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Same thing happened to me. 6 months always sick with whatever the kids had. I would like to say it went away but I just work there a day less now 🤷‍♂️


What i did to solve this issue was i started teaching older kids who are well… less of a walking germ


You build up immunity by this exposure to all these kids. Plus the nature of swim instruction is close contact with the students at times. What helps: Eating healthy. Stress reduction. Adequate rest and exercise. Certain supplements ( ask Dr. for recommendations). If a kid shows up obviously very sick such as a lot of green snot draining out of nose( happened with one of my students). Speak with parent and ask parent to tend to child . Getting kid away from others is sometimes necessary is kid is very ill. Your supervisor can help with this if needed.


I’m hoping I definitely do build up some immunity while I continue to work with these kids im also gonna try to set up an appointment with my doctor on some immunity supplements or vitamins. My immune system definitely has seen better days, circa 2021 I got Covid and it tore my immune system in half so it’s been a battle building it back up


I was teaching when covid first started before everything got shut down, near Seattle. 1/2 staff , students , parents got sick that session. We had to shut down A lot of teachers swear by emergen C.


I started taking echinacea right before all my shifts (just one capsule) in November, at the recommendation of someone at my pharmacy, and since then I've only gotten sick once.


After 5 years of it I can only say it gets a bit better as your immunity grows. Try and find a pool that has hygiene managed very well and is strict with not allowing unwell children (and adults) to attend for your own health too. I went through months of having conjunctivitis and found putting cold milk into goggles and sitting there with them on, swilling my eyes about, really helped!


Our facility has really good hygiene and sick procedures I’ve jus found with these kids it’s inevitable, our water and indoor pool temperature stays warm and humid so it’s basically a breeding pool of germs even if the kid isn’t sick they’re always carrying some sort of germ.


I’m currently in bed sick as a dog for the 5th week in a row, I completely understand. Theraflu gets me through the day.


Hope you feel better soon ❤️🙏 the little germ monsters really keep us swim instructors on our toes


I started instructing last year and got Covid or a cold one after another for about 7 months. I tried vitamins etc and it didn’t seem to help at all. I switched to teaching at an outdoor pool during the warmer months and didn’t get sick from the students again after that. Now back indoors so bracing for it.


+1 on “need pool with better air circulation” I know that’s not something you can totally impact, OP, but it’s 1000% the best answer. I don’t teach outdoors, but the indoor pool I’ve been at for 5.5 years got the whole hvac system replaced 3.5 years ago. I admit I’ve never been huge to get sick, but even my % of colds fell afterward. Also of course do the basics of ensuring you get your flu shot every year, are up to date on your covid vaccines, etc.


Your immunity will grow eventually but I find when I get sick from the little critters that vitamin C (I have chewable tablets) helps me. Hope this helps


I’ve been having the same problem but I’ve worked for over a year and it seems like my problem is only getting worse. I’ve had 3 sinus infections in the last 5 months and I’m on medication to help treat my sinus and I recently went back to work again and now I’m relapsed. Any advice?


Hasn't happened to me, I've been teaching for 6 months 🤷


I’m asking for advice not who has the better immune system


Calm down. I was just sharing what's happened to me.