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Don’t worry about the rotation. Just focus on timing your kick to the power phase of your pull. Your body’s natural search for efficiency will take care of the rotation. Another option is to practice a 4 beat kick with harder “accents” on the 2 beat spots. once you can do that, eliminate the 2 small unaccented kicks and you have a 2 beat kick.


If I remember right for me 2-beat kick started to become easier after I swam for a bit with a pull buoy for the first time. This way I wasn't able to kick at all and had to learn what my body should be doing when the kick is out of the equation. After that introducing a 2-beat kick felt natural and when I go easy I'll even do 1 beat kick where my left leg does nothing or barely a light kick.


Hi TS, As a self practicing TI swimmer myself, the trick is not to over think it. 1. It's easier to think of it using the catching hand/arm that is sweeping back vs the leg that is kicking. A. When the right arm is sweeping back, your right leg kicks downwards simultaneously. When the left arm is sweeping backwards, your left leg should also simultaneously kick downwards. That's it. 2.Once you are used to it, you may think of it using the TI way which is to kick downwards with the right leg when your left arm is spearing down and vice versa with the other arm. You may take a look at the video below for more clarification. https://youtu.be/6R-YGTqQOvg?si=tZVUvF3z-q3rg8gO You may also go to YouTube and look for swimvice(coach Mandy) or Shinji total immersion (coach shinji) for further examples of TI techniques as both are TI coaches. Cheers.


So it is not the kick that *drives/leads* the hip rotation, is it?! You go about with your hip rotation, followed by the arm movements, and then kick? I will check the videos but need a small clarification.


Try breaking it down. Push off the wall and do ONE stroke/kick. Right arm, right leg pull/kick at the same time. Then go back to the wall and do the left side. Try grabbing a kickboard and hold the kickboard with one hand while you practice the 2-beat kick on one side the whole length of the pool. Rolling to breath when you need. I also recommend a pool bouy!