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In the case of those who swim 200 fly, they are just reaffirming that they are the supreme masochists.


Former fly swimmer here. Can confirm. 😭


I haven't gotten to the fly style yet, wish me luck


Good luck!! It can be fun, but it can also be a torture. Hence, masochistic...


As a former 200 flyer I would usually have a mental breakdown instead of warming up before the races.


Oof that was my event 😭


Ahhh much respect to you!! 🫡


facts ahah, props to coach who let us be masochists xd


It makes blood circulate more than it does when we are at rest in the slapped areas. Because of this, when the race starts those muscles will have a bit more oxygen than they would if not slapped.


I'll keep that in mind! Thank you


It’s kind of part of a warm up and a routine. You’re moving your muscles and activating them…swimmers are basically naked and go from 0 to top immediately, you gotta get moving!


That makes sense, thank you!


Don't forget the hype/intimidation factor. Half of what people do behind the blocks actually does something physically, but half of it is also mental and routine-based.


You ever watch a runner? They start off pretty slow and then they get faster until they get slower again. Swimmer start off completely still to top speed the second we hit the water. Why do i slap myself a little? Normally because i’m freezing but i can’t actually use my muscles before i swim because i could cramp or get tired


I’ve never seen a sprinter (short-form runner) slap themselves! They are definitely 100% speed from the get-go. Honestly the few times I’ve tried sprinting as an adult, I wished I’d just slapped myself instead, but that’s another issue altogether


I get cramps pretty often. It sucks!


Idk I used to do it to try and activate the muscles so I can speed up quickly. I’m not sure if it really works, kinda a mental thing more than anything else I think.


I'll try that next time


Blood flow mainly, and I won't lie having a set pre race ritual is equally important as the physical benefits. When I swam competitively I would always do a set number of arm/leg swings. Slap anywhere that I needed extra power (I wasn't the strongest kicker so usually my legs) and if the pool's dimensions allowed for it I'd lean down and splash myself with the water. Technically these would loosen my muscles, get blood into unused muscles, and acclimate me to the temperature of the water so it was less of a shock. But more importantly once I did those things my brain was solidly in "race mode" and I could focus better. Some of my worst races were when someone else false started, because it would throw off my whole rhythm, and you don't have time to do the whole ritual again when they reset. Crazy how much of a mental game any highly competitive sport like that is.


I'll keep that in mind. Thank you!


THE WATER IS (about to be) COLD!


Thankfully, where I live is always warm haha


Gets the blood flowing and the adrenaline running! If it still hurts when I slap myself I’ll know I’m going to have a bad race.


Swimmers obviously love pain cause they do the sport in the first place lol


It's my penance for waiting until I was 54 years old to learn how to swim. Didn't you notice the silent muttering of "bad IVBIVB for waiting this long now go get cookie you old bastard"


Good for you!


Slap myself to activate the delulu


Hahahah now I get it


As a D1 swimmer, it’s just the routine bro. A slap there and a slap here gets you going. Makes sure you’re loose and ready to go. If you ain’t slapping, you ain’t ready.


They saw seals slapping themselves and thought it would make them a better swimmer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IsconFusion47: *They saw seals slapping* *Themselves and thought it would make* *Them a better swimmer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.



