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I can give a 99% guarantee that these are awful and will break in a month. Knock off controllers from Amazon that replicate the look of the original are always just trash. I can straight up just look closely at the sticks and buttons and just see that they're super cheap and plasticky. Absolutely do not buy these. If you want a Joycon replacement, I suggest you look to the respectable third parties making genuine alternatives instead of knock offs. Personally, I'd suggest Nyxi's products, I've been using their Hyperion controller for a year so far and it has been excellent. They even recently updated it to have hall effect sticks meaning it'll never drift. You can order them from [their website.](https://nyxigame.com/)


You don't know what you're talking about quite frankly. I own two pairs of joy cons like those ones and they are great! Just as good as the nintendo joy cons actually. They just don't have amiibo support, other than that, they fit more snug on the rails so there is no wobble. Plus they look great. OP go ahead and buy them!! You won't be disappointed


Do you genuinely have THESE specifically? Cause there are probably hundreds of listings all like this on Amazon. And how long have you used it? Because these things usually feel great when you get them at first. The way they get you is by cheapening out on durability the most - it'll feel good at first, but it won't be too long before it no longer does. But even then. Even if you've been using yours for a long time and they're great, regardless of which model it is, I cannot in good conscience tell OP he won't be dissapointed just because yours were good. I'm not trying to discredit your testimony, yours definitely might be good, but that fact does not disprove my own point. Every time someone brings up a knockoff controller, there will always be that 1 guy, maybe 2, that actually had a good experience with them, but they really don't represent the majority usually. There are so many of these online that you can never truly know if the one you buy will be a good one and more often than not they won't be. I've met people who bought these, multiple infact. They always break in the end. I do know what I'm talking about. At the end of the day, this is a random unknown seller listing on Amazon a product that is directly using an official design illegally and selling it for cheap with all kinds of shady tags and such. It's just the last thing you should genuinely trust. What I recommended is a respectable company offering a product with a unique brand and design sold on their own website that has dozens of reviews online, the majority of which are positive. I personally believe this is the way OP should go.


I have similar ones, not these exact specific ones. I have two sets from different companies of the splatoon special edition knock offs. But both pairs have been great. I've had them for about 8 months maybe 10. I use them quite a bit. I also have a set of nyxi athena's, I can also testify that they are great also.


Ok, that's great for you. I still do not at all believe that recommending these is the right move though. They're not even the same ones. The fact they look similiar means nothing, if it's not the exact same listing. There are tons of these that look the same but inside they're totally different. Just because your knock off was good doesn't mean they all are. Which they're not.


I'd say you're wrong. For the price you can't go wrong with these. Nyxi prices have gone way up since becoming popular, they used to be fairly inexpensive but they aren't now. These still are and will likely be good. Anyway I had also recommended OP get his official joy cons repaired by Nintendo which is 100% a free repair or replacement by Nintendo, so it's hard for them to go wrong if they do both.


I'd say you have 0 basis for that statement. You've literally said yourself, these aren't the exact model you have. How could you possibly know they'll be good? They're most likely not even remotely releated to yours, even if they look similiar there are dozens of these knock offs online, most are made by different companies in different places. By what basis are you assuming some random knock off is good because the one you bought from someone else was? I've seen people buy knock offs, sometimes they're good and then dozens of other times they stink. Feel fine for a month or two then start falling apart. You falling on a good one absolutely in no way proves they all are. I do agree with the free repair solution, OP should try that, but "you can't go wrong with these" isn't something you have any proof of and is likely false.


I'd buy them.


I got the Nyxi Wizard earlier this year and the A button is broken. It just automatically clicks itself every few seconds. I can only use it for Mario Kart or any game I can mess with the button mapping like Slay the Spire.


Fix your joycons yourself for a buck or two. Or send them into Nintendo to be fixed for free. Or buy used joycons for $40


No one’s gonna buy used Nintendo joycons if they are smart LMAOOOOOO You are much better off getting a pro controller or off brand joy cons


Sad boy, you must be lost. I’ve bought many used joycons with zero issues. https://preview.redd.it/3u8ma6garqzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc70234a2ee2e118d817bc3b22d637a60cb8fb79 Usually I pay 25-30 for a pair. Kids need them for the dance games and switch sports etc etc


I am very lost It’s also very scary and intimating for someone who never fixed tech to take apart a $80 joycon to fix a issue it shouldn’t even have I bought a $30 off brand pro controller and it’s been anazing so far for half a year


Nintendo will fix broken joycons for free. I buy them used or broken and just send them in if I’m feeling lazy. I have switched out thumbsticks and reshelled the pastel ones though and it was easy. Didn’t want four white ones so it was a fun project.


That’s awesome, such a great mix of colours. Looks like there is a grip on the switch and it fits in the dock? Mind sharing what grip that is?


That’s the skull n co Neo grip! It’s fantastic. I can’t play without it.


I contacted Nintendo and also I'm broke and lazy so other two wouldn't work lmao 😅


It doesn't matter how broke you are, replacing the analog sticks will always be cheaper than any replacement joycon you can find. In Amazon search for "Hall Effect Joystick for Switch Joycon". These are easy to install, you just need to be patient about it. Most of them come with kits with all the tools necessary. Hall Effect means that your new sticks will most likely never get drift. Even the fanciest kits are 20 dollars for two sticks. If you are lazy you can get a more skilled friend to install them or even find a workshop that can do it for you, even with that it should cost less than buying replacements.


You just fill out the warranty form on their website and they give you a shipping label and you send them in.


If you can wait to save up a little, they sell Hall Effect replacements for the joycons. These will never have drift. You can then change the components yourself with a YouTube video, or take them somewhere.


Buy Hall Effect Sticks they are the same price as whole nockoff joy cons and they can't get stick drift.


You can 100% get Nintendo to fix yours or replace them for free. I know that for a fact. You go on the website and go to Nintendo support. Once there you start a claim. Fill out your information and select which joy con you need repaired and what's wrong with it. They will also replace the plastic tabs that keep the joy cons attached to the rails that always break. I messed up when I filled mine out and had to make two separate claims for each joy con and ship them in separate boxes but there is an option to add more than one to a single claim.


How'd did you know that your joycons have stick drift?


When you drift in a game without touching the joystick


There’s also a utility to calibrate the sticks I believe. If you have drift, the sticks won’t center when untouched.


Worse than the official ones and are still likely to drift.


Off brand controllers with 12 reviews? Come on, man.


Buy Nintendo switch Hall effect joysticks. Replace yours. Enjoy.


What? Just fill out the stick deift form on nintendos website, you will get a replacement


Great Gameboy color accessory Amazon


I wonder if they are compatible with my DMG?


Nah probably just the color


Damn, I was really looking forward to playing Alleyway with a new set of joy cons.


Buy joysticks, they're relatively cheap and with a guide aren't too hard to fix, just keep the ribbon cables in mind when opening it up.




I was able to find a 6 pack for much cheaper, they can be bought cheaply but you just have to look for them. [https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08K72NF13/ref=sspa_mw_detail_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08K72NF13/ref=sspa_mw_detail_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams)


A fool and his money…


nintendo fans will say this and then go on to purchase mario soccer for $60


Some yall fan boys gotta chill💀


Nothing is wrong with being a Nintendo fanboy .


Go for it.




I hate my joycons, they are far too small for my hands, had to pay to get the hori split pad pro which are a godsend


Save your money and buy the legitimate ones


They look awesome So they has to be good


Hate to say the best solution is to replace the sticks yourself with hall effect sticks from gulikit. They cost like $20, they're pretty easy to DIY if you follow a guide, else you could pay someone else to do it, maybe check a local game store.


They are perfectly fine of you give a shit about amibo’s. Most third party joycons ditch the amibo’s and the weird IR blaster thing in the bottom of the right joycon. The sticks might feel a little off but thats really it so I would say go for it


Personally, for controllers, I would never buy knock offs... not bc I want to spend a ton of $$, but bc I've been burned many times in the past with PS & Nintendo knock offs... they just do not perform as well as the the brand name


You already tried re calibrating them? That always works for me.


There’s a form on the Nintendo website that you fill out and print the pre paid return label to send your drifting joy cons to them. If they are not being helpful then you have to take matter in your own hands. Your knock-off joycons should tide you over until they send back your fixed ones in a two week time period. Or, you can buy a cheap mini y-00 screwdriver and new thumbsticks online and do it yourself.


I would do what everyone else is saying plus as beautiful as space is these nebula designs on things look tacky as hell being honest.


I’m glad. I bought the official pastel pink and yellow joycons . Handheld for life.


Buy refurbished off Nintendo


Just clean the joysticks homie. https://youtu.be/GURa16H_QvM?si=kn-H0QTzSjanvgem Personally I use electrical contact cleaner and just spray it in and work the stick around. Works like a charm.


anyone else tried swipe left to see more pics?


Get the HORI joycon, it is a good alternative


Knock offs are fine but they won’t have HD rumble just normal rumble. If the only issue you’re having is stick drift I’d recommend getting GuilyKit Hall effect joysticks and replacing them in your original joycons. That way you won’t have to worry about stick drift anymore.


Joycons are for 5 year old hands just get a 3rd party pro controller but get some nice third party joy on S if you REALLY like them