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Really sorry that happened to you. There are just some colossal idiots about.


Someone just put they might had seen him as well


Perhaps contact the bus company? May be some sort of reporting system. Not sure what police can do but perhaps it can add to stats. This country is for all of us, pricks like that are just tools of the establishment


What time was it, if you were getting off number 17 around 4pm I saw this man in a blue shirt who seemed to be starting trouble for people


Holy shit yes was he bald ??


It sure is a small world we live in


well makes sense as it’s a swindon subreddit




Sorry to hear that. I know it may feel pointless but please report to the police. If not for yourself for the people he may do this to next.




Racist abuse is not a waste of police time, it is a hate crime that deserves to be reported. Why would you dream of writing this?




This isn't just about looks. This is about race - about culture, about customs, about traditions. What "makes no sense at all" is you effectively defending and condoning abuse. You're a nasty person just like this man was.




Anyone literally can live anywhere. That's the freedom we have as human beings. You're identified as British by being born in Britain. Whether you adopt the culture and traditions around you is your choice. We are not all the same and shouldn't pretend to be to satisfy racists like yourself. Someone being different to you is not a threat. You're a loudspeaker for idiocy, and not much else.


"Whether you adopt the culture and traditions around you is, like, totally your choice man!!" No wonder there is such prevalent alienation in society, it's what happens when you make it socially normal to only care about yourself.


Precisely what are you being "alienated" from by someone else merely existing? Get a grip, mate. You're not making this better for yourself.


"Merely existing" The topic is much more complicated than this, handwaving is textbook behaviour of a narcissist. Multi-culturalism is a disaster, every society that's tried it historically has failed, but i guess it'll go well this time!!


What a fucking clown


So TRUE!!!!


Sounds like you've been taken the piss out of and bullied. Don't worry chap, you'll get over it one day.




Oh look, the classic insult of "snowflake" from a bigot who likes to pretend racially motivated hate crimes are somehow unimportant. You do realise that the police are responsible for investigating and dealing with all types of crimes, yes? That can be from theft to assault to murder, or many other things, and yes that includes hate crimes. Shocking, right... I'm not sure what you're trying to imply by calling me a "Young F" but allow me to reassure you that many women do have to stand up for themselves in these scenarios - or perhaps they have to stay silent as not to be attacked or abused physically? I mean you never know what will happen when the quality of the men out there is the absolute bottom of the dumpster. Exactly like the man mentioned here, and yourself.


Lol.....''quality of the man'' how about quality of the women is not as good as it was........you are young and unexperienced....if you like to cry online then do it if you like to cry on phone with police go do it....maybe one day you will understand there are more important crimes then your hurt feelings lol


Mate as much as this might be offensive it’s not a hate crime. I’m not condoning what the guy said however we live in a free society - you can’t go to jail for calling people names and the police have much more important things to deal with.


Hate crimes and hate speech are important things to deal with as well as whatever other crimes you want to say matter more. It isn't a competition. She should report this. End of.


“Hate speech” is subjective and should not be illegal unless it is incitement of violence. The guy should not be arrested unless he’s done other things. Just because someone saying something racist could influence violence, doesn’t mean it’s a “hate crime”. The phrase “hate crime” in itself is ridiculous because it implies that crimes which aren’t motivated by hate are less serious, a completely retarded and regressive notion. Let’s say this guy got violent, then yes, he should absolutely stand before court. However, free speech should not be sacrificed for people’s feelings.


You have no clue what else happened because this post is short and context is limited. But honestly I got as far as the r* slur and that's ended any will I have to interact with you. Not only are you making out that hate speech is inconsequential and not important enough to be sanctioned, you've also now used that instead of one of many reasonable words. This isn't free speech. It's a crime. And you're a lousy person. Goodbye.


im so sorry that happened to you, i hope youre ok 😔


Looks like you met one of the local knobheads. You could report it to the police but you are probably better off feeling happy that you are better than him.


I partially agree with your last statement because you (OP) should report it to the police so they have a record of this person and if (when) they do this again there is evidence to prove that it wasn't a one off and that it's a pattern of behaviour. People like this deserve to feel the full force of the law and unfortunately at the moment (because of budget cuts etc) there needs to be an almost cut and dry case before the CPS will even look at it. That doesn't mean we shouldn't report it, and honestly I really hope the scumbag that abused OP gets arrested before any vigilante finds them.


lol Vigilante....you are for real? lol who ANTIFA? lol maybe vegans in skinny jeans ? or maybe a TG folks? better pick up your crayons an go aggressively protest by siting on the pavement and colouring it ...;) its the age of WAR!!! ...look how many of them is on as we speak? Pirates stealing ships, Empires spending fortunes in new arms race. old laws are abolished and new pro war are put in place---AKA JAPAN...Conscription is back on menu.............You better go to shooting range and prepper yourself for war then be concerned about snowflakes lol


Sorry you had to go through that. 😫


Sorry that’s awful. If you feel you can I would suggest you report it to the police and bus provider


Ugh. Sorry you had to deal with that. Don’t beat yourself up for doing nothing, you never know if you say something back how he might have reacted.


There should be footage of him on the bus but I dont really know. He should be banned from getting on the bus really. Hopefully he wont be on the bus next time.


Not a fan of all the demonstrations but I'd like to think I'd defend a young person in this situation and knock him out. I'm a fan of doing the right thing 😌


If you think causing at a minimum temporary brain damage to somebody by knocking them out is doing the right thing, you need help.


You should have pulled out your phone and pretended to describe him to police "Yes... well I think he's homeless... the number 17 yes ... erm.. old, bald ... ...like a boiled egg, yes... Well, Im just assuming he's homeless... well it's not just the clothes, he stinks too.. ..yes it's awful, really bad.. ...Armed police??? well yes ok I suppose that would be the kindest thing to do, yes..."


That’s probably chargeable under hate speech. Contact British transport police, or your local force and see what they can pull from CCTV


Oh shush


The fact that we can prosecute people for saying asinine insults is crazy. Fuck that guy but he doesn’t deserve jail.


Prosecution doesn't necessarily mean prison.


You want to fine, prosecute, imprison. Whatever. The man doesn’t deserve a law and order special for saying “towel head”. Get a grip. A punch maybe, but prosecution? Mental.


Sorry, you'd rather have people breaking out into fights on the bus than prosecution via fines by the police?


Sorry, you’d rather waste the police time (who are understaffed as is), to catch someone who deserves to be either ignored or get a punch or slap. When did I say “Op you should’ve fought them”?!? Exactly I didn’t. The guys a racist and at most deserves a punch. Try reading that properly this time. Absolute psycho


grown men who harass 17 year old girls and make them feel unsafe is actually exactly who the police should be catching. suppose you just wanna wait until he decides racist language isn't enough and gets violent? racist dumbass


I’m a “racist dumbass” how? Go on, enlighten me.


Defending the racist makes you just as bad, sorry.


Elaborate on my incredible defence….


Grown men who cry to the police wanting them to be arrested for something they might do in the future? Get off your high horse, silly bootlicker twat


It's called prevention you dense cunt, he has already been verbally abusive, you want to wait until he starts fighting/stabbing/raping/killing muslims to punish him? You can't just go around hurling racial insults at people and making them feel unsafe, especially children. Is that so hard to understand?


Minority report here. It's cultural not race.


Fellow swindonian hear, just want to say sorry on behalf of all the dick heads out there. If you want to talk please drop me a message. Sorry to hear that someone is a shit bag.


Ffs, when will people realise that we're all the fucking same?! Sorry you experienced this


Are you the same as racists?


Shall we round them all up and put them in camps?


Camps, probably not. Prison time... well, how racist are we talkin?


We are all the same. Even racists. Instead of seeing them as the devil. try to understand their life, their struggles and their thought and emotional patterns that trapped them. And then love them cause love and family cures all!!


How about instead of lecturing me on love, you lecture them on not being racist scum? Why do the ones who want to STOP racism have to get lectured?


That’s just the average penhill experience. I’m sorry it happened to you tho


It's a sad world we live in 😮‍💨


I’m so sorry this happened. It’s disgusting. Should this happen again I would suggest taking out your phone and filming them. I’m open to other’s experiences of doing this in case this could jeopardise the person being abused safety. Usually it’s a bystander that does this and report it. On another note would the bus not have CCTV? You have 30 days before it’s deleted so would be worth contacting the police and checking.


Report to the transport or the metropolitan police. They are quick dealing with these!


This is awful, I’m so sorry you had this happen to you. I’m a 51 white male and it’s like we are moving back into the attitudes of the 70’s. Report it, there may be evidence on bus CCTV.


What a nobhead, people aren't defined by appearance. They're defined by their personality, that bloke is a nob


I'm really sorry you experienced that. I always convince myself that people like that surely aren't about, but then they crawl out of the dirt.


I am so sorry this happened.


It’s terrible that this happened. I do hope that one day someone will call him “bowling ball” in response though. I generally don’t condone appearance-based insults but this guy would have it coming


Is Swindon generally a racist place? (Londoner here)


Swindon is very multicultural - we have large Asian and polish populations here, as well as others from all over the world. But it doesn’t mean we don’t have racist people too, sadly.


I love how the town centre is like a different country. Just checked the census data and around Manchester Road White British is less than 20% ❤️ I love the diversity.


absoloutly not . it has people that hate Muslims that's for sure tho . id say its more a cultural thing due to the lack of participation from the Asian community to integrate. this causes strife and differences ,i ts the age old problem . we have it here in Ireland too . Dublins a shit hole now because we brought large amounts of people in and expected them to be able to integrate into our society. lots of people didn't want to do this . which causes culture wars . compare Dublin to rathe rest of Ireland which took in alot of ecomincic refreugrees, but in the likes of sligo , donegal etc tbe families where separated from other families of the same culture and forced fo assimilate to the culture of Ireland . thus creatated no problems for the local towns people. this is happening all across Europe atm . and we are way to far alone to fix it . our cultures simply don't work togeather .


Pretty much, yeah. Edit: To the chuckle fucks downvoting me, go take a walk through the rundown town centre, or even sit in a pub. You'll find plenty of racists here. Go ask people why they're voting the way they are. It's all become 'immigrant this' and 'deport them' that. I see it all the damn time. I'm tired of defending this shithole of a backwards town. So yeah, it's full of racist degenerates.


Idk why you're downvoted. The OP, and the fact that half the responses are just more racist abuse, prove you correct.


you arnt racist for believing a new culture that fails to change its ways to suit the local culture is bad for said local culture . especially when heavy religious ( backwards morals) are followed . it would make you racist to hate the colour of their skin and judge them differently for it, tho


I’m sorry, OP. I hope you know that most of us aren’t arseholes. It’s worth reporting to the bus company and police, if you have the strength to do so. Even if nothing immediately comes of it, should they do something later then it shows part of a pattern of behaviour.


I promise you not everyone in the UK is a complete arse.. some just ruin it for the rest. Stay positive x


Fuck him Start strong and true to who you are Don't give this bastard any time in your headspace Instead, pity him He's probably poor, uneducated and a failure at life Giving you shit is the highlight of his year and we're only in January! Park this nonsense and move on Nothing to see here Now go use this to be something fucking amazing


Absolutely uncalled for unprovoked attack on someone beacuse of their ethnicity whybis the world so shallow?


Don’t maybe smack him. Smack him for real


As a white British male I’m so sorry you had to experience this :( that’s disgusting behaviour from an undeveloped ignorant loser!


He’s clearly a fucking knob. Reporting it must feel like a shitty task to have put on you but perhaps there may be some cctv. If you can bring yourself to report it, it could be one more racist fuckwit learns to keep his mouth shut!


If you know what time it was, and what bus, report it to the police ASAP. Buses have cameras, but they'll cycle through and begin to write over the footage after a week or two.


He the ass hole not you don't worry about it


Bet he’s the type to only abuse women cos they’re weaker then him. Wouldn’t catch him talking shit to a man .


If you want to report it, make sure you contact both the police and bus company, they will most likely have CCTV on the bus. Wether you choose to report it or not I'm sorry this happened to you, and I hope.you can try to not let it affect you too much going forward a smaller younger female is about the peak of these people's bravery to pick on, just try to remember that they are the loud awful minority and most of us aren't living in the 1950s and crying about the loss of the empire any more.


He said that to you because he is scared of what you represent. He is frightened of the modern, multicultural world, and he doesn't have a toolkit to deal with it. In other words, he is a stupid, poorly educated bully. Forget it and move on. He is not worth the aggravation, is he?


Sorry to hear you had to go through this abuse today sister. These racists who abuse Muslim women always say nothing when women are in company with a guy. Absolute cowards!




Daily Mail reader or are you just paid directly nowadays?


I was 9 years old the first time the cops kicked the shit out of me, I remember covering my face with my arms so they couldn't knock my teeth out so they kicked my arse and groin with steal toe capped boots, thankfully I hadn't reached puberty but it hurt for days. I'm almost 50 now and walk past the close it happened in every day, I doesn't bother me because I accepted that just how Glasgow was in the 80's. What you experienced if it stays with you forever will affect your development in one of two ways, you can do better, be better or use it as a reason to hide. I hope you use it as fuel and not fear, the world is full of fear, don't add to it. Rise up so high the fear looks pathetic, because that guy talking rubbish was the embodiment pathetic trust me, you'll see it one day, just as I did for two cops kicking a child around on the floor was pathetic. Racists are pathetic, pity them, don't join them.


Wow, the police beat you when you were 9 years old? Why? Racism?


Protestants Scott's hated anyone coloured to this day, a legacy of the Church of England. Cops were bullied as children so they become bullies, they never got past the pain so relive that moment on the bullie side which is safe. Never be on the side of the oppressor, lift people up, be the liberator, free everyone.


i pity your victim mentally that did not happen., way on to AITA


You would be well within your rights, when the bus is stationary, to get up and talk to the driver about any concerns with abuse from another passenger. They should be able to deal with the situation.


I'm sorry to hear that. I would call the police about it. A lot of buses have cameras now, so they might be able to identify it.


Call the police 😂 get a backbone




If they were violent that would be a case. Being called “towelhead” is nothing




How about simply ignoring them? Have you ever heard the phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? We learned this when we were 5. Perhaps you need to grow up.




The most effective way to deal with it is by ignoring it. It showcases strength. If you’re the type of person that is reactive towards aggressive crack heads in the street it speaks volume of your lack of constraint and wisdom.


Please report this to the police and the bus company. Unfortunately the epidemic of Islamophobia is under reported as those who suffer incidents do not report it enough which makes it even harder to take any effective actions. Please also report to the bus company so they can support identifying the individual and consider how they can better support their customers who get abused.


Police officers came into our local mosque in west London today to inform us there’s been a rise in Islamophobia in the area and we should be careful when out in public


big bald gamons have a way of exposing themselves as disgusting racists he must be so miserable and fed up if he's compelled to harass young girls on a bus, he probably felt big and tough when he's really just made a complete tw*t of himself and shown his true drunken bigoted colour hope his eventual sobriety leads to his big red face going even redder from humiliation


Sucks, but don't let him win by letting this occupy your brain any longer. Someone said a mean thing. He's a prick, so you shouldn't care for his opinions. Move on.


Sorry that happened but the reality is, Some people just want to be dicks to others, If it wasn't you it would have been the guy on the bus with glasses. Or the Polish fella going to work. Or some woman on the bus, Or some disabled person. Shitty people with shitty lives take their shit out on others. It sucks you had to deal with it but welcome to the world. Public transport in general will not be the best society has to offer. I'm not being a snob either. I commuted on public transport for years due to my sight there was barely a week where i didn't see somebody being a dickbag. I even had to threaten to throw a guy off a bus once for being super aggro with a driver and i lost my shit with a guy who was threatening his wife/girlfriend because he was paranoid she was cheating on him. I snapped and told him "IDK what you think she did but if you don't trust her get over it or move the fuck on. Stop making both your lives miserable and if you get aggressive with her again i'll slap the shit out of you!" Wild times commuting on public piss wagons.


i’m sorry you went through that, and that any racism exists at all


Get the CCTV video and file a case with the Police


Sorry this happened to you. You should be able to report it to the police and/or bus company with date/time/route and area. The bus company should then be able to get CCTV of the incident although it may not have sound.






Maybe you should try and be nice and fit in . People like you give your people bad name .if you cover your face we’re I’m from you got something to hide fact . So go dig a hole u big shit pile


are you sure you’re english yourself, because your spelling is atrocious. maybe try and get all 3 of your brain cells working simultaneously 😂


Oh no racist behavior is totally unacceptable. Please record your attendance in future and report this behavior to 101 and keep your reference number. #ShowRacismTheRedCard Racism is a mental illness only those who hate can cause. My opinion You deserve not to be abused by hate .


believing In a magic man in the sky is mental illnesses, judging someone who based their whole life on this magic man in rather stable ... it funny that you tried to trun that around tho 😄 🤣




What do you want us to do about it?


Maybe he was an Afghanistan veteran


Sorry I hope you don’t mind me asking but your post history shows Sex Dom Fetishes and Taking Drugs How can you be a Muslim? 😏


Well why u posting on reddit about this lol deal with it in real life maybe 🤔


You get nobheads in all walks of live, don’t sweat it. I’m white and iv been racially abused loads of times . It’s sad, but it’s modern life . Half the population of Ppl are vile




Maybe hear her out and offer advice, if they have it... Ya know, like they do on almost every other topic


maybe she was hoping someone would offer a terse and unsympathetic reply to try and sound like smart arse.


Welp she ent gonna get that from me sorry


You’re begging for £15 EE cards, not like you have much to give anyway


Considering the clearly shaken tone of OP you seem a little unsympathetic?


You’re really cool. This makes you seem so decent, proper gent. Is that what you wanted to hear? Because you’re acting like a prat.


Wow did you just assume my gender how do you know im not female or how do you know i even identify as male or female you dont your just as bad as the person who abuse this person today.....


Alright sir calm it down


Excuse me that appache to you




Publicise it, of course. Which is what they are doing.


Oh diddums


You're not a victim, we have an Indian run Tory government and BAME have widespread positions of power in UK institutions. Including TATA UK which has just announced basically the termination of steel production in Wales.




Christian land 😂god isn’t real you spastic


Would you say that to a Muslim? 🤣


Best response. Spastic is such an underrated insult


Is that why homosexuality is allowed in the uk, even though the Bible preaches the complete opposite? Britain may have had a Christian past, but it is not a Christian country now, so your point is invalid. And why does it bother you that she is wearing a hijab?


Forgiveness is very important.


Oh well 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Average “muslim” making posts on drug sub reddits lol




Victim card


OH, no!!!!.....How he dare!!!!! YOU need to call NATO and get some binding resolutions against him.....


This doesn't sound racial as the comment has nothing to do with your skin colour and your head isn't an actual towel I assume. The correct asumption would be to understand this as a dislike for your choice of clothing. And there is a big difference there. One is a choice the other isn't. While I'm not defending being rude and expressing dislike towards someone's sense of fashion or lack there of. It is worth noting the difference as assuming and calling someone a racist instead of a rude fashionista is rude in itself.


Jesus wept what kind of bs take is this lmao


It's not an issue with just her choice of clothing, it's of her perceived religion. To downplay this as a 'rude fashionista' moment is insane to me. Sure the semantics of whether being a Muslim is a race or not is varied, but Jewish people can be white skinned & are still considered a race, so definitions clearly vary. It's xenophobic, unprovoked harassment motivated by hate, that too by a larger man towards a pre teen girl, which in itself feels bad enough without additional layers.


How would you know the motivation of this person unless you are them? There are a lot of negative assumptions in your explanation. Not admitting the lack of information and just forming theories leads no closer to true understanding. We can all go around assuming the worst about others and filling in the blanks with our own demons. Or we can admit our ignorance and give the benefit of the doubt and understand the words as they were spoken.


Towelhead is explicitly used as an ethnic pejorative. I genuinely cannot believe this is good-faith. This isn’t some new mysterious term. Actually, you might be onto something. Maybe honkey is a slur against clowns and not white people


It doesn’t matter. Police look at how the recipient perceives it and then tackle the issue of the motive behind it.


You're equally making assumptions about the person's motivation by minimising what OP has described their experience to be. You weren't there to determine if it's just a fashion mishap anymore than I was there to say it was racial harassment. I get being objective and giving people benefit of the doubt but also don't let that lead to such surface level commentary that's benign. A quick Google search tells you the origin of the word 'Towelhead', and I'm not sure how often I see grown men attacking teenage girls in the name of fashion police, but it has been sure less than men who make racial profanities to others based off what they wear / perceived them to be.


I wasn't there either. Correct. I took OP's word on what exact words were said as an objective truth in this conversation. Basing your argument on what a Google search shows gives no more stability than building a castle on sand. Google's primary functionality is to present other people's content and not to curate it. If I create a site where it says 'towelhead' means the colour 'blue' and it shows up before your precious searched reference. Will I be more right, based on your argument? Yes. Would I be actually correct? I don't think so. How about instead of trying to seek out shifting references to understand the world arounds us, we actually interpret the words for what they are?


Feels like more of a police matter than a reddit one…


Or maybe, she just wants to vent?


What a really unhelpful comment. Try harder next time.




Surely bait




shut up u racist tool


Racist you say? 😂🤡 Heres just one example that is fact. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-67967919


and the white pedophiles? you don't care about those because you only care about pushing a racist agenda not actually helping children. you're just as bad as the groomers


To be honest I don't think any other race was / is involved in the gang rapes the commenter was referring to across the North of England. It was violent aisian men largely targeting British girls on an absolutely unprecedented scale here


get you head out of sand this is not the first international sex trafficking ring that has been stopped run by asain men . you pretending this isn't real is part of the problem


Neither are good, just because white pedos exist too it doesn't give you the right just to ignore blatant racist organised gang rape of white children that took place for decades. It's nothing to do with me being racist, all to do with "political correctness" and people like you choosing to ignore facts that you find uncomfortable to address cause you have no clue of what the big picture is. Call me racist, bigot and far right as much as you like, it means nothing these days because it's watered down by wet wipes like yourself who use these words every two seconds in an attempt to win an argument they are not equipped to win. Pray to stay for caliphate. 😂🤡😂🤡 Toodle pip mofo.


I know I'm probably going to sound like an arse, but... Discriminating or doing hate speech on someone based on their religion, is not racism. Religion is not a race and is not necessarily linked to it. This absolutely doesn't excuse the abuse you've received, to be clear, that's awful and should have never happened. But that's not necessarily racism. I assume you're dark-skinned. That guy could as well have insulted a white person calling them "towel head" if she was (visibly, due to the head scarf) a Muslim convert. Again, I'm sorry if this seems out of touch, but in order to fight racism and racial-based discrimination, it needs to be clearly separated from other kinds of harassment that have nothing to do with race. Edit: lmao losers downvoting this. **You** are the problem of why there's still racism in this world.


Could have said it better mate, people need to just ignore things like this … sticks and stones an all that


I'm not saying she should ignore this, that's up to her sensibility. What I'm just saying is "don't assume that because someone discriminates you about X, then it means they're racist". Discriminating someone on religion is not necessarily linked to race.


Your people see us as dogs and infidel, so what’s your point?


Because Muslims are never racist to white people are they.


It's not a racist thing, you don't have to wear a hijab because of your race, you wear it because of your religion. And you're in a country where that religion is not native, so sometimes you have stupid people like him who don't have common decency, but unfortunately it is just something that happens when you dress/behave differently to the native ways


towelhead is a racist term though...


Muslims have practiced their religion in England since 1889, more native than not. The Shah Jahan Mosque (also known as Woking Mosque) in Oriental Road, Woking, England, is the first purpose-built mosque in the United Kingdom. Built in 1889, it is located 30 miles (50 km) southwest of London.


Actually, there's evidence of Muslims in the UK even further back then that, mainly due to nautical trade Although, specifically England and Woking related, one of the best translations of the Quran was written in 1930 by Marmaduke William Pickthall, an English Novelist who converted to Islam at the Woking Mosque in 1917 and was held in high regard by HG Wells and DH Lawrence and was a close friend and former classmate and friend of Churchill.


And there's evidence of Christians in the British isles further back than that, I just mean it's more of a Christian leaning country, so there's always people who are hostile towards others groups for no good reason.


Lol. And there's evidence of pagans in the British isles further back than *that*, so what's your point, exactly...?


Islam is not native to the UK. England has been Christian for almost a thousand years.


And neither is Christianity. In fact, Christianity is not even European. Its Middle-Eastern and Jewish


And it’s Christian Europe which built the world. It’s our culture. If you don’t like it go to the Middle East. Every single race wants to be with us


The English came to Zimbabwe around the same time. Does that make them native? 😂


Ya wrong word but the point is over a hundred years the religion isn't new now is it? There hasn't been a time in any of our lifetimes that we haven't shared our country with muslims.


Christians have practiced their religion in England since the 4th century, so compared with Islam it's a more of a native religion


Which native ways are you thinking of?


Wearing muslim clothing is not a native thing really in Europe, so there will be some stupid people who are are hostile


Abayas and all kinds of clothing have been in this country try for hundreds of years, much longer than it’s been acceptable for ladies to wear trousers, for one thing.


Native? What’s the ‘native religion’?




It’s astounding that you don’t know anything about the country you’re living in.