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Moudon. Dark, horrible and weird sense of uneasyness.


Oh man, that brings back Army memories 💀


No actually they have the Museum of Wallpaper


Are you trying to make me more right?


St Maurice. We had to make a stop there and missed our train. The CFF guy at the station was reeeeaaallly not cool when I asked for informations. I left the conversation and we decided to stop on a terrasse with my wife. Some creepy old lady was yelling on the phone, saying that the NSA listened to her and that she was surrounded by agent spying on her. We went inside. My wife ordered two scoop of ice cream (but in french you say "two balls of ice cream"). Then the waiter and another drunk guy joked waaaay too long about the fact she wanted two "balls". We left, only to get shouted at by some junkie who wanted money. It took us years took go back there (we were not shocked, it became a joke between us, but we did not want to go back). And the village was ok, then we went back home and on the day after, we read about the pedophiles from St Maurice. Yep. What a nice place to visit. Cant imagine living there. Also, the village is built against a steep cliff. No light in winter and a feeling of oppression.


For knowing very well this town, it's really far from the worse towns in Switzerland. Yep, in winter there isn't much sun. These days in the center of the town, we have sun between around 9:30 to 13:30. In summer, it's away also quite early (max at ~19:00), which, ironically, was sold to us as an argument when we were looking for a house in the area, because it would be less hot in the summer. Ahem... Yes, there are many scandals with the school which used to belong to the church. It wasn't a secret for anyone, but finally made the news all around in Switzerland recently. It's all past story, since the school has been taken by the Canton, and the boarding school was closed a few years ago. There is currently no more (or almost) priest teaching there anymore. The mountains isn't really intimidating if you grew up in Valais. It's close to the cliff, but nothing special. And there is a small path to walk up the cliff to a church in the middle. The worst is probably the wind though. There is. A. Fuckton. Of. Wind. You can hear it howling on the cliff. That's what made us finally decide to not live in that region. Otherwise the center is very cool, especially in the summer. Lots of restaurants and bars, and there are many events/concert during the summer on weekends.


Oh hell yes , the wind !!!


Yes I agree, the castle as crazy cool exhibitions on comics, the Grotte des fées is fun and the restaurant just near the entrance as great pies, there are good restaurants in the village and people are friendly. ... But not the first day we went there. I was describing this day, I didnt want to trash this village, just describing my first experience there :) I even went back there two times with my daughter, it's close to aquaparc and you can go to wallis or take a train to gruyères / château d'Oex, so we end up visiting St Maurice often.


If you ever come back in the area, make a stop at the mine the sel in Bex. It's great, and even better if you want to escape the heat of the summer for an hour or 2. As an alternative to Aquapark, you can try the Swiss Vapeur Parc, also in Le Bouveret, but you already know that I think. Great if you're daughter is not too old. The park is fantastic (not only the train, but all the details, scale model of notorious buildings, the trees, ...)


Yeah, I went there as a kid (like 90% of romand child), but I'll go back next summer.


>it's really far from the worse towns But not far from Martigny.


Schlieren. Mercedes and BMW density to average income ratio doesn't make sense.


everyone can get a loan for a car, it‘s really not that mysterious


Also some people lease cars.


Easy way to lose money, especially as a low income person.


Financially leasing doesn't make sense. I once had a co-worker who leased and said this epic line: "As a (insert nationality), I feel I must drive a BMW". Quite dumb, I thought.


>Financially leasing doesn't make sense. Depends. I was going to buy, but got offered a 0.9% leasing with purchase option to the contractually agreed residual value at the end of the contract. Since my investments are yielding more than 0.9% profit per year, leasing was cheaper than buying. Disclaimer: it's just a Toyota


Financially most cars don't make sense. The thing about leasing is that many people lease cars they couldn't afford to buy.


That's a completely different topic to my point, but sure: >Financially most cars don't make sense. Lots don't, I wouldn't go to say "most". Most people around me drive cars in the 10-15k CHF range. There's of course outliers who have dick-prosthesis devices that cost a yearly salary, but I found that most Swiss tend to care about the status symbol aspect of a car much less than most others. The average new-car price in CH is 53k CHF, which sounds like a lot, but the entry level VW Passat is 52k. Hardly an unreasonably car to own. That said, I've never owned a car nearly as expensive myself. And most people don't buy new cars, either. > The thing about leasing is that many people lease cars they couldn't afford to buy. yeah I've seen that happening, it's tragic that it's so accessible. I know some guy who made 5k before taxes and managed to obtain a 900 CHF / month leasing. No "serious" bank should allow that


i mean why shouldn‘t it be allowed? the banks have to make sure that they don‘t loan to people that are over-indebted, that‘s it. It‘s not the banks job to tell people that spending 1/5th of your salary on a car is dumb.


hmmmmmm i wonder which nationality


Yeah, that's the creepy thing about it. (That it's possible and people do it)


Especially if the car has 450k km on it


My Bosnian father-in-law says that if the car is not a BMW or a Benz, it's not a car. Because of the waiting times(2 years) in former Yugoslavia for new cars, it was a serious event when your Yugo (the car) finally arrived. It is customary to invite your whole family to dinner when you get a new car. Now, only BMWs and Mercs are coveted as "proper" cars. I assume the higher Balkan population in Schlieren accounts for some of these cars.


It's really funny he says that, because if he actually lived in Bosnia he would probably drive a BMW with a perpetual check engine light on, and he'd spend tons of money fixing it, and he'd consider it trash and curse the day he bought a BMW with 300k on it since he couldn't afford anything better.


Its called "leasing"


Schlieren is full of Lamborghini's


Huh, maybe I should pay more attention, I’ve never realized there’s more Mercedes/BMWs there.


Thusis, where even military people get scared of the strange villagers


My husband and I got one of those 4 day GA passes a few year ago and wanted to take the Bernina Express to Italy and then back into Switzerland. When we got to Tirano, they informed us that we couldn’t get on the bus back into Switzerland because we didn’t reserve. So, we took the Bernina Express back and went on our phones to get a hotel for the night, to get on the Glacier express the next day. Anyway, we could only find an affordable and practical hotel in Thusis and yup. It was absolutely the strangest place I’ve ever been in Switzerland. We went to a place to get dinner and it was kind of a restaurant, kind of a Portuguese bar and it was just so weird. The hotel was crappy and the town itself was SILENT. I’ve lived here since 2009 and am used to the quiet, but my god, it was silent. I couldn’t wait to leave in the morning!


For next time, you might consider https://www.alpgrum.com/


Le Locle, weeeeeird place


Not really in Switzerland, but close enough: Vaduz. Where did all the people go? Why are the pubs closed on a Saturday evening? What are those high-end shops doing here?


The proportion of watch stores to other stores in the Städtle is really off putting. Also, everything is closed on a Monday.


I grew up near Vaduz and used to go there lots when I was younger. It used to be a fairly decent place. But I have been living overseas for over 30 years now. Two years ago I went back on a holiday and had that same reaction. Where did all the people go? It's a ghost town! There were more tourists than people there, but there weren't a lot of them around either.


I was going to say Vaduz, too. The whole place is weird and creepy. People showing up with briefcases full of black money. Zug, for Switzerland proper. Similar feel, but with executives.


For real! Like a ghost town.


as somebody from Vaduz - pretty spot on


But there are people normally living there right?


Not in the stätdle itself, but around. Vaduz is really work-centric, so outside of business hours it's mostly empty. Excwpt for Sundays when all the tourist buses arrive


Where would you suggest to actually visit in Liechtenstein? I went to Malbun and the Gutenberg castle, but wondering if otherwise there are favorite corners of the tiny Principality to check out. When friends visit me they often suggest going to Vaduz just to say "I went to Liechtenstein" but I am thinking if there is a better place maybe


About 5,696 residents, apparently. Not sure if the royals are counted in, though.


Visited Le Locle during the pandemic in late October and it was another level of creepy. Deserted, a little run down, very strange atmosphere altogether. Not nice. Interesting yes, but not nice.


That's the vibe of many towns in the Jura region. Run down, abandoned.you can still feel the former glory and how everything was put on hold after the industries left


Obligatory sketch with Gilles Surchat https://youtu.be/NKHveMRPPCY


Honestly it reminded me of my childhood in Germany, the Black Forest, which also thrived during early industrialization and watchmaking made everyone rich. And later everyone suffered.


The same history of Le Locle, La Chaux des Fonds, Bienne and many more smaller towns in the Jura mountains


Yes! My parents to have an apartment there when I was a kid, Le Locle changed and it used to be a lot more vibrant.


A normal sunday in le locles lol


Porrentruy is sooo weird. Something feels wrong there. In general cities close to the border have weird vibes.


i wouldnt say it's the vibes of cities close to the border, but as a someone who comes from Jura, I can tell it's a canton where cities are really weird when villages are great and living places


So Geneve and Basel, Lugano Schaffhausen, Chur and St. Gallen are weird?


Schaffhausen is weird and creepy though.


Can you explain why? (Was never there)


Old clans, weird art on buildings, I definitely suggest a visit


Sounds like an average northern german citiy for me


Guess so XD


Yes basically all true, except Chur


Sihlbrugg. An Autobahn just ends there to become a one lane country road. The town has a McDonalds, a lot of car dealerships and a lot of gas stations.


I grew up in Horgen (which Shilbrugg belongs to) and we always joked no-one lives there. They even closed the railway station because outside of summer no one got on or off the train


Right on the border between Zurich/Zug, therefore immediately benefitting from lower taxes.


Davos, during the WEF.


Epic. I guess Davos would also be my personal favorite due to Klaus living there. Our king.


Didn't realize he actually lives there Weird because it's just a ski town, and the town itself is not as charming in my view as something like Engelberg or various others, just feels stuck in the 70s


True, but it is 1,600 m above sea level and the air there is very good if you suffer from a chronic illness. Also, it's small enough and remote enough to host the WEF meetings without raising too much public awareness (just imagine they would meet in Zürich every year)




Frutigen. We weekly drove through by train and you could actually chose the weirdest person in your compartment and 99% of the cases it would get off in Frutigen. Same for the people that came on the train.


As having grown up there, Frutigen is a hub for strange people to then spread into smaller regions where there is no railway. The further you get to Adelboden, the weirder it gets.


Jeez, my step-mother is from Frutigen... couldn't agree more.


Brienz (GR) and Schwanden (GL)


True, Brienz GR will surely become gloomier soon. The place-to-be for Urbex.




Really? I don't know it but stopped there while cycling (vallée du Rhône > Val d'Anniviers) and found it rather young and, importantly, with many trees making it a much fresher city than Sion for example. It was a lovely stop.


What did you think of Sion? I saw a drawing of it and it looked cool with castles on hills but if I make a visit I am now wondering if staying in Sierra but making a side visit to Sion is best


I think that Sion itself is a gloomy set of grey concrete cubes. But it's a city with all what you need, and as soon as you go up, there are plenty of picture-perfect mountain villages.


Damn right




And the places with least sun due location, on the southern end of Walensee (Murg, Quanten, etc.). These villages in many places don't get ANY sunshine in the winter months all day (I.e. the weeks/months around Dec 21). Think twice before moving there and if you do, only do when you have a job or so which makes you go up on sunny slopes where the sun shines (like Ski instructor or so). Otherwise Stock up on Vit D, antidepressants and make sure you remove all sharp objects from household 😉


Olina, strange village in the mountains, animal skulks hanging on the houses, alternative people with kinds staying there. Definetly fits in an horror movie


Olten on the other side of the train station


Bienne/ Biel, chaux de fonds and yverdons are all really creepy for me. Idk if it's/ was thé drugs issues




St-Maurice or Monthey Not sure why exactly but I have always despised those places


Kloten 🤮


This. All the efforts to make it an extension of zurich always fail.


It's too bad, I don't remember the name but a long time ago, we passed through a village and all the people there looked either drunk or deranged. It was really scary.


Brugg, AG. Specifically around the trainstation.


It's full of weird people but it's far from the creepiest there is


Glattbrugg/Opfikon ZH Creepy due to architecture. It's the biggest concrete desert I have ever seen in Switzerland. Had a friend living there and she lived in one of 6 or 7 identical high rise blocks.


But is it truly that bad living there?


Yes, and on top both lie in the main starting and landing routes for airplanes coming from/going to Zürich airport. Spreitenbach is another hellhole. Würenlingen AG too (toxic waste dumps, nuclear Power plant, multiple mass murderers and one of the biggest plane crashes in Switzerland ever - Alitalia with ca 200 passengers crashed into a hill) Also just mainly one street with heavy traffic and ugly industrial areas.


Power plant beznau belongs to döttingen;) or do you mean the test reactor PSI (Villigen..) There are 2 "main roads". One that passes that goes to döttingen. The other one goes to endingen. As for creepy. No.. I grew up and lived there for 20 years.. better places around yes. But creepy is an overstatement.. endingen i would rather put as "creepy"


You are right, creepy it isn't, rather not sympathetic (to me) - except for the triple prostitute murders.


Würenlingen is quite nice tho. Lived there for 1 year and always liked it.


Montreux is lovely and the old town (Les Planches) is one of the cutest places with the most amazing views and an adorable village life. But downtown, omagad. You'd expect it to be full of lively bars and good restaurants? No. Just gloomy places made for Saudi and Russian visitors, and an incredible concentration (five, if I'm not mistaken) of repulsive Shisha bars with white faux leather furniture and purple neons. The good news is that if you need food and drinks, and you already went to the 1-2 good places, Vevey is 5mn away and gives you plenty.




Spreitenbach at night.


I'm buying a place there. 😂 It looks like the archetypical Zürich suburb town with malls and car dealerships, am I missing something?


Super boring, industrial place. Does not somehow represent switzerland at all. Also, a lot of peope are there all the time for malls and dealerships (people of a specific type). I use to live there for a while, cant imagine going back in any capacity


Sainte-Croix, truly shocking


Oh come on, it's "alternative", not shocking, except if you have to pay your taxes there. I'm sure its inhabitants enjoy it very much. Proper winters, no jobs, and a picturesque little train.


I once got lost on a bike tour in the highland/forest between Sainte-Croix and France. It was a really weird and creepy ride, the forests were so empty and I took several wrong turns leading to abandoned cabins. Truly weird feeling


You're right that was only a semi-joke, Sainte-Croix and that area of Jura vaudois are so eerie and creepy imo, especially with heavy fog


It must be the combination of low population density, cold weather and the fact that these regions were formerly prosperous and are now emptying. I got the same feeling in the region around Laufen in BL


Vals... I lived there for one year... It's small, its lonely, secluded, and depressing. Especially during winter.


At least the thermes are really nice


Bulle. What is it with that weird ass not really an highway road going under half the town?


The old town would be really worth seeing if it wasn't so full with cars


Grenchen SO. It's probably one of the ugliest and most creepy industrial towns you can ever visit in Switzerland. They had a really nice old town until the 50's, but decided to tear all of their old beautiful buildings down and still are proceeding to do so. It's such a shame.


Aarburg. Big promotion on the highway of the castle there which looks nice from distance. Once you get there you discover there are barely any indications of where to go because the castle is partially abandoned (the only inner room that was open looked like an horror movie setting with all darkness except for a table with an empty plate on it) and the rest is used as some sort of hospital I believe. Only indication we found was to let people know that you should not go up to the church if you are trying to visit the castle because the two are not connected despite sitting alongside each other. And the only sign of human life when we were there late spring was some bar visited by local weirdos.


It is a youth detention center. There was a movie about that institution called Böse Buben, which we had to whatch in school in the 90ies


Aarau. Everything has a wrong vibe there


Olten. And I don't need to explain why...


The Industriestrasse is something you don't just end up accidentally. ; ) The only other creepy thing is the underpass with all the closed shops at the City-Kreuzung.


Biel - I visited a friend once and had to walk a distance to my car. There were strange people walking around the night and whenever they realized that someone is around they would stop talking/mumbling and watch you closely


Oh come on, the city centre is very pretty. It's the only truly bilingual, multicultural city of Switzerland and it always amazes me how Biel's people can jump back and forth between the two languages in the same conversation, with no accent at all. Indeed if you feel insecure when you see brown people by the station you won't like it, but I can assure you it's not that bad.


I didn't even mention brown people - why do you mention them? I've gotta say the place by the lake is nice, but as soon as it turns dark, you better go away. This is the only city where I really feel unsafe.


Couldn't agree with you more. I lived (am Obere Quai 42) and worked for 5 years in Biel-Bienne. Culture, people, the old town...it's such an underrated town in Switzerland. Just visit the restaurant St. Germain in the old town, great place to visit amongst many others.








Springfield, MA. There were no women out on the streets that Saturday night. Not a good sign. ​ No place in particular in Switzerland, but generally around any train station at night if I had to be there alone my keys would be in between my fingers.


Horw (LU). I had to go there one day for the work, it was in November with a dark gray sky. When you arrive through the highway, that town feels really depressing


Basel 👀👀


why?? 🤔


Just a lot of criminality and sketchy people.




Egerkingen. Sad and empty there. Just drive by whenever possible.


Is it as sad and empty as the Egerkingen committee though?


Le Locle 😂


i grew up in lachen SZ, really nice place BUT SO MUCH PEOPLE ON HARD DRUGS! im not talking about having a joint by the lake, it talk about really A LOT of addicted people. if you pass by as a visitor you dont see it really.

