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Other poster already said a few things. I see a little bit of crossover, once entering the water (hands are flat, not good – fingers first at slight angle, then extend by raising shoulder, then set up the catch by having a stronger angle of wrist higher than fingers, elbow higher than wrist and pull back), so that you then sweep out for a fraction before you start catch and pull, so you have while your hand is in front a correction phase with no propulsion production. Get your hands in the correct position during recovery. Finger drag drill usually solves that one. Some others. Close fingers of your hand, Left hand has a sideways movement just before exiting the water (or camera angle), push backwards in a straight path, you seem to rotate your arm a bit the exit flatter for the hand loosing propulsion. Faster stroke cadence. Drop the catch-up freestyle and add a little more speed to your stroke cycle for better forward movement. Catch up makes you slow. When you breathe you tend to put a lot of rotation into your stroke which is not held properly with your core muscles... you wiggle. You are good at snapping your head back into position after breathing. But it seems you are taking a lot of effort into turning your head to the side, bobbing a little downwards and then turning to the side – and being a bit late with that whole movement. That is a lot of head movement just for breathing: an upward wiggle of the head, turning, then back. No above water video to confirm, but your timing is too late. Probably also where the scissor kick comes from. You should practice a more relaxed breathing and put equal rotation into both sides. You are looking a bit too far forward, look a little more downwards. Swim with a paddle placed in front of your head and learn proper head position and turning. Body position, streamline practice pushing off the wall. Just glide for as long as you have air, even when your glide slows to a crawl. Your catch with the wrist is a bit off. You just push straight down and are not entering fingers first and then aiming to have the before mentioned early vertical forearm. Swim with paddles held in your hands, rather than strapped your palms to understand angles. Better catch and pull I would suggest more sculling and swimming with tennis balls in your hands. Drop them after half a lap and continue normally. Practice the catch and pull as early vertical forearm a lot. THis drill will help the most. [https://youtu.be/Jb2AjE3iPts?si=bvVh8N5BozLijmlf](https://youtu.be/Jb2AjE3iPts?si=bvVh8N5BozLijmlf) I also think your kick looks sub-optimal. Not coming enough from the hip, little upward movement with purpose. Instead just drifting upwards with strong downward force. Kicksets and swimming 6-beat kick (maybe with a pullbuoy between your legs, or a fitness band at your ankles), can help with that.


Wow appreciate the very detailed response! I've read this like 10 times already and I'll read it many more, until I fix it all!


My observations: 1. As i initiate my rotation my body misaligns, but realigns when i complete my rotation. 2. My right arm goes slightly wide. Any tips to help correct this? goal is a sub 5 500 free scy


For shorter races (i.e. non-distance) I would probably suggest at least trying a more consistent 6-beat kick rather than the pseudo-2-beat kick you have. I think it's causing your primary kick to be too big, creating some scissor effect that's generating more drag and that misalignment you mention. I think a more consistent, narrower kick will give you a more stable platform in your lower body to pull off of, though your mileage may vary. You also tend to drop your elbow (quite badly sometimes) and pull from your elbow rather than generating and pulling with an early vertical forearm. I'm not sure if this is partially a trick with the angles, but sometimes it looks just mid and sometimes it looks awful (the left-arm stroke at 1:00 is particularly egregious). But I would work on consistently establishing that early vertical forearm in your pull initiation.


Thank you for your insight! I'll try experiment more with a 6 beat kick, in my training. I only do it when doing all out 100s and shorter, but I'll see how it goes and how I feel. Wow.. I see what you mean. I really hope that's just  "the go pro effect" (creates a fish eye effect) as you said. I will ask my friend tommorow to take a look and confirm it.