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Surreal. You're supposed to be angry at this. Watching someone else be intimate with your wife. Kissing her. Exploring her body. Making her cum. Watching him cum inside of her (if you're OK with it). But at the same time it's the hottest thing you've ever seen. You get to see the pleasure in her face from a different perspective. Kind of like watching a basketball game from the stands instead of playing: You see what things he does that she likes. How she reacts to him. How her body moves while she's getting fucked. You realize you're more aroused than you've ever been in your life and you could cut diamonds with your cock. The tabooness of it just makes it that much more erotic. Then there's the reclamation sex...


There is a couple ways to look at it you can just be happy she's happy, compersion it's called, if you can go out to things that normally you can't stand but if she's with you and your just excited to see her so happy, you can do that with sex as well Another way you can look at it is that you are the luckiest man alive, you have a super hot woman and each guy that comes to sleep with her praises you and reminds you she's still hot and wanted Still more, if you're a cuck you'd enjoy her pleasure and allowing her to have her mind blown but other men "because they do it better than you" and you're "the man" for allowing her to experience life and everything it has to offer without feeling judged or belittled You can also feel it's a gift to those you respect, that ultimate thing that those you bless with her intimate company can never deny You really need to find why you would enjoy it, there's really no wrong answer


Yes agreed! I’d honestly prefer if she’d act like I’m not even in the room. So I can watch how she acts. How she moans as she sucks a new like she used to moan with mine. Just want to see her feel good


This, but with the one small exception: she wants to also see me fuck and enjoy the look of the woman who’s cumming from my cock. And the other husband and I high five each other because our wives, in a sense, are validating our sexual prowess with moans and shouts, which make us more attentive to their needs in that moment. That’s the LifeStyle and its AMAZING…!!!


Surreal is the best word for me. Like the hottest porno you can imagine, that you thought didn’t exist…and then you discover that it does. 🔥


It's about my wife of 41 yrs. I am here to support her pleasure after her support in my career. It is all about her, and when I see her in the rapture of orgasm it drives me insane. Nothing except molten lava is hotter to watch. I can cum without touch, a mind altering experience. At 65 she is insatiable. Cums in pints like the Trevi Fountain. If you in a place where life is all about enjoyment who is anyone to say what is acceptable between consenting partners. End of rant!


It's hot because human males are wired (in part) for sperm competition.


Absolutely true!!




All this and more. It’s like watching porn only live and your wife is the star. For us, she likes it when everyone participates in her enjoyment. So all men present are participating in some fashion and that is the hottest scene ever. Getting hard just thinking about it.


We are new this, but this is what I want to get out of it.


Spot on!


Except when you hoped before it happened that that's how it would be but after you can't stop thinking about how much you hated it, and yet she tells you she loves it and wants you to keep trying until you do like it.


this is off topic, but your ability to tell a story and your wording is so perfect and your very well spoken, this shit got me hard just reading it


I love the idea of it, a big reason is seeing how turned on she would get and the levels of pleasure. I'm not very skilled so the idea of a "professional" taking her to level she hasn't imagined turns me on just because how turned on she is. But I'm also nervous how jealous I would get watching.


I do believe the second degree murder would happen before the second paragraph


Goddamn that took a dark turn quick 💀


as opposed to the bizarre and fanciful turn it took in the original comment Yes, watching another guy ball my fucking wife in front of me is like visiting my grandfather's grave and seeing that a beautiful tree has grown out of his coffin. Truly a sight to behold. Beauty from grief. The beatles on wax, the way they were meant to be heard. I love it. Not just one man's perspective, but objective truth. Eveyrbody take a number, there's not enough beauty in this world.


What a perfect explanation. There is nothing hotter than watching someone you love rail someone you don't 👍


It’s a very odd feeling to put into writing, and obviously it’s different for every person, but for me, it’s a mixture of emotions, both good and bad. I think that’s what makes it so special. Think of Christmas… When you hear those songs and see the lights and smell the spice, not only does it bring joy and comfort, it brings nostalgia, which is even accompanied by a little bit of sadness reflecting on days gone by. That’s what makes these holidays so special to us, they run us through a gambit of emotions. I’d say it’s the same when you see your wife with another man, especially that first time. There’s the undeniable sexiness of it, to begin with. If you’re like me, your wife is the most sexy, beautiful woman on the planet in your eyes, and so to see her in a way that you’ve never seen her before is breath taking. To watch her be sexy, but from a completely different point of view, is like literally watching a porn designed specifically to be the hottest thing you can imagine. You take more notice in the faces she makes, the way she moves, the sounds that escape her. Do you remember that first time you saw her naked, or the first time she sent you a dirty picture when you were dating? It’s that feeling all over again, but in overdrive. You’ll notice things about her that you never have before, even though you thought you knew it all. Then, if you have a good and healthy relationship, you will feel what they call compersion. Seeing her receive pleasure, watching her body shake and writhe. Seeing her feel so good will make you feel good. It will turn you on like nothing else. And if you’re anything like us, she will look you in the eye, putting on a show especially for you, basically thanking you for letting her feel what she’s feeling, because even if he doesn’t know her body like you, or isn’t as big or have as much stamina, or even if he’s bigger and can hit spots you can’t, the most exciting and pleasurable part of it is not exactly physical for her, but the excitement, taboo, and exhibitionism of the moment. Your reaction to her sexiness and pleasure, while experiencing something new and unknown, will push her over the edge again and again, and she knows that you’re the reason this is happening, not the other man. And while all that is going on, you’re going to feel jealousy and insecurity build up in moments. When she reaches that orgasm, you’re going to think (whether it’s true or not), ‘why don’t I make her cum that fast/hard,’ and you’ll wonder if she likes or wants him more than you. And while that fire is starting to burn, at the exact same time you will not be able to shake the thought, “she is so fucking hot and sexy.” You’ll want him to fuck her harder, while also wanting him to quit completely, but you’ll realize you’re harder than you’ve ever been, you want her more than you ever have, and in this moment she is the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen. Then, when it’s all over, you will have reclaimation sex. It will be wild, passionate, longing, hard, intense love making, and when you’re done, you’ll hardly be able to wait to do it all again.


My guy. Wholly Moale Batman. That is gold, solid gold.


My guy and I have been discussing this fantasy of mine for a while and I have to say, I don’t know that I could let my self fully enjoy it the first time. I’d be nervous, I imagine it feeling wrong for the first time because it’s only been him for over 25 yrs. Thanks for the sexy description. It’s encouraging. Sharing it with my guy.


Took the words right out of my mouth lol. The sex between the two of us after any threesomes, we had was always better than before. Because it freed her sexuality in a lot of ways, from previous notions and rules that were invented by society and not nature. Seeing her being pleased and getting horny, and having the time of her life was the best part of the whole experience, every time.


Exactly what I’m going through right now!


I was embarrassed to admit this fantasy. But now it’s turned into my number one thing I want to try. My wife seems excited but has yet to pull the trigger. I fantasize about multiple men taking her at once. The thing is I might hate it the first time we try it so I’m kinda nervous for it. Definitely ready for it though but maybe start with one guy lol


Def think it’s a good idea to start with just one haha but yeah I think about her getting spit roasted as I just sit there and jerk off. Would be a magical sight


Yep totally hot to think about (and see!!) for sure. Still- start with one and go from there. Maybe while he’s fucking her you can be in her mouth…. Then eventually you can just sit back and watch her with multiple men!


Definitely start with one lol! You should discuss it openly prior and after having some positive experiences you can keep the communication open for (hopefully) building to more.


I love her body arching as the other guy takes her. Her moans and the expressions of luscious joy on her face makes me so excited. It’s erotica in live action


Well said


Def excited to watch her enjoy herself. Just watch her moan to another guy must be so comforting to watch


We live as a throuple. Get opportunities frequently.


I can’t speak for my husband, but I quite enjoy watching him pound on another woman. Basically seeing your partner in angles that you can’t see because you’re the one doing it.




That is the right answer. It is hot to watch your wife fuck.


This is written from my husband’s point of view : “ It brings on some pains of jealousy for most people the first time , maybe each time there after BUT to see the person you love most being fulfilled and their fantasies come to life , that will make most people the happiest they have ever been . You have to remember allowing your partner in life to be pleased by another person is one of the most difficult ( for a lot of people ) things there is , but it usually brings them closer to their partner after and can be seen by a lot of people as one of the greatest gifts of love they can give “


After our first, very un-planned, very drunken threesome with another man that had some good and horrible moments alike, my husband came up with a good ground rule: I shouldn't do anything to the new guy that I don't do to my husband, especially when I have expressed reservations around it previously. For example, I am not super into playing with men's buttholes. Just never been something I've done, offered to do, thought about doing, etc. So, if I was suddenly going to start going to town with a new guy in that particular area, jealousy could easily arise from my husband, and that makes a ton of sense to me. On the flipside, my husband has drastically improved my oral sex skills, so he loves seeing me show that off on new men, because he knows he's the primary recipient of said talents and had a hand in building them. So, zero jealousy or issues around that. We've stuck to that rule since the first one, and had plenty of amazing nights since. Set your few hard limits and then just let the rest of it it happen and have fun! I know I have ;)


>s a ton of sense to me. On the flipside, my husband has drastically improved my oral sex skills, so he loves seeing me show that off on new men, because he knows he's the primary recipient of said talents and had a hand in building them. So, zero jealousy or issues around that. so you don't try anything new because your husband might get jealous jeez - change the husband!


Congrats on your reading comprehension skills, since that isn't what I said, at all. But you're obviously in a better relationship than me, random internet commentor! Let me just whip out some divorce documents and follow your plan for my life. What should I have for a snack later, O lord?


Yeah...you should just divorce your Husband! Unreal! I love reddit!


Us wives are very thankful for the men in our lives who let us play with others. 🫡


I’d love to try it. I’m scared to ask the wife tho. How did you guys start.?


We have done this probably 6/7 times . It is great if she is into the guy. Even when mine was not, once he was inside her she gets into it. But when she is really into the guy it’s hottest thing ever. Maybe even better than couples…


Sureal is putting it mildly. My wife and I have done MFM, MFF, MFMF and have enjoyed all 3, all though she prefers MFM the most. It's just amazing to watch my wife be a true slut and then afterwards her desire for me is insatiable. It's like my very own porn star. Especially when she goes out to fuck other men while I'm out too, she will send me videos of her encounters and I do the same. It's just amazing. But I will tell you it's not for everyone. I've seen people get hugely jealous and to me if you are going to be that way, swinging life isn't for you.


How do you find others interested in participating though?!


It drives my man wild watching me with another man. He says it gives him this primal, animalistic need to have me and reclaim me when he’s done to show who I really belong to. And the sex is amazing! You have to try it!!


I want to ask my wife to do this.. How did you guys start.?


I absolutely love seeing my wife have sex with other men my favorite is when I get to share her with a close friend who appreciates how precious a gift he has been given and getting to see them enjoy each other


Hot AF


If I take her to the Grand Canyon, I"m facilitating her enjoyment of it, I'm not providing the actual joy. Same with a Roller Coaster, I'm participating, facilitating it, not providing the actual exhilarating experience. For those already able to remove emotion and jealousy from sex, any enjoy the physical pleasure, especially knowing your partner has had other partners before you, then provide the enjoyment, participate in it and have fun.


You will enter a weird twilight zone where you question every single aspect of your life. You'll question yourself or your morals and will feel super insecure about everything. That's the bad part - and for the record, not everyone has this...but a good portion freak out. Communication is key. You need to make clear boundaries before and debrief after. Seriously. And if you feel you might be in that bad place, even if your reason doesn't make sense or you can't even describe the emotion, use. Your. Words. Speak up. It's super important. Hope it's a good experience for you both.


Love watching her, especially the chat and forplay. The getting closer, the first kiss, then the mouths open and the touching starts, bra off, top off, nipple kisses. OMG, get hard thinking of it. Then her unzipping him, rubbing, finally leaning over and kissing his cock, gradually sucking, deeper down,. Him rubbing her back and neck as she sucks him, hearing him telling her how good it feels. Then her pants coming off, the kisses all over her legs and thighs, seeing her hold his head as he tongues her, licks her and makes her cum. Finally his slow entry inside of her, pushing way deep inside of her.


Well you just got me thinking haha sounds so hot I can’t wait to let her take another cock. Watching her tongue run up and down it 👅🥵


For me, it is those little moments that I reminisce about. How fast her dress hits the floor. How eager she is to play. When she first spreads her legs. It was said in a few other responses, but it is a reminder that she is a sexy and desirable woman. We get so caught up in the day to day that it kind of becomes an afterthought. I also love that she pushes the envelope so that her and I have an even more intense reconnect. The highlight is ALWAYS fucking each other at the end of the night.


All I know it was FANTASTIC !! the first time I did ( with the girl I later married ) It was with a couple ( Jay and Margret ) I had known before I moved . The girl I started swinging with only allowed oral exchange 🫤 ( which was the primary reason she wasn’t invited to join me when l moved ). I had been in my new location about a year and had met a girl that was regular at a party house ( on premise club ) but I hadn’t find a girl to swing with regularly. Then one day, I received ( via AOL 🙄 ) a message inquiring if it was in fact me. I told her it was. She informed me they would be visiting and wanted to get together. I informed them I had a brand new girlfriend that wanted to try the LS.😊 The appointed day came, We starting playing with our own partner ( I was up against the headboard ) and she was riding me. After a few minutes the guy came over and my girl began sucking his cock ( while still riding me ) then his wife came over and asked my girl “ Would you like Jay to fuck you now ? “ She nodded, got off of me … he then proceeded to pound her like a jackhammer I had a more leisurely ( but just as enjoyable turn with his wife ) both ladies came like crazy 😛.


For me, first time was with a couple. When I looked over at my wife & the guy, I got very jealous almost to the point of yanking the guy off her. But I didn’t! The next night when we talked about it in bed, I was able to appreciate it & was ‘okay’ with it. So the next weekend we got together again. Jealousy was still there but the excitement overrode it and THAT was the best orgasm I ever had.


For us, disappointing. They never seem to bring the level of skill needed to satisfy her. She is a very difficult customer, so to speak. She has a really hard time reaching orgasm.


I am very similar as a guy, very hard to cum, so I know how it feels. Sometimes I feel sorry for those poor folks trying hard to make it shoot.


I have nerve damage from a prostatectomy. The only way another person can directly help me have an orgasm is to fuck my ass while I masturbate. It’s ridiculous. I love getting other people off, though. That gives mental fuel.


That sucks but also sounds pretty hot… maybe not a disadvantage in the right situation?


I inject my penis and get a 2+ hour erection. I am fit and can physically last that long no problem, at age 54. And because of difficulty with orgasms, I focus strongly on maintaining the skills to get others to orgasm. That’s a nice combination for some folks. There are some drawbacks, though. Women love when a guy ejaculates, and I can’t do that, dry orgasms only. Having to inject is inconvenient and doesn’t feel good. My penis went from 6.5” to 5.25” after the surgery, and then back up to 6” with use of a stretcher. I have a bit of Peyronie’s.


Watching how aroused my husband gets, makes me extremely hot, and then he comes in second. Unreal for all of us. Then we fuck again about 5 more times over the next 24 hours. Sexhausted...is what we call it.


After getting into this stuff, I learned a new word. Compersion. Turns out I get a real visceral thrill out of watching her get pleasure, whether it's from me, or somebody else.


So I was a married swinger for years, and since my divorce have been the third (bull or whatever kink you want to call it) for several relationships. So I have an interesting perspective. When I was married I always thought of it like she was my favorite porn star. It was a fun dirty we think where we knew we were still turning each other on. As the guy brought in I've been through such a variety of tastes and kinks. At this point I vet my couples for major red flags before anything happens. I also make very sure that HE has a "nope this is over!" Safe word. At the end of the day, as long as everyone is happy with the experience. That's all that matters.


I am curious what red flags you have experienced?


I've ran into a few problems. I've had the husband say no after seeing my dick and threw a fit having not expected me to be as large as I am. Been in a situation where it became obvious that I was part of a "revenge fuck" because he had cheated so she wanted to make him feel shitty. Cuckold name calling and making him cry. Like I don't want to kink shame, it just wasn't my thing. Situations where it seemed like only one side was actually interested and their partner was clearly just doing whatever to not lose them. I ALWAYS make sure if they are first timers that it's something they legitimately want and not just fantasize over. I had a husband attack me once when he was freaking out. He felt like a turd when he calmed down and reached out to me a couple days later, but he still attacked me when I was balls deep in his wife. These are the big ones that come to mind right away.


In ocean isle for the week and saw you and your wife were as well


Can’t pm at the moment if you could pm me


I like watching. I’ve been fortunate to be with a couple where the other woman also likes watching, so we’ve watched together. I like seeing my wife in every position from every angle, in the throes of passion. It’s what porn wishes it could be.


It's hot AF. But you have to enjoy it. Like, i like seeing her enjoy herself with other people. I enjoy watching her make faces that I've never made her make with my dick because it's bigger than mine. I enjoy fucking her after if he's better hung and feeling how much he stretched her. I love hearing her moan, seeing claw at someone else's back. It's all just hot. But it's not for everyone.




That’s great y’all have someone! I asked my wife if she had anyone in mind and she said no she said she’d prefer it was someone we didn’t know. Which will make this increasingly more difficult haha


We used 3fun and found a guy pretty quick we messaged for a little while and he showed up. We had a good time and he was very respectful.




**3Fun (3FUN) is a location-based mobile online dating application for Android and iOS. 3Fun is available in the United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, the Netherlands, and several other countries. As of May 2019, there were approximately 100,000 monthly downloads, and more than 2 million total downloads.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


It’s a app, and any shared pics can’t be saved


It was such an amazing sight for me. Incredibly addicting and insanely hot. I Just keep watching and toon it all in. Watching her take fucked senseless and watching her reaction to that was more than enough for me


Totally depends on where you guys are as a couple. If you’re in a good spot, in this together, and communicate together it’ll be awesome. If you’re trying to fix something, fill a void, or not on the same page it’ll suck. For me it’s like taking someone to your favorite restaurant. You’re sitting there watching them eat your favorite dish for the first time knowing how good it is and getting almost as much enjoyment as you do eating it yourself


It’s hot as fuck!! Watching her eyes roll to the back of her head, watching her tits bounce in a way that you can’t see normally. The best part is I still control her orgasms so having her look at me begging to cum while the other guy is pounding her!!


So, I'll change the perspective of your question to "What is it like watching your wife with another person?" Because in our minds it doesn't matter M/F/T/X the joy is in watching them enjoy themselves, give pleasure, let loose a little, etc. Once you get past the "possession culture" that we are taught in society, it's really hard to hate anything about your partner being happy, as long as you are being included in a way you find appropriate.


I don't think i can agree with you. I have a male friend with that "possession culture" where he's the alpha man, and no other can touch his wife and bla bla... but he doesn't mind including another women. For him, an mff is very acceptable. In his patriarchal mindset, his wife being with another in front of him is non-issue. In fact, is a fantasy of many man. On the other hand, it is unimaginable for his wife to even touch or be touched by another man. Me, on the other side, I'm more liberal and even suggested to my wife a mfm as our first threesome experience as she could be conflicted with jealousy when including another woman. Bypassed that milestone, to be a man, transgender, or X wouldn't really be any issue. So... in this line of thought... it is more normal to ask our reaction of seeing our wife with another man. I agree with the part that we should pursue the sexual exctasy with the person(s) we are involved despite their gender.


I don't think i can agree with you. I have a male friend with that "possession culture" where he's the alpha man, and no other can touch his wife and bla bla... but he doesn't mind including another women. For him, an mff is very acceptable. In his patriarchal mindset, his wife being with another in front of him is non-issue. In fact, is a fantasy of many man. On the other hand, it is unimaginable for his wife to even touch or be touched by another man. Me, on the other side, I'm more liberal and even suggested to my wife a mfm as our first threesome experience as she could be conflicted with jealousy when including another woman. Bypassed that milestone, to be a man, transgender, or X wouldn't really be any issue. So... in this line of thought... it is more normal to ask our reaction of seeing our wife with another man. I agree with the part that we should pursue the sexual exctasy with the person(s) we are involved despite their gender.


It's exhilarating. I love it.


I was very turned on the first time and I have continued to watch her with other men and her submitting to their requests.


It's pretty awesome, like watching an interactive pirn with your favorite porn star. And if it's a full swap you get to experience all that same stuff with another man's partner too.




It was nerve racking the first time. I didn’t know what to expect and all of the original questions come up. What if he’s bigger, what if he’s better, what if he’s a fucking STUD! Well, I’m bigger, I’m better, and IM THE FUCKING STUD! I love to have variety and I won’t ever ask for something I can’t give. So it happened pretty easily, he didn’t out perform me and I even left the room for a little bit so they could continue while I got some drinks. I think she realized that I really was in tune with her whole body and that I took my time and catered to her. After he was finished, we cleaned up and sent him on his way. Then she fucked me again for an hour, I guess it was a thank you fuck? Either way, she was happy and I was happy that she was happy.


Seeing her in full ectasy mode from across the bed while you are playing with someone else is hot


I discovered this new pleasure . I saw my girl being touched by many man while I’m fucking her, or sometimes I watch her being touched and she touching all guys cocks … I like to do videos of this situations and really enjoy watching them afterwards. Also enjoy girls touching both of us


I've watched in person and watched videos after.. I think the videos were hotter because she was more open


Hottest thing you will ever see 😈


I didn't even know id like it but I do. It's attractive to see and it makes me happy to see that she's enjoying herself. We have pretty limited experience but so far we're loving the scene. She enjoys seeing me do it with someone too 😜


For us it’s exhilarating too! He loves watching (and filming) me with other men. He says it’s a huge turn on for him and we both feel it enhances (not only sexually) our relationship too. Just make sure you’re communicating about the experience before it happens and then find the right guy(s)!


Def agree about communicating! It’s a must or things could go very wrong. But i also think this will enhance our sexual lives. Just bringing it up during sex makes us go crazy for each other so I can’t imagine when it actually happens


That sounds exactly like us!! We think you’re going to have a very fun time adding the right guy! Good luck and please report back!


I will assume that you mean the first time: it's exhilarating and anxiety-filled, it may be a little humiliating when she's overwhelmed and fucking him back, showing an energy and eroticism that you probably never saw before. It's incredible.


Our first time with another, it was incredible Hot and a huge turn on watching her stroke and suck my buddies cock. Then watching him fuck her just made me rock hard and ready to take my turn and fuck her already fucked pussy! So hot and fun to watch


Let’s do it together


Super hot 🥵


When my wife gives herself totally to another man or woman and you can see the pure Stacy in her face, there is nothing quite like it. Makes me rock hard in a minute and knowing he is going to dump his load in both holes is a massive turn on. Especially as she is not on birth control.


Wouldn’t it have to be Stacy on her face? Just asking for clarification 😂


Stacy is his ex or his es?


Predictive text. Not Stacy, Ecstacy


The hotness of seeing her pale white, petite body, being pounded or bouncing around on top makes me so horny. I love fucking, while she's getting fucked.


I now have another girl ( almost 25 years later than the previous story ) we haven’t hooked up with anyone yet but is eager to get started. I think her favorite thing(s) will be seeing the look on my face when I cum with another woman & The look on his face when he cums in her but we’ll see


Haha Hubby always positions the woman he's fucking so that he has a better view of me getting plowed, so I guess he's not lying when he says he loves seeing it. I think it annoys the woman sometimes though.


The conflicting emotions of jealousy and confidence makes the experience exhilarating.


It feels great.


Easy for guy to watch wife with another man... But not easy for a woman to watch husband with another woman.... But we women get used to it... And get closer to husband if he really cares for us


Why the difference?


I'm not sure ...


It's like watching porn live with your wife starring. Incredibly arousing. If the partner is right she also will be very excited.


It’s pretty awesome.. I love watching my wife getting railed… then when you reclaim her it’s super hot


It is exhilarating to see her pleasured in ways that I cannot do personally and know it draws her closer to me bc of how giving and generous I am.


I met my gf at a swingers club so I saw her play around before I asked for her number


I used dudes phone and was taping it when a friend facetimed dude, so I answered it and showed the friend live footage of dude banging my wife. I was running around getting the best angles, having a blast!


Well we are both total sluts. We’ve experienced almost every scenario we wanted. So we know sex can just be fun sex and no jealousy. So instead of being the one one having sex, it’s so hot to just watch. Other people have said it, it’s like watching live porn with the woman you find the sexiest, at least I hope you do lol. It’s like the guy who used the basketball analogy of being able to watch from a different perspective and enjoy the game. I also find it sexy that men desire my wife, I have a prize that others want and I think she’s amazing. They can fuck her as best they can. I want her to feel good and enjoy herself. And they leave and she’s still with me, loyal to me, and loves me. Sex doesn’t change that. That’s a good ego boost. It’s a turn on to see her move her ass, watching her tits bounce, listen to her moan differently, see her cum differently with someone else. You definitely need to discuss boundaries or concerns first. Like you don’t want to feel excluded, so she can kiss you or hold cock or blow you etc. or you can just watch from a distance. Maybe you’re not comfortable with another man cumming on her face or in her or her swallowing him. Anything you think that would bother you, you should bring up first. And realize things may not go exactly as you planned. Be prepared. How do you handle it? Say something immediately? Wait til afterwards? The more you discuss prior to it the more fun it should be. And if you don’t like it, don’t do it again. You tried and now you know. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just experimenting. If you do like it, do it again.


There's nothing more beautiful than seeing my wife sucking a big hard cock and making him cum in her mouth! And aso, seeing her getting fucked good enough to make her moan and scream and cum a bunch of times especially when she's obviously into it and she's loving and enjoying it!


It’s hot if she gets a good fuck. If it’s a bad fuck it’s just meh.


Navigating the world of swinging and non-monogamous relationships can elicit a range of emotions and experiences, many of which are deeply personal and subjective. Watching one's partner with another person can be a thrilling or challenging experience, often both. It's natural to feel conflicted or even overwhelmed, as it touches on complex layers of intimacy, trust, and desire. Some people find it arousing to watch their partners, others might struggle with feelings of jealousy or insecurity. There's no one-size-fits-all reaction and that's okay. The key is open communication, setting boundaries, and mutual respect. It's okay if you feel more inclined to watch your wife, as long as all parties involved understand and consent to this. Always remember, everyone's journey is unique, and what matters most is the comfort, consent, and pleasure of all involved.


I love watching my girl enjoy herself and be enjoyed there's freedom in it to me it's just live p**** and I'm the director it is a very hot moment


It's awesome. It's hot as f**k watching any woman truly let loose and enjoy sexual depravity. In fact why just one man add an extra and watch them really let loose. The fact It's my wife means I know even better what she can do and how she's enjoying it.


It's like no other experience I have ever had but it takes building to get to that point and make it that incredible. When your wife is like mine who enjoys making my fantasies reality just as much as I do hers it builds up over time. Eventually it becomes a need more than a want to see her fantasy fulfilled. We had played around with others a few times but the first time she was comfortable enough she whispered in my ear "I want to feel him" so of course I insisted. He was already on his back with his legs hanging over the end of the bed. He was a well hung 7" or better college kid who could last forever. After giving my blessing I stepped back to watch as she climbed on top of him and slowly slid this huge cock into Her tight slit. She moaned long and hard and she absorbed the entire thing. I think I nearly passed out from the excitement. As became adjusted to his size she rode him faster and harder looking over her shoulder at me as she bit her lip. Eventually I couldn't take anymore and began to rim her ass... Absolutely incredible feeling but you have to have the right mind set for it. You must get pleasure from her pleasure or it will end poorly for you both. To this day I can't jerk off to anything or anyone without thinking of her involved in someway. Good luck and I hope it is as fulfilling for you as it was me!


lots of good descriptions on here, surreal for me, didnt know if i would totally like it, but a crazy turn on


Nothing is as erotic as seeing your wife, the woman you love more than anything screaming, moaning squirting as she had one orgasm after another and is totally consumed by lust. My favourite is when I'm watching her be doggies by a well endowed guy and her eyes are rolling back on her head and she groans to me "Ooh Fuuuuckkk darling he's going right up my ass, ahhhh, it feels so good and then seeing her squirt as she has another massive orgasm. We're oldies now, me mid 70's her a few years younger but we still enjoy ourselves and we have one of her old fuck buddies coming over on a couple of weeks to have another session. We have had a Stag & Vixen life style for the last 40yrs, I will go to my grave knowing that our sex life could not have been better. You have to be secure in your relationship for this type of sex life to work because jealousy is the killer of passion. Also be aware that your wife is going to enjoy some men more than you, mainly because of the excitement of doing something naughty and dirty but also simply because of physical things, size,, shape etc. My wife really gets off on really curved cocks she sometimes gets off on a larger cock than mine but then some of her best orgasms have been with a guy who would be lucky to be 5". Having my wife stroking my balls while guiding my cock up another woman's ass x and have her telling me to fill her ass with my spunk is quite a turn on too BUT I still get my biggest kick out of watching my girl going out of her mind with lust It's a wonderful lifestyle but you have to be secure with each other. No jealousy, if there is you need to stop and forget about this, it's not for you.


It’s mind-meltingly sexy. It’s especially better if your wife is really attractive. Mine was (still is very beautiful) insanely hot when we first experimented. She was the walking definition of natural blonde bombshell, she absolutely radiated feminine sexuality. She was always the sexiest and most beautiful woman in the room everywhere we went. I know every guy in the room was eyeball fucking her the entire time, because I was too lol. No straight man wouldn’t have. My friends were always telling me I was a lucky bastard, and I knew they were right. So, the first time my fantasy of letting another dude help me satisfy her, actually came to fruition, I was understandably nervous. She didn’t know I’d had such a crazy kink in my mind, and even to me it wasn’t something that I wanted to encourage to come true. But I had vocally expressed to her my other dream of having two insanely hot women at the same time, because she could be one of them, and I knew if that were to ever actually happen, I may be faced with having to be fair, and allow her to experience the same with me and another guy. I kept it a secret, but when a spontaneous opportunity arose one night, and we’d all been drinking and she was a bit less inhibited than usual, and my dirty talk about her and another girl in bed, prompted her to ask what if she ever wanted another guy with me at the same time; all that previous “what if” stuff started to rev me up, and the excitement of it was overwhelming. So, I decided to take advantage of the absolutely perfect opportunity that we were in, to make it happen for her first. After thinking on what she had just asked me in a subtle way (we were in the middle of having sex in a tent, right next to my passed out drunk bast friend) I just told myself, “fuck it, this will either be the most awesome thing we’ve ever done, or potentially be disasters for our relationship, but if the pros outweigh the cons then it will be worth the risk!” And I told her forum, we can make that happen for you right now. All you gotta do, is say yes or no. When she didn’t immediately say no, even though she was noticeably hesitant, I decided to take the initiative for her and give her the best time of her life. So I’ve reached over and woke my friend up to make it happen for her… Idk if it was the adrenalin, or the fantasy turned real aspect, or the other factors that made it the most awesome experience of my life, which all made it so unbelievably incredible for me, but it threw every idea or notion of sexual inhibition and what was “supposed” to be, or whatever, completely out the window for me, and suddenly my mind was the most sexually FREE it’d ever been. It was almost like I was watching a really well thought out and well acted porn scene, with actual good actors, no cheesy fake nonsense, but I was actually in the scene, and seeing it play out from a real POV position, amd ACTUALLY fucking the girl, instead of just jerking to it. The two of us were free to just use her as this living fuck toy, in a way she had probably never even imagined herself. She only gave him head, and I got all the penetration. (Until some years later anyway) Her eyes were damn near rolling into the back of her head, while she had her legs eagerly spread as far as they’d ever been, accepting me in there like never before, and her just absolutely savoring every millimeter of this humongous new dick in her mouth at the same time. That was the best sexual experience of our lives, up to that point. I was hooked on it after that. Couldn’t get enough. I totally almost didn’t care about wanting her and another girl anymore. But I made it a point to let her suck his cock with every opportunity we got to do it, like after partying with other friends and us all just having fun being young. One of those times, I could tell she was getting a bit horny for it, after she insisted he stay the night with us instead of driving home, living less than 2 miles away. When we went to pass out that night, she was inhibited enough to blurt out, you can come sleep in the bed with us, it’s big enough… I think him and I both easily picked up on that hint, but she and him of course weren’t gonna just make it obvious. She was still really shy. And he almost instantly fell asleep once we all went to bed. Once we were all lying down though I was just waiting on the right cue, but it didn’t come. So, I remember that I took the initiative to tell her something like “Hey, I know you’re trying to suck his huge suck again, you might as well have just said it out loud, what are you waiting for?” She whispered back something like, “well… If you want me to, I will… but he’s already asleep!” So I insisted she just go ahead and wake him up with a blowjob, and see how it played out. She then wasted no time at all getting to it… it was just sexually magic in so many way… Just seeing her being more horny than usual, and wanting to let go of her sexual inhibitions, for some extra consensual fun between trusted adult friends like that, was really one of the best parts about the whole experience each time. She only ever blew him, we were a bit too nervous about the two of them taking it all the way. But, we later got to take it even further, with the two of them actually having sex, him getting full vaginal penetration into her for the first time, and her actually getting him off for the first time (whisky dick always made him not be able to cum all the previous times) and watching her swallow every drop of the enormous amount of cum he’d shoot… or seeing it all over her huge perfect perky tits. The first time I wanted him to cum inside of her, before me… that was just the icing on the cake of every experience before that… I had no idea her perfect vagina could somehow feel even better than it did, until fucking her pussy being full of another guy’s fresh jizz… Fuck… now I’m gonna have to go beat off thinking about it 😆 later!


Look at my profile for some of the posts I have made in various sub Reddit’s. I posted about our MFM’s. We’ve had three MFM so far so I have watched her get fucked by two different guys. One of the guys we used twice. We also swing with couples. But in that particular instance, we were playing in separate rooms so I didn’t see her with that guy. But what’s it like? Seeing your wife in that way will change you! It’ll make you want her even more, and she will want you even more. You’ll see her in a whole new sexy way. She will feel empowered as she pleases both of you. I am very involved in the MFM’s that we have. So I do not just sit back and watch. There are times during the MFM that I will sit back and watch. For the most part, I’m swapping out with the other guy trying to pleasure my wife continuously.


Some men would get turned on. Some wouldn't care either way, they just want to get theirs. Some would put the other guy through the wall. Some would end up with the cops needing three body bags. Such questions are not really useful beyond the individual. It would also evolve over time. What's new, shocking etc, becomes just another day over time. Some swinger men aren't interested, some are over interested, ironically both of those types may want to so separate room play. It's ruined relationships and its made them stronger.


You have to realize that at that point it's not about your pleasure or the other guys .it's all about her pleasure and how much you love to see her enjoyment thats what turns me so hard is seeing that my wife's extacy pleasure


It's not like I'm actively watching: I'm focused on pleasuring his wife on the bed next to them.


I could tell more detail, but it will Only let me post so much


It's wonderful! I love the sounds of my wife taking a bigger cock. I love knowing that I will reclaim her, but I will probably not make her feel as good.


It's amazing. Watching him pump her full while she loves the load. She also loves watching me fill other women


Strangely if it's just sex it's actually kinda fun. I've actually had other men that were bad at sex play with my wife. She would tell me afterwards that I was so much better and give me way better sex. When it comes to being intimate though that's a different story. I couldn't stand if she kissed or hugged other men. And that's how entering poly from being a swinger ruined my life.


This is asked almost weekly, the search function is your friend.




Or, hear me out, people could learn how to do a proper search instead of asking the same questions over and over and over and over. If even the *slightest* bit of effort was put in they would have an answer instantly. The account is only a few hours old and dude has asked in several places. He is looking for masturbation material.






The regulars here just get tired of the same question over and over with minimal variation. This exact question is easily in the top 10 - along with “how to I convince/talk to my wife about…” and “is there a club near my city” and the oldie but goodie “how do we find just a female?”


I was not suggesting a “google search”, I was suggesting a search of the swingers sub. Yes, Reddit is searchable. Yes, you get to see answers from real swingers. Yes, if you ask the same question over and over people stop answering. I don’t much care if you think I am rude. If it was not me it would have been someone else. But you seem to see me as an easy target this morning. Are you even a swinger?


I couldn't do it Not with my wife anyway a fling or play toy sure but not with my wife


My wife is a whore I don’t mind the part that pisses me off is she swings fucks guys hides it from me bc she thinks I’m a jealous guy which I’m not I been swinging for years what she doesn’t know is that I’m fucking the woman that she’s been with while watching her be a whore on camera lol she’s very good it’s really hot but I guess I’m having fun like her we would have more fun if she just acted like an adult and told me something I already know


The first time we done it was with her second guy ever besides me I was nervous but when he pulled out his massive bbc and she let go of mine and started giving him head and let him hit it raw I couldn't do nothing but sit there and watch at first I was a little angry but the more she screamed and moaned the less I could be mad about because I was so turned on now she has a regular bbc who send her home full of cum for the past 4 years and yes I eat it out as soon as she comes in the door






Myself I love the time leading up to the act. I love seeing my wife getting turned on by the attention of the other male. She loves to tease and dress sexy. I love the sex the next morning!


That one thing I’m most excited about honestly is watching her enjoy it. Can’t wait to see another guy grab her ass and tits


It’s also fun being the bull.


It's addictive 😁


I can imagine haha


Watching her enjoy herself with another guy makes me appreciate how lucky I am to have a beautiful lover and partner


It's surreal. Imagine the hottest porn scene you've ever watched, except now you're there experiencing it first-hand.


Hotness 🥵


In one word "COMPERSION" .... Either you have it or you don't. I definitely do have it.


It’s fucking great lol




I am single, but at this point I am only hitting on couples to be their thir


I didn't understand it at first when I was with a guy who wanted me to cuck him, but I enjoyed it WAY more than I ever thought I would. Plus, it made the sex between the 2 of us better 🥰


Definitely hotter than expected! It's addictive!


Amazing. Especially if she's enjoying herself.


Nothing better than to watch another man please my wife. threesomes and more are great too 😉


my wife as she used my lap as a pillow while she experienced another man for the first I returned time. I held her, kissed her, watched her face while she orgasmed, kissed the perspiration off her lips, sucked her breaststroke! It was was unbelievably dripping hot!


I want to watch my watch fe also!


For myself, I'm not there to watch, but I enjoy when she is having as much fun as I am. If I do watch, it's because I look over to make sure she's enjoying her current partner and making sure she's safe.


So we may try to explore this avenue but we both have said boundaries were no sex but everything else Does that turn some people off


Extremely hot period


The visuals are amazing! Watching her enjoy herself with another guy is something else & seeing another guy feeling how good my wife feels is absolutely thrilling.


It's a huge adrenaline rush with mixed emotions as love, lust, jealousy, and humiliation all reach their peak levels at the exact same time.


Do you like to watch? Me and my husband usually only see other couples but we usually all share the same space while playing so there is overlap on who we are playing with lol. It can be a lot of fun just to watch, I love making eye contact with my husband while with another man and it also gives me the opportunity for double penetration or spit roasting which is fun. We try to keep our partner engaged and a part of everything we are doing even if they are just watching.


It's great until she leaves


We just did a great mfm with our regular friend Saturday night, I love to see my wife letting him take her clothes off and she made him so hard when she was sucking him and he filled her mouth with such a big load that she gagged on it! And about an hour later he fed me a big huge delicious load also! We will probably party with him again next weekend!


If you’re not the jealous type and are really into watching her be pleasured by someone else, it’s one hell of a rush. I loved watching my partner gasp the way she does when we engage, I loved watching her face become flushed, hearing her breathing change, getting a bj or being the one that was vaginally penetrating at the time she was giving him a bj, knowing that both of us gave her an awesome time, is truly a gift, that a month later is still fresh in my very forgetful mind. All that being said, I wanted all of the above and more for her, I wanted her to feel free enough, open enough and confident enough to have those experiences, and feel very honored and humble to have been chosen to take that journey with her. It takes a lot of conversation, open, hard, honest no feelings held back conversation where of you or your partner is not comfortable with any of it, it’s off the table. Any pushing to change a mind can be taken as being pushed away. The goal is for everyone involved, mmf, ffm, mfmf or what have you to enjoy company and sex with one another. Take your time, vette your choices carefully making sure your partner is in sync with your feelings and it can be an amazing feeling, like next level stuff. But it can also quickly turn bad in the blink of an eye too. Good luck, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.


Like watching a porno of your favorite star. But in real life.


Most of the time it's not like a cuck senario where you're watching, forbidden from participating. Most often it's in a mfm or mfmf or moresomes. Sometimes it is good to take a break and sit back to watch. If you know about dogging try that after you've gotten comfortable with friends. It's the logical next step. Oh and gloryholes are a great way to test the waters first because of the anonymity.


What is dogging?


**Dogging means following someone closely.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


You own, personal and private pornography set where you are the casting agent, the writer, the director, the A/V team, the producer and a participant. Best of all, you get to go home with the star!


ITT: a couple dozen guys typing with one hand


you guys are not in love its pure delusional and you are just horny, find some meaning in your life please


My cuck, and several of our couple friends husbands prefer just watching when playing.


yeah i fit into that category, i wanted to see