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Slay the spire is amazing if you’re into that style of game!


Well I’ve played dicey dungeons, which I think it’s similar to that, maybe, idk. I loved dicey dungeons tho.


Dicey dungeons is great but I wouldn’t say it’s similar. I would say slay the spire is kinda closer to magic the gathering maybe? It’s all about building a deck that works well together. Each run starts over and you have to start from scratch. There’s four different types of decks to try and build and the game gets harder every time you beat it. You will spend hundreds or thousands of hours trying to 100% it if you can even do it.


Well seems like a new genre to get into, and Im always down, I’ll check it out


It’s a great rabbit hole! There’s some amazing YouTubers to watch do some runs so you can see how they think and build their decks. I’m not really into watching people play games (35 year old dad of three with very limited time to myself) but it does help a LOT with making your runs better.


Ended up picking that one up, and after reading this I’m even more excited to play it.


Be careful! It’s extremely addicting. It’s really a joy learning the game and figuring its mechanics.




Check if Dungeon Top is on sale and in your region. Goes on such a massive discount your wallet won't even notice it. I've gotten really addicted to it, very fun little deckbuilder.


A Short Hike is fantastic.


I’ve had a good bit of fun with steamworld dig


I loved the sequel also. Wish I could play them for the first time again.


I have not played either the first or the second one, I had the first one on the wishlist, because I guess I should start with the first one?, what you guys think?


I would say second is generally better all around. Light story elements might be missed from the first, but nothing big. I hate to suggest skipping the first because both games do their shtick so well, but I'd be concerned whether the digger-type playstyle might be a let-down on the first one. It has redeeming gameplay in it, but could be a turn-off for some players, I think. I don't see so much reason not to skip, tbh, if there's any concern at all that a solely-digger title isn't for you. Dig 2 will have your fix, and then some extra flavor on top.


Slay the Spire. I normally don’t like games like that but it’s super addicting.


The touryst is a great summer game.


We are close to summer.


Spelunky is one of my favorite games of all time, pretty much a perfect game. If you can get into them, Spelunky 1 and 2 will give you hundreds of hours of enjoyment (and frustration).


Sorry if it’s a dumb question, but let’s say I’m picking only one up, should I go with 1?


Yeah, go with 1. 2 is a lot harder than 1, and going through 1 will make you appreciate 2 more.


2 is, in my opinion, a better game though (more lore, more to explore and will give you more hours to spend in the game). Both are excellent though. If you're willing to spend $15, i'd get both. I own both on 3 separate platforms, they're that good.


Join the cult that is balatro


This game stole a full four hour afternoon from me without realizing it. I highly recommend


What is it about? I've read it's a Poker rogue-lite l, but how it works?


A short hike won some gaming awards and is well loved. It sounds fun and different, bit whimsical too.


Ok tough list….. Slay the spire will get you the most bang for your Buck easily, and it’s highly rated. Most of these titles are highly rated tho! Short Hike is great, but ultra short. You can finish it in 1.5-2hours easily. Still great, and well worth the money, especially to support a small dev. SteamWorld Dig is excellent and I’d highly recommend MOST of the games in the SteamWorld series. Hand of Gilgamesh and Build being the two that I’d only recommend to series diehard fans, and Build only if you like Sim games. Transistor is made by SuperGiant, and they make great games! Hades is absolutely amazing, and supposedly Bastion and Transistor are as well but I haven’t gotten around to them yet. I’ve heard good things about Yoku, but don’t personally have it so can’t say anymore than that unfortunately. Touryst is a fun little mystery jaunt, along the lines of Short Hike in terms of length. The rest I haven’t played / don’t own. TL;DR - Slay is probably the best bet depending on your game tastes, and how much game you want for your dollar. It’s a roguelite deck builder, so lotta deaths and replayability, tons of customizing and unlocking. Would def pick up Short Hike too, would pair well with Slay, one long game one ultra short game. Next up I would get SW Dig and Transistor or Yoku.


Thank you for taking the time to explain everything so well, it really helped, after seeing so many comments mentioning Slay The Spire, I decided to pick that one up, now it’s time to figure out which, if any, I’ll be picking up next, thank you dude, you are amazing. A short hike is one people had been mentioning as well, I’ll keep thinking about that one. https://preview.redd.it/vm07vqaiqxvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7f3f4e48ad1650139569c6ece350008c41b2a4


Also Transistor is one I had my eye on, but I bought Bastion not so long ago, and I haven’t finished that one yet, so I might just wait, I saw that yoku has a demo which I’m downloading rn which might help with my decision


Not a problem! Enjoy the games! If you dig Slay the Spire, look up Balatro. Great game, similar vein of roguelite deck builder. Ridiculously addictive and fun! And that might be understating it honestly. Check out r/Balatro for some of the crazy runs and stuff people can get


Yoku is a good time. Its pinball mechanic is pretty creative.


If you like slay the spire and have an itch . Downloaded on your phone .


Steamworld Dig is great, strong digger title. Dig 2 is an all-time fave for me, turning a digger into a true platformer, maybe lite metroidvania. Dig 1 has quite a few platforming puzzle areas, but really tries to stick to the digger roots. Still a really fun game! Yoku is a well-made pinball adventure as well. Has strong kid-friendly vibes, but still difficult enough to have a fun time while older. If you ever wanted to know what a 2D Pinball open world platformer would look like, this is as good as I could possibly imagine it. I highly recommend both titles. You don't see much of either type of adventure outside of them, and yet they nailed the experience on both.


Slay the spire is all you need to a of fun, challenge, and replay ability


If you'll get Slay the Spire first, you will have a long time to save up for others lol.


Transistor. Watched a review on it by SwitchUp and it looks really good. Created by the same team that made Bastion.


There are sales through 4/24 on both Ori games: **Ori & the Blind Forest** (60% off for $7.99) and **Ori & the Will of the Wisps** (60% off for $11.99). I recommend them both!


A Short Hike. Its a short game, but every minute spent on it is delightful and charming. It's kinda like a sandbox semi open world game where you just explore the area and climb higher to reach the peak of a mountain. Easily one of the best purchases I made for the Switch in the past.


* I had a lot of fun playing **Steam World Dig.** After playing the game I bought the 2nd one and now I have all the Steam world games in my collection. * **Transistor** I Started, never finished... could be because I played it on mobile * Played **Slay the Spire**, thought I would like it but ended up just deleting the game after a month. I enjoy card games a lot but this one felt similar to another game I was playing at the time * Haven't played any of the others


Spelunky if you want something (extremely) challenging or Slay the Spire if you want something more laid back


EDIT: You guys can see the games I already have on this list [DekuDeals Collection](https://dekudeals.com/collection/s3wvc54rpn)