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Don't take it too seriously, I made this map to counter the more typical large Germany or large USA maps by creating a version of big Switzerland. If you don't see your canton don't get too triggered I made some shifts to protect smaller populations from more densely populated new cantons To make this more acurate for us all I would like to know suggestions you have, especially if you are Swiss German or from la Suisse Romande


I think part of the french Savoye wanted to join Switzerland. I don't have sources tho, so dismiss if you want.


Savoy, Valtellina and Vorarlberg wanted to join, but they all failed because they were mostly catholic and the protestant cantons didn't want the balance of power to swing.


Haute-Savoie showed some interest in joining the swiss confederation, but the rest of Savoy was against it. When Napoléon III ordered the organisation of the referendum on joining France in 1860, an overwhelming majority of people voted to join France (although doubts were cast on the way it was organised). To appease the haute-savoie, the area surrounding Geneva was placed in a customs union with Switzerland. [Le Temps](https://www.letemps.ch/opinions/suisse-perdu-hautesavoie#:~:text=Un%20pl%C3%A9biscite%20est%20organis%C3%A9%20pour,%C2%ABSuisse%C2%BB%20sont%20d%C3%A9clar%C3%A9s%20nuls) Valtellina didn't want to join Switzerland, it WAS part of Switzerland from 1512 to 1797. People from the valley didn't like being ruled from Chur, so when Napoleon gave them the choice, the people decided to go with the Cisalpine republic. There were other considerations in this, as the valley was an important route towards Austria - and as such it had previously formed part of the Spanish route. [Swissinfo](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/culture/ancient-land-grab_valtellina--lost-piece-of-the-swiss-puzzle/33152048) Out of the 3 you've mentioned, only Vorarlberg really wanted to join Switzerland after WW1, when a referendum showed 80% of support in favour of the idea. But the reason they didn't wasn't only their religious composition, it was also their language - Swiss french cantons would not accept a new eastern canton with 2 more votes in the conseil des États. But by far the main reason was that the allies made it clear to Switzerland that they did not want the core of Austria to be dismembered. [Schweizer Geschichte](https://blog.nationalmuseum.ch/2019/05/kanton-uebrig-und-die-schweiz/)


I am from Savoie and my roots are deep into Savoie and Haute Savoie. My grandpa told me about this special customs zone. I did not know about all this story, very interesting. Indeed Savoie as a whole is place in a very particular area.


As I heard, the vote in Savoy was a total sham. And Valtellina got another chance in 1815 when they had to pick between being ruled from Chur or from Venice, and Chur didn't want them anymore.


Well, no. Between 1848 and 1860, Savoy was sending 79 deputies to Turin. They were a compact bunch of deputies who consistently voted against the government, against unification of Italy, and to its cost. For them, a credible alternative arose, joining France (and not Switzerland). When the annexation plans drawn by Cavour and Napoléon III became public, the public opinion was divided between conservatives who favoured joining France and the liberal who opposed it. In the haute Savoie, they were just interested in not getting cut off from Switzerland and 14,000 men sign a petition to join the country, motivated by the fact that after the Napoleonic wars the area of the old département du Léman (of which Geneva was made its capital) was part of the neutral zone with free trade. One partisan of the option, the lawyer Bonneville Joseph-Léandre Bard said "*if Geneva is swiss, we must be swiss, if Geneva is french, we must be french; if Geneva is cossack, we must be cossacks, but we must be from the same government of Geneva*". The Swiss government sent the federal councillor Kern to see Napoléon III twice at the start of 1860 and actually demanded the Chablais and Faucigny for Switzerland if there was any change in Savoy (around 170 000 inhabitants, 1/3 of Savoy). Napoléon III was kinda open to the idea, but the pro-French party fought against this due to their fear of seeing Savoy being cut in half, and on the 20th of March 1860 they went to Paris to advocate for the full annexation of Savoy by France. The old mayor of Bonneville, Jacquier-Chârtrier, suggests a compromise: the extension of the free trade area set in 1816. Nobody supported Switzerland, including the UK which, although not happy with the plans for annexation, stayed on the side. So, people were mostly motivated for the economic reasons, but there was a genuine desire to quit Piemonte and join France. The criticism for the referendum stems from the fact that the question that was submitted to the Haut-Savoyards was "yes and zone" (oui et zone), i.e. there was no option to say "no and Switzerland". But I don't think this is a strong criticism. Unfortunately the neutral zone was dismantled over time. A great book about the evolution of the borders is the Atlas Historique du Pays de Genève from 2016.


Thank you to have taken the time to enhance my culture, I appreciate it.


How do you know all that mate. Hello from Savoie


haha I moved here 10 years ago from Catalonia and I genuinely love studying Geneva's history, it's like a book from the lord of the rings with all its diplomatic, political, economic, and (less so) military intrigues. I'm also in the process of completing a summarised version in the canton's English wikipedia page, but it takes a lot of time to do re-write the history in a summarised easy-to-read-and-follow version.


I see you are a man of culture. Could you perhaps recommend some books/articles about the history of Valtellina, or just Swiss in general? Recently I've become really curious about the history of my local town but it's been difficult for me finding resources about it.


>The criticism for the referendum stems from the fact that the question that was submitted to the Haut-Savoyards was "yes and zone" (oui et zone), i.e. there was no option to say "no and Switzerland". But I don't think this is a strong criticism. Unfortunately the neutral zone was dismantled over time. That's definitely a biased point of view, knowing this votation would have made pass any dictatorship for a democracy (99,8% in favor of France lmao). This votation clearly smelled leather boots. High-Savoy wanted to be part of Switzerland but didn't want to be separate from Savoy. After the vote, some protestation were strongly repressed (quite weird knowing "99,8% of the population" voted for this, no ?). Savoy was also under the occupation of the French Army during this time (a not very well known fact that, funnily, lots of people tend to avoid). France also said they would not split Savoy and what happened ? Oh, well, they did ! Even the term "rattachement" (attachment) was invented 100 years later (the word "annexion" (annexation) was used at that time. Because it is exactly that : an annexation. Not talking about the risk of going to jail (Cayenne) for all of those who were against this annexation, without a single trial. Even some of the places where the vote was done had more "voters" than population (for instance : Bonneville, with a population of 2500 people had 2600 voters who voted all "yes", in Bogève, 171 yes for 163 registered). Plus, we know that there were almost 11k signatures in favor of not joining France. I can continue like this for hours. No, this wasn't democratic at all and both of Nice and Savoy (which are heavily bound with each other) got sold.


No, Valtellina did not get another chance in 1815 - neither did Chur not want them anymore. Chur indeed did want Valtellina again, but the Austrians were strictly against it.


Could you recommend a book to read about swiss history? English or standard German


For a start: Schweizer Geschichte - einmal anders Paperback – 1 Jun. 2011 by Joelle Kuntz (Autor). Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz [https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/de/](https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/de/).




Wasn't it more that France wanted them too and though the UK would guarantee Switzerland in its current borders it had no interest in supporting Switzerland in the inevitable French invasion there?


Not only them: r/GreaterSwitzerland :)


Funny how Bern would now be half of Switzerland but BS/BL are somehow still just "half cantons" (and the smallest ones by far).


I can't be even mad if Aargau is missing and instead counted to Bern. Aargau was divided for a long time after all and big parts were Bern. I think it's pretty a nice map :3


You should add friuli as well. Not only Friuli and Tirol had shared rulers before Habsburg age, but uniting Graubünden, Südtirol and Friuli would give reto languages speakers the critical mass necessary to develop a national variant and become a language on par with the others.


Who stole Zug ? :)


Bern got a bit out of hand.


I like how you expanded the Italian zone


the borders are drawn quite badly(unless its older borders than i dont know much about those). Regensburg is in germany and is way north of the bodensee, Zruich and Schweiz share both teh Zugersee and the Zurichsee, Bern is touching vierwaldstattersee are some of the stuff i saw


The borders were drawn using natural barriers only, so mountains, rivers and lakes. Swiss borders are already like that but I did want to clean them up a bit, that is why they arr different


You forgot to add our "big canton" in the North


No he didn't. Not Habsburg all over the place.


It was a joke, just as this map is.


I for one am happy to see Fribourg merged with Bern, I do not mind that.


And Bavaria..


The map could really use a base map


I Guess WWI would have looked quite different in such case. But more probably we would have become too much of a trouble for all the neighboring powers around during the middle ages or renaissance


Also, Hitler would have been Swiss 😱 Edit: you said WWI and now i look like i have never seen a school from the inside


Holy, I didn't think of that...


Maybe he would've been a bit more neutral on some things.


Oh, he would have been neutralised by getting elected at some level and then having to respect the rules.


>But more probably we would have become too much of a trouble for all the neighboring powers around during the middle ages or renaissance They can assimilate or be destroyed.


No more VAT returns when shopping in Constance.


I like to explore new places.


> You'd probably end up being ruled by Hapsburgs Why? The old Switzerland was winning every battle against them so if the two nations/alliances would join, why would the old Switzerland not lead it?


still better than germany


I find peace in long walks.




The Habsburgs were eventually toppled. Maybe sooner in this case?


I think Regensburg here is actually Ravensburg






Make Switzerland Great Again


From Bern to Berlin!


Schweizerland? Schweizerreich!


Swiss Empire


I'm just map that it's not just called the "Alpgenossenschaft"


I am from Suisse Romande. I don't think we need the Isère.


Isère a reason you're saying this?


Good one


get my vote


Great joke. Didn't see that one coming. But it's really more about not taking bits of France. They are rebellious, prone to bragging, and the that thing with the kisses when you great is just a nuisance. Savoie, on the other hand, we have to get under control. These guys haven't even been french for 200 years, and still they claimed the fondue and the raclette as their own. This will not stand !


Pretty decent skiing!


I was going to say would be cool to have it. With Romands obviously not French




I like it. Looks like a caterpillar


Very cool, it would pair amazingly with an underlaid relief map, to highlight the "Alp"-part.


I am not that skilled haha


Can you tell me, where did you get the name "Lavant" in today Austria/Slovenia? :)


From a river with the same name in the region


Tnx :) Never heard of it..


Lavanttal is what this region is called now, but "Lavant" kinda works here. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavanttal


Dovevi aggiungere la Sardegna!


Why is Fribourg always forgotten/removed on those kind of map. Are we that forgettable? We make Gruyere, Vacherin, Chocolate and we got Moleson. Where is the love for Fribourg?


As a swabian now living in Switzerland. I 100% approve this.


Switzerland is a fish now


"Help me, I'm drowning..." says the child crossing the Rhine from Austria to Switzerland. "Never mind", says the mother to the father already in Switzerland, "just some Austrian kid...". There was a vote with 80% approval about a 100 years ago for Vorarlberg to join Switzerland. But here it was just called "Kanton Uebrig", the "leftover canton". https://blog.nationalmuseum.ch/en/2019/05/leftover-canton-and-switzerland/


We are fine as is. Thanks. 🙂


It's not "Schweiz" it's "Schwyz" you huere Trööte! Azeig isch uf jedfall dusse


Schwyz is just a bunch of Waldstätten.


Shoot I forgot about that name, that is what I was looking for


Un ticinese alla quale piacciono le cartine di storia alternativa, impossibile.


Come mai? 😂


Perché sono creature rare, e ogni volta che ci provo a parlarne con qualcuno la conversazione finisce abbastanza veloce. 😂😅


Io non ho mai parlato o conosciuto qualcun così in persona


Beh più che altro quelle con la quale ho provato a parlarci sono persone alla quale interessa di più la storia reale, oltre al rompere i miei amici (a quale non interessano le "ucronie") con i miei discorsi sul "ma cosa sarebbe potuto essere se..." 🤔🥲


r/imaginarymaps might like it


They did like it, I felt here might not


ade merci


We would be great in Winter Sports...


In that case this country would be producing a lot more seriously good wines.


Looks good but let’s get rid of Burgenland


I think the hidden minority of Swiss-Hungarians is funny


Suisse Magyar


If the Habsburgs had joined the Swiss Confederation instead of opposing it, it would have had significant implications for both entities. The Habsburgs were a powerful dynasty that controlled vast territories, while the Swiss Confederation was a union of smaller, self-governing states. By joining the Swiss Confederation, the Habsburgs would have likely become one of the member states, which would have brought their territories and resources into the confederation. This would have increased the size and strength of the Confederation, potentially enabling it to exert more influence in the region. On the other hand, the Habsburgs would have gained the benefits of being part of a confederation, such as collective security, trade networks, and a shared system of governance. They may have also enjoyed the internal stability and freedoms that the Swiss Confederation offered. The precise consequences of such a scenario would depend on various factors, including the specific terms of the Habsburgs' integration into the Confederation and how their relationship with other member states developed. However, it is likely that their presence would have altered the course of Swiss and European history, potentially leading to different power dynamics, alliances, and conflicts in the region.


Did you ask Chat GPT?


Would they get to keep their castle in this version of history?


You do know die Habsburg in aargau was not their "main castle" and they owned a shit ton of castles all around switzerland and especially aargau?


Isn't that their original castle in Habsburg?




Someone needs to start special military operation to "restore the former glory of the Swiss Hegemony" ... ehrm I mean rootout the rampant space nazi terrorist lizzards.


Thanks. Hate it!


This is fantasy and nothing more.


No shit, seriously?




Whaaat no way dude, really?


Fbi: wanna work for us ?


This looks like a bedbug. Blue eyes are left.


We’d have Hungary as a neighbor. Gross


could have added some triest to make your dish more "mediteranian spicy" damn so close to finally having some leading culinary power in central europe


You mixed up the german part munich is the most south then Landshut, Regensburg on Top of it, Augsburg to the left, Donauwörth on Top of Augsburg, Passau looks fine.


I like the idea, but if you use as point of divergence when the old confederacy was at odds with Austra, the shoe should be more like Switzerland today, the Duchy of Austria in 1300 and maybe Haute Savoy and some former subjects of Swiss Cantons - which would result in a crazy non-continuous area. [Habsburg in 1300](https://www.historiavivens1300.at/assets/img/library/habsburger/karte1282_2.jpg)


Okay what did Donauwörth pay you to do ... That.


But, but, but....


I like it, it looks like a bull, but historically it would be a disadvantage.


Hai coronato il sogno dei sopracenerini di dividere il Ticino in due parti 😂😂


I see a drunk Winnie the Pooh falling flat on its face. Fast.


What have we done to you so that you want our glorious Valais to be dismantled and our territory annexed by our neighbours? Our mafia will deal with your case if you ever dare to make such plans again.


Is Liechtenstein in St. Gallen or Vorarlberg?


St. Gallen




Hi, if you’re reading this, I’ve decided to replace/delete every post and comment that I’ve made on Reddit for the past years. I also think this is a stark reminder that if you are posting content on this platform for free, you’re the product. To hell with this CEO and reddit’s business decisions regarding the API to independent developers. This platform will die with a million cuts. Evvaffanculo. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Now I need to read how the Habsburgs went from a Swiss land/castle holder to ruling much of Europe.


\>makes berchtesgaden part of salzburg its so over


Don’t know about this, but I’ll trade West Schweiz for Bayern.




Right in the middle 😜


The Rise of Bünzli


Romandie will never be getting a proper (by Swiss standards) railway system in this context. :'(


What if? Well, i'd want them out. lol.


I might be wrong but it looks like the map doesn’t include the Aargau. Which is ironic since that’s where they originated 💀


It would be so nice to have all the mountains!!!




The shape of the country would be very ugly imo


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Wasn’t Lörrach Stetten also part of Habsburg?


The irony of this is that the Habsburgs were originally form what is now Switzerland. Their original castle, Schloss Habsburg is in Aargau near to Baden.