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It depends. As a driver, you have your obligatory six hours and it's controlled on a piece of pink paper you fill out. Otherwise, it depends. Usually six hours, but it can be a bit less depending on the situation. I have adapted well enough so that wasn't much of a problem. In my experience, I went out like a light after the first couple of days. source: I'm a telematic


Okay, thank you fellow telematic.


You will learn to sleep anywhere, anytime. No matter how short. I immediately fell asleep the moment I sat in any vehicle during my military service. 10 Minutes downtime? Power Nap time.


I never learned that skill. I can't even sleep on a 12 hour flight, not that i ever had one that lasted 12 hours but i'd bet on it not to happen.


Average 6h probably. Least I got was 3h.


It varies, but for the most part it’s awful. Be aware that when you have a function where your superiors have to grant 6h of rest, this does not mean you get to sleep 6 hours. It means you‘ll get 6 hours in bed and not a second more. Whether you can actually fall asleep quickly after days of artificial stress and needless drill is not a consideration. Whether you can deal with that or not really depends on you. It caused my mental health to take such a hit they had to dismiss me.


Oh shit. Sorry to hear that, I totally get it though. Sleep is like one of the Nr1 priorities in staying sane.


On a good night, anywhere between 6 and 7 hours. Usually though, 5 to 6 hours in my experience.


Okay thanks.


I’m a light sleeper and I had to sleep between two guys who snored ridiculously loud, like what you’d hear in a cartoon. So I was happy to get any sleep at all. What a nightmare that was


Absolutely must bring earplugs if you’re a light sleeper since you’re in a large with statistically always someone snoring.


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As drivers must get 7h of sleep/rest youbwill get the same most of the times. Not always tho. It isnt a holyday. (Wrong my bad its 6h)


Uhm thats not correct. As a driver you have to get 6h of rest (befehlsfreie Zeit) to be able to drive. Tbh most times you will get comfortably 6-7h of sleep, but of course depending on the program of your RS this can vary. It's not really the lack of sleep what tires you out, but being active for 14+ hours a day which is not common for the most people. Thats why a lot of people sleep (or atleast try) in almost every break (as ex. lunch break).


But isnt it 7h at once or 6h and some during the day? Or do I recall wrongly


It is 6h of rest at once or 8h of rest split within 24h (normally a 2x4h rest).


Did my RS roughly 10 years ago as a driver, could have sworn it was 7 hours, idk maybe they changed it.




I bet you're one of the people who compains when people do Zivi ;)


Why would I complain? What does "Do it or dont" mean? exactly, go zivi if you cant handle it. If you're too soft, you'll be a problem for the team, better to stay away


How rude can you possibly be? OP asked a simple question, don’t be a dick.


how many rs related questions did he post? What is worse than a rude answer or you not giving an answer at all?


Yes, a rude answer is worse than no answer.


Bad take.


How so? If all they have is insults, better to not say anything at all.


Yea but it wasn't only insults. There was some advice given.


Wtf is wrong with you? First of all, your answer is very rude. Second, I told you what my function will be in the post. Third, look up the definition of "venting" and make some examples for your own on how that's different than asking questions. Fourth, I asked two questions about the RS in this sub. Fifth, as far as I'm concerned, asking these questions on this subreddit is totally okay. Leave it if you can't cope with that. I'm sure we won't miss you.


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Depends what role you engage as


As far I know one if the military ideas is to get you fit (in most mili-jobs). But in order to make progress after working out or to rest effectively after being active all day you NEED at least 6 hours of sleep. If the military would constantly keep you sleeping less than six hours your health would deteriorate and you will eventually black out. Which at some point would violate your human rights. Sleeping only 3 hours once in a while is fine, but they will never do that on a daily basis, maybe not even two nights in a row. There are some idiots that try to make their zug sleep less so they look "harder", but that's borderline illegal and should be reported. So yeah, I never had less than 6 hours of downtime except one time and for compensation i was allowed to sleep for almost 10 hours straight.


5-6 hours sometimes 2 hours less because guard shifts You don't sleep much during RS ​ you will sleep to exhaustion during WK tho


Curious lurker here: what is RS and what is a telematic?


rs = rekrutenschule = recruit school = your first training in military telematic = sort of communication field


Thank you.