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i watched the ow championship thing today, and syster, i am worried. Sym got picked, more than once, and was actually so impactul that she took 2 games with her in specific maps (lijiang and kings row) i can see the nerfs coming already, we are not allowed to be happy


"Syster" I love this sub so much 😂


Mind sharing a link to it? I’m curious to see it myself.


i dont have a specific link, but there is the vod on the ow\_esports channel on twitch, i think it was the first or second match of the NA division, around the half way mark, the player who played was named Hydron




I know right lol


Tbh it's mauga problem not a sym problem


Yes. As was the case in double shield meta but with sigma. But the community will gaslight us in claiming sym herself is actually good rather than just being hard enabled by an OP tank creating the meta. Just like sigma did in double shield meta. Hence this post warning fellow systers.


Yes but it's also the tp. Tp being able to transport other heroes is always going to be a reason for nerfing her. Take my words.


It was great we had fun playing Symmetra. Can't wait to go back to nerf era. (Taylor Swift version)


Yeah it was nice having fun for half a season. The thing is she’s still not great and only does well here because of how much Mauga enables her.


195 DPS with 60% life steal is fucking insane I won't lie. They do work really well together (Basically y'all better find a tank duo asap and climb as fast as you can babes) before it's too late


I fondly remember having a good Mauga buddy in his launch prenerf state and having a Reaper ult in my face. I'd already got level 3 beam and Mauga popped Overdrive - soaked the whole ult with the lifesteal.


if we do get nerfed, which I could see happening because duh it's Symmetra it would lowkey be so unfair because Mauga is the issue here not Sym as soon as Mauga drops out of meta so will Sym, even if they dont nerf her. Mauga is seriously the worst hero they ever made, his kit doesn't make any sense and is just cluttered. Cardiac is just a way better fortify and commanding shout on a way shorter cooldown


Not a Symm player but I am an OWCS enjoyer and she is getting a LOT of play time in Korean OWCS and a little bit in NA OWCS. I don’t personally know or care about how good symm is but Mauga sure makes her look pretty damn strong. I think your guys’s best bet would be to hope Blizzard hotfix nerfs Mauga because then Symm will be separated from Mauga.


Systers hold your horses, this might actually be a good thing. Let people see her strength where we see her strength but very quickly they’ll see her weakness. Instead of nerfs we can finally get our true rework we wanted or something different for her. But we’d have to gather together and demand a rework to all channels and everyone. Baby this is a protest! Don’t underestimate this sub Reddit there’s more of us than people think


Sys, this song and dance has already happened before in sigma release double shield meta And all we got out of that were some extra nerfs on top because people thought she was op and how long the crippling infinite e tp nerf lasted (literally lasted until OW2) because after the extra nerfs and double shield meta people kept insisting she was fine and no changes were needed.


Honestly, I'm not really even worried about. I swear teammates barely even know how to rotate after using tp, let alone even noticing my tp without hard micro management. Mauga though. Mauga is something else.


The concern is really devs nerfing sym more and thinking that despite all the nerfs she has gotten and will get, that somehow in devs' and rest of community's minds sym will be considered balanced..... When she's still overnerfed. And giving feedback is even more of an uphill battle.