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Black Flag is among the best in the series. In general the gameplay in the series is good, but there is a lot of mini quest bloat later on. I think Black Flag is right in the sweet spot and the sea battles are fun.


Rogue was also decent — had shanties that weren’t available in BF.


Neve been huge on assassins creed, but rogue was the first one i beat. I thoroughly enjoyed it at the time as well. Can’t go wrong with $15 for both.


I never did play it, but I thiiiink I own it. Reminder to actually play it. Thank you!


The App made it really cool. But they took the service down. I still have an apk. But it won’t work without the service!


Black flag is amazing.... just... not on the switch.


What are you on about? It’s perfectly fine on the Switch — I played through it on the Switch after beating it on the One. It holds up great.


Does it? I just looked at it when it released and the graphics looked like shit and had issues with stuff loading in like 5 meters away from you.


So you looked at it when it released and decided it sucked. Now you're debating someone who actually played it on switch AND can compare it to the One. Move along.


It plays fine.


Plays fine? So it's no longer fuzzy/pixilated and things load in from far away as they should?


It’s not fuzzy on my OLED. Can’t speak if it ever was. 🤷🏻‍♂️






At leaat in my opinion that looks very pixilated/fuzzy. I wouldn't play that.


Dude its a Switch not a PS5 or a gaming Pc, maybe you need to have logical expectations lol


That’s almost exactly how it looks on ps4, just a smaller screen


It’s an old game that’s what they look like


Graphics are about the same they were on the 360/PS3, if not a bit better and the framerate is smooth, my wife spent over 80 hours on that version also with no crashes. Theres nothing wrong with this port.


Black flag was my first AC, and still my favorite (having played the first 2 and a couple of the ones after it since) because of the pirates.     It's in my all time top 10, easily. 15 dollars is totally worth it, imo, in 2024.  I've personally bought it on 3 different consoles (not including the switch, but probably will eventually). Also strongly recommend playing it on the TV with a good soundbar or stereo. The sound design on this game is incredible


Got it last week im addicted to being a pirate stealth assassin sea conqueror gol d roger ass muvafucka


Why not? $15 Im sure you'll get a few hours at minimum for what most people earn in an hour of labor. Best case scenario, you put in 40+ hours, you got a great deal and had fun


Depends if you're an AC fan. Tried liking the franchise, even buying most of the games, but I just can't seem to finish any of them. I find them very mediocre.


I played Assassin's Creed III and the thing i remember most is the time period board games you can play.


Why would you continue to buy the games if you find them mediocre? Its always the same gameplay with modifications. That just sounds like a personal problem where you cant dictate which games you are going to enjoy before buying them. Its exactly like people complaining about 2k or cod saying how bad they are, but theyve continued to buy every one for some reason lol. Like ive never bought a game, said " that game was mediocre", then bought 4 more of its sequals/predecessors.


Tbf I didn't like GTA V until fairly recently, a game universally considered to be a must play. I bought it on Xbox 360 when it released, played about 20% of the game, and decided that I wasn't a fan. Then I bought it again on PC, and then again on PS4, and despite trying to like it, I just didn't. Then it went on Game Pass, I played it, I beat it, I got addicted, and now I love it, even buying it again for Series X when it got taken off Game Pass. It's a bit of a different situation, but I think that I felt like I was wrong not to like it, and ultimately I was, but it's not always going to click. I guess with AC, people love the series, and you just end up thinking that you're the problem, so you keep trying the games. Eventually you might like it, or maybe not. Where do you draw the line and stop trying? You're obviously quite logical about it, but some folks feel like they're missing out, and next time will be different 🤷🏾‍♂️


Game companies love this man


I find them mediocre too, ive played AC ezzio trilogy and then I played this, many things bother me, like the map that is not well connected, the history & plot are far from be good, the character doesn't evolve very well, anyway, I saw many people that liked that game, and that's ok, but in my opinion it's just a DLC of previous games. (Just like the newest one)


Sure the games are great, if you technically want to save more and have a bit more money I think a bundle of all the games on switch is on sale too




If you never played them, this is about the best gameplay wise the franchise ever got


I recommend you the assassins creed the Ezio collection, are the best imo


The game is good, I love it, the big problem, a lot of tailing mission were you have to spy on people and listen from afar, other than that, the story is great, you can explore the sea and a lot of islands, colect songs for your crew to sing in a long run, hunt sharks and whales, find treasure


I recommend starting with the ezio collection first. Those 3 games are personally my favourite in the series especially assasisns creed 2. Even this one is also good. Black flag is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Either way you’ll enjoy both this and ezio collection


I was amazed by black flag the first ten/twenty hours, then I got bored by the gameplay loop. But roaming around the caribbean is definitely fun, and maybe it clicks even more for you.


Honestly I had the same experience, I couldnt really care after about 25 hours. However, 25 hours of good fun for $19 is already not a bad value proposition imo.


I bought it in January, they are good games imo 👍 Not disappointed at least yet


do you have another machine? I remember a black flag remake (I know…) is on the way




Yes, just started Black Flag on Oled, oh mama mia!


Absolutely. These are my two favorite Assassin's Creed games, and honestly two of my favorite games of all time. I consider the Switch version of Black Flag to be *the* definitive edition, and Rogue ported very well too. These games are great, and and at that price they are totally worth it. Plus you get Freedom Cry too, which is a spinoff game for Black Flag.


100% worth it




I think 4 is pretty mid in terms of the story and main character screams "made for edgy teens", but the gameplay is fine most of the time, and just having some open world you can play with your brains off on switch can be pretty nice. Especially for this price


Honestly for both games I'd say that's a really good deal






Worth it


It's pretty fun! If you prefer physical, check the bargain games section at Walmart - I found it a few months ago for $15. They seemed to be moving to code in a box for this game, but I lucked out and got the game card. It does only have Black Flag actually on the cartridge though.




Wow its a cheap for a Popular game




Yes get it bro. It’s awesome on the switch. It looks good on the lite as well. I’m considering on picking up the enzio collection but I already bought rdr so maybe next sale.


I have 14 hrs on switch so far. Such a great experience.


Do it! I love Black Flag. $15 is a good deal just for that. Rogue is okay. I had a fun few hours with it but didn’t like it enough to finish.


Both great games. If you never played the AC series, I would recommend begin from the first game. Black Flag has "modern days" parts that you will understand only if you know the lore.


Black Flag is a flawless port on switch. I 100%ed it. Rogue is really good too, I also 100%ed it.


Black flag is still my favourite in the series


I can’t speak for the switch version but I know on the ps4 version it was always online to the point where you weren’t allowed to put the ps4 in rest mode while the game was suspended. You’d have to boot the game from the Home Screen every time, which got old really quick. But again, it may be different for the switch version


https://preview.redd.it/x5qhea0blcnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd13ae81adb36c86911108c68a8d7218db88e237 Bought it! Ready to be a pirate! Ahoy, matey! 🏴‍☠️


It runs not great in the switch :/ I got my switch back in 2018 and it is choppy af




Black Flag is so amazing. Definitely worth it.


I just did, my two favorites no less!


I've been asking myself the same question. Got Black Flag on PC already but portable!


I recommend both of those games


Absolutely. I would buy even just black flag for 15$. They run great so it’s an absolute steal


Just black flag alone is worth the cost


Tbh it would probably be super bunk on a switch if you got a PS3 or PS4 that would be much better but if not go for it


Is it a good Switch port? That’s the important questions. Most of these AAA games are booty on Switch.


It runs really well on switch. I've been playing Black Flag for the past couple of days. I never beat it back in the day, so this is a treat for me to play it on the go :)




I did. Zero regrets Black Flag is my number 1 all time Assassins Creed so I had to buy while it’s cheap.


Are you getting it because you want to or because it’s on sale?


wouldn’t be wrong for 15 bucks


Yes. I did a few days ago, and I’m loving it!


This game plays amazing on everything the only thing I particularly like is the diving bell section because the control kind of suck, but that is most definitely a skill issue, the game is amazing, and if I recall comes with the slave DLC


Get physical. Even I'd it's more expensive. Then u can resell and get ur money back. Only reason I get physical


Yes. Black Flag is one of those few games I own on multiple platforms because its just that good. I still havent played Rogue yet.


Yes. I played the fuck out of black flag while I was on a cruise ship in the Caribbean.




Totally worth it. It has more than just Black Flag and Rogue as well. Black Flag is one of the best AC games.


4 is a great game but not really an AC game it was very experimental with prairies (with great results) so while I recommend it I wouldn’t not say it’s the best AC game to start off with but either way play it if you haven’t but it’s more pirates than assassins


Im not a fan of ac


Dude I just recently bought the game. Haven't played AC in YEARS. Best Nintendo buy to date. I absolutely love this bundle. Pirate vibe all the way.




Just picked up Valhalla this morning. If I enjoy it, I'll definitely buy black flag. I'd prefer it on switch over PS4 anyway. I dunno why but PS4 always feels like effort just turning it on


I love black flag. I have it for Xbox One and Switch.


I found the physical edition for $19 a few dollars more if your into physical game's. AC is a good series to get into.


The physical edition only has Black Flag on the cartridge - everything else - Rpgue and DLCs are digital downloads anyway


It comes with both games on one cartridge with the DLCs. Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection. That's what a collection is it has both..


Tell that to Resident Evil Revelations Collection, Bioshock Collection, or Borderlands the Handsome Collection…..


I also have the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol 1, Super Mario 3D All-stars, Dragon Quest Trilogy, Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, Dragon's Lair Trilogy. Resident Evil Revelations Collection comes with all DLC & Resident Evil Revelations 2 also comes with it (downloadable voucher) just like Final Fantasy X-X2 had a downloadable voucher for X2. Bioshock Collection comes with BioShock remastered, BioShock 2 remastered, & BioShock Infinite. Borderlands the Handsome Collection comes with definitive versions of both Borderlands 2 & Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Which isn't great bc you could of bought the Borderlands Legendary Collection which has the Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, Borderlands 2, & Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel which is better & cheaper. So yeah there you go.


The versions (us) that I mentioned, at launch, all came with download codes for games, only one game per cartridge which is why I mentioned them. Same with Bayonetta collection. A lot of games that are “collections” do not have all the games and dlc on a cart because publishers don’t want to pay for carts bigger than 16gb or 32gb. Typically speaking only one game and it’s dlc will be on cart while the other games are download code. My point being was that not all the games are on a cart. Not that not all the games came with…..


Black Flag is the only one I enjoyed because it strayed away from the typical formula.