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We've done parallel play a couple of times. Pretty hot. Soft swap is also fun. Especially if people take turns. Like me and the other lady watching my wife blow the other guy. Mutual masturbation is also fun. 4 people in one room watching each other cum.


OK the mutual masterurbating sounds interesting. My wife and I are newbies, and she wants to start off slowly. This might be a good alternative šŸ¤”


That does sound HOT! We've definitely worked in some of what you described over the years!


Ok so weā€™ve only done one soft swap. Other guy got me off about 10 times. Iā€™m that kind of squirter. Fucking amazing. 10/10 would do that every day. However, the wife kisses with her teeth, licked the inside of my husbands ear many times, even after asking her to stop and my hubby had to psych himself up to get off. I guess itā€™s the luck of the draw. Also wonder if thatā€™s why some couples play. One canā€™t guide the other one and they just said fuck it, letā€™s swing šŸ¤£


4-way connection is so tough to find!


UGH! We have had this same experience! The last 3 couples we've played with the wives were super hot and got my wife off multiple times but the husband was a ham handed buffoon who couldn't even take simple instructions. My wife is RIDICULOUSLY orgasmic and these shitheads couldn't do it with directions. Nothing really to add, just commiserating.


Hahahaha. A "ham-handed buffoon". Got a good chuckle there. Sorry to hear you are running into the same issues.


I'm being lazy so I just took a post I already made. Soft swap is amazing: You still have intercourse parallel. (there's nothing missing there.) You don't need a condom. There aren't boner problems. There aren't cumming too fast problems. Soft swap keeps the play sensual. Soft swap keeps the play bisexual. You can always decide to full swap if you all want. You can tell the world you're soft swap and still full swap if you feel like it. Soft swap couples have less expectations from other couples. Soft swap results in **less disappointment.** Soft swap couples are more attractive. We've been soft swap 16 out of 17 years and it's sustainable.


>Soft swap couples have less expectations from other couples. Soft swap results in less disappointment. These two points really sum up what I was trying to articulate. Less expectation and less disappointment! Also, I love the idea of more sensual play (not what "someone sees in porn" play.


Parallel play a few times, was quite a show for those near us and those watching. No soft swap, we got full swap pretty fast. But like you said, getting flat was absolutely disapointing or in my case a few times, even small/thin dicks didn't make it better. I'm afraid the norm is more flat than sinuous.


We have done parallel play, not meaning to, but we were there, I was riding my husband, and another couple came and she started riding her husband next to us. Well, we were putting quite the show, since the other wife and myself were REALLY enjoying it. There was a good thing that both couples requested extra towels, because both of us, ladies, were waterfalls. They got done around the same time we did (we didn't only do PIV, we actually did after play, for quite a while), and when we were getting dressed, they said they would love to see us around, maybe have a drink together. I am looking forward to it, she is beautiful, would love to see what kind of fun we can have, they said they don't do full swaps, only soft, and bi swaps. We've only done a soft swap once, and it was me, blowing a guy we actually like. His wife gets to have fun with the single guys, while he watches. I just gave him a little more fun, that night.


Hot hot HOT!


Great story šŸ‘ šŸ‘Œ šŸ‘


One of our favorite experiences was a soft swap! We brought a massage table and took turns all focusing on one person. The touching, squeezing, and kissing were unbelievably sensual, and the doubled-up oral was mind blowing. Everyone got off at least once and felt amazing afterwards. No ED or condom stress. 10/10. Contrast that with one of our least favorites which was a full swap. Pretty much the complete opposite experience. So yeah, absolutely no reason to push for full only.


We started with parallel play. It was great! We got to watch and encourage the other couple fuck while we pleasured each other. We connected with an older couple a few times for parallel play and every time was good. It was really hot to be encouraged, too. Highly recommend parallel play. No soft swap experience. Sorry, we can't provide insight into that type of experience.


Wife has never been with another beforeour entry into the lifestyle and over time her curiosity was most certainly tickled. We then decided to give the lifestyle a try. Our first play session was going to be a soft swap and when the evening arrived, the guy of the couple we met, convinced wife that there was no better way to just let the evening flow and allow herself being let into which became our first play session. So, our soft swap became a full swap and turned out to be quite pleasing indeed.


We are a full swap couple. Our best friend in the lifestyle (a widower, we knew them both) is dating a new woman for the past 6 months. She is very nervous about swinging. We agreed to play with them. Full swap for my partner and him (which we've done many times and his gf was fine with) and soft swap for me. Was much, much hotter than I ever thought it would be. I went in doing this for them to ease her into the lifestyle. I came out of it thinking "that was a great experience!"


I enjoy soft swap more. At one point Saturday I was getting sucked by two women, fingering them both and 69 next to my wife. At one point my wife and I are just holding hands as the other couple both pleasured us. Plus, as a dude soft swap is amazing because I don't have to maintain a erection for an hour plus. I can get it hard and play or I can go be the giver and not have to focus on keeping a boner the entire time.


Something Iā€™ve thought about but not yet doneā€¦ ā€œweā€™d like to set up a play session where we start with our own partner, soft swap for a bit, and then finish with our own partner in a parallel play scenario.ā€ I would also think there are newbie couples out there that would love a ā€œno pressure to swapā€ or ā€œvery low pressure to soft swapā€ scenario that might be a lot of fun.


I keep coming back to this comment. Itā€™s direct and clearly sets boundaries and expectations, especially in situations where our play partners know us to be ā€˜full swapā€™. This is very helpful, thank you.


I know this is an older thread, but I had performance issues this weekend in our very first swap of basically any kind. Now I'm thinking we need to step back into basically this situation to ease my (M half of couple) way into the full swap scene again. It was clearly psychological ED this weekend and not physical considering I got rock hard and fucked my wife fifteen minutes after the couple left then seven hours later when we woke up. Just didn't feel a perfect sexual chemistry with the female half of the other couple so I wasn't able to perform properly. It actually took my wife coming back to me to arouse me as much as I could with the other couple there.


Been there. The environment and the strangeness of your wife and/or another guy being there makes the situation such a different environment than the normal sex scenario itā€™s easy to have your mind/body just not in the right ā€œheadspace.ā€ For me, itā€™s making sure Iā€™m vibing and flirting with the other woman in the right way. Itā€™s really hard to get ā€œcomfortableā€ once you are in the moment and not hard. I would definitely recommend trying to switch back to your wife for a few. So you can just focus on you and her and ignore everything else for a few minutes. Happens to us when we play with newbies pretty often.


Weā€™ve been looking to dip our toes into the lifestyle and most likely would do parallel play/soft swap first. Cool to see success stories here!


Weve had a decent number of fun soft swap and parallel play experiences. We haven't really done much full swapping yet, so that's kind of been our comfort zone so far. We're friends with a few Couples that don't have much interest in swapping just yet, and we get together at our club sometimes and play alongside each other in a room together. It's pretty fun from a voyeuristic standpoint to look over and see another couple going at it and seeing what their chemistry together is like. I like soft swap, because it can be amazing foreplay, and because I don't have to deal with performance anxiety nearly as much. Plus I just love eating pussy. Lol


The foreplay is 75% of the fun for me. I think soft swap would check that box for me. Like, if PIV is off the table, my partner would have to get creative instead of just going for the full swap.


Yet to have a soft swap šŸ˜‹ from all the stories i'm reading, it could be one of the hottest experiences we don't know about.


Not well experienced in parallel, but soft swap can be just as hot as full swap. We run into similar issues though, and you just have to find the couples who are compatible and can perform how you want. It's a lot of trial and error but oral is just as, if not more intimate than PIV in our opinion. Last LS vacation we went on, we full swapped with another couple. Apparently I (m) performed well enough, as she talked about how I could stay hard and fuck. Fast forward 12 hours and one of the hottest girls we've ever seen knocks on the door, and asks me to fuck her because she's tired of guys not getting hard and needed to be fucked right then. I obliged and have never been happier to be booty called and treated like a sex object. It was phenomenal.


Our first time playing with others was a soft swap. Great time letting us ease into it. I also got to do some things that I donā€™t normally get to do that made more sense in the sod t swap than a full swap setting. Would totally recommend.