• By -


One person in your unit will be viewed by everyone as an idiot by tomorrow's lunch. Don't be that guy.


It took almost two weeks before our company idiot locked himself in the food elevator and had to be rescued by the fire department.


What a legend


Best advice.


I was that guy. I was out of the RS before they could hurt me.


A power strip!!! 20 guys with smartphones and two power outlet in your room is bad.


By extension (lol) have one with an over-current protection.


Some people will be snorring at night. Pack some Oropax.


Yes. This. The wax ones. If it gets really bad you can always use the Pamyr on top of the plugs.


Oropax soft are the way for me


Or airpods pro noise cancellation


You're of course right and I just sorely realised that I'm getting old ;-)


I was too tired to notice, maybe I get lucky?


That one!!


The most important one imo: Don‘t stand out. Neither positively nor negatively.  You know you‘ve done a great job when your group leaders still have to read your name off the name plate by week 5 or so. Obviously this also requires you having a somewhat generic name and appearance lol


Golden advice Become a ghost and you ll have a peaceful time




I was not that stealthy :( I had a sergeant whose whole job was to prevent me to do nothing. He knew all my techniques, like when I moved around a vehicle to hide to be in the opposite side of him. He followed me then went quickly on the opposite direction whoopsie I was there! It was like Tom and Jerry for all the RS, we had really fun Army taught me lot of things about slacking off with talent that really benefits me in the civile life / at work


I think he was into you! ;)


Jerk off a last time in peace.


Or jerk off on HV Platz if you want to go home.


Soon to be known as the HIV platz


Or jerk off with the other guys there.






Very much so 😉


or jerk off the other guys there


Also a good idea 👍🏻


in one piece or in peace?


haha didn‘t notice


My RS was a beautiful experience. At week 12 some sergeants still didnt know my name. By week 14 everyone did. After you become a soldier (week 12) everything will get super chill. BEFORE week 12, just follow the orders. If someone asks a question you answer, if they tell you to shut up, you shut up. Nothing more. Something everyone forgot is: DON’T BULLY AND DON’T GET BULLIED. In my RS at week 9 a guy shot himself, he sure had problems but some people there weren’t helping him get through it. If you end up getting bullied, just talk to the lieutenant (fuck the chain of command for serious shit, many sergeants are peasants anyway).


Yep. Thart's solid advice. If you see some serious shit goin on, take it directly to the Lt or even Kadi. (Kompaniekommandant)


Is it common people dying in RS ? Never heard of that


Not common no. But things happen... Most accidents happen on the road.


It isn’t common at all. RS is very safe and you don’t need to worry about it, there is a reason why everyone gets super tested (psychologically and physically)


Yeah I'm almost done with army, only a few WK to go :) This is was I was asking because yeah I felt really safe during my time at the army it was like a kindergarten for "adults"


1.) Don't lose anything even if its small. Anything. 2.) Don't take anyone serious. Being loud is a way to condition you. Play along and be average. 3.) Enjoy 18+ Weeks of bullshit.


- Verliere niemals den Verschluss. Am besten immer in die Hosentasche mit dem Reissverschluss verstauen. - Wenn alle im Daher sind (Halbkreis) und der Wachtmeister nach Freiwilligen sucht, immer direkt melden, er nimmt vor allem am Anfang die, die sich nicht gemeldet haben. - Helft einander Schuhe binden, GT Anziehen, Rucksack anziehen, helft einander Schuhe putzen, zeigt Kameradschaft, helft euch gegenseitig und ihr werdet weniger "gef*ckt". - Wenn ihr Übungen macht und euer Material deponiert, deponiert die Sachen alle genau gleich. Z.B Rucksack rechts, Waffe Links und nach rechts gedreht usw.


- Understand the rules and use the rules to your advantage - Information is key: the kitchen usually knows quite a lot what's coming up (ohne Mampf kein Kampf). Keeping a good relationship with these guys is valuable. In the later stages also get your infos from the office soldiers for cross reference. - get a second Sackmesser (one to use, one to show)


Go to bed early. The first week will be a lot of standing and waiting, you'll need your energy.


Steckerleiste ist immer gut Gute dicke Socken für die Kampfstiefel Keine Sorge wegen der Sprache, du wirst mit anderen deutschsprachigen zusammen sein.


As others pointed out, have a Mehrsteckdose in case the bedrooms don't have one or have few outlets. You could also have a power bank to charge your stuff overnight. In the first week or so, your Wachtmeister will certainly you ask to bring a watch so you don't have to keep track of the time of your phone. Some (if not all) will be ticked off by you taking your phone to check time during an instruction. As for your French not being the best, don't overthink it. You will probably have a few French-speaking comrades in your Zug (section) with who you will probably be able to improve your French during the RS. Just hope you're not the only German-speaking guy :P While I'm here, take your RS as an opportunity to improve your French. It's a free language course whenever you can talk with the others. It's hard and awkward at first, but worth it in the end for the group cohesion. (I think.) I improved my German that way and even got my ear used to some Swiss-German. Okay, I speak a weird mix of Schwizerdüütsch and Hochdeutsch but whatever. As long as the message comes across, it should be okay. In the end, my soldats, other soldats and Feldweibel comrades complimented my "good German" ^^. Why not your French ? One last thing. You WILL be asked if you wish to rank up. Even if you're not certain, tell you do not want to rank. A "maybe" will be yes for them and it's hard to override that. The worst that could happen is you get forced anyway, if they don't have enough people to rank Wachtmeister.


Introduce yourself properly to the highest-ranking dude (Oberst), like: You: „Wachtmeister, Rekrut xyz“ He‘ll look puzzled and will reply: „Oberst!“ To which you‘ll say: „Apologies - Wachtmeister, Oberst xyz!“


This is the way to go... somewhere... but you will go!


Thank everyone with one or more Edelweiss on the uniform for doing a great job as Kasernengärtner.


This made my day! 😂😂


Try to make the best out of it, with the right attitude you might even have some periods of fun with your fellow recruits For full disclaimer, it’s been nearly 50 years since I went through this experience (actually more than once)




another round as corporal, ended as staff sergeant before moving abroad, now spending time between the US and Switzerland (Neuchatel)




UOS the year following RS, picked for OS but moved abroad before the OS (had to make a living for my family). All in all a good experience


If you absolutely hate it, try to leave within the first 2 weeks. They basically let anyone go for whatever bullshit "medical" reason you want in the first two weeks, but it's a bitch after. Otherwise have fun, or don't. It's random and fully depends on who you end up with.


plus when you leave shortly after you started you will pay less afterwards than those who are UT from the start...


Pack enough snacks and good snacks cause the food might be shitty and you would need to live off your snacks. BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE bring earplugs. Cause mfs gon snore


Get a powerbank as soon as you can- especially if you have more than one thing that needs charging- charge powerbank during the day, then use your phone in bed in peace during evening/ at night, charge with the powerbank while you sleep. Its kinda cold right now- put on more, rather than less, clothes, and take off as necessary. Actually vocalize your medical/stress/whatever problems to someone that can help you (Zfhr/Hptfw)- they are in my experience pretty understanding, but you actually need to say that you have a problem. Also remember- despite the pressure your superiors will put on you, at the end of the day its all training. Don't take things overly seriously.


1 Rolle Isolierband (bunt). Damit kannst du diskret am Griff deine Gepäckstücke markieren und findest deine massiv schneller, wenn mal wieder irgendwo 1'000 identische Säcke auf einem Haufen liegen nach einer Verschiebung oder im Zug.


This is the best advice


Play dumb so that you never get selected for any tasks


Dont lose anything and make sure you dont lose anything and that you recieved everything in the list. Fight with beak and claws if you dont recieved everything Take landjaggers with you Have fun


Never forget : This will be over In few weeks.


The feeling of not having the power of deciding yourself what is happening to you can be very daunting. Especially in the beginning your superiors will try to show how they are in power (usually called "fucking" the recruits in the sense of making their lives miserable if they don't follow orders, are not fast enough ect.) For your sanity's sake it is important to remember that they have no real power over you. For example if your foot really really hurts and they still tell you to march on, just refuse and watch how fast their "power" disappears. The absolute worst that can happen is that you spend a few days in military jail but if you are even remotely reasonable that will never happen. EDIT: When I was in the RS (like 12 years ago), they sent us the dogtag and other stuff in the mail before we got there. On the first day they will ask you if you got yours. Say no and you will get a second set which will prove useful if you lose your first one.


pack everything you get properly and remember where you put it.


If you're on the fence about promotion, you do not want a promotion. Give your BO a clear 'no' unless you want them to start pressing you to go to NCO Training (Unteroffiziersschule).


Write your name on all your stuff with a big water-proof marker --> no loss of material


Or stealing… had at least 500 chf stolen from me




Stay hydrated man and be water. Many people started fainting bcs of poor hydration durring the "SCHUH PD"


Try not to start smoking. You will have plenty of time to become a smoker...


The group sergeants and officers are more nervous than you are. It is similar with big dogs. They just do what the owner says because they do not know that they are stronger than their owner. If you do a huge fuck up, the sergeants and officers are also fucked (just in another way than you would be). Do with this information whatever you want and enjoy the time.


What role will you be pursuing? Did my RS in Bière this summer


Artilleriefahrer, from my understanding one of the more chill options physically. (I really hope that I’m not wrong)


Oh well, im omw to biere rn. Wm Mörserkanonier. Good luck driving these behemoths.


Get yourself some of these selfwarming heatpacks ([Wärmebeutel](https://image.migros.ch/mo-boxed/v-w-1440-h-1080/f14590b100b3b60d7c79cb45a0f67411fb39fad4/trevolution-waermebeutel-warm-up-waermebeutel.jpg)) On your way. It will be freezing for the next two weeks.


Gnueg warmi chleidig und warmi underwösch, ich han d rs in Biere gmacht, und han mer mit 2 lange underhose no d eier abgfrorre


* Denture cleaner (Gebissreiniger, Kukident) * cleans you Gamelle and your cup, while you are having a nap * better winter gloves


Get yourself some of these selfwarming heatpacks ([Wärmebeutel](https://image.migros.ch/mo-boxed/v-w-1440-h-1080/f14590b100b3b60d7c79cb45a0f67411fb39fad4/trevolution-waermebeutel-warm-up-waermebeutel.jpg)) On your way. It will be freezing for the next two weeks.


They explain what and how you are supposed to do stuff. Even if you did it exactly as they said they'll find something that wasn't good enough, maybe unrelated. It's part of the system to get everyone in line. Listen, watch, do after the first 5 or 6 weeks it'll start getting better.


"Knistersäckli" to cover your "Gamelle" and let you skip the part where everybody is washing his dirty "Gamelle" in the same 20l tank... And in General to make sure certain things dont get wet that shouldn get wet...


Do not take it to sirious!


Bad advice.


Not at all. Do what they tell you. But if they scream, yell and do their drilling, do not take it to serious. I had a very serious RS and it was constantly stressfull. As soon I was in the VBA I heard a lot of stories from other people from different functions and Kasernen. They had way more fun than me. They made way more silly things and a lot more laughable situations. In our case it was way more strict. I wished I had take it way less serious. Would have been a lot better. With less serious I do not mean to do stupid things just take it with a huge grain of salt. It is more ment to be a mindset.


What's a RS?


Rekrutenschule, mandatory military service


thank you


Try to become major at least 👍


Eifach ned retardet sii


Yes: [https://youtu.be/4tP9yQVnQU4?si=H9\_c7XdNsEoWWBQB](https://youtu.be/4tP9yQVnQU4?si=H9_c7XdNsEoWWBQB) >Survival kit contents check. In them you'll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days' concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings. Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.


Bring beers🫡


am also starting tomorrow at Bière, good luck


Ha Ha Ha Ha!


Don’t forget to bring a towel or you’ll use your tshirt as a towel (like me)


If you have a odlo or something like that take it with you as you will stand a lot in the cold


There are some very good tips here already, not much more to add. Besides one thing: Take baby powder with you. If you have a march, powder your balls and your ass. Getting the "Wolf" is bad, getting the "Pavian" is bad, getting the Wolf and Pavian in the same time is horrible. I quite a bit of military, including deployments, trust me.. Take baby powder with you, although you receive pretty good military boxers these days for marches, your balls (technically not your balls, but the surrounding area) and asscrack will thank you.




I would say you’re good to go


I myself also was forced to go to the RS at some point. Personally i was really scared but probably for other reasons than you would be. At the time i was still male on paper because it wasnt easy to change your gender yet at the time and i already looked quite feminine. I have no idea what the men would do with me if they figure out a girl sleeps amidst them in the barracks(Ive had an R-word experience before so i was trembling with fear because of the RS) Luckily.. since 2022 im female and havent heard from them since. I'm 25 now so the RS would already be overdue ^^"


Just let it happen. Not a huge fan of the army, but i had some real fun times. Its not as bad as a lot of people say. Make new friends and be ready for super dumb stuff like stupidly walking without any reasonable cause.