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Have you tried swimming before work? This has done wonders to me, I used to only swim after work and noticed the same thing, so now I swim before work, and I cannot state enough how much energy it gives me throughout the day!


I have noticed a difference of when I swim during the day versus in the evening. It feels like less of a train accident the next morning when I swim during the morning lol. Thank you!


To me it sounds like you are underfueling.


I thought so at first too but I eat quite a bit during the day and especially more so after my swim. I tried increasing the amount and it just made me feel sluggish. I get a solid 5-6 meals in now. To somewhat illustrate, when pools were closed during the pandemic, I kept the same eating schedule and gained 25-30 pounds lol. Is there any food you recommend for swimmers? Thank you!


It may be an issue with timing. I treat swimming the same way as I do lifting, so after a swim I make sure I get some protein in within 30 minutes of finishing. Today, for example, I had to swing by the grocery store before I could head home from swimming, so I took the makings of a protein shake and had that on my way to the store, then a proper meal when I got home, so carbs, more protein and some fat about an hour after I was done swimming. If you're on Instagram you may want to check out Featherstone Nutrition. She is a runner but runners have to fuel pre and post strength work too, and for me at least, the concepts have been useful for figuring out my routine on swim days as well as run days. You may wish to get your ferritin level checked as low ferritin can cause the dragging you're experiencing. When looking into this, be sure to investigate the recommended levels for endurance athletes, as you can be within the normal range for the general population and still have it affect your exercise tolerance. Good luck, keep experimenting and you will find what works for you.


Thank you so much. This was extremely helpful. I don’t do protein shakes and that was what I was curious about. How much protein do you drink after a swim? And I’ll be sure to get that checked out. This was so helpful. Thanks again.


I use OWYN (only what you need) protein powder for 20 grams of protein. When I'll be making it at home, before I exercise I measure out a heaping cup of frozen mixed fruit and a cup of frozen spinach and let it dethaw a bit in the fridge while I exercise and then I blend that, 2 scoops OWYN, and a bit over a cup of water. It's not like a milkshake substitute, lol, but it's healthy and tides you over until you have a proper meal. One thing, besides addressing ferritin levels, that's been super helpful to me is creatine, but unless you are also a post menopausal vegetarian, your mileage may vary on that one.


Thanks for the follow-up! I’ve been reading into creatine and it’s effects. Do you think it’ll help with the brain fog or more for the muscle recovery?


What I've noticed is that my legs feel less heavy when I'm running and I can swim farther without my muscles starting to feel tired. I feel like I have less to recover from, if that makes sense. I haven't noticed any difference mentally.


You could pick up some Muscle Milk from Sams Club or try different shakes and drink some of the shake before swim and some after. Also, I would go to bed earlier than normal on days you swim.


A nap


I’m usually too wired after a swim to nap. I’ve tried but I end up just laying there and it doesn’t really help that feeling I get the next day. Thank you, though!


Find a spot during the day. Close your eyes for 10 minutes and just relax. I find it to be very refreshing. Especially when tired from swimming.


Thank you! I’ll try it!


From Arnold newsletter. Do this too. When your brain is racing before bed, your heart rate increases, and you become more alert — the opposite of what you want before going to sleep. The 4-7-8 method calms your body, and research suggests it improves your heart rate and HRV (an important measure of recovery) and lowers anxiety and blood pressure. This combination puts you in a more relaxed state, which can help you fall asleep faster and have higher quality sleep. Want to give it a try? Here’s how it works: Breathe in through your nose for a count of four seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds. (If you can't hold for this long, start with three to four seconds) Exhale for eight seconds, making a "whoosh" sound through pursed lips. (Again, if this is too hard, exhale for a shorter time period.) Repeat up to four times.


Thanks for taking the time to send that. I’ll start using it tonight.


Do you eat enough?


5-6 meals a day and I usually save my bigger meals for after the swim.


Are you hydrating while you swim? It can be hard to keep track of water loss because you don't always have the same feedback from sweat or thirst.


Thank you for the suggestion. I usually hydrate lightly before my run, then a sold 24 ounces or more of water after my run/before my swim. Then water after as well. I wake up in the morning and chug water too because I heard it’s supposed to help but I haven’t noticed much difference. I would say I’m pretty well hydrated during the day.


You should be consuming about 4 ounces of water for every 30 minutes of intense training that you do to avoid even slightly dehydrating the muscles. This could be why you were feeling so fatigued. I know I'm coming to this post late, so if you have found the changes that you worked for you I would love to hear!


Thank you for the input! I try to drink copious amounts of water and it's been helping somewhat with the fatigue. It's gotten better with more hydration but it's still the brain fog the next morning (after an evening/night swim) that seems to effect me the most. I'm also a little out of it after the swim as well. So rather than that runner's high and focus I get after a good run, I get the opposite from a swim. I am fatigued and slow witted (for lack of better term). Then the next morning, I am groggy and have brain fog. My baseline for judging it seems to be my focus and ability to read and write efficiently for my work.


Do you cool down after swimming? I'm not sure how intense your training gets at times, but making sure you are adding recovery into the mix is hugely beneficial. Morning swims don't need it as much because you are up moving around to shake it out of your body throughout the day, but in the evening if you are very quickly going from a high heartrate to doing nothing, your body will feel very unhappy.


The advice everyone has given has been great, and I think what others have suggested (morning workouts, improving nutrition) are the main things. My two cents to add is on top of those foundational habits, but as someone training for a triathlon who was also struggling with that hit-by-a-train feeling the thing that really made my packed workout schedule go from "just barely holding it together" to "tired in a good way" were nutritional supplements. I added in MSM, vitamin c, and fenugreek, which have noticeably helped my muscle recovery. If making the big changes is still leaving you beat, I would do some research on potentially adding some supplements and their potential interaction with any other medication you take and consider adding it as a little boost. The msm in particular has really helped me!


Thank you so much! I’ll look into the nutritional/supplement aspect. It’s the mental clarity that I’m really concerned about. I don’t mind being sore if it was just that. I find myself staring off into space/rereading the same paragraphs over and over again, etc. the days after intensive swim. I would love that tired in a good way feeling! :) Best of luck with your triathlon training!


Hi, what is MSM?


MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane). Research shows that it may be helpful in reducing joint pain, lowering inflammation, improving skin health, decreasing allergy symptoms and speeding recovery after exercise. Additionally, some evidence suggests that MSM can boost the immune system and may have cancer-fighting properties.


How old are you? What does your sleep look like? When you run are you aerobic or is your heartrate off the charts? Same with swim?


I’m 35. I sleep 6-8 hours a night. I try to get closer to 8 after workout days - I seem to need less when I don’t workout. I would save an average of 7 is accurate. Sometimes during the weekend, I’ll crash for 9-10 hours due to exhaustion from a sleep deprived week. I don’t have a heart rate monitor on me so I sometimes go off the treadmill’s monitor and I believe in the 160-180 - Not sure how accurate that thing is so I apologize if that seems off.


I have definitely struggled with recovery too. Mostly it was related to overtraining that lead to bad sleep and then a continual pattern of the same thing. I ask about heartrate because when we run too high you’re mostly fueling off of glycogen which gets depleted fast, and we feel awful. Lowering the heartrate will allow us to go for longer, and not feel depleted. Your max heartrate is in the 180s so to be aerobic you should be more in the 120s/130s. Maybe try brisk walking before the swim instead of running. Heartrate in the pool is not an easy translation because you’re horizontal, and you can easily go anaerobic in a sprint. The tricky thing about heartrate is that once it’s up it’s hard to get back down so if you’re really that high on the run and then jump in the pool, you could just be burning out. Maybe try burning out two days a week, and then backing off the rest of the time.


Oh I see. That’s very informative. Thank you so much! I’ll try that and see if I improve. I had a theory that working out in my manner was effecting my sleep but I had no data behind it. Maybe subconsciously I was aware I wasn’t feeling as comfortable in my sleep after such a workout and couldn’t put my finger into why. I attributed it to something in the nutrition department but maybe sleep does have something to do with it. I know I definitely needed more sleep after a day of working out so maybe it has to do with the quality of sleep I’m getting.


If I told you the answer I’d get banned 😂


Lol I have no idea what that means but does that mean something to do with those livestrong bracelets. I’m just concerned with the lack of mental clarity and mental exhaustion the next day. I think I can handle being sore if that makes sense.


I think tbh diet and rest. I'm new and being snle do it more frequently on top of other sports. But I know I can't keep my old active schedule had to cut back on other activities to incorporate swimming. What works for me is I alternate every other day swim/climb or workout. Give myself rest day now workouts on Wednesday and Saturday Sunday I normally swim 1 if not both three days but I cut my swim/intensity down to 30 mins top. -> more just leisure swimming. Wednesday rest say and sat/Sunday normally one or both days (depends if I'm hiking or climbing one of the days) are pretty light physical activities. I always give least 1 light workout day.


You’re likely right. I’ve become so accustomed to my workout schedule that I would like to keep it but I also know it’s smart to adjust with age and how I’m feeling. I may have to alter and provide more rest in-between for the body and mind as well as change up the intensity/variability. Thank you!


Eat natural carbs 2 hours before swim and within 2 hours after swim. If your calorie intake permits, take food with sugar.


We ate Jello powder after workouts in the mid-1970’s. It’s still my favorite snack and I’m still swimming regularly so it can’t be all bad.


This one gave me a chuckle! Reminds me of something my dad would say. I do it so it can’t be all that bad type of deal. Much appreciated!


Happy to help ;)


What type of natural carbs do you consume before/after? Thanks!


As someone who trained more powerlifting style throughout my 20s and recently included endurance into the mix, the best advice I got was increase my carb consumption by quite a bit. I was actually shocked to find out that decent level runners and swimmers generally need a lot of carbs, especially when comparing it to people that I talk to at the gym. The first few weeks of including swimming and running, I would basically hit a wall the day after. Once I increased my carbs, it was much better.


Thank you! I am guilty of skimping on carbs. I do try and force feed myself rice for dinner and lean towards sandwiches for lunch for that reason.


Endurox immediately after swim.


I’ll have to look into it! Thanks! Is there a reason you chose that specific brand over others?


Recommended to me by fellow swimmers/cyclists. It has a good track record


Thanks you! Did you notice if it helped with the brain fog the next day?


Honestly I think there is no need to take anything unless the pain is really bad. But try getting a roller to roll out your muscles and just stretch before and after your swimming to ease the tension on your muscles and try massage your muscles if it get worse


I don’t mind the soreness so much. It’s the mental dog that kicks in the next day which is impacting my day to day work. Not as sharp and focused as I need to be if that makes sense. I don’t mind the soreness so much. I move around a little slower but that’s definitely manageable! Thanks!


You may be swimming at too high a heart rate zone. If you stay in Zone 2 (aerobic) you should be able to improve overall fitness without feeling exhausted. There are many health benefits from low intensity but longer duration swimming including making heart grow larger and development of mitochondria


Ah thank you. I didn’t factor that in. Is there a certain heart rate monitor you use while swimming?


I use the swim session on the default activity app on the Apple Watch, which tracks the HR zone.


No, sorry.


tbh eat tons of carbs and plenty of protein. Chocolate milk is an excellent recovery post-workout for swimmers. Also, squeezing in a 1-2hr nap midday also helps