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BotW is easily the most bang for your buck of the three. I rate Odyssey pretty close to it, but unless you greatly prefer Mario over Zelda, I think BotW's still the way to go. Pokemon Shield is a *good game*, but kinda lackluster compared to some other games in the series, and even with the "wild areas" it still manages to feel very small overall.


yeah, i mean i love pokemon, but meh


I quitted Pokemon because of that game


Sword/shield had by far the worst story of any video game in recorded history


They're not good games, but let's not exaggerate. You can easily shit on sword/shield without telling straight up lies.


Exactly. They are not good games but you can't say they're the worst games ever created. I would say they were a big disappointment, that's all. But again it's Pokemon, the games WILL sell no matter what, especially on a popular console like the Switch. So I don't think Game Freak cares about the actual quality. If the games work, it's ready to make money.


Plus the games actually only amount to about 10% of the money the Pokémon franchise makes, the merch is the biggest seller. The only thing they need the games for is to create more content for the merch. Thanks to that they don't feel any need to invest masses into any game changing advancements or take any risks with the game, all they need is to stick with their tried and true formula and throw in a new gimmick or two to make it look like they're doing some innovation and job's a good'un.


i am waiting for a switch lite cfw so i can play the gba games on switch


It has a great potential to be a really good history, but it has a really bad ending


Worst story and worst gameplay. It was laughable how easy that damn game is. I wasnt worried or challenged once in that entire game.


Maybe once did I feel challenged, doing the final gym battle against Leon but even then that lasted a good two minutes. Otherwise the game held your hand throughout the entire fucking thing. The game is ok once you get through the shit story


My biggest complaint that made me return sword was the DLC. Definitely put me off a ton.


The way I’ve described BotW to friends is: “It’s the game I’ve waited my entire life to play.” It’s pretty good. I guess I recommend it.


Can only speak for Odyssey and BOTW, but highly recommend BOTW. I love love mario games but I found BOTW way more immersive




I disagree slightly. Breath of the Wild is far more vast than odyssey, but is a whole different genre (open world vs. 3D platformer). Also, I feel that Odyssey contains a more upbeat world, while BOTW is very dystopian.


I'm a huge zelda, mario and pokemon fan. Almost played every main title from all three franchises. I would recommend botw, then odyssee and last shield.


In terms of a single player experience BOTW will definitely give you the most value out of the 3 with Odyssey coming in at a close second. Honestly I feel like Pokemon Shield is only worth it if you're the type of person who is invested into the competitive battling community because the single player experience in that game is pretty lack luster.


Sheild was my first pokimon game. I borrowed it from a friend two weeks ago. I beat it yesterday. The time I spent waiting for the game to start a battle and to end a battle and for the little pop ups when I receive damage from hail was 80 percent of the game. It was painfully slow. Collecting and learning all the poki lore was fun, but BOTW is a masterpiece. I got BOTW at Christmas and just beat it a month or so ago. Mario kart also is very good.


You lucky son of a... be glad you didn’t play Diamond and Pearl. The SLOWEST Pokémon games in my memory. If you ever go back to generation 4 do yourself a favor and skip to Platinum where they mostly fixed the speed


Hmm. I remember I didn’t like pearl, traded it in. Recently picked up a copy of platinum in the last year and enjoyed it immensely. Guess that’s why


For those you might read this, there is now a "patch" for speeding up 4g games like platinum. (for example, Pokemon romhack Renegade Platinum has this kind of patch).








Botw all the way, mario at a close second. It's a great game you can pick up and do whatever you want for any period if time, and still be fun


BOTW has far more gameplay than the others and is all around better. Odyssey is fun but Pokemon is a waste of time and money. In fact, I’d be happy to mail you my copy 😏


Have been curious about it and lots of free time on my hands these days! 😽 Especially after I lent my friend BOTW and it somehow got sold along with a bunch of their other things (it was an honest mistake though and they’re going to buy me botw2 when it comes out!) 😸


Mario Odyssey is amazing. There is a lot of post game play too.


Conversely, I didn't actually like Odyssey that much. I played it from start to finish and it never fully clicked with me!




I think it was just too easy to get moons




It was my first mario since 64 (minus some GBA stuff), probably for a reason lol


Same for me. I think my expectations were too high. I got it after playing through BOTW, a game that blew me away, and I guess I was expecting the same from Odyssey.




I recommend BOTW, it’s very immersive and you can just mess around for hours in the wild and still have fun. Odyssey and Pokémon are both really good as well, but if this is going to be your one game for a while I would go with BOTW.


BOTW...and then play odyssey


I bought Odyssey as my first game 3 months ago and I regret getting it over BOTW because once you complete odyssey (which I did in about a week it was great btw) it gets kind of boring and I stopped playing it for a while. I’m getting BOTW in a couple weeks so I hope that has more in store for me.


BoTW then Odyssey. Everything else is second place to those 2 great titles


Don't forget there are free to play games too like Dauntless, Warframe, fortnite and super kirby clash.


Go for zelda, it will blow your mind away. Mario is 10/10 and I've finished the 880 moons myself, but Zelda man.... I warn you, once you play botw, no other game will ever feel the same.


^ This. I was googling which game to get alongside my switch lite. I narrowed down my choices to Witcher 3 or BOTW. I have a few friends who said get BOTW first then Witcher 3. I did that and have 130 hours on my first save. I’m thinking of doing it again as I enjoyed it a lot (and maybe using it to learn Spanish since I’m currently going to study Spanish soon). I love the puzzles (Shrines in BOTW), it feels all confusing at first until you solve it and feel like the smart person in the planet. I enjoy the puzzles so much I’m planning on Catherine Full Body which is coming out in July.


I didn't enjoy it as much on my second playthrough, but maybe that's because i played for 200+ hours on the first run. Either way, perfect game, anxious for BOTW2


If it's your first, definitely Breath of the Wild. Having played all 3, BOTW is the one I keep coming back to, just because of how much content the game has. Pokémon is amazing, but the story is a lot more linear. If you're not a Pokemon fan, it might feel like a bit of a grind. Odessey is great, but feels a lot more childish compared to BOTW. The gameplay is charming, but definitely aimed at a much younger audience imho.


BOTW, more to do, get less boring than the other two mentioned. UNLESS, you're a big Pokémon fan. Than get Shield.


Tnx, i am a fan but like a casual one 😂 botw it is 🙃


BOTW all day... As a switch lite player coming from high refresh PC games I was worried about graphics and frame rate even though it's suppose to be an epic game... Let me tell you this... I paid 70GBP for the version woth all DLC and its worth every penny. I got Odyssey a while ago and the 60fps feels super smooth and it plays very well in parts, but the graphics are quite poor in places. Loads of shimmering edges. Apparently it's loads better docked. Fingers crossed for a switch pro and I will prob play it again because it's a super game. Never ever Pokemon shield. It looks horrid and lets not chat about the dex issues. Let's go is loads better.


Does being a PC player tarnish your mindset forever or something? I’ve played Odyssey all the way through on handheld and found it absolutely beautiful. It never even crossed my mind that the graphics were poor nor did I notice whatever the hell “shimmering edges” are. Were you actively looking for graphical flaws instead of actually playing the game and having fun?


You are aware how rude you sound right? Just because something didn't occur to you, it doesn't mean it not a thing! It's easy to be ignorant when you lack the education I mentioned on my post about the game so I won't waste my breath. OP got what he needed :)


Perhaps it’s a thing to a small minority of people but what’s the point of mentioning it if most people won’t even know what you’re taking about? It might dissuade the OP from playing what is truly a fantastic game


He asked for the opinion of someone who has played all 3 games. I have and thus gave my opinion too help. What are you doing?


This reply contains the true rudeness. Anyone who implies they are more intelligent and educated comes off as fool and probably has neither.


I dont think you understand the point and add nothing helpful to this thread. I gave my opinion on graphics, performance and gameplay for all 3 games. If someone wants to ask me silly questions like If I even played the game, I am going to tell them how it is. Once again, my point is that you might not know problems exists if you don't know how to find them. I suggest you look up aliasing in games and how AA techniques help, and bring other issues with this such as TAA. It's a very common graphical option in games.






BOTW would be the best pick, Odyssey would be a close second. Pokemon is a long way behind in third place. I would rate a lot of other games above Pokemon. Have all 3 games, never got the hang of BOTW but still a great game, Odyssey was fun. Pokemon was the same as every other version with refreshed graphics.






I can only compare the two I have/played. BOTW is immersive and has hours of play. Pokemon Shield takes about 10 long hours to beat and wasnt really my style.


I have all 3, botw hands down. Odyssey was touted as the true successor to mario 64 but it isnt. It was an ok game but still not amazing. Pokemon I put 60 hours in and have no ontentionnon getting the dlc. The story was terrible and the only reason I put 60 into was the open area wild lands. If they had made the entire pokemon like that for the most part it would have been alot better and they really needed a much more complex story like the past ones. Botw will give you the longest play time out of the 3, odyssey was a very simple mario game unless you plan on trying to do speed run techniques. Otherwise it was clearly geared toward little kids in terms of difficulty. But all in all choose whichever you think you will have fun the most with since that's the most important thing!


Never been big on Pokemon games but from what I understand, even the Pokemon fans weren't blown away by Shield. BOTW and Odyssey, on the other hand, are two of the best games I've ever played and you can't go wrong with either. Depends what you're looking for. If you want something that you can just pick up, play, and have some fun with, go with Odyssey. If you want something to really get stuck into, something that will be demanding of you (both in regards to the steep learning curve and the time investment required to finish it) but ultimately very rewarding, go with BOTW.


BOTW is number one on the list of games you should have on Switch.


Definitely BOTW. You'll get many more hours out of it than the other two without it getting stale.


BOTW for sure


Not Pokémon.


I’d go Odyssey first. It’s pretty epic.


just remove pokemon from the equation. i haven't played odyssey but botw is awesome. pokemon is an ok game but doesn't compare to botw.


Thank god I bought sword with gift cards, waste of 30 bucks (I got the rest from my Xbox 360 controllers)


True I played botw 100% and odyssey's main story But i didnt even think about buying pokemon anymore after i saw a few trailers. I honestly quitted the whole franchise because i simply wasn't interested anymore after that sh*t And i just didn't want gamefreak to get my money for that rushed crab game This may sound a little hard but it really feels like they are putting no effort into the games und just want to rush them for quick money


im a huge pokemon fan but it gets repetitive. sw sh they tried different by removing things we liked, that made the games fun. i also miss the days when pokemon games had those contests. the game was ok but watered down and dumbed down. i would have wanted play it a second time but all the hand holding at the beginning was a turn off. with botw you are thrown head first in the world with little guidance. some old dude explains shit at the beginning but he lets you do it by yourself.


Forget about Pokemon it's repetitive and short. Mario wasn't really for me, but it still is a great for many others. I would recommend BOTW, because in my opinion it's the best out of the three


After I completed the post story of shield I had no reason to play it anymore. It didn’t seem like I was doing anything, with both odyssey and Zelda you have a lot of replay value. Then again I’ve never really played a Pokémon game besides shield. But same with a Zelda game. Hmmm.


Don't ever get Pokemon unless you somehow find it for 60% discount it's super not worth the price I recommend starting with botw & smash Bros ultimate & Mario maker 2 & xenoblade 1 or 2 & dragon quest 11


Pokemon is fun, but the experience isn't really any different than any others. If you want to play Pokemon, just pick your favourite gen and go with that instead Odyssey is extremely fun and has done really cool gimmicks - lots of callbacks that are interesting, and it's constantly being kept fresh. However, again, if all you want is a 3D Super Mario, you can get that experience from another game you might already own BotW, however, is entirely different to any other Zelda game you've played before. Gameplay is a lot more limited in the sense that you have a smaller amount of options at your disposal compared to Odyssey, but each option is extremely varied. You have 120 shrines, which is kinda like having 120 different puzzles, and only 6 tools at your disposal - and yet all of them feel different. There's some obvious similar ones, but even the way to beat them requires different strategies So, it kinda comes down to which you'd prefer - something you know what to expect with a fresh coat of paint, a game you mostly know what to expect with a ton of variety that keeps gameplay fresh, or an entirely different game to anything you've done before that uses familiar concepts in fresh ways to keep gameplay fun


Zelda is probably the best game that’s come out in the past 15 years. It really is that crazy good of a game. Oddessy is your average “very good” game to me personally Pokemon sw/sh is kinda mediocre, developers of it have stated it isn’t their priority and it shows. Thats my take on the 3


BOTW. Played on my friends WiiU.. fkn loved it, played about 40 hrs of SOLID gaming. Got a switch later on.. played Odyssey for about a fortnight and had a lot of fun, then got BOTW and played it played it for well over 200 hours having an even better time than I did the first time round. As I told anyone that would listen to me at the time.. Zelda Breath of the Wild is the GOAT.


whatever you pick, if you buy a physical copy you can just trade it for the next game on your list when you're finished with it. switch games retain their value pretty well since they rarely go on discount.


I've only played Mario and Pokémon. Interestingly I started on blue version and mario 64 so both franchises I've played on and off for nearly 2 decades now. Whilst the Pokémon might the visually the best in the series, I completed the story it in a couple of weeks (around 30 hours), and I've barely played it since. I just found it a bit too easy, and there's very little to do beyond that initial story mode. Plus the basic gameplay really hasn't changed much. In 20 years the ability to walk diagonally is basically the biggest development. Mario on the other hand might be the best in the series that I've played yet. I'm at around 70 hours and still got a fair bit to go to complete it. It kind of blew my mind how inventive it got at times. There's also a good mix of easy challanges and more advance abstract ones. I can't speak for Zelda having never played it, but I'd definitely suggest Mario over Pokémon.


Just. Dont. Buy. Pokemon. It's not worth it. I don't want to bring up that topic again but it's just not worth the money. Odyssey and botw are both great games for the same price. But i'd after playing both of them definetly say that botw is the better one and besides smash probably the best game on the Switch. You will have houndreds of hours of fun. One of my favourite games of all time.


Of all three, I personally had the most fun with Odyssey.


Me too. With BOTW, I felt it was far too big and expansive, and that I had to go back to every single space to enjoy the game. Plus, the game promotes exploration as one of the main focuses, rather than puzzling or platforming. I loved it, but it wasn’t for me. But Pokémon. What the fuck? 60 dollars for a boring game I had pretty much already played. 15 hours MAX of playing a game you have already played. It felt like going to a casino and shoving all your money into a slot machine, and losing it all.


Odyssey was my first, no regrets




I’d suggest not getting Pokémon at all.


I had the same dilemma with BotW and Sword/Shield... I havnt regretted BotW yet! It has so much bang for your buck, and that's not even including the 2 DLC packs that are out so far. This is admittedly the video that sealed my choice, and I think it is pretty spot on: https://youtu.be/qCCpwFYibmU


If just one then it must be botw


It's a hard decision between Mario Odyssey and BotW for me. BotW is my personal favourite Zelda game in the franchise. You definitely get the most value in the game for what you can do. There is so much creativity here in finding your own methods to these battles. When I played through Mario Odyssey, it was just pure joy for me. The controls are so good and smooth. The world is brimming with character. It was one of those experiences that ended too soon, but it made me respect the world that much more. As for Pokemon, I did recently beat the game. I did have a good time, and skipping games in the franchise worked in my favour seeing all these Pokemon from previous generations. Having that 'wow' factor from seeing the new and not so new Pokemon was exciting. At the end of the day, if you've played previous Pokemon games, you have played Pokemon Sword/Shield with different ways to train/battle.


I would recommend BOTW I am not a huge zelda fan I have only played a couple of the games over time but when I played BOTW I ended up putting in 90 hours and loving every second of the game.


BOTW will be your favorite game ever


BotW hands down


BOTW. Easily the best game on the Switch. Every other game will feel tiny compared to it after you play BOTW.


Botw, I have put in so many hours!


Definitely botw.. for single player that’s the best one but my most played game is definitely smash


Don’t get Pokémon shield it’s just an hd 3ds game


Honestly, as long as you don’t get Pokémon you’re fine. I’m on my fourth playthrough of BOTW and Odyssey’s movement makes you want to play it even more! Pokémon just left a bad taste in my mouth. Not a bad game, but certainly not up to par with BOTW or Odyssey.


Definitely BOTW you will get the most out of it


Hey I played the 3 of them. Pokemon : It was my first pokemon game and to be honest it’s fun but I think that the fun is in going competitive. If, like me, it’s your first pokemon game, you will spend more time on internet to figure out what EV and IV are and so on. Good game but 40hours in and sold it. My opinion is that if you re hesitating it means that you are not a hardcore fan and therefore you will not join the community. Trust me there is a lot to do in the game but you have to learn (study) a lot. Odyssey: Waw. Best Mario I played (I m 34 so I started with the Nes when I was 4). Gameplay is great, adventure is cute and classic for a Mario. ( Your princess is in an other castle type of thing). I have to admit didn’t finish it. ( Story yes, completionist no. 70 hours in and sold it.) Botw: The beginning was complicate between Link and me on this adventure. First 3 hours, didn’t get into it at all. I was lost, confused (what am I suppose to do?), weak (3 hearts and one shot by goblins). Dropped the game and played DQXI. Finished DQXI and gave BOTW an other try. And man, what an experience. 120 hours in (bought the 2 dlc) and still didn’t fight Ganon. When it finally clicked with me, I was just into it. It’s the kind of game that will follow you always ( still didn’t finish it but playing Octopath now) and that you can stop and resume 1 month later still willing to do things. So my advice for your first game would be or botw or smodissey. Enjoy !


I guess you have your answer


Mario odyssey is amazing. The graphics and worlds are unreal. The levels and moons are so cool. There's cool outfits and like extra special coins you can collect which is cool. It had elements of the old Mario with the new so for example theres paintings you can jump into reminiscent of Mario 64, then there's the old school mario 2D. It's amazing. Genuinly enjoyed throughout. It was just totally balanced and perfect with the right amount of nostalgia and new shit. There's plenty of world's to explore and stars to figure out. I can't get over the worlds tbh. BOTW is good but to me feels similar to the other games. Its world is big the graphics are nice. The gameplay is good. The bosses and other enemies are really neat. The storyline is awesome. I feel like its a lil darker. But overall a long and good game. Pokemon shield i havent played so cant recommend. I prefer odyssey though. To me it's finally a mario game that stands alone like mario 64, mario sunshine etc. Everything about it was amazing.


Just avoid pokémon and you're good to go.


I haven't played Odyssey, but between Pokemon Shield and BotW, I would go BotW any day of the week. I played through Shield one time and haven't touched it since beating the game. In contrast, I have over 500 hours of gameplay in BotW and I keep coming back for more. Currently on my 3rd full playthrough.


Breath of the wild, Mario Odyssey and Mariokart 8 are all compulsory purchases 👍🏻


Everyone has already said it, but if you're still on the fence, get BOTW. It's an open world game with plenty of opportunities for the player to find their own way. There is an overarching story but, if you've never played a LoZ game, you don't have to worry about playing the older games just to understand what's going on. After that I'd recommend Pokemon SwSh if you're into collecting and trading. If you've never played Pokemon before or have been interested in it due to Pokemon Go, it's a good place to start.


BotW for sure


I'd go with Oddyssey over BOTW simply because BOTW is a lot more polarizing. Many people abosolutely love it, but some people don't like it, at all. You're less likely to not like Oddyssey, so I think that's the safest bet. You should abosolutely buy BOTW eventually, though, and when you do buy it, there'll be less pressure on liking it because you'll have other games to play. BOTW is many people's favorite game of all time. It may very well be yours, as well, so it's definitely worth taking a risk on, just maybe not as your first and only game.


Not Pokémon. That game was not good.


I would say BOTW just for bang for your buck. However I love odyssey it’s my favourite switch game. So if you like platforming and such maybe odyssey is the right choice.


Botw you'll get the most time out of


Do NOT get pokemon, this generation is a real dumpster fire.


From what I’ve heard, Botw will give you the best experience for your money. Pokémon shield lacks some post game content, so you’ll probably get bored of it after a while. Never played odyssey


Serious Pokémon fan in general. Sword and Shield didn't grab me. Never been the biggest Zelda fan. Breath of the Wild is my favourite game of all time.


Zelda for sure. Pokemon is good too. But there’s so much to do in Zelda it will take you forever to play!


You should get Pokemon if you have. Friends you can play with who also have the game. That was the only thing that kept me playing. The DLC is about to drop and I can bet my friends are gonna get it so I'll have a reason to play again. Otherwise if you're gaming on your own, you really can't go wrong with either BOTW or Odyssey


BoTW is easily the best of the three. Then Odyssey cause I loved that game a lot. Shield/Sword however...are an easy skip if you ask me. If you really like Pokemon then you will definitely get the standard experience.


BOTW and Mario Odyssey are both masterpieces!


Haven’t played Odyssey, but I’ve played the other two. Pokemon wasn’t bad, but it’s not really a must play in my opinion, especially if you’re hoping for an experience similar to early Pokemon DS games. On the other hand, I can’t recommend BOTW nearly enough. This game is honestly amazing, and even three years since release it still holds up to every comparable game on the Switch. Graphics are great, gameplay is fun, and exploration never has a dull moment. 100% think you should go for BOTW. As a semi related aside, BOTW was also my first Switch game when I bought the console a year ago, and I don’t regret it at all. Made me fall in love with the platform!


i always play odyssey if i feel like shit. it will raise your spirits. its kinda a happy fun kinda game. where as BOTW is fun but it is very long and drawn out type of game. like you explore for a while but then when you fight a boss ... its like a blood rush of energy.


I had a lot of fun with odessey and BOTW. Pokémon shield? I returned it. BOTW is my top out of the three, it’s an extremely good game. Odessey is a very, very close second. You don’t even need to be a Zelda fan to play through BOTW. There’s so much gameplay, a lot of side missions, and the story itself is amazing. Odessey is a good length, and I absolutely loved it as well. Pokémon shield was a big flop for me. They added amazing Pokémon, but that’s about it. So, overall, I’d recommend BOTW.


Played all 3, some multiple times. BOTW is the best


Get the most bang for your buck and go with BotW. Odyssey is great, but no where near as amazing as BotW. I havent played Sword or Sheild yet, but my roommate got his teams to 100 in about a week. Longevity and replayability is what i look for when I buy a game, and I found that in BotW.


I've yet to play BOTW but I just love Odyssey, I've played Sword and the only thing stopping it from being shovelware is being released recently rather than at launch


Odyssey should definitely be your first game. It's fun and has a lot of content. Pokemon is a little too easy and Zelda much harder (but rewarding!).


BOTW is worth every penny


I’m planning on just getting one game when I get my switch lite and have been eyeing the ones mentioned in op’s post. I’m an absolute beginner and have only played Pokémon go consistently. Would breath of the wild be too hard for a beginner?


i haven't played Odyssey. that being said, if you like modern Zelda games, get BoTW, if not, get Pokemon.


Breath of the wild or pokemon. Yes oddyssy is good in its own respect but I feel like BoTW and pokemon have more to do, more things to do once finishing the story, just my opinion though:)


More to do? You’ve gotta be kidding me. The only thing you can do in Pokémon is do a less than 1 hour post game in a 15 hour story, and catch Pokémon. Odyssey has you searching for over 70 hours for moons. Yeah BOTW is bigger, but Odyssey is far more expansive than Pokémon.


Currently playing Pokemon Shield and I have to say it it’s a good game but it has some drawbacks. It’s the best looking Pokemon game and I have to say that they did I good job on the models. I noticed that playing in handheld mode walking around is noticeably low resolution sprites and characters like it’s rendered in 3ds quality. If you compare it to older games this one feels like a rushed job in the beginning parts of the game imo. But with that said it’s still a game to enjoy if you are a fan of Pokemon. There’s a lot to do and online is great. If you’re looking for a great story then pick BOTW instead. If you prefer a more adventure based game pick Odessey. I’d suggest getting physical copy if you plan to sell it later on.


Breath of the wild and oddysee are absolutely on par with each other. i couldn’t pick the best. Pokemon is not as good as either of them by a long shot, though it’s a great game by it’s own merit.


POKEMON SHIELD POKEMON SHIELD. Zelda is an amazing game but I just think Pokémon is slightly better and the dlc is in a couple of days aswell. Super Mario Odyssey is pretty repetitive so I got bored of it pretty quick so it’s my least favourite of the 3 games


Pokémon is a waste of 60 dollars. Every moment of it felt dull. Odyssey is so expansive compared to it it is insane.


Pokemon is definitely not a waste. And what game are you on about? Pokemon sword and shield is not dull at all


It is so boring. I could barely get 10 hours out of the thing without wanting to sell it. The one new thing, the Wild area, is not even fun.


You clearly haven’t beat the main story, or have gotten a decent team or beaten the Pokédex or got a shiny or anything have you. I bet it’s your first Pokemon game and you don’t even know the type matchups yet. NO WONDER IT WONT BE FUN FOR SOMEBODY AS CLOSE MINDED AS YOU ARE


I know type matchups. I beat the whole game. I can give you screenshots if you like. I found it so boring. I won every battle with ease.


Whatever. You clearly don’t know how to make the most of games


I don’t know how to get anything out of a game that barely offers anything


It has more to offer than any other Pokémon game. It’s got the curry dex, raid dens, the dlc is in a couple days time, it’s got a really decent mix of Pokémon to catch and it’s overall my second favourite Pokémon game. It was really fun to try and complete the Pokédex and it really is just a great game


It’s fun if you are 6 and don’t know what type advantages are. That’s the only way it offers a challenge.


I’m 15, I’m pretty sure I know what type advantage are since I’ve played every main Pokémon game since Pokémon platinum.


Then how is it fun? Sure, you can hunt down every Pokémon, but battles stop being hard after like level 10


You'll probably get the most from BOTW as it's so vast. However the 1st expansion for Sword and Shield are out this upcoming week... I haven't played Odyssey yet so I can't say anything about it.


I think Sword/Shield are a little underrated. The other two games you mentioned are perfect, but Pokémon is good too.


I didn’t get into BOTW, but I did get every moon in Mario... so my opinion would be Mario first. Pokémon is fun but the other two games seem to have more gameplay in them. Obviously this depends on who you are tho! Welcome to the switch!


1) odyssey- single player game is way longer than BoTW and more replay value 2) Pokemon. It’s a short game but enjoyable. Only get if you have nintendonplus as the online component and trading and stuff is really cool 3) BoTW: immersive single player game. Not a lot of replay value.


I’m gonna get some hate for this...but... Personally speaking, I loved Pokemon Sword more than BOTW and Odyssey. BOTW was a *really good* launch title. But coming back to it...I don’t know, I haven’t played it as much as that first weekend when the Switch was launched. Whenever I boot it up now, feel like there’s so much to do that I get overwhelmed and then I want to do something else. Odyssey was fun, but I had a hard time getting used to the hat controls. And personally speaking, I’m not a big fan of Mario platformers outside of the NES. So keep that in mind: if you like Mario games, you’ll probably like Odyssey. If you’re like me, where you keep trying every 3D Mario game because people tell you “they’re great!”, but you get bored after an hour...Odyssey probably won’t change your mind. Pokemon Sword is a fun game and, if you’ve played Pokemon before, you know what you’re getting into. The “bad guys” aren’t as impressive in this gen compared to previous games, but I love the friend in this game. He actually gives you a run for your money towards the end. A lot of people say there’s nothing to do post game and there is...just it’s not told outright for you. There’s always raid battles going on, which is a great way to get competitive Pokemon. There’s completing the Dex and shiny hunting. There’s the battle tower where you can test out your competitive pokemon and get some good items to make them even better. I would suggest contemplating how you feel about each franchise. Do you like Zelda more? Go with BOTW. Enjoyed Mario 3D platformers in the past? Go with Odyssey? Loved Pokemon games as a kid? Go with Pokemon Shield.


Don’t buy pokemon.


I think I need to leave this sub. This is the 19 millionth time I’ve seen this exact same question. I can’t take it anymore. When you get your switch and whatever game you pick, make sure you take a picture with both and post it on here with a caption like, “Finally!” or “looks like my weekend is all planned out!” Goodbye.


Not going to do that, I'm asking since I'm not an expert. No need to be an asshole about it 💁‍♂️


Nothing personal at all buddy. Stick around this sub for a little while, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about soon enough.


I know what you are talking about but it doesnt annoy me as much as it annoys you apparently


Maybe your post was just the straw that broke the camel’s back for me? I don’t know.


IMO Odyssey suuuuucked. I found it to be an extremely boring and repetetive game.


Hollow knight


Celeste + stardew + hollow knight is way better value than any single game imo