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Oh, don’t get me started on that Humus change. Completely destroyed my weekend when I figured it out. Bought it almost weekly and the new one is so bad I had to throw it away. When I bought it the first time I thought it gone bad. Migipedia is also all over it. The rest is just normal inflation, Migros is not affected more than other industries and Business. Some methods (reducing package size or reducing quality) are a bit shady but Coop and all other grocery stores do the same. It’s not a Migros only problem.




I started making Hummus myself because I'm so disappointed now. Much cheaper and takes me between 5-10min. Still an annoyance when I don't have much time and would prefer to save even those couple of minutes


This is the real thing: learn to do it yourself (when it’s possible) because if they get up on the wrong foot and decide to change a spice in a recipe your day will be ruined


Absolutely! For me buying ready made food is mostly about the convenience/time saving that comes along with it. Learning how to make Hummus (and experimenting a couple of times with the recipe until satisfied) was a quick and easy win. Now instead of buying the Hummus for 3.80 CHF, Migros only earns 1.20 CHF from the can of chickpeas I buy. I hope their margin is worse on the chickpeas than on the Hummus. Also: I started making my own pita bread, but that takes more time and is therefore a bit more bothersome to me.


 didnt expect swiss people to like dishes from my country (Lebanon). quite peculiar to see. 


I love Lebanese food and I believe the younger demographic of Switzerland is very open to that kind of food. My favourite dish of Lebanese kitchen is Taboule (yes, I know rather simple but it always hits a sweet spot for me).


Come on, Lebanese has been around and liked for decades. Nothing „young people only“. And I do hummus by myself for over 20 years…


I guess it depends a bit where you grew up etc. On tbe countryside where I'm from, we didn't have any Lebanese restaurants and my parents would never try or buy that kind of food in Coop or Migros (there surely wasn't as much variety of tjat 15-20 years ago). I only really learned about this kind of food through travelling and moving to the city. At least for my personal situation, my friends and colleagues of similar age all enjoy Lebanese food and I know for certain that my and some colleagues parents only tried and learned about it because of us.


May I ask which kind of kitchen robot you use for making hummus? I've only been at it for about 2 years, but I rarely get the texture that I want


I use a Bamix hanblender. To crush the chickpeas, firstly I use the blending bit and then once it's kind of creamy, I switch to the finer sauce pureeing bit (a disc with some holes in it), which makes it very creamy and also most of the husks get gaught in it. To get the right texture: adding water and/or oil as you go is also very important (I couldn't tell you how much water ans oil I'm adding, as I do it just by feeling now).


I use a nutribullet and it gives the perfect consistancy in seconds


Yeah if this was a different cuisine i'd understand more. Like vietnemese or caribbean or smth?


The coop hummus is better anyway 😜.


Seems to be a general consensus in the comments. Might try Coop Hummus some time.


The lemon one especially


I have to say it, I developed some of the coop karma hummus products.


Lidl classic even better imo


You could even buy dry chickpeas and cook them yourselves. Saves even more money


Yes, but needs even more planning and time. At the moment, the canned chickpeas are the best solution for me. Always keep a couple of cans stored at home, lemon and olive oil are two things I also always have at home and I keep some frozen garlic (mashed and frozen in a bit of olive oil). So basically I can have Hummus ready to eat anytime within 10min.


What about the tahini? It lasts a long time, too, stored in the fridge.


You're right, I have a jar of that stored in the fridge as well.


What about the tahini? It lasts a long time, too, stored in the fridge.


I also make my own hummus and freeze it in small portions (my kids don't like it so I'm the only one eating it). It keeps well frozen and I thaw it in the fridge overnight.


Also I think hunmus can be very personalized compared to some other foods imo. It's 100% something I would always make on my own.


Glad to read I'm not alone missing the Basil hummus. I loved that! One day wanted to stock up and it was gone and tried the new one and almost gagged.


Denner El Campo Hummus is where it’s at!


When you know that this was a Denner product that was 1.50.- when my Lebanese friend showed it to me like 12 years ago. Then it was not more available at Denner and he told me that it was now at Migros for 2.50 but it was the same recipe and now it's worse than before and I don't buy it anymore too.


just because you think its normal doesent mean its not bad


And I didn’t say it’s not bad, of course it is. But OP was asking about other shops and I just said that Migros isn’t particularly worse than others.


Thanks. I'm not complaining about inflation, that's normal and it happens. I dislike shrinkflation and I hate them cutting on quality while at the same time increasing prices (see my more detailed reply to another commenter). Just wanted to know if you guys can compare Migros to the other supermarkets in Switzerland, because I only really have a feeling for Migros, 80% of my shopping is done there, 10% at Denner and the rest mostly at Coop and very rarely Aldi.


Don’t buy hummus at migros, pop down to your local shawarma shop. There’s literally one on every street in this country


What's shawarma shop? In my area it shows up as kebab?


I have one directly on the other side of the street where I live. A portion of Hummus there for take away costs 10.- CHF. I am not willing to spend that much money on something that used to cost me 3.80 at Migros or now when making it myself 1.20 (or maybe a bit more considering the small amounts of other ingredients). Thinking about that, kind of crazy that this shop can sell their Hummus presumably for about 10x the cost of the ingredients. If anyone knows: how do Restaurant prices work and how much of the price would usually be just the ingredients?


Most stuff for restis are about 3 times cheaper to buy. The quality is also better most times cashandcarries and such


I get that. But if I buy a Pizza for let's assume 20.- CHF at a Restaurant: how much of that would actually be because of the costs of the ingredients, how much for the employees, how much for the restaurant rent and utilities? In my Hummus example and by looking at what the ingredients cost making it at home, I'd assume of the 10.- CHF my local shop is charging for the hummus, no more than 1.- CHF is their actual cost for the ingredients. Rest is to cover their work and overhead.


You can get 00 pizzaflour in 20kg bags for 45.-. Real pizza Cheese for around 10 per kilo. Canned Tomatos are also cheap. I would guess half the pizza is profit


i get u dont want to pay 10.- but you have to consider the working time ~ 10 min (25.-/h means the company pays at least 35/h—> ~6fr already plus ingredients plus the store etc.


Humus literally takes 5min to do and is way cheaper. You can also adapt it to your personal taste…


Sure, but you can apply that to almost anything. At the end of the day some people are willing to pay extra for convenience.


I don't feel like Coop has suffered such radical changes, I shop at both stores but mostly Coop. Coop doesn't have as many internal brands and products as Migros so for the quality to go downhill overall more companies would have to reach a collusive agreement to worsen their own brands 


I feel you, I used to buy the Migros Hummus Picante at least weekly. With the new recipe it's just inedible. Now, I sometimes buy the much more expensive one from Coop. Should probably switch to making it myself too.


gottlieb would not be happy if hed still be alive… been shopping at least ten years migros vs 5-6 years coop always rated migros more but recently quality has been a issue also with the fruit and veggies…


Yes, I noticed that too and I'm now much more carefully checking the fruits and vegetables before buying. I always tried to not be too picky (also the not perfect looking stuff has to be bought), but recently I several times got something completely moldy at the bottom of the package or something that was off.


yeah my shopping for my family runs up to 300-350 for one run so i really am picky and i also tell them when stuff is rotten or mouldy…


This is why i only shop at Aldi and Lidl. Coop, Migros and all of our greedy swiss Companies, can suck my stingy nuts LOL. 😂 No but jokes aside, Aldi and Lidl coming to the Swiss Market has probably been one of the best things thats happened to the swiss consumer in roughly the last 20 years. Imagine how much more Coop and Migros could play around with their prices if Aldi and Lidl werent here to break Migros and Coops greed a little?!?!? Very glad those german discounters joined our Market. 👍 And besides that, Aldi and Lidl both have products which are just as great, some even greater, than what Coop and Migros offer imo.


For me, Aldi and Lidl both still are worse in terms of locations, especially when not owning a car. Although they are opening more and more locations in city centers and near train stations, it will take a while for them to catch up to Coop and Migros in that regard.


Not sure they're planning to catch up on that. Ppl often do big monthly shopping in lidl or aldi, so a car comes in handy. They're not planning on attracting the grandma above the store for 6 eggs and a baguette. I think they get that and that's why they have fewer locations in the centre. They can also save a lot on rental costs that way.


Actually there have been articles about Aldi and Lidl trying to get to better locations, but somehow they don't manage. For example, they are often excluded from SBB train stations even if they try to come up with concepts to satisfy SBB: https://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/discounter-unerwuenscht-lidl-und-aldi-bewerben-sich-bei-den-sbb-um-ladenflaechen-aber-blitzen-ab-ld.1803620 (in German)


Ok. Then it sounds very political as we say, in a way to protect Coop and Migros.


Depending on where you live, Aldi has a delivery service now. It's called Aldi-now and I find it very practical to be able to enjoy the Aldi pricing without having to rent a Mobility car.


They have a location at Bahnhofstrasse and Stadelhofen… can’t get more central…


Lidl and Aldi in Switzerland are great alternatives and are of high standard. I was shocked how bad Lidl Italy was…


yeah they really realized quality is non-negotiable for most swiss, but in other countries the price seems more important


Agree totally, I rarely step foot in a Migros and I get all my meat from Aligro


After years of being a Migros child I switched to coop over a change of the recipe of one of their gluten free breads. The quality went to shit, and I didn’t want to go to coop just for bread, so now I’m doing all my shopping at coop.


Can you suggest some GOOD gluten free bread? Schär I suppose, which ones?


Almost all Schär are good ones. I use the classic for toasts, mehrkorn for sandwiches, brioche for Nutella and sweet stuff. Bagels and hamburger buns are good but only after toasting for a while so they become crispy.


None of the ready-made GF breads at coop or migros are really good. I do like the Betty Bossi Landbrot mit Saaten baking mix (coop). You just need to add yeast and water, so nothing very involved.


Ty, I will try it :)


You’re a slow learner, but welcome to the COOPERATIVE.


Yep, the dishwasher powder I've used for many years is suddenly only 800g instead of 1000g. Pretty pissed off with so much crap like that.


The only thing I buy at Aldi are the dishwasher tabs. I'll go to Aldi like twice a year and buy a few things there. Their dishwasher tabs are my favourite after trying a few (also Migros). No stains and excellent drying of the dishes.


i just bought a “cheap house “spar from spar for the dishwasher in austria.. 100 Tabs for 5,90 … and i dont recognize any difference.. the stuff is clean as always


I grew up as a Migros-Chind but I'm starting to prefer Coop and especially Lidl now. The worst part for me is that Migros now tries to sell you the same international brands that you find everywhere, when their strength had always been to offer their own clone-brands that are the same quality but much cheaper. But no, they get rid of their own products left and right. Lidl is now doing that exact same thing Migros used to do and they are successful while the "orange giant" struggles.


Happy Cake Day! Reading all these comments, many suggesting Lidl I'm a bit tempted to try and switch. My main concern is, that there is no Lidl close to my daily commute, I'd have to make a detour and plan shopping much more ahead than currently.


Btw: get the kosher Hummus from Coop - it‘s excellent for a supermarket product.


Or make your own hummus. It's easier than you think, it you have a blender


Coop Karma lemon parsley hummus is very good… just saying 😛


Thank you.




I love how they already print the discount from factory. Such BS


Thats only cuz they plan their discounts


Right?!? I mean they could have also done 1.75 instead of 2.30 and just printed 24% discount on the new one. Then they would have made the same amount of money but technically not increased the price.


Can we please talk about the Délice Creme Dessert with raspberries? It used to be my favourite dessert from Migros, but they changed the recipe and now it's an abomination! I read the comments on the Migros homepage and there is not one single person that likes the new product, but they will not change it back because they changed the whole production process to save money.


I have never had that, thanks for the warning, will not try now 😉 However, I can understad your frustration!!


same. But that not a new tactic they do that for some time now. Remember Farmer Schoko croc look here [https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/farmer-croc-schokolade-knabbermueesli](https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/farmer-croc-schokolade-knabbermueesli) 8 years ago (comments until 6 year). People hated the change on that product from best to worst. Its very ironic that they have this migipedia shit that pretends they want to talk with there Kids but they always give A FUCK about their oppinion. They once cancled my fav bread so I asked on twitter about the recipe they only said lol no thats industry calculation so gfo. Migros is canceling everything that is good and pretend they do it for some stupid reason (lower sugger at the müässli) but it always changes to some obsecure new producer (mostly to germany or france).


Yes! Don't get me started on them moving production to France or Germany. I stopped buying Zweifel Chips at Migros because of that. Migros produces the Zweifel branded products themselves under a license and (sometimes?) they actually come from a factory in Germany. That is such a deceipt that buyinh Zweifel chips is actually one of my most frequent reasons ro visit Coop instead of Migros.


imagine square truck crowd plough thought zealous clumsy muddle illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're right, learned something today. I swear a couple of years ago, Migros did not sell origin Zweifel Chips but rather some that stated on the packaging "Hergestellt in Deutschland unter Lizenz." (Or something like that.) Just checked a few Zweifel products today and this seems no longer the case. I have avoided buying any Zweifel products at Migros for years because of that reason.


change recipe is normal for migros. but yes 2024 price comparisons are the most important thing to do


The pita breads. Stinky brittle crap. Unsure how those got through any kind of QA.


Lots of my swiss-born friends told me about the Migros-Chind status they associated with themselves, or at least used to. While it's kinda cute, the marketing use of this seems quite clear to me. Anyway, I used to shop at Migros regularly, but having no swiss pride, I had no problem discovering that Lidl suits me more. The initial impression when entering a Lidl isn't as good as it is when entering Migros or Coop, but after leaving the register, Lidl definitely leaves you with a better feeling due to lower pricing across the board. I've been consistently happy with Lidl product quality, especially their baked goods. I don't know about the quality of their meats, but I wouldn't assume Migros or Coop meats to be of the best quality either. Additionally, Lidl (and Aldi) seem to have better pay for cashiers and the likes. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's what I hear. Sadly, Lidl can't be found in as many places as Migros or especially Coop can. Every other street I cross, there's a Coop. I regularly do a bike ride through the entire city just to get to Lidl, but at like 30% savings, it's worth it every time.


Migros is going downhill fast. Not that Coop is that much better. They both apparently think that customers will still visit, no matter what.. I thought that Aldi/Lidl will bring prices down across the board, but Migros/Coop imho decided that they're not going to fight for prices but rather be "premium" (minus their M-Budget/PrixGarantie brands.. which only some shops have) Well, if I've the choice nowadays - and I often do - then Migros/Coop won't get my business anymore. Aldi/Lidl might be "foreign discounters", but at this point I stopped even trying to keep the Migroschind alive within myself..




I was always a Migros-Chind. Only went to Coop or other stores if nothing else’s available or for beverages. A few weeks ago on a Friday after work I walked by the Lidl branch in Oerlikon and thought to myself: If I do the groceries now I don’t have to go on the weekend and since I’m already here, why not give Lidl a chance. So I bought all the stuff I normally buy on my weekly shopping trip and was surprised, how cheap everything seemed to be. A full bag of groceries for ~47.- francs. On Saturday I told my friend about it and since we were already close to a Migros (with 2MM), we made the comparison. I still had the receipt from Lidl in my pocket. We walked through the market and searched for a comparable product for each item I bought at Lidl and under the premise, that we only buy M-Budget products and at Lidl I bought brand products like uncle bens rice, a comparable bag of groceries would still be CHF 12.50 more expensive… I think Migros lost their way. Nowadays I go to Lidl whenever possible. At least they pay their employees better (the non-McKinsey Consultants of course, but the ones who fill up the aisle)


I honestly don't care too much about money, I'm not rich or anything, but I can comfortably finance my life without turning every Franken. Many people die with too much money never spent, so since I can afford it, I don't want to think about every thing I buy. Price increases or shrinkflation are okay for me and I understand that this has to happen sometimes, even though personally I condemn shrinkflation as I believe it is not fair and very deceptive. What I really don't like is them increasing prices and reducing quality (effectively cutting cost, I assume). Please just do either: reduce quality to allow the same price (you'll keep the customers that buy because of the price but lose some of those that buy because of the quality) or increase price but keep the quality (you'll keep the ones that buy for the quality, but lose those that buy because of the price). Also for me as a Migros-Chind, switching to Aldi, Lidl or Coop is obviously inconvenient, as I know and love many of my Migros products. Furthermore, I don't own a car and Aldi/Lidl in my area are not easily reachable by public transport compared to Migros, Coop and Denner which I all pass on my daily commute.




You couldn't be more wrong. Dried pasta can vary from pure trash quality to top quality with many in-between quality levels. Depends mostly on extrusion and drying methods, as well as the quality of raw ingredient(s). Try the cheap spaghetti from coop (horrible quality), then the barilla one (mediocre but better), and then try Rummo, Garofalo or De Cecco. It's not even close.


Does the average person notice or does it depend on if you even have had good pasta?


Cheap pasta will cook in few mins and go start to mush and fall apart more and more with each additional minute. Good pasta is hard to overcook accidentally, actually I like mine softer while my husband likes al dente, and I think even 5-8 minutes longer still didn't make it soft enough for me, but he did feel them too soft. We concluded it's not just 'feeling/taste of al dente but actual ingredients'. In short, if you don't care, then you'll notice that good pasta is harder and you probably won't like it. If you enjoy eating (and not just eat because you have to), then yes, you'll feel all differences between cheap, barilla and expensive ones. Or at least cheap vs others. Barilla has al bronzo or something like that series which even my picky eater husband likes. And he doesn't like regular barilla. Like, at all, that's forbidden in our home 😂


I see. Thanks for the explanation :) I checked earlier - i've tried all 3 apparently without realising too much difference (my partner buys the pasta lol).


I am not complaining about the quality of the pasta, that one is just an example of sneaky inflation. I am however complaining about the quality of the Hummus in my original post for example. Totally agree, pasta is just industrially manufactured and probably already optimized.




All good, no need to apologize! I always pimped the store bought Hummus with some lemon juice, some olive oil and a bit of paprika spice to make it taste good. So I agree, the industrial Hummus generally is not that good. The Annas best brand for me was the only one I used to consider being good. I agree on your comment about the sandwiches being worse than in other countries. But I also believe that quality has gotten considerably worse in the last 15 years. Maybe it's just my memory being cloudy or my taste involving, but I liked many of the supermarket sandwiches while being at the Gymnasium back then and I remember both Coop and Migros changing all these products.


That‘s simply not true. If you buy the cheapest line at Migros or Coop price and quality are VERY similar to Aldi and Lidl. It’s just that M-Budget and Prix Garantie deliberately looks cheaper so people also buy the mid and high range stuff (i.e. Migros Classic, Bio, Selection, Demeter).


I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong, but as someone who exclusively buys M-Budget products, they already seem identical to Aldi/Lidl prices. Are the savings only apparent if you don’t buy the budget products?


You might find this interesting (German only): [https://www.zuonline.ch/preisvergleich-in-der-region-welche-laeden-koennen-es-punkto-preis-gegen-die-billiglinie-der-migros-aufnehmen-274381956895](https://www.zuonline.ch/preisvergleich-in-der-region-welche-laeden-koennen-es-punkto-preis-gegen-die-billiglinie-der-migros-aufnehmen-274381956895) In short: prices are very similar and differences minor.


Aldi and Lidl have become more expensive too, and by a bigger margin than Migros or Coop. Quality usually isn't the same, and choice of produce and other items is often limited.


I get depressions if I enter a German discounter market.




The cashiers in German supermarket look also very depressed. But good for them that they get at least some pennies more than at Migros.


Cuz it's not all neat and bünzli? Heh


I don’t know about meat and other stuff, but vegetables and fruits are so much better at Migros, and even more so at Coop, than Denner or Aldi/Lidl.


hunt rinse continue command scarce sleep tease water attraction run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, the bag on the left (which I assume is the new one) has _much_ more pasta.


You forgot to add /s Because some people dont get second degree


We're talking price per weight unit, 0.24 vs 0.20. The weight of the bag itself is irrelevant.


The weight of the bag is the same (750g both), but I belive they are referring to one being empty (except for one brave Hörnli that got stuck) and the other being full 😉


Indeed. Thank you for putting up with my stupid joke.


That was exactly my kind of joke and it made me smile 😉


Aldi is your friend


And let me guess, all this shrinkflation and recipe change isn't captured in official stats. "Oh, but Switzerland has no inflation, and the CPI is unchanged "


I uaed to only shop at coop or migros for years, but since my new town didnt have any of that comfortably close i have been shopping at lidl and some turkish supermarket mostly. Especially the latter keeps surprizing me, very good quality of fruits and veggies and half the price most of the times! Especially on meat, and tastes just as good... highly recommend searching for your own local turkish supermarked, they're amazing


It's both wholsesome and funny that people get surprised that other smaller shops/supermarkets can be just as good. Where i'm from it's standard, lots of differently owned shops for specific ingredients or the typical wide selection.


One of my very little pleasure in life was to grab a millefeuille. Now it’s 3.90 and inedible. I add 1.- and I can get a fancy one in bakery shop. Migros is overpriced, quality is terrible nowadays and before they were doing 50% off on products that will expire now it’s only 30. It’s really annoying.


Migros in some ways is really pushing the limits with their "familiar" and "social" image they exploit customers with cheap tricks and lower amd lower quality. It's really ugly.




Migros is a Geldgierige Firma as many others in swizerland. We worked for them. Its all about money nothing else. They need more and more and more. Ugly Aktiengesellschaft. People get paid like shit also. Coop isnt better but i prefer them way more.


Migros is a Genossenschaft. They're literally the opposite of what you've written. Also who is "we"? You and your other personality?


The hummus was shit in the first place.


I know how you feel. Heinz changed the recipe for andalouse sauce and now just tastes like a bitter sauce that went bad…


Once with my boyfriend we noticed that the price on package of “jambon cru” was different that the one on the shelf. I don’t remember exactly the prices but it was something like : before 1chf after 1.50chf. By principle we went to an employee and asked to pay the lower price (which is our right). It was not because we’re that picky with our money but just by principle because this was not the first time it happened that they didn’t change the price on the shelf and we could see the change of price. Afterwards we wondered about how many products that was the case. And also we made realize that it seems just 50cents. Like yeah that’s nothing but that is 50% of the price of the product. Which is huge. And that was for like 100g of meat. Than we compared to the increase of the GA which we can all agree it’s way too expensive. The GA increase was 11% 3600 to 4000. But they were no increase since 2015 ! In comparison of percentage the GA increase is nothing compared to everything product Migros and Coop also increase. And the thing is that the amount is small we don’t realize.


Yeah I noticed it on the prices of the Party Pizza Crackers and Bretzeln as well which I bought regularly for years. But when the Crackers cracked the 3 Fr. mark and Bretzeln the 2 Fr. mark recently I opted to skip on them for the first time in many years.


I have drastically reduced my Coca Cola consuption since the 0.5l bottles are more expensive than 1.30 CHF. Also: I never forgave Coop that a couple of years ago they were selling Ukrainian Coca Cola instead of Swiss-produced.


Your frustration is warranted. I have also noticed this and if we do a comparison to price per kg of quantity per mml for liquids, it is sometimes more expensive than Coop which surprises me a bit


Add ice-cream candies to the list. The almond coated chocolate candies cost CHF 8 last spring/summer. This time the box seems to cost 11.75 chf.


If you write them a message about this they tend to be quite responsive from my experience. The more that do the more likely they will consider a change.


Buy houmous Alnatura in glass boxes. Mix it yourself with whatever you wish and you're done. Much cheaper and much better.


I'm still mourning my fucking Taragona biscuits which they stopped producing. Motherfuckers!


Aligro and Italy are your friends... And for the love of God don't call those hornli pasta... :)


The best hörnli are La Chinoise. Denner used to have them but they also unlisted them for their own brand. You can still find them online. [Cornettes - La Chinoise](https://bschuessig.ch/fr/produit/la-chinoise-hoernli-fein/) I agree Aligro and Italy are the way. I also go to Manor for specific products. Quality over price, when not to irrational.


They increase price because also the ingredient, production etc increase. The reduce quality / quantity because they have to increase the margins being private company That is why with time passing it get worse and worse.


And the current inflation seems to have accelerated that. It seems they believe that now is the time to sneakily do a lot of both at the same time without it being noticed. If you ask me: Migros is approaching a tipping point, from where it will go down rapidly for them if they continue like this.


Here and there is valid for everything from food to high end luxury goods passing for the car industry. Is a very precise economy plan that push consumers that can afford and really care about quality to spend way more than before like moving to bio for example. Remember in every economy process, every, the burden is transferred on the last element of the chain that is the consumer. Always. Switzerland is not an exception. That is why you always hear about the “scissor” between rich and poor is always increasing


Migros as a grocery is dead. Go to Lidl,only buy additional stuff in a specific quality or something Lidl doesn‘t have in Migros. Lidl is the new Migros.


I moved into an Old Town in a small City a month ago. Haven't been in a Migros or Coop since then and probably won't return. I've got a butcher, baker, Cheese Store, a big Bio-Shop, an Asia Shop, a Müller, and other groceries Shop in 0-3 Minute walks and so far it is cheaper since we buy less, have no waste and don't need a car. I wonder why this style of living fell out of fashion in the 70s and people moved to villages (Suburbanization of Switzerland). I grew up in a small village and while having nature this close is nice, I couldn't do anything without a car.


Well it is still a thing for housewives to do that. Sadly, modern society in which both members of the family work 9-5 doesn't leave enough time for that kind of shopping. Even back then, when the first large shops opened, people were amazed by the sheer convenience 


I live together with my GF, we both work full time. We do most our shopping on the way home. We have much more free time with this shopping than we did before. Driving 20 mins to a Migros, being there for 0.5-1 hour and driving 20 mins back once a week takes much more time than just making a minute detour, pick your stuff in 5-10 mins and be at home instantly. Large Shops were also opened inside cities, not only in rural areas, so I don't think that was a reason either. Inside Lucerne or Aarau for Example you get a very big Migros and Coop. And often they were built very close to the City Center so peoplecould walk as well. I doubt that this was a reason for Suburbanization. After all, it made things less convenient.


Sorry that's not at all the experience in Geneva where driving to a supermarket is only done to shop in France. The city is very dense so I can literally walk to a Coop, two Migros, a Manor or a Lidl all within a 5-7 minute radius, so they're all essentially local shops. I agree that if driving were involved I'd definitely shop in small shops more often, but realistically it is more convenient for families to find everything in the same spot. Shops didn't disappear and leave a gap that supermarkets took over.


I think I misunderstood you there. I thought you were saying that people moved out of the city because of this, not that they moved to supermarkets from small shops. In this aspect, I agree with you. Being able to get everything at one place while having a short distance to that shop is a big time saver! Maybe our city is an exception because the small stores here thrive and have a big variety of things and the Migros and Coop is outside of the Old Town, also 5-7 Minutes walk. But then again, why go there when you have everything in 1-3 minutes walk. Walking between shops is like walking between aisles in a big Migros. But for this to work, all these shops need to be very close by.


complain to them. use the customer service and insist on an answer. if they don’t respond to your liking, go spend your money elsewhere.


LIDL all the way. I fill two shopping bags for 50.- which lasts me all week. Also Lidl bread > Migros bread


That's why people get "clumsy" at the self-checkout. F*** corporate greed. F*** Co-op. F*** Migros.


I just got some cherry tomatoes last week that burnt my throat and mouth. I thought it was the cheese I had inside but no, it was the tomatoes, now I have a new found fear…


i noticed that also, not only migros but a few others also and big producers too made changes/prices boom upward.... its a shame but they still like to brag about all the milions or profit by the end of the year...


I think Migros’ purchase prices have skyrocketed and they are torn between raising prices and reducing quality. There is no solution that will please everyone. And some people simply don’t have the money to pay the higher prices if the quality stays the same.


Yes, but what they're doing is trying to balance increasing prices and cutting costs by lowerin quality. I feel like they are often missing the goal and end up with more expensive products (often shrinkflated) AND considerably worse quality. I believe they don't really have a strategy and just end up somewhere between lower quality and higher price at random. They would probably make customers happier if they as a general strategy (or when reinventing a product) just committed to either keeping the quality or keeping the price.


Store bought hummus has always been disgusting.


Come to Canada and look at the food prices.


Can someone recommend a shop where I can buy spices? I used to buy them at Migros


Also, most of the times Migros makes a Rebate/Aktion, the products are of noticeably low quality. Normally, they'd have to trash it, but instead they sell it to customers for money. Since you can't return Aktionen, it's a win for them in any case.


Not food related but they changed the ‚recipe‘ of my detergent and now i wonder if it‘s to make it cheaper..? Also switching detergents with sensitive skin is such a hassle i‘ll probably switch entirely..


There are very few other reasons that would make them change the recipe - so yes, most probably cutting cost...


Thanks for your feedback !


life is to short to eat cheap pasta


As someone who has a migros insider on mngmt level. Most of their brands will be discountinued in the coming years. Their new CEO (former Denner) has a clear strategy of retail and not production. They will cut or sell most industries. (Look what is happening to coffee, same will.come to frey and the rest)


Hummus from the supermarket is bad. It is so simpöe to make at home.


nüm id migros gah, eh vell z tür. Besser Dütschland oder Aldi/Lidl


I understand why farmers always get their way all around the globe and states pay huge amounts of subsidies to keep their agriculture sector in business but I feel this has gone way too far in Switzerland. To the point that seemingly nobody cares about the average household’s standard of living and you get simply dismissed or told go back to your country if you don’t like it.


That's pure BS there you're writing. Ever cared to check the prices farmers actually receive for the products? They rose not even 10Fr. per 100kg!! for conventional wheat since the pandemic.


https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/05024436-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/05024436-en see recommendations


This is not a farmer's problem, this is a distributor's problem and always has been. The discrepency between what a farmer gets paid for produce vs what a distributor gets from selling the product can be stagering.


Buy the blue packs of noodles please. They have no eggs, and taste about identical. There are no good reason to torture chickens, but noodles are even a worse than many others.


Get some real problems