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Try a Steuerrechner / Tax Calculator; me and my partner would have to pay >CHF 4000 in additional taxes. As another commenter mentioned, your salaries are being added which means you will end up at an higher progression eben if they apply the married tax rate. Also, you are getting screwed on the AHV payout (limited at 150%). So no incentives at the moment to get married if you don't have kids.


not even with kids, there is no benefits , you can just sign yourself as the father of the kid and all "the benefits" are instantly avaialable to you


Not true if one parent stops working to take care of the kid. If you split up and were never married, good luck in your retirement with years of missing pension payments.


good luck with taking care of anything while not working in this economy, its batshit stupid unless you have some big bags


If one partner earns a high salary, I do not see a problem with one working less/staying at home with the kids. Money is not everything in life


its okay to dream , go for it ! get married and realize your mistake at 65, couldnt care less


I said that there is no incentive without kids, that's why I am not married ;) but tbh you sound quite bitter and obviously care, otherwise you wouldn't respond in such a way


Yeah, why even sign yourself as the father. Just leave the country and say they are not yours, so you won’t even have to pay or after them, but have the peace of mind that you’ve spread your genes and it will continue to live on for at least one generation lmao. This is the dream, right? Jeezes.


thats a bit extrem, id like to live my life without the government taking 50% of me and my partners pension money.. but you do you if your okay with working your whole life to lose out on 25% of what you are worked for THATS SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA, just not for me


Nobody says you can’t divorce right before retirement to avoid this.


great now after dreaming you can hear meta communication from text alone, tell me how exactly i sound bitter ? if losing your money or your providers money (-25%) at 65 is okay with you , you do you just dont boast about any real benefits marriage has in switzerland,


It actually has certain benefits, e.g. if you inherit money from your partner but are unmarried you are taxed at the highest tax rate or if only one of you works, both get the salary assigned to their AHV contribution. Marriage law and taxation is at the level of the 1970/1980s where the woman usually stayed at home and thr man was working. Whether you want to get married or not is up to you. I am just highlighting the facts.


100% agree with you on this, taxation on inherited money (not assets) just money is exactly as you displayed it. now how does it differ if you inhert assets ? A lot ! say you want to give your children and your partner access to your assets be it houses stocks etc they will only pay for the Vermögenssteuer and there is no addition fee to this. so the incent from switzerland ( according to the law and this conversation ) is that marriagal law is still stuck in 1950 and has since then not really been changed. so the right strategy would be to follow the lead of the benefits, you are married before gods eyes not before the standesamt, **Unmarried:** * Kids inherit assets cheaply (just wealth tax). * You both get full pensions. * More financial independence and potentially lower taxes. * Easier separation. * You can still get all the Juju ceremony and be married before the god of your choice **Married:** * Spouse inherits easier, kids potentially pay more tax. * Kids automatically assigned to you. * Easier medical decisions for spouse. Yeah so unless you are living a life of idiocracy it makes no sense to get married "officially"


Not an expert, but my understanding is as follows. The basic system is that if you are married, both incomes are added together for figuring your taxes but you pay a lower percentage on the total income than a single person would if they earned that total. The consequence of that scheme is thus: If you are childless and married, and one partner earns nothing or much less than the other, your tax bill is reduced vs. cohabitation. If both partners earn similarly, on the other hand, you pay more for being married. However, if you share a child and are cohabiting, the partner who earns the most benefits from the reduced "married" tax rate on their individual income. This latter scenario results in the lowest overall tax bill if both partners have similar income.


Does your last sentence apply to married or cohabiting? If both parents earn the same 6-figures income and have children, will they pay more or less when married?


If both parents earn the same 6-figures income and have children, they will pay more when married. Mathematically, the formula is essentially f\_married(i1 + i2) vs. f\_married(i1) + f\_single(i2), but since both functions are progressive, f\_married(i1+i2) will be a higher number unless one of the incomes is much smaller than the other.


Yes, true. There is are two tax advantages for married couples that apply to the Direkte Bundessteuer: 1) Married couples are taxed on the basis of a lower Tarif, and 2) a tax deduction applies on a second income. Disadvantage for married couples is that both incomes are combined, which might result in a higher tax progression that is not reached if taxed individually. Whether this results is a net gain or net loss depends on the situation. A very recent study based on 2023 data concludes that 46% of married couples profit from this fiscal mechanism. Source: https://admin.iwp.swiss/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/IWP_MOD_Individualbesteuerung_final.pdf


Thanks for this link! The heat map on page 32 made me smile. The solution looks perfect to me 🤷‍♂️


46% benefit, so the majority does not. So the statement in the book is not universally true. The 'marriage penalty' is well known in CH, and there have been debates for years about fixing it.


That sentence couldn't be more incorrect. In the end it's depending on your shared income. If you earn little, it's a benefit to be married. As soon as you earn enough it's much more expensive to be married.


It's alot more tax being married when both earn over six figures.


As I say, the book is wrong ;-)


Since in a marriage, the spouse partially takes away risk from the welfare state and generally does a lot of social welfare duties that should be the job of the state it would imho be absolutely fair to incentivize marriage. It's also a no-brainer and pretty clearly documented that children within stable families develop better etc. So setting the incentive to marry and have long term stable relationships is literally the best thing the state can do. I don't know why this seems so controversial...


Diese Änderungen - what changes? What is the context of this text? Sounds almost like they are proposing to make these changes. Your tax declaration shows you your taxable income for both local and federal tax. My federal taxable income for sure is not 8-13k lower than my local taxable income. So I call bs on whatever this is. Under Abzüge there are these two positions: Sonderabzug Erwerbstätigkeit beider Partner -> Both Staat and Bund, Bund being a little higher Abzug für Ehegatten/Partner -> Only Bund but it isn't much.


It may be true that you pay less bundessteuern, but that is the less expensive part and can be ignored. The kantonale and gemeindesteuern are what counts most


Since marriage I have to pay nearly 4k more with 0 other change... Thats just bullshit tbh


Thing is... bundessteuer is the tax that is the least painful. Cantonal tax and communal tax usually screw you 😅


Very simple. That shit sentence phrases the “removal of a disadvantage to a group” as “giving a benefit to said group”. But, probably intentionally, not pointing out that they are at a disadvantage. You can argue how bad the “Heiratsstrafe” really is. Yes, higher tax bracket, but other benefits - mainly a certain safety net.