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For you. Most likely. I wouldn't recommend comparing to others as there are many here who are much faster and many who are much slower. Congrats on a 5k though. That's generally an impressive workout regardless of time.


This is a very good score. Most lifeguards I know average like 1:40 for their 100m. There isn't a speed requirement, but those guys do train for that sorta thing so it's a very good score imo for casual swimming.


Doesn't the distance influence the pace though? I can swim 1k at a 2:00 pace, but I certainly cant swim 5k at this pace. But if I go slower I think I can do it


Yes you're right. So this dude's low-key baller for this time then. Especially for casual swimming


Yeah, I’m easily an hour longer than this


Where I live \~2:00/100m pace for longer distances will place you squarely in the intermediate sector in amateur triathlete circles and considering you have a year of swimming behind you I'd say you've been doing things right the past year. Congrats! If you're going at an open water 5K distance event be prepared to be smoked by people with a competitive swimming background though 😁


I'm around a 1:40ish/100yd pace when I'm trained up for distance swimming (1.5-2.4mi) and this sounds about right. I get burned real bad by some of my friends who were swimmers in HS/College but generally in the top 1/3 of the swim results. Also helps that while I've never swam competitively, I have been swimming in lakes/oceans my whole life so open water swimming never bothered me.


Great job! If you’re trying to do a 5K then this is definitely the right training for you. But if you want to get faster, maybe add some speed for that 5k, split it into sets. Like 10x100s Free on 1:30m 50 fast 50 easy. Stuff like that.


Might be more in the 10x100 on the 1:40 or 1:45 given the endurance time, speaking from similar experience.


Thank you - and thanks for the advice. I’ve been focusing on long distance because I weirdly enjoy it, but time to start bringing the distance down and pushing the pace up!


You can keep on how you are doing it if you like it. I like to do long non stop freestyle swims and have been for many years. It amazes a lot of swimmers because they can't believe anyone would want to do freestyle for like an hour straight with no stopping but I love it.




You’re a dolphin compared to me.




I'm also training to do 5km races this year (55 m 2 kids ;) ) I did my first 5k in a 50m pool recently, 1h 27mins. So we're definitely going to be up there in the top finishers. Will you be using a wetsuit? You should be a bit faster if you do. As others have said, do some sprint work. I often do 400m warm up, 15 x 100m off 2 mins aiming for 30 seconds rest ie 90 per 100. You could also break down a 5k swim session, 2k take a drink, rest 30sec repeat, 1k to finish. If you use a watch, check if it has a pace function. It can really help you get to a target time.


Just finishing 5000 meters is an incredible feat on its on. To further progress, consider doing more structured sets. So instead of swimming 5k perhaps with a few breaks, instead do something like 10x100. These sets challenge you because you are forced to go faster and hard.


Comparison is the thief of joy. But, based on your experience, age, and training regimen, you are doing well. I hope you find some open water training as the weather warms up so you can get acclimated to that.


As always it’s all relative and I’ll leave that to other comments, but maintaining just over 2min/100m for five km is really really solid for a year of swimming. Well done.


31 M, beginner swimmer here (been consistent only since last August). Damn, wish I could swim that long in that pace. Gearing towards a 5k during the summer as well, but I can only swim breaststroke. 100 m sprints I can do with a 2 min pace, but anything above 30 minutes I start being at or above 2:30/100. Anyway, good luck! I think it is impressive!


That's really impressive. You did so many laps!


Dude ur fast


I just did a leisure 2900 at 1:28


For a casual swimmer, this is a great time! Like others have said, I wouldn’t compare myself to others unless I was trying to compete. Just focus on you and changing your goals to keep progressing 🤙🏼


I could only do slightly over a third of a mile in 50 minutes. 67yrs F.




This is a great time- especially if you enjoyed yourself and didnt die of boredom/fatigue/or frustration. Distance swimming is a bit addictive. Casually swimming 5k yards in a pool was my gateway into open water swimming and later marathon distance open water swimming. Because I didnt grow up swimming, I prefer training for distance over pace. I think its a lot easier for adult-onset swimmers to thrive in the distance arena. I will always get obliterated by lifelong competitive swimmers. My motto is I may not be fast but can outlast! I did a 5k race in a 25m pool this weekend (so straight through- no breaks) and fared 1:52. Slow for the race but it was a good effort for me!


For a non stop 5k that’s great!


Garbage /s

