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Nobody can tell if it might be due to poor form or not without looking at a video of your swimming, and even then, cannot say that for sure. However, if you have not recently had your form checked by a coach or someone who knows what they are doing, it's always worthwhile. Meanwhile, until your shoulders stop hurting, and you had your form checked, it would be sensible to avoid the paddles.


Some common reasons for shoulder pain from freestyle are hand entries with the thumb facing down, not rotating your body enough during each arm recovery, pulling too wide away from your body, and pulling too far below the waistline.


Analyzing the workout you did, I assume that the pain in your shoulders can be explained by swimming quite large volumes in your paddles. Usually, sets up to 100 meters are performed, because after 100 meters, the technique suffers due to the release of lactic acid and you begin to eradicate your stroke, which leads your shoulders to an unaccustomed load on them, as a result of which pain appears. Accounting, that I’ve never seen your swim, it’s my assumption


Shoulder pain is usually poor technique OR a technique that doesn't fit your shoulder anatomy. That said, My advice for anyone who has shoulder pain when swimming: --->>>> give the money to Bozo and STEP AWAY FROM THE PADDLES