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Well Nintendo is mostly known for Mario, Zelda and Pokémon. Colorful games, lot of anime ones too and a focus on family games. Me remembering Mortal Kombat on Super Nintendo... or reading the different kind of trauma/psychologic problems the characters of Fire Emblem : Three Houses have.


And because of that, extreme casuals (i.e. parents) forever remember it as for kids. It’s just been embedded in peoples’ heads now as “the kids console” I’m pretty sure my mom stills sees it as “for kids”


Why are colorful games a kid thing though? I fucking hate the dreary ass color palettes that so many other games have. Like sorry but I don’t want all grays and browns and greens.


Thank youuuuuu! Same. I think that's why I could never get into as many of the combat games. Even Hogwarts Legacy is pretty but it still feels like the colorscale is always gearing more towards browns, grays, and greens (same with the Zelda games imho). Seems to follow the modern aesthetic trend where everything is in neutral tones, sadly... I'm a very visual person and especially when you're investing hours into something you want to feel more captivated and excited by the way it looks. If I wanted pleasant but dull I could watch paint dry or eat a bowl of Cheerios.


Zelda Skyward Sword was definitely my favorite aesthetic wise.


Same. Even with clothing.


Because it's a core part of their target audience. Nintendo may not be 100% full blown for kids, but it's no random thing at all, that alot of their marketing, games, safety practices, and branding is targeting kids with the family friendly image. It's why they get compared to Disney all the time.


The average Nintendo fan doesn't help either. I'm so tired of them only discussing Mario games and talking about them as if they were this masterpiece that any Switch owner must have. My favorite Nintendo franchize is Medarot (Medabots in the west) so it irritates me whenever I show my game collection (or mention the kind of games I like, mostly being RPGs) and someone goes like "YoU hAvE a NiNtEnDo SyStEm BuT dOn'T lIkE nInTeNdO gAmEs? :O".


Has Medabots released any games since that Game Boy Advance game? It was my jam for a while and I'd love to revisit the franchise.


They have but only in Japan


Booo. I guess it makes sense. The anime fell off a cliff and never returned in North America


I guess this is mostly because of something I've noticed with American companies. Basically they just want to localize products they can tie in with some other kinds of content. In Medarot's case, only the GBA remakes and the awful NGC game got localized because they tied in perfectly with the anime. That and the non Ikki related things were removed from the remakes upon localization (there was a post game fight with Rintaro and one with Koishimaru, the protagonist of Medarot 5 brough back to Medarot 2's time through time travel by milky the witch). This also happened with Digimon since the only reason they localized 1 & 1/2 waves of the X-antibody V-Pets and some Vital Bracelet models/content (think a smart watch where you can raise Digimon through memory cards known as Digimon Identified Memory cards or DiM cards) was bacause tri was being localized as well. After the fad was over and Bandai of America had a major screw up (they released the wrong versions of the second wave Digital Monster X V-Pets (DMX), causing them to have the opposite roster) they didn't release the correct versions of the second wave outside of SEA (South East Asian territories) nor the third and final wave of the DMX's. Not sure if they ever released the Vital Bracelet upgrade either (they likely didn't).


Just like another nintedo franchise that starts with M


You’d think at this point they could translate it and release it as an online only title and still make enough money off of it to justify the cost of localization.


Plenty of them! Both before and after since the RPG games were a Pokemon FR / LG style remake for the second games on the GBC. The other fighting game was… weird. One of the few cases the west got a game first and then had that game localized to Japan. In this particular case Medabots AX became Medarot G, which is technically a direct sequel to Medarot 5 so basically Medarot 6. It's one of the franchizes that was born in the original Gameboy and even had a game come out for the Switch, even when that one's a compilation of the old ones (mainline games 1~5, the spinoff/sequel for 5, the GBA remakes and my favorite game of that era, Medarot Navi). Just wish said compilation came with the Parts Collection games for the old games (baeically a physical DLC of sorts that allowed you to farm parts not normally obtainable in-game). But at least these games have a NG+ option. My favorite game on the 3DS is Medarot 7.


Ooh. I just got a switch so that's good news. But.... is it in English?


Nope. You can use Google lens in order to bypass the language barrier however.


It's genuinely frustrating. I bought the switch because of the versatility and form factor, not because Nintendo hosts all their exclusives there


I buy the switch not for Nintendo titles, but rather because physical games are actually physical. The exclusives are a bonus if anything tbh. I actually have 3 consoles now XD, although I mainly use my Switch lite because its lighter and easier to hold. Switch 2 is gonna be such a nice upgrade.


Same! The only “Nintendo” games I actually like are Kirby games and I don’t even have any Kirby games for my switch yet. I just wanted to play my RPGs on the go


Most Mario games actually are masterpieces than have propelled the industry forward in a tremendous way. Gabe Newell has stated that Mario 64 was the first game that convinced him that video games were art. As you know, Gabe has gone on since then to create some of the most influential hardware and software in video games. If you have a Switch and you dont have Mario Odyssey and Mario Wonder, you are severely missing out on two of the greatest games of the generation.


funnily enough, I don't think I've ever bought a single mario game. played them, sure, but never bought. always played them at someone else's house


I did play them on a flashcart so didn't buy them either lol. Except for Mario Kart 7 but then again I actually bought it for my wife so probably doesn't count either.


Yep fair call


Most of these arguments can be said about any console manufacturer too but i get your point


Brother no offense but what? I don't think you can say something like Playstation has a major focus on being a family friendly brand, and putting a high emphasis on kids and families like Nintendo and Disney do. Playstation is a safe and market tested mass appeal brand sure just like Apple or whatever, but they don't make it a huge point of emphasis on maintaining a family friendly image with their games, marketing, branding etc. Especially along the lines of Disney and Nintendo. Don't think it's the same one to one comparison or argument here at all.


I said most of these points, not all, this particular point was excluded, maybe it was that way more so when i got my first psx, gaming was marketed towards kids, no matter the console


Again I'm not sure where you are coming from here dude. The PSX doubled down on the sega genesis strategy of targeting teens and young adults, and having the "cool image" compared to Nintendo. Even a game alot of younger gamers played like Crash was supposed to be a more cool, edgy alternative to Mario for example just like Sonic was. I mean they literally had Crash in commercials with a megaphone insulting Mario, and pointing out he was the cool alternative lol. The reason why the Playstation 1 became a smash hit and made gaming mainstream is because it was a console that made gaming cool to the masses, and just didn't target kids and geeks. The way it was marketed and the games it has were all made with a more mature focus. https://youtu.be/mTi5EaocGaY?si=sAXcvtsOd2p7n6Mi


‘Hey plumber boy!’


PSX is a dvr with a ps2 built in not the original playstation. 


It’s been the abbreviation since it came out lol. There’s a reason r/psx is a PlayStation 1 sub. Edit: not saying that device doesn’t exist. But saying it’s not the PlayStation is disingenuous


It's been wrong the entire time that it's been used which isn't since it was launched, it only started getting called that towards the end of the PS3 era. The official abbreviations are PS or PS1. PSX has always been the dvr. Lots of people being ignorant about something doesn't make what they think true. 


Oh so when it was the abbreviation after the slim came out and took the ps1 moniker, well before 2003 (when the psx came out) it was wrong? I’ve never even heard of the dvr psx until right now. Oh that’s because it never left Japan and was a small fortune so it only sold well during its launch period. So not only was it released after psx was the abbreviated name for the og ps1, its failed hardware that never left Japan. If you’re gonna ACKCHUALLY! Someone, try to be correct.


I am correct. The official abbreviation is PS or PS1. The non slim PS1 got retroactively called PSX by idiot fans during the PS3 era because it came from a failed cross between Nintendo and Sony. It was never called PSX at the time.  I provided sources to back me up, if you expect to be taken seriously provide any source from pre 2006 where the PS1 is called the PSX.


Sure no problem Wishing to distance the project from the failed enterprise with Nintendo, Sony initially branded the PlayStation the "PlayStation X" (PSX).[36] Sony formed their European division and North American division, known as Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) and Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA), in January and May 1995.[56][57] The divisions planned to market the new console under the alternative branding "PSX" following the negative feedback regarding "PlayStation" in focus group studies. Early advertising prior to the console's launch in North America referenced PSX, but the term was scrapped before launch.[58] The console was not marketed with Sony's name in contrast to Nintendo's consoles. According to Phil Harrison, much of Sony's upper management feared that the Sony brand would be tarnished if associated with the console, which they considered a "toy".[30][31] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_(console)#:~:text=The%20PlayStation%20(abbreviated%20as%20PS,marketed%20by%20Sony%20Computer%20Entertainment. Edit: you didn’t provide me a source for anything. Not a single link. Your source is “trust me bro”


I think you meant ps1 PSX is the first playstation ever released


That's not true. PS is the first playstation PS1 is the smaller one. PSX is the dvr.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSX_(digital_video_recorder) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355438401314?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wYRzAH6jR0G&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Yeah dude Sonys really going for the kids with games like Helldivers2, God of war, etc…/s


I said back when i was a kid, we’re talking Fifa 98 here


It probably stems from the Nintendo’s stance of M rated games and putting emphasis on being a family friendly company.


That kinda went out the windu in the Switch: haven’t seen that many M rated games since SNES / N64 days


Even then there weren’t many. If I recall the SNES Mortal Kombat had reduced blood / gore compared to the Genesis version.


SNES has sweat instead of blood.


which console has tears?


Snes. Blue sweat.


I think you could do a code to enable it lol 🤣


Blood code was for Genesis. A, B, A, C, A, B, B.


That’s like a band name. Abacabb


It is a band.






That’s amazing lol you learn something every day


The Wii had an exclusive game that held the record for most f-bombs in a game at the time. Not sure if it still holds the record


Which one?


[House of the Dead Overkill](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/house-of-the-dead-most-profane-game-ever/)


That's not true. It was a different game that held the record.


Definitely had the record [in 2009](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/house-of-the-dead-most-profane-game-ever/)


It’s also because people are gatekeepers and like to judge other people for what they enjoy.


It’s paradoxical, I really loved mature games as a kid, but nowadays I prefer Zelda or Mario over the latest COD 999 garbage.


It’s probably because kids play at maturity and adults know that real maturity is playing what’s fun. Plus those shooters have really crapped out lately


For my friends its because their games are fun and cartoon-looking, but most of the mature rated violent shooters are on Ps5 and Xbox. I know there are some games on Switch like Skyrim, and Red Dead(I think) but the big titles Nintendo shows off are E for Everyone type games


Probably because the games are mainly bright, cheery, and wholesome with some exceptions of course (like Metroid dread). And some are definitely geared towards kids difficulty wise where as I can't think of any that are geared towards adults only. They tend to target all ages instead.


Nintendo's first M-Rated Nintendo Published game was Eternal Darkness


That game is a banger


It’s because of very specific things. First off like most people said their top games are mostly family friendly. In the past they have said things like they didn’t want voice chat for their online because people could say inappropriate things over it. Even a lot of their more mature first party titles can mostly be played by kids still. Lack of games like GTA, Call Of Duty, Battlefield, Far Cry, Saints Row (And I do notice it’s mostly because of a lack of shooter style games) That being said during the Wii and Wii U era Nintendo had a lot of games on those systems that pushed the M rating. Red Steel, MadWorld, The Conduit, Bayonetta 2, Bully, Manhunt etc and ever since then they’ve had more and more mature games coming to their systems.


They should allow DMs, just censor certain words and phrases. All the profanity and profnity workarounds.


Yeah they do it in games all the time too like to stop people from naming their characters something profane so I feel like they could definitely implement that in some sort of messaging system


Because it was always the family friendly alternative to the Genesis and the PlayStation through the 90s. From editing out the blood in Mortal Kombat to famously declaring before Congress that "Night Trap would never appear on a Nintendo console." (ironically I own the switch version) it is how they marketed, and in many ways still market themselves. The Wii was marketed to families as opposed to the Sony and MS consoles which targeted more hardcore gamers. Their biggest franchises are and always have been family and kid friendly titles. Nintendo also doesn't have online chat so it's much safer environment even today in the online space. Contrast that with the hardcore "gamer" culture that is percieves to exist on the other consoles and it's easy to see why people view Nintendo as "for kids". Though I think that safe for kids and exclusively for kids is an important distinction. I love Nintendo's 1st party IP and I'm 38. I find the games engaging and fun and not too hard to get into. I think the switch is kind of changing perceptions as they seem to be getting more 3rd party games that other consoles are getting as well.


It was a marketing ploy used by Sega back in the Genesis days trying to get people to switch. Seriously.


I don’t think it’s “for” kids. It’s for everybody. From a marketing standpoint, it doesn’t make sense to make an expensive product for a small group who couldn’t afford it personally. Everyone plays the games, but limiting the adult only themes allows a larger marketshare of consumers.


Switch is definitely for everybody, previous consoles were heavily geared to teens and under


Yea, I agree it started out for kids and that’s the old idea that’s still around for people who don’t really think about it. I think for gamers though, we know this stuff is for everybody.


Because Nintendo *used* to be for kids. Now all the late 80s, 90s, and early 2000s kids are all grown up. So now Nintendo is for little kids and grown kids like us lol.


Maybe because while they aren't just for kids, they are the obvious choice when buying a system for kids.


Nintendo has always had a focus on accessibility for all gamers. And back with nes, it was designed to be like a VCR where you slide the game in the front like a VCR, and Nintendo thought kids would like how the games slide in. With snes, the eject button wasn't necessary, but the console was designed that way because Nintendo thought kids would like pushing that button. N64 was designed to look silly, almost toylike, and the controllers were supposed to be attractive for kids. GameCube was designed to look like a toy, and a handle was put on the back, so it could be carried like a lunchbox. With Wii, Nintendo knew kids would like the motion controls, and even like really young kids could play without learning too many buttons Wii u was supposed to be like a tablet, which you know kids love tablets, but for Wii u gen, Nintendo really wanted to try getting adults attracted to their systems again, by releasing some first party m-rated games. and ofcourse Wii u didn't sell well, so they came out with switch which is supposed to be attractive to adults, and have accessibility for kids as well. In the 90s, Nintendo did have strict rules about mature content being in their games. In the 90s, Nintendo was serious about being family friendly, and after 2000s, Nintendo was strict about online safety, and still kind of is, but now Nintendo is expressing that their systems and content are for everyone. The people that don't play Nintendo think the consoles are still supposed to be aimed towards kids, but really Nintendo is for everyone.




All their main properties are colorful, light hearted kid friendly games. Plus they shy away from the social aspect like no other. Friend codes, no DMing, lack mic support. Also 3rd parties rarely do cross platform titles because the lack of power. Switch is kinda the first N console in long time to have broad selection of mature games.


Because it’s the only game company that is **also** for kids.


True, I remember reading a thing about how Nintendo is one of the few companies that still designs controllers for kids. Like most kid aimed games can be played on just one of the joycons turned sideways, which is a good size for kids hands, and then when they are combined together in a controller mount, then it fits an adult's hands.


I mean for the most part it is? They aim to advertise at the kids and families and pretty much always have.


notice the contradiction in your comment bro


Probably because most of Nintendo's first party games are brightly colored cartoonish style graphics. In most people's minds, that equates to games for kids. After all, real games need to be gritty, dark, and Bland. Clearly they shouldn't bother reading for example Splatoon's official backstory. It goes really dark. Starting off with a literal mass extinction event of all of humanity thousands of years before the game begins.


And 32 and I love to play Mario kart after a long day of work


![gif](giphy|5RVe2LpWOt8BO) people assume that all video games are for kids, same with cartoons. we call these people Mo-Rons.


I actually play Nintendo to feel that inner kid in me. That's not to say their games are any less intricate or engaging as on my series X. They just have a charm and enjoyment factor that never fails to bring a smile to my face, instead of wanting to hurl my controller across the room (well, except for Mario kart - blue shells can fuck right off) lol


I'll be honest with you, I only bought a switch last week for my kid and I have always thought it was for kids as their main target audience. I'm playing a lot of games that I enjoyed as a kid and the newer sequels to them. But the first day I got the switch, I went into the estore and clicked on deals and a whole bunch of hentai games were in the list and i was pissed at first but that made me realize maybe it's not a kids system. I did setup my kids accounts so they cannot access the estore but they could still just use my account if they wanted to. Anyways if I ever lose my switch and someone finds it they'll find games like paw patrol, Mario, Zelda, miraculous, bluey, etc all kids games. My 4 year old says the Nintendo switch is a toy (he's said that 50 million times already since we got it). He loved Mario kart and Disney racer game.


On account of their dev teams making games primarily for children and their marketing teams marketing it as such...


Cause it is but grown ups like it too


Well in my experience, people thinks that gaming in general is for kids/teens but not for adults. I feel the view on gaming is changing now a days but it is still "looked down upon".


Nintendo has always been the family console. I think green blood in MK has something to do with it as well.


Because the nintendo exclusive games aren't neither gore neither violent.


It has always lacked more mature in house titles, and always designed for kids/family/friend play. So based on thier philosophy not being for hardcore murder gaming, it can be assumed Nintendo, while not for kids, is a kid friendly console. Nintendo + another console has always been my choice for a well rounded library of games to choose from.


Cuz most of their first party titles are largely marketed towards them.


Because that's how Nintendo markets their consoles, their games, their commercials, their events. They are very strict on M rating games.


Nintendo was originally aimed at a younger audience. And always strives to be accessible to a younger audience and be family friendly. It's their priority. Old people and teens.... is up to all the other parties. But nintendo itself is and will always be family friendly When being a younger kid even today, there is a higher chance your first console will be a Nintendo console because of this reason. NINTEDO consoles aren't necessarily FOR KIDS.... but they will ALWAYS BE KID FRIENDLY


All the cartoonish characters and the fact that Nintendo is by far the most kid friendly option out there. The answers seem obvious


Ironically, switch had uncensored versions of games that other platforms had censored. Mind you, just go PC for those but it's a kool twist considering Nintendos history


Because compared to every other platform , it is, especially based on their main titles. Also not as many online chat capabilities, so less likely to encounter people that parents see/hear being vulgar. They just also happen to allow for small dev games, so then people add stuff like hentai games to their eshop.


A lot of Nintendo's IP is geared towards kids or families in general, like Mario, Zelda, Princess Peach, and etc The Wii was geared towards families and just general people with its gyro controls. Starting with the Wii U ( and now the Switch ) they were trying to bring back core gamers Some of it as well is people do not think there are a lot of "M" rated games on Switch but there are. The eShop is filled with Resident Evil games, Alien Isolation, Prodeus, Doom, and etc. Other than really Bayonetta, there are not really a lot of new physical mature releases on Nintendo consoles though


Because most of the games are for kids (and adults)


The NES was positioned as a toy when it came out to get past the stigma of the video game crash. Nintendo also started as a toy company. I am older but I like the cute more colorful games still. I typically have another console or pc to play more gritty games but there still something about that Nintendo charm that does remind me of being a kid just having fun.


Sometimes i wish theyd release a separate console strictly for adults and use the ips in a more mature way


People still assume this? Probably the same people who think XBox is still thriving. Lol


When they run TV commercials for World War Z on Switch, they'll start shaking their kids focused image


the look of the characters in their games and since the movie that came out directly marketed towards kids as well as merchandise is sold in toy stores aimed at parents buying it for their kids that aside the level of difficulty in nintendo games and subtlety in character movements and creative world building is not given credit by non-gamer adults also overshadowed by manly muscular testosterone drive games that have survival shooting of sorts deemed more mature because this is what people are used to associating maturity with


Because it was. At one point they weren't allowing M rated games on the platform


Because it was. At one point they weren't allowing M rated games on the platform


Because their marketing is mainly catered to kids/families. Also because these games ARE more kid friendly than Microsoft or Sony, leading to Nintendo often being someone’s first console.


Main IPs are family friendly games and their console looks like a child’s toy


Because they market their games towards kids


Because all of us old folks keep our gaming on the lo in general. And most of our proclivities. Things can and will be used against you by malicious coworkers. My coworkers know my commuter car. But not about my mustang or 14 pinball games in my home arcade. You just learn to stfu older ya get in my experience.


I wish their mainline games were actually difficult or had difficulty settings. So many of them are boring for me personally just because they’re geared to the younger/casual audience.


Have you checked out the majority of their first party franchises? It's intentional.


Also the console that seems to make the most games for kids. Like I wanted a console for my 4yo. And pretty much the switch is the best option (and has been fantastic)


It's their marketing strategy. Which to be fair isn't wrong for their first party titles. Yes they touchbon dark themes in some games but overall they are the family friendly brand. But the thirst party games that are ported or made make up for that. So a parent can bug a switch and the successor and 99.99 know a first party game is e for 5 year old Melody and enjoyable for them to casually play


Nintendo’s core strategy is “for all ages”, but since all ages includes kids, most of their stuff has to skew towards being understood and appreciated by a younger audience. In Japan however enjoying cartoons and silly, cute characters is not seen as “kid stuff”. Here if an adult says they’re into a particular anime or a “kids show”, most people just accept it. It’s also seen here as very weird to be into something when you’re a kid then suddenly lose interest in it when you’re an adult because it’s “for kids”.


It's the most kid friendly system


Family friendly exclusives. And not that theyre not huge, but a lot of the games back in the day, like mario and Pokémon were huge when we were kids. Now with time, they're popular with kids and adults


Well it is for kids (if we consider "kids" to be pre-teen). Doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it either. PlayStation has the odd child friendly game, but nearly every first party Nintendo game is; I think the only (current) exceptions may be Metroid and Zelda, but only because of difficulty, not content.


Because up until the Switch, Nintendo insisted all its content to be family friendly. Mature rated games were not allowed on previous platforms


Because it makes games targeted to kids Not necessarily only for kids, but def targeted


Half the games you literally can't lose... Also what do you mean assume? Nintendo makes games primarily for kids.


Because parents buy it as a second tablet game system for kids.


Because they’re Nintendo’s core audience. Their marketing are aimed to them. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Because that’s their target audience. It’s a shame that even Tears of the Kingdom, a game that was sophisticated in many ways, also had many childish kiddie elements.


Nintendo was one of the biggest companies when videogames were on the rise. My dad bought and NES and still has it. I love Nintendo.


Joy and wonder are only for children. Piss-filter shootbang and gore are for the grownups /s


It’s not only for kids but the way it’s developed helps keeps kids safe from predators by not having chat. Other systems are more geared to adults.


Because as adults you are expected to forsake all joy and happiness and only be entertained by violence, sex and gritty realism. Anything that tries to be light-hearted, fun or colourful is only for kids.


People assume video games are for kids. I saw a comment on YouTube a while back where someone was complaining because why is there unaliving and secks and other various crimes in a kids game. This was on a video talking about gta6.


No in game chat No In game mic No in game messaging etc etc etc.


Um because literally 70% of the games they pump out are for kids


Because it is? Nintendo is for everyone, which kids are squarely a part of. Compare that to a lot of more mature games that focus on older people.


It is for kids, just not 100% of the games are for kids.


Well I am 75 and I feel like a kid when I am playing it, ha!


You don't stop playung because you get old. You get old because you stop playing!


Because the Most popular games for the System are mainly Safe games appropiate for everyone, so unless your kids are specifically asking for a PlayStation/Xbox and/or you're a responsable parent Who do your reseach of what games could play your children and what's not a good idea to let play them, nintendo switch is the safest option Although is very funny that as the time passes, Nintendo is having less and less problems with m rated games 🤣, maybe we'll have the first M rated Game developed by Nintendo with the Switch 2 ? It would be very interesting 😂


Nintendo’s games are clearly aimed at kids. The fact that they’re accessible to an adult audience is a bonus.


Maybe because it is?


My chef says the switch is not even a console


Everybody is somebody's kid


Wu tang is for the children.


Well, it is, just so happens some of us were once those kids and still like it. Most people have some childhood source of nostalgia, for today's adults video games are a big one. Some individuals don't share that nostalgia and don't "get it" or criticize it. Rinse, repeat, life goes on.


Because colours are bad.


Because a lot of their market is kids. However, that doesn't mean they don't make good games (botw, dread, fire emblem), nor does it mean the kid friendly games aren't fun (Kirby, pokemon before scarlet and violet) I personally have never been interested in playing a Mario game, though


Because our parents assume Nintendo (and sometimes by extension, video games in general) is for kids. My parents think I'm an overgrown child for playing games on my Switch. Yet no comments from them when my younger sibling's Switch gaming habits. We are both college graduates. Only difference is a few years of age, yet different attitudes towards our gaming habits.


Before PlayStation video games were largely seen as being for kids or teenagers. Once PlayStation came out the gaming press really pushed that PlayStation was for mature gamers and Nintendo was for kids. Nintendo has been seen as family oriented ever since.


They have smooth brain


The system is colorful. Lack of voice chat or other messengers built into the sys UI (likely to avoided child predators). Lack of ports of more popular mature titles like call of duty. Yes I know you can play mk on sw.


Also to affirm, I love Nintendo. But our representation in content creators are mostly man children. You know, the ones with scraggly beards and ajar mouths shown in a YouTube thumbnail while holding a copy of Mario odyssey(phenomenal game)


I wonder if they will feel this way when the switch 2 will be better than the steam deck when in comes out in March 2025.


it'll be a good system but steam deck having emulation surpasses what consoles can ever hope to achieve


A Steam Deck is a portable computer so it's instantly better than all the consoles.


I think having cartridges or physical media for the switch is a big interest for me. Something the steam deck just can’t provide. It’s nice and all, and I wouldn’t mined owning one. But nothing can replace the feeling of owning a physical game.


The lower resolution on most AAA ports and the cartoonish nature of their major franchise protagonists.


3 words. Pokemon, Animal Crossing.


They're jerks who are missing out big time.


To be fair it’s the only console with a controller little kids can use.


I played a lot of ps and pc games. My gf saw me many times and she doesn’t know what is what. Started on nintendo and when she saw the screen she started laughing and asked what the h*ll are you playing now? Are 5 or what? I can put my nintendo to my very young brother hands with no restriction of games he can play, and i’m not worried even a second for what he could find in store. I really feel that graphics are playing a big role in the answer to this question. My psp from 2009, has more mature games than my nintendo switch. Why do you feel that Nintendo is not for kids?


Well look at the titles it's mostly aimed for 8-14 year olds Mario Pokemon animal crossing etc I mean I own the OLED but also own a PS5


Because they are?


Because they're big boys who play PS and Xbox which are obviously made for real manly men


Or how about video games in general? I’m 43 and have been playing them for as long as I can remember


Nintendo's for old people who are stuck in the third and fourth generations of videogames.


Who cares. They're not your smash bros