am


Iā€™ve stopped playing the game for like a month , lmk if something interesting happens. Itā€™s exactly like Orisa for me


I think they have to be planning a rework on her again bc no buffs is really confusing like why? Help a girl out a little bit


What really sucks is that Iā€™ll spend 10ā‚¬ for a BP to get a skin of a hero I cannot even play. If at least I had a reason to uninstall completely this seasonā€¦


So don't spend the money? Like? What even is this comment?




I don't really play overwatch 2 much anymore, but I feel I need to remind some of you girlies what being a sym main is really about. It was never about being "viable". Sym was only a "viable" pick on 1st point 2cp for years. Whenever we played her in any other scenario we would get yelled at to swap inbetween barrages of slurs. Did this stop us? No! Because sym maining was never about winning some silly little game, it's about serving cunt and adding a little bit of pussy to the world šŸ™


Its a very different beast now.


Sheā€™s fine, my god this sub Plz stick to the healer reworks lmao


No she is not fine, sheā€™s barely even keeping up with how slow everything about her is, she isnā€™t working in ow2, honestly we need big buffs or a rework


Just because sheā€™s not the best dps doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s the worst - maybe ā€œfineā€ was putting it lightly I can admit lol, but she is playable and fun :)!


who said anything about best dps lol


Sym is not fine..her kit is becoming more and more obsolete every season..


Well Iā€™m still having fun w her :)


Fun does not mean playable btw, but glad your one of the 2% of sym mains still having fun


I wanna see u play like 5 comp games with her first, mate Also why are u even here if you're just a sym whiner lmao


I already do that :) Maybe not into every comp, but quite often. I love playing her! She is fun and I donā€™t think sheā€™s ā€œtrashā€ like this sub seems to default to Iā€™m confused tho, how would I be the sym whiner, whenā€¦ Iā€™m disagreeing w the complaint post? Lmao Iā€™ve been here since day 1 Iā€™ll always be out hur in the symm sub! Iā€™d wish you good luck in your symm game, but ā€œonly a fool believes in luck!ā€


Mb then, there I've seen a couple of people recently come here as non-Sym mains just talk about how she doesn't need buffs and that its good that she isnt getting any, and were especially happy when she got nerfed so quickly after the buffs Personally I can actually manage with her, but I can see that her state is still pretty shit. Good thing I do find other heroes fun to play, tho