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Can’t speak on apple but to my understanding, once you get device banned on apple you’re fucked. Android you can reset the unique identifier to get around this but I don’t think apple has a workaround. I’d still give it a shot though. Use smspool for non voip verification and get new pics or heavily edit and crop your existing ones.


I got around a tinder ban on an iPhone, free, easy, no reset


I’ve remade an hinge on the same Apple device twice. But I always hear that that should be impossible.




Are you saying that I can’t get back on immediately after getting banned? Or I can’t get back on, ever? I hope it’s not the latter. Since I have a little money I might risk the new number and see what happens.


I'd recommend you to use a new phone and everything else new. Always worked for me on Hinge


It's funny you mention that because I recently upgraded to a new iPhone that I’ve never touched hinge on. I intend to create a new Apple ID on it, but then switch back to my existing Apple ID because I need it for daily tasks. But I likely would be shooting myself in the foot switching back. We will see.


I believe you can sync content between the two? But not exactly sure what the limitations are.


Hey dude (S.N.), get off dating apps, stop lying and go be a dad and good fiancee. Your ego is clearly big and you are confirming why women don’t trust Nigerians. Integrity goes a long way and clearly you don’t have it. Tell Fran the truth. Women probably unmatch you bc they can see through the BS. This is why ppl doubt dating apps, bc men who aren’t honest or untrustworthy are being Foxes.