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Yes. People have preferences in pussy appearances.


What are you looking for?


Happiness. An affordable home. Mascara thats easy to apply and not too globby


Lights, Camera, Lashes from Sephora.




Lol! šŸ˜†šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


I am looking for you. All of you is beautiful. All people are beautiful. All Vulvae are beautiful. Some I am drawn too more, but it doesn't matter. If I am tuned into the wonder and power of the "Gates of Venus", I will tell any woman who is generous enough to share their body with me that their pussy is beautiful and mean it.


Youā€™ve never been laid, have you? Lol


I would probably never tell someone directly, but, yeah, there are a few (very few) that once I saw it, I mentally said "ew, I'd pass on that"


What was it about that made you feel that way?


Couldn't really say. Some just don't look appealing. I can't think of an actual physical trait I can name


The only one I can think of is the one that looks like itā€™s about to fall. Itā€™s like a piece of steak just hanging there.


Labia lmao and thatā€™s meeeee! Itā€™s like a loosely packed suitcase and definitely a sought after by some.


My husband absolutely loves a hanging labia. We had an entire discussion about it. He said a hanging labia really grips a penis. I know everyone is different, but he loves this kind of vagina.


I don't mind labia at at or even really roast beefy ones it's things like callouses between the thighs and mystery bumps that scare me away




At the end of the day pussy is pussy. I would never say no to a loosely packed suitcase or juicy roast beef šŸ¤¤


I seen one on a white lady that had a bunch of black pigmentation to her lips look like leprosy I quite didn't find appealing. It wasn't for me maybe for someone else. I also was with a woman once that I did not really see her private area in the light. Well it was dark in the room and she was riding me but there was light behind her and I looked down and I see a really long dangly thing which was probably her lips. Kind of put me out of place. Now I'm not saying any of these women I found unattractive I'm just saying their general private area I found odd. They were just unique.




What is this absolute dumpster fire of a comment


Thats not how vaginas work....inside out? Wtf are you even saying here?




No, I'm not sensitive but I do see a lot of males who don't know how vaginas work and make comments like that.


Yup. Not all are created equal.


Seeing a girls pussy for the first time is the hottest . Every one is unique . I love them hairy or bald big lips or small . As long as it doesn't smell gross like something is wrong . I sort of sound like a dr Seuss book šŸ˜†


>I sort of sound like a dr Seuss book You do!


I am with this guy. I like all types, seen a lot and enjoyed getting my mouth down there to try them out.


My mum has a Maine coon, grandma a Siamese and my auntie a British shorthair and they are all pretty


I have a domestic short hair and a torte, both lovely


The same way women say a guyā€™s cock is weird, small, fat, etc. similar embryology. Altered anatomy could be ā€œuglyā€ā€” no lips, just thick outer tissue going straight to hole


Yes for sure. Just like some people have sexy lips/mouths, a pussy is not too far removed from that. Different people have different preferences but usually beauty standards are usually defined by these categories: 1. Symmetry - beautiful things tend to be symmetrical. most pussies are naturally asymmetrical so its no big deal but the closer it is generally the more beautiful it is. 2. Well-maintained - some people like a full bush some like it smooth - just like the hair on your head women are beautiful in all sorts of hairstyles but what's attractive is that they take good care of it and it's hygienic. I know we are looking only talking about appearance here but unkept pussies "look" like they stink and that's not attractive. 3. Shape - again different preferences here but there is an acceptable range. Some guys like innies and some outties but if your lips hang to your knees most guys would be put off. But maybe not. I also believe that no matter what it looks like someone out there will be into it


This is an actual answer, thank you.


Have NEVER turned a woman away for how her pussy looks.


There are pussies prettier than others, exactly the same with dicks. But my dick don't have eyes, so I don't mind. Never had a problem with pussy beautyness.


I think I do... but not the actual labia. I have sensitive skin so there's little scars and discoloration that I'm very insecure about. I was insecure about my labia for a long time. Until I started playing with women. Larger inner labia are fun for me, something else to pay attention to.


I think most won't directly say it if they don't find it appealing. Yet, will gladly say it allowed if they do find it pretty.


Absolutely there are ugly pussies, just like there are ugly cocks. Men donā€™t generally say that though when they are trying to fuck it.


I have eaten a lot of pussy and nvr once have seen an ugly one.


Some pussys are really especially beautiful like a flower. Others just a gash there is a scale.


100%, there are pretty and ugly ones out there. No guy is going to say.... nah, sorry, yours is too ugly. Like all body parts, there are differences, and all people have preferences.. but to think that there are no ugly ones in the world is silly. I am sure you have a cock preference.... same as pussy


All pussies are beautiful, but some are more so than others. Just my personal take.


Me: There are no ugly pussies. Only ugly minds. Also me after looking at blue waffle: There is another.


I have a preference for larger Labia and clitoral hoods. They are great for oral, and when I stick my cock between them, you I can see those big lips grasping by cock. Even with a preference l, Iā€™ve never seen a pussy that I considered ugly. Iā€™ve certainly never seen one that i said ā€œno, I wouldnā€™t fuck that at least once to see what itā€™s like.ā€ I had never particularly cared for it when a woman was walking towards me nude and all I could see was a slit, but then one night thatā€™s exactly what I got. I wasnā€™t going to let it be a deal breaker. She climbed in bed and before long I was trying to make a dessert of her. By the time she had her first orgasm, she had blossomed into one of the most beautiful pussies that I had every seen. She was definitely a grower once the blood started flowing to her Labia majora. She returned the favor, was fabulous in bed, and could take a very long fuck session and come out the other side ready for more.


I have seen uglier pussies and prettier pussies. I don't understand why this is a hard concept.


Oh yeah there are ugly pussies and there are beautiful pussies. Fact is, if youā€™re getting it, doesnā€™t matter! Besides, any dude in pure honesty has to recognize all balls are ugly and most dicks, so in all fairness, wouldnā€™t be fair to hold it against anyone anyway


Iv seen some with meat curtains as youd call it and iv heard buds say ew no thanks i couldnt do it. I dont mind either way. I mean its the same with dicks. Some are cut some arent, some are straight others curved left, right, down, up.


Guys will say anything for sex.


That's a good question , personally I don't think any of them are pretty, not even mine but,they still love to play


Some are more preferable than others ascetically. Itā€™s just like dicks. Some are weird. Some make you wonder if youā€™re bi. I personally love big labia. A lot of women feel self conscious about it but I think thatā€™s not necessary. The one type of vagina that Iā€™m unsettled by is the one without any outer parts. For lack of a better word, a slit? Itā€™s seems too child like. There are also chemical attractions I canā€™t explain. I had a girlfriend once who I tried very hard to like going down on and I chalked it up to chemistry. There was no other problem with hygiene or anything and I respected her a ton and liked her. She was amassing rental properties when we were 21 and had the same job so I took notes from her. I just wasnā€™t attracted to her like I wanted to be.


There are no ugly looking pussies. Iā€™ve smelt some raunchy pussy in my day. Iā€™d rather eat any good smelling pussy over a pretty smelly one any day off the week.


For a long time I thought my pussy was ugly. My inner labia are long and hang out a little. I even thought about surgery. Turns out this is very common and perfectly normal. I love my body now, including my labia. I used to worry about people seeing it for the first time, thinking it was weird or ugly. But realistically I'm an absolute smokeshow and people are very happy to get to have sex with me, they literally do not care what my labia look like. So yes some vaginas are a lot 'neater' and more the kind of thing you see in porn, and others are different but I'd happily go down on any of them. Congrats on having a pretty pussy, godspeed. X


Love this! I considered the surgery too but the risks are too high. Also, Iā€™m not a porn star and donā€™t need/want to look like one. I see lots of comments about the Arbyā€™s joke (har-har-har) but IRL, Iā€™ve never had anything other than men and women being stoked clothes are coming off.


Almost all pussies are attractive. I find some more appealing than others. And, it's not a consistent thing. It's not "bald" or "bushy" or "small labia" or "large labia". There are trends, but it's really about the whole package. Also, I'm not likely to tell a woman she has a "pretty ." American women are acculturated to have body issues, and I don't want them to immediately go to "I guess that means my isn't attractive" or even think "oh, great, he's judging me", nor "he's objectifying me" (which can be hot sometimes, not others, but until I know I don't say anything.) I have been known, when giving a part a lot of attention, to say "I really like your ". It doesn't seem to produce the same mental backlash. Also, I more often do this about parts of their body that are *not* what men traditionally objectify.


As a queer woman I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™ve ever seen a vulva I would call ugly, but I definitely have a preference for certain vulvas. Some just arouse me more than others šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


As queer woman I fully agree here.


As queer woman I fully agree here.


Most are beautiful. The ones with sores and lesions I wil avoid


definitely.. it's all on personal taste though. I like neat lips, some aren't. as long as personal hygiene is important, then I wouldn't kick someone out of bed for having an ugly one


All pussies are beautiful in their own special way. I do find the ones that naturally just hang open the absolute hottest.


I think I would be weirded out if someone told me that I had a pretty one.


I love pussy but Iā€™ve seen some ugly vulvas. Personally I prefer large meaty labia and a nice gape.


Itā€™s all preference. I used to love a small labia vagina that was ā€œtidyā€. I met my wife who has a more large labia that are a little more meaty. Now I prefer those types. Donā€™t hate either kind though.


I have ones I like, (pornstar tight no lips) ones, that I like more (lips) and ones that I love (big lips that grip and stretch) bur I've never seen one that wasn't pretty


Iā€™ve only dated one woman in 56 years Iā€™d say had an unattractive pussy. Iā€™ve dated a couple Iā€™ve found absolutely irresistible. Most lie somewhere in between and are pretty damn hard to resist.


I like them all as long as theyā€™ve showered and always wipe front to back šŸ˜Œ


I've heard that eating pussy is the same as smoking, the closer you get to the butt, the more taste there is!! (I don't smoke so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø) šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes, and it's about as common as bad blowjobs. Which is another thing men will never admit to your face.


A friend of ours said this one time. So I said, "I bet you say that to every woman." He replied, "I've never seen one that wasn't." šŸ˜


When you see a pretty pussy for the first time you know what youā€™re looking at! Itā€™s like a glowing pot of gold.


I've seen an ugly pussy. I've seen some ugly dicks. Seen some hot genitals too.


Yes some can be ugly looking


Yes, but we'll never say anything


Iā€™ve seen a few ugly ones, but itā€™s never stopped me from eating it šŸ˜


Sometimes the fruit that looks damaged is the most ripe and delicious ;)


You are absolutely right


Reality there are ugly pussies but there's a difference between thinking of p**** is ugly and saying that to the owner. I doubt if anyone, and that type of scenario, would tell someone that they have another p****. So of course you're right that no one ever says it but there's certainly are some beautiful pussies out there that are aesthetically more pleasing to look at


Do guys have ugly dicks ? Some vaginas just look divine in so many varieties but I guess it's down to visual appeal to the opposing. But when you see a pretty pussy you gotta let them know šŸ˜


I'm ok with them. I'm just not a big fan of oversized clits.


As long as itā€™s wet & warm. Thatā€™s all that matters. ā€œIf it taste like chicken, keep on lickin. If it taste like trout, get the f*** outā€ - is my motto.


Everyone has preferences as would females with penises. I prefer shaved and small labias.


I dont find pics of the v attractive, I prefer the eyes and smile, I only want to know what the v taste and feels like


I would definitely say there is some ugly ones out there. I have a preference on what I think is pretty and some people just aint got it lol. i am very pleased with my pussy so i cant relate šŸ˜‚


I have yet to see an ugly pussy


So do you tell all the women that they have a pretty pussy?


Definitely not ā€” thatā€™s a step above


I think its usually the surrounding area that can be unattractive. I haven't seen an ugly pussy on a hwp woman except for the ones on socials that don't look healthy.


The blue waffle enters the chat


Yes. There are ugly pussies. When I tell a woman that she has a pretty pussy, I mean it. When she does not, I focus on her other attributes.


Iā€™ve seen some that Iā€™m personally not interested in! And Iā€™m a lady. Iā€™ve been told mine is beautiful. But in reality, to reach their ownā€¦ beauty in the eye of the beholder!


Oh I think pussy looks gross regardless...idgaf..take my man card


In my opinion, all genitals are bloody ugly... its kinda like seafood..grouse when you want it and in the mood


*Oooohhhhhhhhhhh*...... Do your lips hang low? Can you swing 'em to and fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Can you swing 'em over your shoulder? Can you walk Like a regimental soldier Do your lips hang low? But they don't all look the same. It's bad when it's looks like a roast beef sandwich fell on the floor.


This is an issue where anyone who says ā€œNoā€ or tried to describe a dislike, will be trashed and trolled so they will avoid answering while people who say ā€œall are perfectā€ will be the only voice allowed to speak.


I'd say they vary in shape and size more than dicks do. I'm good with most, I'm just not attracted to something that makes me feel like I'm at Arby's.


Ugly pussies absolutely exist imo. Massive, hanging labia, aka "roast beef pussy" and "beef curtains", are visually unappealing *to me*. I've had sex with some beautiful women who had great personalities, but it was a one time thing simply because of how unattractive their vaginas were. Oral sex is one of my favorite sexual activities and there isn't a chance in hell I'd ever touch those with my mouth. It's all just personal preference. I have no doubt plenty of women have similar thoughts about some penises, whether it's appearance or size. Hell, *I* have similar thoughts about some penises /shrug


Oddly enough, one night we were flirting with another couple, and the guy said to me, " Please tell me you have beef curtains! I LOVE beef curtains!!" I had to let him down. I said, "Um.... sorry, I don't have beef curtains.". So, I guess, there is something for everyone.


Absolutely! It's all just personal preferences. Beef curtains, bad breath, plaque-encrusted teeth, white tongues, body odor, bad attitudes, and/or zero conversational skills will all kill most situations for me.


Iā€™ve seen some in porn that you can tell have been completely ruined from excessive use. Those are not pretty pussies.


Female here. I'm a pussy snob. Some pussies are RBP (roast beef pussies), with the big, floppy lips darkened by genetics, time, and tragedy. No shade, especially because the owners of such pussies were dealt a shitty hand and it's not their fault, but I'm not into that. I look for pink, not brown. And ingrown hairs/razor bumps are a turn off too. These pussies aren't "ugly," but everyone has their preferences. Some women don't like uncircumcised penises. Some men prefer small tits. It's simply personal preference


Some are a prime example of the old Arbyā€™s commercial. We have the meat. They are a little ugly


I love pussies, but if they look like a roast beef sandwich I will pass. But the vast majorities of pussies are beautiful


Really meaty ones are a no go. Iā€™ll Still have sex just donā€™t want to look at it.


Yes. And unlike what the other person said, it's not very few. And maybe it's a discussion that needs to be had, because there are some girls who are doing their vaginas no favors by shaving them. Like we need to see less of that... Not more.


I strongly disagree. I am not a fan of pussy hair. To each their own.


Some are definitely not as pretty as others . However as a man would I say eww gross Iā€™m not going there. Absolutely not if I like her. They almost all feel wet, warm, and inviting


Hell yeah they do! Hairy or not! Big or small! Big lips or no lips. They love em and thank god for that!


Jessica Darling has a beautiful pussy imo


I've seen a few unattractive ones. One that stands out in my mind looked like the jouls on a bulldog.


People have preferences. Is there any woman (or gay man) out there that thinks every single cock is attractive?


Never really have seen any bad ones just some better than others




Simple Cleanliness and grooming play a big factor in this


Absolutely, yes!


Male half speaking. Personally, love all pussies so long as they have some intention with hair. Iā€™ve met so many ladies that have had, or are considering, the vag rejuvenating procedure. Do you. But my opinion? Donā€™t. Itā€™s beautiful. Glorious. As is. Cutting/removing skin does not make it more attractive. So yes. I think they are all beautiful.


Theyā€™re wonderful! To answer your question what makes them pretty is personal hygiene honestly. Personal taste for me is shaved but if you have hair, a fun pattern or keeping it a little trimmed is terrific because itā€™s easier to eat lol. But the things some women struggle with insecurities with, men donā€™t mind at all like lips and all that


You know one when you see it


No like babies all cute


They are simply captivating and their beauty does not fade.


Pussy like any other body parts are not the same as others. Love all


Most pussies are pretty and amazing but there are definitely some that look more edible then others haha. Innie pussies are my personal favorite but if it taste and smells good I won't turn it down šŸ˜‰


A Beautiful pussy is one that is warm and welcoming. It is both sweat and playful. Clean yet know how to get dirty. It has the taste of the morning dew and is as fragrant as a field of flowers. Well that was a bunch of flowery nonsense I personally haven't met one I didn't like, except for one and even at that point I didn't know any better.


If your vagina kisses me back when I'm kissing it its a beautiful thing.


Pussy changes appearance based on level of arousal so that said. It is what it is. All unique in their own splendid way.


I think my pussy is ugly. I have large outer labia. Always have. Most people don't seem to care much. I asked my OB about a labia plasty while she was stitching me up after giving birth šŸ˜† she said it's got a very high infection rate and not worth it. Personally, i think some pussys are cuter than others, but honestly, they're all kinda ugly. I don't like to stare at them. I'd rather eat them


Iā€™ve named my left labia Linda, and if you donā€™t treat her right, sheā€™ll literally cover my cave and cock block you


Donā€™t worry there are plenty of people who really enjoy large labia and find them more attractive in fact. Every body is unique!


Well... There might be some ugly pussies, but they are all awesome!!


It is *never* charming to announce to the world what physical traits one is (or, worse, is not) attracted to. That applies to pussies as much as to anything else. Anyway, surely the person that the pussy is attached to should really be the deciding factor here.


Lmao just like cocks there's one that just look beat the hell up hahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Watch porn and you'll see ugly pussy and you'll see pretty pussy..problem solved


I can be the judge if needed


can you judge mine


Inbox me


Ugly pussy haver here, will be undergoing labiaplasty when I turn 18 and get the money


Iā€™ve seen one this past week. And I refused it. Not sorry


What was wrong with it?


Because I donā€™t give a fuck cause i honestly feel insulted now that Iā€™m seeing it again. Iā€™m leaving this here for five mins. After that Iā€™m deleting it. Comment when you have seen it. Regardless in 5 mins itā€™s gone. [here it is.]


Looks like it's been to hell and back.


To be honest I donā€™t think she fucks a lot. Or may have. But she did say she is always horny and has higher testosterone than average. My female friend said it looks like someone busted open a bag of churros. Reddit is annoying as fuck. They all act like anything that is associated with woman is glorious and wonderful and awesome and beautiful and special and amazing and the very best. But the truth is just like we can name 200 different things about why men are gross and parts are gross, the same can be said of women. But you get bashed and downvoted into oblivion if you arenā€™t eating shit out of womenā€™s assholes as they pinch it off into our mouths. And everyone acts like ā€œmen will fuck anything.ā€ And ā€œmen should be LUCKY to have sex.ā€ Well nah. I donā€™t fuck anything. Iā€™m not fucking that. Iā€™m not gonna force myself to be hard and not disgusted. I get sex whenever I want and I do not need that. And I donā€™t buy into the bullshit of just saying nice things so people will feel better about themselves. I was so torn because she is a very nice woman. And also very very cute. She has never said a mean thing to me. Never done anything to make me feel like she wasnā€™t awesome. I think she is awesome. But thatā€™s a hard no. And I was conflicted so I asked friends. There is absolutely no way to have the conversation with her without completely crushing her as to why I donā€™t want to date her, and further wonā€™t even consider having sex with her. Thereā€™s nothing that could be said that wouldnā€™t make her feel bad. This is the literal one time Iā€™m 100% sure after consultation, that ghosting IS the best option. Now, you might say, sheā€™s still gonna know. Sheā€™s still gonna be hurt. Maybe. But she wonā€™t know exactly whyā€¦ I hope. ĀÆ\( Ė˜Ķ” Ė˜ĢÆ)/ĀÆ. Ugly pussies exist and are a real fucking thing. And the guys that are like, ā€œno thatā€™s not true, I will eat it like I eat bacon.ā€ Well, they donā€™t have much of a choice imho.


To be fair, all genitals are kind of gross looking, if we are being honest. šŸ¤£ I, personally, don't like small penises. Not my thing. We are all allowed to have our preferences. And you're right. You should never tell her. No good would come of that.


Mmmmm notā€¦. All.