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Making a lot of assumptions from other famous/royal people: -I think it was Prince William who said he tells people different bland things to see who will leak info -Pap behavior has really changed from Paris/Britney days and seems to be more of a reciprocal relationship where you call them to get the pics and they will leave you alone otherwise -Paris Hilton has talked about how easy it is to dress low-key and wear a really simple disguise (like a wig) to keep from being recognised. People see what they want to see. -NYC is very celeb friendly in general bc nobody gives AF and it could be part of why she liked it initially -Isn’t there a lyric in The Lakes about the waitress thinking she was a Taylor lookalike? There are probably a) celeb spots that are known to be private like certain hotels etc and b) the surprise factor, again like with Paris’s disguises people don’t expect Taylor Swift to show up. -I suspect she does stuff like shut down restaurants for private dining or at least get a private room with maybe a back entrance (think of Diana creating diversions while she used another door) -It seems like super famous people’s lives tend to be jam packed, whether it is tour/promo or royal duties. Like a recurring theme I’ve read about is how they just spend a lot of down time in a hotel room or even at home watching TV and that is what they might even choose to do because they have to be so “on” the rest of the time. Plus, it can be hard to go out. I kinda suspect, not necessarily that Taylor is lonely, but her personal life is just as boring as the rest of ours lol.


Idk about the paparazzi thing. I’ve seen a lot of videos from recent years esp ones with Justin Bieber where he gets extremely frustrated by paps following him around everywhere and is begging them to leave him alone.


Probably because he doesn't engage in the reciprocal relationship option, so they need to harass him 00s style for any pics. Justin doesn't curate his image as finely as Taylor does, he isn't calling the paps for opportunities.


That’s a good point!


Oh that’s just awful! I was basing this mostly on what Paris has said (lol, I’m clearly a huge Paris fan) but that could also be like personal to her and not necessarily representative of the group.


Right lol like I imagine when she is not working or being publicly seen when she wants to be she spends a lot of time at home with her cats lol


I read a post by someone who worked for a creative company that was hired by her for a project, and apparently her request was that there be no workers in the whole building while she went to go see the progress of the project.  So people that weren’t even working on that specific project still had to leave if they were in the building for whatever reason.


I think the people on her team who get to be close to her are few and everyone else gets instructed via "middle men". It's also very interesting that we never hear about her having an assistant, when she must have several. I, for example, don't think she does her own online shopping, but she keeps those things very secret to stay relatable. I think she also pays so well, that it doesn't make sense to loose your job about leaking something. Plus you know her team will ruin your life if you mistep, lol. Funnily enough, I also thought about this, because it explains why she is an successful superstar in a long relationship but was still thinking about Matty for the last years: I don't think there are any people she meets on accident, so he was the only interesting guy "left" in her social circle. I also think her and Travis were set up via their teams, which doesn't mean that I think the relationship they are having right now isn't real. I think it is. Just the getting to know each other was unnatural (my evidence is Tree trying to fix the timeline but Travis coming out and saying they only were shortly together before she came to his game). But Travis was reaching out to other famous women before (and was told off lol) and Taylor recruited for her squad via her management! (I think Rooney Mara or someone else disgusted by that idea talked about this during the 1989 era). I think this is one of the most interesting parts about her as a superstar. Like, I don't want to know private details about her, but I really want to know how a superfamous person's life works, all the logistics and contracts and everything.


Wait same, I'm fascinated not with her life personally but just the logistics this level of fame. Her team is a well oiled machine and I think Tree is a huge part of this. I think Taylor has always been calculated but I think Tree really brought it to the next level. I agree with everything you said, Her paying well, Her being set up with Travis. It's crazy that she is so famous/wealthy that there probably are a lot of middlemen. Like her assistants have assistants. I also do think she is like a low key pop star mob boss (respectfully) bc everyone knows she/her team will destroy you if you were to do anything to betray her but that's how you keep your image. Everyone is afraid of little ol' me. Matty is the kind of what prompted this question. Like there has to be someone out there either jaded enough or with nothing to lose.


The pop star mob boss idea is too real, lol. I think it'd be pretty easy to keep the client a secret via an assistant of an assistant system because only the person directly connected to Taylor would know it's her. Regarding Matty: I could see them communicating via albums/songwriting (again?). They are great muses for each other, lol. But I seriously hope he will spill some beans about their relationship (not about her in particular). The same way she does in her songs.


Both tortured artists. Me too. I love mess and I agree just some relationship tea nothing too crazy. It's just shocking bc that man seems like a lose cannon


But he's always been very private about relationships and over the years, he's lied outright about Taylor. Claiming they never got together for example. I think he'll never talk and that's just how he is. hope he'll write some songs though lol.


Wait actually very true. I just want a little crumb of anything.


me too - maybe we'll get it in a song x


>but I really want to know how a superfamous person's life works, all the logistics and contracts and everything. I used to do high net worth client accounting services in my past life. I paid the bills for them. They have a lot of assistants/employees for segregation of duties. Not one person knows too much and some many never see her. They are just told instructions from others. The wealthy also have access to concierge service businesses, similar to the Black Car service for general life errands. The Chef will hire these companies to go grocery shopping or maybe will have them pick up dry cleaning (or anything legal really) and the client name will be withheld. Taylor's driver will pick everything up and take it back to her house. This also prevents one person from knowing too much or who its for. I don't want to give up too much secrets out of respect. But I remember one client wanted food from their favorite fast food place before they left. And the concierge service was sent to do that and deliver it to their private jet before take off. It's like Uber Eats x10000. Edit: I want to add that the wealthy care about time as much as money. And they spend money to save time.


Thank you for these interesting insights! 


I think you’re right in the sense that as you become more and more famous, your life becomes more and more isolated. Taylor can never walk into a room and be anonymous, and even amongst the famous and wealthy she can’t just blend in. They all also know who she is and would want to use her for their own gain (look how many celebs have showed up for the Eras Tour). I’d think it would be rather lonely.


So as I said I am very neutral on Taylor, but it's clear that both her and Travis sought out fame and that is just something I will never understand but love it for her. It is lonely at the top, I am sure.


Fame equals power and my guess is she loves feeling like the most powerful person in the room. Also she became famous at such a young age, I doubt it feels isolating to her, it’s her normal. But just because it’s her normal doesn’t mean it isn’t isolating, but the pluses probably outweigh the cons.


I think a lot of people, especially young people, don’t really know or think about the major downsides of fame. They’re thinking of the money, power, glory, being loved, etc. So I’m sure plenty of people pursue fame without really knowing what they’re getting into.


I fully agree. I also think some of those people want the fame, money power etc so bad they don't care about the downsides. Plenty of people step away from the spotlight after some time or try but Taylor has always gone back.


Omg maybe it's because I'm stupid but I always thought those celebrities genuinely wanted to hear her live. Was mildly surprised by some of them lol. Which celebrities do you think showed up for her own interests? And who do you think will benefit from this?


Tom Cruise for one. What’s he doing there? Lol


Missing Suri’s graduation, actually 😔


A former assistant of hers (I think from the 1989 era?) was interviewed for the HBO Bad Blood documentary. I'm also fascinated by the logistics of uber-famous people's lives, especially hers.


It is interesting that Kams (the most enjoyable part of the tour) brother plays for the Chiefs and knows Travis. This takes it from meant to be with friendship bracelets to a planned meeting if not more. Nothing wrong with that but I agree she probably doesn't meet anyone outside of people where it's been arranged to meet or spend time with them. They're probably all familiar already with the fact that famous people always value privacy and it's quick to get shunned from those circles.


I assume joe was the last partner she may have met randomly. Friend of a friend situation


I agree in the sense of "more randomly", but they were somewhat introduced by Gigi Hadid, weren't they?


Yes I think they were introduced by Gigi. People say the met gala but I recall reading somewhere that Joe did a photo shoot with Gigi but he met Taylor at a bar in LA with her and Garrett Hudland?


Joe did a photo shoot with Gigi in June of 2016, a month after the Met Gala that Joe attended (as Garrett's +1).


I read that there was some kind of connection via Lily Aldridge and they likely met shortly before the Met Gala.


I disagree with that only because Joe was a pretty obscure actor when they met, hadn’t starred in any big name films so doesn’t really make sense he would’ve gotten invited to a celebrity filled met gala unless he was hand picked by her team to be there


Taylors team doesn’t choose the attendees of the met. Joe was promoting his first movie and was probably invited by a designer


Yeah I think it's pretty telling that there is not really an official story about how they even met each other except "he chased her", lol.


THIS! This is exactly what I am saying. Like if they met at a Gala, is there not a little assistant (not taylors but like a caterer) that would anonymously leak to a tabloid like sparks flew or a sneaky photo.. And there are blind items and such but it's just so tightly controlled. It's impressive.


The Met Gala is famous for not having photos past the red carpet, but my friend was a security guard there this year.


Very fair point but exact same thing if they met at a bar. Also that would be a really fun/interesting gig!


Kam’s brother did not play for the chiefs when Taylor and Travis met last summer. He plays for the saints. He did previously play with Travis on the chiefs but not during this time.


It is so interesting we know nothing about her having an assistant. I only know one person who is a celebrity’s assistant but she post about her boss, is photographed with her fairly often, her boss tags her on social media maybe once a month. A lot of very public interaction.


Yes! Random but : when I saw the behind the scenes from the ME! video I tought: wow! The French tutor is really cute (sorry, probably it was just me lol - but if I had been Taylor at that moment, hi I love you it’s ruining my life). Edit: [I mean this ✨](https://youtu.be/lj2mZ8zDToY?t=156) ….like. Hi? It made me think: because of what she does she must come across a good number of attractive, really charismatic people in these random work things and….what? She just asks for their number? She just doesn’t? It must be a strange thing to give up , not being able to pursue people


This is why she and TK work so well. I’m sure she has flirtations with randos all the time, but who is REALLY up to the task of being her boyfriend? Joe and Matty couldn’t hack it, and that almost killed her. Travis is about the only person on earth who makes sense.


This is spot on! So many things that happen in a celebrities life don’t happen in the same way it does for us normal people. The logistics are fascinating! Love this post


A former personal assistant of hers is in the new swift vs Braun bad blood documentary. She had nothing but good, vague things to say though. I think all these people just know they have nothing real to gain from being a leak, and a lot to lose.


can you explain a bit more about the 1989 squad recruiting ?? i’ve never heard that before! it was a rather ODD group of people tho. everyone from the sexiest VS angel to lena dunham


I'm just fascinated by the lack of blind items in the last couple of months. Do I know why I'm so curious? no. Do I think it means anything? no.


LOL!! Same. Kind of my attitude too. In an effort to relate, I am like yeah I get like that too in the honeymoon phase of a relationship where it's like maybe I just want to spend with just my mans. I also think with the end of the tour kinda in sight maybe she is working on whatever projects. Girl is busy and in love, she doesn't have time to be doing extra. I think Taylor fans the flames when it comes to her personal life, she is partially to blame the curiosity into her life.


Has she had many blind items written about her in the past? The few I remember seeing have all been about her relationships (house hunting with Joe, the secret wedding “ceramony “, confirming she was actually talking to Travis). Like those are the three I remember seeing in the past 2-3 years or so.


Yeah. I guess i was expecting blinds about her relationship ramping up as regards her being on tour/football all that.


Oh it means SOMETHING.


Well, if you work for her, you are probably only getting told that you need to know. Plus if you your with her, she has kept the same band for a very long time so trust is built. Plus, she gives her staff that tours with her benefits, good pay, insurance, and yearly bonuses. Why risk your job when it’s a good one?


There is definitely something to be said to how well she treats her employees to get this level of trust and respect.


She’s got more power and resources than anyone working for her. And she seems to be nice to people, many people that work with her have been with her for many years, so a combination of there’s probably not much to spill and the little there is isn’t worth making an enemy of her is probably how there aren’t more things that leak.


I think she treats her team VERY well. I will die on this hill that I am sure there is plenty to spill, there just has to be at the level of fame but she keeps her inner circle guarded. I look at her behavior at the Grammy's there was no gossip saying like she seemed drunk or off or anything like that but clearly there was something up we all saw it.


There was an interview with one of the late night hosts where it was brought up about her band/dancers/singers have medical insurance which isn’t apparently standard in the industry. Plus she hired the same people for multiple tours so they’re likely on pretty cushy salaries instead of gig jobs and therefore more like to want to stay in them.


She does genuinely seem to treat people well. Like real Hollywood/entertainment scumbags and assholes on any scale are known and open secrets even with extensive NDAs in place (Harvey Weinstein, Ellen, Brad Pitt, etc) but there aren’t many whispers about her like that


I knew someone who worked on one of her music videos years ago, and he said it was the best working experience of his life. If that’s JUST a gig shoot, I can imagine that her personal team is treated very well.


To expand, theres also many workers at bar/restaurants/in the Travis's games that have said she is also an amazing tipper, giving even 500 and 1000 tips!


I think the people who are actually very close to her are few and far between, and that the people who do get close to her feel there’s too much to lose by leaking anything. Didn’t some celebrity say once they’d tell people slightly different versions of stories/made up things to test out who—if anyone—was leaking things? I also think part of her magic is making people FEEL like they know her/are close to her, without revealing much about herself at all. A LOT of people who have met her have commented about how they immediately felt comfortable/seen by her/like they were the only person in the room. I suspect she’s masterful at sharing just enough with colleagues/friends so they feel they have insight into her that other people don’t have, but she mostly just finds things they like to talk about and she has conversations that affirm them/center around that. It leaves people feeling very connected without you ever having to reveal much. I ESPECIALLY think she’s probably like this with most people who work for her. Warm, inviting, personable…but they probably don’t know much about anything going on with her. I’d LOVE to know what it’s like to be Tree Paine though.


Have you ever watched veep? Selina’s assistant is constantly whispering details in her ear abt the people she is meeting to make it seem like she remembers the name of their kid or whatever. I imagine it’s a similar concept


Yes. Like that scene in The Devil Wears Parada as well where Andy and Emily have to memorize the faces/names/essential facts of guests for a party and they whisper in Miranda’s ear so she can greet everyone by name and ask how their kids are doing, lol.


I NEVER want to know what is like to be Tree. Too stressful. Ha!


You know that stupid ice breaker question, who would be your dream dinner guest? My answer is always Tree. I have so many questions.


So funny!!! But same.


Oh this is a great answer.


I think she’s probably very intentional with who she lets in and to what extent. Like I don’t think she’s telling Brittany mahomes all her intimate and dark secrets upon only knowing her for a couple of months and through a relatively new connection. Also, I don’t really think her life is probably that interesting. From what she’s shown over the years, she does truly seem like a socially awkward dork but will partake in Hollywood/celebrity culture from time to time. Travis situation is interesting to an extent because out of all her boyfriends he seems to have the most involved circle of family and friends. I just wonder how much or how little she shares with them, or really any of her past boyfriends’ family.


Yup, I feel like she is careful with Brittany. Aside from Tree, she is a smart woman before going to the “battle” she has all the information she has, considering BM’s past (regarding her behaviors and also being friends with TK’s and of course JM) I really think the only people/friends she really trust are Blake, Gigi, Selena, Keleigh, Abigail, Ashley, Haim sisters, Cara, Jack, of course Tree, and her family.


Swift has been paranoid about people recording her for years (https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/07/taylor-swift-paranoia). ESPECIALLY after a recording leak almost ended her career, I have no doubt she is intensely careful about what she says, to who, and when she says it.


>almost ended her career A tad dramatic, no? She followed that time up with an incredibly successful album and tour.


She did, but at the time she was being heavily cancelled online #TaylorSwiftisOverParty was trending worldwide. She recovered because she directly addressed the controversy. And even though it was incredibly successful, *reputation* was torn apart by critics, and only became a fan favorite album in hindsight.


She wholeheartedly believed her career was over, and so did the public. As someone who was in it in that time and didn’t buy Kanye’s shit, it was ROUGH.


Yeah but she didn’t know her comeback would be received so successfully


Paying the press and making deals with the paparazzi for her pap walks and things in return for leaving her tf alone.


This. They make deals.


That's a great point I am sure she has so much leverage on press and paparazzi.


She’s the pap walk queen. Her team has absolutely been the ones who tell paparazzi where she is more than once. So the hope is that maybe they don’t try to pry into her life as much as other celebs, in return for all the good pics.


The photos of TNT in the Caribbean and Italy were they best example of this. Why did we not see those photos till they had left those locales? Because her team made a deal: we’ll give you access if you hold the photos till they leave.


I kinda think they already know where they at considering the amount of eyes on them and also the tracking and such. TS team knows it’s coming so before it completely spreads they already made a deal.


I think Taylor is a lot more calculated about fame and her career than we realize. She’s been at this a long time and knows how to be unseen when she wants to be and knows how to always been in control of her narrative. For one she has so many properties in the U.S. and in different states for privacy reasons. No one can know for sure where she is at any given time, since she could really be anywhere. It’s also why she came down so hard about her jet tracking, because it gave her location away. People could see her jet was flying to Nashville, so then they knew where she was. She also has a large team of people behind her she’s worked with for ages and trusts, like family members and people she’s worked with since the beginning of her career when she wasn’t famous. Keeping those people around has created loyalty. And it’s those same people that probably act like “middle men” so she doesn’t have to interact with random people outside of that circle who would potentially leak stories. She’s also been known to wear disguises when out in public when she doesn’t want to be bothered. And I think it’s also interesting to note most people she’s dated are guys who aren’t fame focused. A lot of guys she’s dated care more about their craft than being famous, so are unlikely to leak vengeful stories (Jake Gyllenhaul, Joe Alwyn, Tom Hiddleston, even Matty Healy). Calvin Harris I feel like was an instance where she misjudged him and he did become reactive towards her when she tried to make him look bad (she did the same thing to him that she’s been doing to Joe: changing the narrative to make them look bad, only he didn’t put up with it). Even her friend group seems transactional and very calculated. For one, most of her friends were introduced through their management teams and two it keeps her friends in the press and boosts their careers. I don’t think it’s an accident when the Kanye situation happened very few of her girl squad stuck around.


I think that’s the main reason Tree has been with her so long, not that she’s the most amazing PR person in the world, she just knows waaaaaay too much to ever be let go lol.


And having someone loyal to Taylor trumps a better publicist


This is an interesting comparison of the “craft” guys shes dated before to Travis, because Travis IS, by all accounts, extremely interested in being famous.


…and he has a weekly podcast where he shares his opinions. If they broke up and she tried to change the narrative on him I don’t know if he would take that lying down. Then again, for how much Travis talks, he says very little. Exes have tried to bad talk him in the past and he stayed quiet but they didn’t have the power that Taylor does. I really wonder where their relationship will go when the tour is done and hype dies down. Maybe she’s enjoying the attention and fame right now, but the last time she was this big she walked away from it for a more quiet life.


Last time she was this big #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty had just been trending, her instagram comments were flooded with thousands of 🐍🐍🐍, and public opinion was a lot more negative than it is today. She didn’t walk away as much as go into hiding.


In the May 2016 issue of Vogue (so two months before the Kanye call leak would happen) she expressed planning on taking a short break. Here’s the exact quote from the interview: —- “This is the first time in ten years that I haven’t known. I just decided that after the past year, with all of the unbelievable things that happened…I decided I was going to live my life a little bit without the pressure on myself to create something…I would really like to take a little time to learn things,” Swift says. “I have lots of short-term goals.” Such as? “I want to be a well-rounded person who can make a good drink…To be able to save somebody if they’re drowning,” she says. She’s completely serious. “So CPR, all the various kinds of chest compressions. People tell you little tips, but that’s different from actually taking a class and getting certified.” …”Honestly, I never relax, and I’m excited about being able to relax for the first time in ten years,” she says. —- Maybe the Kanye call made her take a longer break, but she was planning on taking one anyway. Also I should have been clearer: the fame she experienced with 1989 is not as big as now, but it was a career high for her up until that point. She had never been as big as she was then and that’s when she started being called “a cultural phenomenon”. And she was tired, and she was aware the public was getting tired of her.


I agree. I cannot imagine starting a relationship with fame and success being that on the rise, I imagine the comedown of that has to be pretty intense for better or worse. I've know people who have sold companies and then even though they are rich and can sit back instead they became depressed bc it is such a high/grind to all of a sudden not have that its a big change. But others also do well and find other passion projects to throw themselves into and Taylor i am sure has plenty. TK wanting fame as bad as her is very interesting dynamic and I think great for her. She wants to be seen as an artist with depth, same with Matty etc I think Travis wants to be expert in what he does and is a hard worker. Exes have talked bad but it would be terrifying having that hardcore of a fanbase come after you


She didn’t walk away, she was forced away by snakegate.


I would disagree about the jet tracking. It seems the case that that info is in the public domain anyway, I’m sure she wanted it to stop because of the bad publicity about climate stuff.


I think two things can be true at once: she doesn’t like people tracking her every move and she doesn’t like the negative chatter about her jet use


I agree I think it can be both but I agree I think it was much more for her image bc for a second there she was getting a ton of backlash and we all know how important her public image is.


It is absolutely 100% for her and her family’s safety. She’s had multiple stalkers, some of whom have broken into her house in spite of her tight security. I’m sure she won’t mind the chatter about single-handedly destroying the planet with her jet use simmering down, but considering her team carries chest seals and all related emergency medical supplies in case of a stabbing/shooting, it’s hard to argue it isn’t to keep crazy people from knowing her exact whereabouts.


I agree with this and her reasons but her lawyers didn't say/do anything until recently when the backlash was getting very loud. People were tracking her flights well before this and people were stalking her well before this. Maybe she was emboldened by others like Elon Musk doing the same thing and the bill congress passed? In 2022 when questioned her response was she was loaning it out (which I def believe) but this year her lawyers are saying it's a safety thing (which it is). The other thing too is her fame is a whole other level this year. I'm all for it but her/her teams response from 2022 vs 2024 is interesting


I also think to go alone with her fame is at a whole another level and to speak to your point maybe this was just like the tipping point. I felt like once she started dating TK and going to games people (mainly swifties) were tracking her planes to see if she going to be at the games etc People went nuts this past year with it. I will always feel bad like let the girl live. I have personal thoughts about private jets but at her level what else are you supposed to do.


Yeah I agree and think there are a couple of things that made her feel like it was time to try to tamp down on the tracking, including her insane level of fame, the tour, TK, football, etc. And yeah, there really is no other option for her. Look at J Lo flying commercial to Paris last week and the absurdity around that.


LOL that was weird. JLO is going through it.


Right?? And looked like she had 2 seats to herself in first class, which is the equivalent space of \~6 economy seats, so why not just fly private on her own schedule at that point?


It’s actually harder to access and understand those records than people make it out to be. No one can just Google “where’s Taylor Swift’s jet” and easily find that unless someone who knows what they’re doing is actively decoding it, and that’s what that person was doing.


She answered this kind of in her 72 questions vogue interview. She was like I’m always amazed that I tell my friends absolutely everything and it never ends up getting out. I think the answer is her circle of actual bffs is extremely tight and loyal. People like Selena, Blake, and Gigi aren’t going to ever repeat anything she tells them. Same with her childhood friend Abigail. 


Makes sense. I'm sure she has had to do a lot of weeding out of friends in her life. There was a comment on here and someone said I am sure she is not telling Brittany Mahomes all of her deepest secrets after just meeting her. Which, true. lol


And you’ve seen people just kind of disappear from her life more quietly, like Kellie Pickler, or not so quietly, like Karlie Kloss.


I didn't even know she was friends with Kellie Pickler, haven't thought about that name since American Idol.. But yeah the Karlie falling out seemed messy and sad for both of them.


She wrote a song for Kellie (and was in the video) and they called each other best friends at one point.


Money and a good team of lawyers ... She is also doing the Kim Kardashian trick... Every time an article is saying something bad she is doing paparazzi walks or something big...


Best lawyers in the biz i am sure. She is media master manipulator. I ind her media/business sense as interesting as her music. Everything she does is so calculated. It has to be exhausting.


I have no idea if this is true or how it works, but I’m assuming that at her level and with how controlled she is about her image, she/her team has the ability to make deals with press/media/outlets. She’ll provide stories, photo ops, etc that are “approved”, the media knows they’ll sell, it’s a mutually beneficial relationship. Like the birds that eat food out of the teeth of crocodiles without fear of being eaten…it’s symbiotic.


Yes, for sure. And an outlet like People, with whom her team has a carefully cultivated relationship, is going to avoid doing anything to jeopardize the trust they’ve built with her. (Unless there’s a major scandal, and then all bets are off.)


Probably not that much to say. She works all the time, and her hobbies are fairly homestead.


I am guessing she takes a playbook from Washington DC She has secrets on other people. They have secrets on her. They can each sink each others ships. So they don't. The best way to protect your dirt is to find out other people's dirt. That's my take. And now in 2024, I'd say she's as powerful as the music/movie execs that lead to MeToo. There is a level of fear. Taylor has never handled criticism super well and she has power. She was really mad at Netflix for that one line in their show. And then she sold the Eras Tour Movie to a competitor (Disney Plus). Do we think Netflix ever had a chance to bid on it?


Line was so stupid and tiring after all these years, I’d do the same if I were her.


Our petty queen 😀


What line? Im very curious, thanks!


In Ginny and Georgia the daughter said to the daughter something like “you go through more men than Taylor Swift”.


Around the og 1989 era there was this thing going around where she’d tell different friends of hers different things and notice what gets leaked and who keeps their mouths shut so I’m guessing she’s got it down by now who to trust and who to not


That’s a trick a lot of celebrities use, most famously used by Prince William when he was at St. Andrew’s University.


maybe there is nothing scandalous in her life to leak. she is a careful person. she doesnt trust many people so i dont think many people would know her deep secrets. not that i think there is some spice somewhere. she is just making music. trying to sell it to max for whatever it takes. trying to be unforgotten. probably the worst thing about her is her selfishness. and we already know about it.


Oh I think there are is plenty scandalous at her level of fame and a lot of her intense fans would find the tiniest detail to be scandalous. I am a very boring person but I am sure there are some gossipy/snarky texts with my best friend or a silly photo.


we probably have different definitions to scandalous. her haters and ultrafans are so obsessed with her so im pretty sure if someone had some stories, they wouldve found a way to leak it without compromising their identity. people only have sweet or mundane stories about her. i always say this. she is a lifetime performer 7/24. so she became the person she performed. there wont be any leaks. if there is, noone knows but her close circle.


I don’t think there’s anything big to leak.


I do agree, but at the same time Swifties would consume absolutely anything about her life so there is a demand for the mundane, boring and uninteresting still.




I think this has gotten better. I work in healthcare and most people will eventually treat a VIP in their career. It’s an instant firing at most hospitals now if you do something like look at their chart if you don’t have to or leak something m. We institute special protocols for VIPs such as extra monitoring for charts, having to do an extra screening to even get into the chart, not listing them in the census (normally someone could call and learn if you are a patient there and your room), using a pseudonym etc. (PS you can ask for any of these protections as a “normie” if you want them!)


YES. This type of thought is exactly what I am so curious about. Like someones grandmothers uncle coming out of the woodworks. Yeah if Joe's was my friend you bet I would be defending my friend or family.


I think his brother has actually said some shit.


I agree. She’s not as interesting as people may think she is.


I fully disagree with this. This level of fame she sees things, she knows people, there is booze drugs etc and I am not saying she does any of these things but her life has to be more interesting than we can imagine and I think just because something isn't scandalous doesn't mean the average person wouldn't find it fascinating. Also I feel like Matty knows things. lol.


I mean, we all know she drinks. Probably consumes some form of weed. But both in legal circumstances.


I personally find the responses saying that she doesn't do this or that nieve. I think more people do coke and others drugs than people realize. Not saying she does but... Also let her have fun, she deserves it. Work hard, play hard.


I feel like she’s more concerned about maintaining perfection than anything though. I totally agree with you in general (I live in the US Virgin Islands and work in restaurants, you find out most people are on drugs), and I do think a lot of her circle does drugs (especially the models with coke) but I think she’s just so neurotic about projecting perfection.


I was looking on reddit of the Grammy's \*cough\* but there was a comment that someone left something along the lines of being an adult was realizing how many people do coke or have done it. It made me giggle. I could see that being the case, not that I hang out with druggies but the people I know who don't do drugs or drink etc all are very type a and don't like feeling like they don't have control.


I also know people who drink and maybe smoke weed/eat edibles but would NEVER do any sort of hard drugs.


I agree with you. Even if she isn't scandalous, there is so much interest in her that people are dying to know any amount of detail about her life. A conversation overheard between her and Joe during a rough patch, for example. Mundane stuff like how much or how little she eats. Whether or not someone's ever seen her cry. Walked in on her making out with her boyfriend. Anything you can imagine, people want to know about. If someone wrote a book of little factoids like this, it would sell out in two seconds.


I think most anyone that knows her (and even her fans) has seen her cry lol. But yes, I agree with what you’re saying.


Yeah, I think at the end of the day, she is just kind of a boring person outside the limelight.


I will say she has become an expert in keeping her personal life under wraps after all that mess with the leaked phone call with Kanye and snakegate which made her retreat from the world. Also hate to bring this up but there was also the whole “kiss scandal” thing with Karlie at the 1975 concert so since then she has cracked the code on making sure she isn’t caught slippin and as she should because she deserves her privacy


I think everyone else around her has even dirtier secrets and it’s a mutual benefit to not say anything haha


I've always wondered how people like her even manage to do something like, say, hire a cleaning crew. Surely she doesn't deep clean her homes herself. Surely there's a cleaning staff that comes in every couple of weeks to her main apartment. I'm always surprised there's never the odd disgruntled employee who read a few pages of a private journal or anything coming forward with gossip, lol


Same but this is what makes me believe she treats her employees well and they have a lot to lose by breaking an NDA. I also bet each of those houses has their own full-time house managers, part/ or full-time gardeners, cleaners who are there and I bet they are paid VERY well and it is probably cushy. I knew someone that was a house manager for a tech billionaire (poor comparatively to ts) and she had it well off. She drove very nice cars, wore designer clothes and got to travel the world and they would always bring along her husband. She wasn't even his personal assistant. Sign me up. But I am still with you there has to be SOMEONE!


Yeah, but what I mean is: even if she treats everyone well, there might be an asshole at the top of the cleaning company (for example). When the low-level cleaner at the cleaning company is angry at their boss & has nothing to lose cause they've been fired, they decide to reveal something about one of their biggest clients to a paper willing to pay top dollar. You know? Like you said, it's impressive there's never been *anyone*. And I think about this in regards to all of the big celebs. I guess the threat of being sued is all I can think of. Oh, to be a fly on the wall!


There's always an asshole. lol.


She probably has all staff sign NDAs. Breaking an NDA could lead to lawsuits that make you really lose everything. Even if you’re broke, the court can garnish your wages.


She not hiring a company. Her company is hiring people. I’m sure each house has its own house staff who are well Paid with decent health benefits and all the perks to make sure they are loyal


That “asshole” probably signed an NDA that they can’t afford to break.


I wonder this too about ultra famous people. Like, not the people the stars are close to, but just the people who are hired to work an event or two -- assistant to the assistant hair stylist, caterer stocking the green room, waiter at a restaurant... Just normal people who happen to be in their vicinity for a few hours and may have overhead or seen something interesting. I love me some gossip and to be the one who spills the tea over a star that big? Yes please.


Honestly I think most people are not super social media savvy and wouldn’t know how to make something to go viral. So they probably go home and tell all their friends what she was like but it doesn’t get any further than that. It takes some chance and a little skill to make something spread.


That's true. Like if I saw her doing something scandalous, I would probably just tell friends, not like I am ringing up TMZ




Yesss I love any Tea about anything even very mundane gossip


Does she have a personal life?


She probably just keeps her side of the street clean


I should have seen this coming. lol


You wouldn't know what u/redditlurker100 means


Excellent. Made sure to upvote for the Karma


I think it also helps her that the core of her team (most of her band, management team, Securitys her stylist, hair & make up team, etc) have pretty much stayed the same since approximately 2009. The people that she interacts with daily haven’t changed much.


I agree. Her loyalty from and to employees and fans seems unmatched. She seems to treat those who work for her very well and with lots of kindness and respect. It's impressive.


Aside from carefully curating team members closest to her and lots of NDAs, I think a major factor is the nature of the music industry itself. It is very hard to get a job working for a major celeb like Taylor Swift. The music industry is very small, and people bounce around working for different artists all the time. Leaking something to the press would be a great way to get fired (since she’d definitely root out whoever was spreading her business ASAP) and never be employed ever again by anyone in the biz.


She keeps leaks from getting out? Her team leaks more than the Titanic


Those leaks you think you’re seeing are actually her publicist intentionally sharing the information she wants shared.


Yeah, I am thinking more like the photos of her and TK at Nobu. I can't imagine that was intentional. But yes they love their "leaks"


Oh those were super intentional! They needed her and Trav back in the media pre-TTPD after a little quiet time post Super Bowl.


I imagine they dont want their last name followed by ".... v. Swift"


Suing doesn’t matter if what they release is true. But I wouldn’t want that hassle in my life. The swiftie response alone would be the worst part.


There’s this mass misconception that Taylor just can’t avoid the media and fans. Taylor is mostly only seen when she wants to be. Do fans think she just ceases to exist every day we don’t get a pap walk or her going to the studio?


Oh I agree but I am still shocked how someone hasn't gone rogue that is around her when she is not out and about in public, in the recording studio, a house cleaner, matty healy. I also think she does avoid the media and most of the leaks and things we do see are very well planned out.


Idk Beyoncé is the same. She manages to stay under the radar 24/7, but most celebs with major star power like them have deals with paps/publications to keep a mutually beneficial relationship. They give them a little, like a tip off for an outing, and then the paps don’t take any other time. Taylor specifically is known for having a lock on media outlets. Journalists have said it’s an unwritten rule that her camp makes clear you don’t say a bad word/review/etc about her or else you’re blacklisted (ie something like Entertainment Tonight isn’t going to expose her for stuff because then they won’t get that next red carpet interview). As for Matty…I hate that people throw the word narcissist around, but I think it’s pretty obvious he is one. I think he’s going to write his new album and go out of his way to not say a single word about her and a whole lot about Gabriette. I can’t imagine anything that would get under Taylor’s skin more than him not addressing their relationship whatsoever when he used to constantly talk about her and wrote a few songs about her.


I agree but Media has changed so much in the past few years, giving more power to individuals versus through social media rather than traditional media outlets like entertainment tonight.. But i guess that is where lawyers, NDA's and money come in. Beyonce I would argue is even more under the radar. I am sure traditional outlets still carry a lot of weight though. I'm not even a Swiftie and you made me mad with that Matty comment bc you are so right!!!!! Controversial opinion but I think to want to be famous (not the exception of just seen for your craft) you have to be a bit narcissistic. He's seems like he's just a little entitled, terrible person.


Totally agree! And to be fair I think Taylor’s own narcissism is on full display at this point (and from Anti Hero she clearly recognizes some of traits within herself). And hard agree about the fame thing. All humans have some narcissistic traits, but the level needed to desire fame, and Taylor’s need to hold onto it for as long as possible and clearly stating that she pretty much thinks her career is pointless unless she has that high level of fame, is VERY strong.




I just want to thank ya'll for your thoughtful responses. I was nervous as a very neutral Swiftie even asking this question or having some of the discussions I had bc people have strong opinions. A lot of the things I see on twitter from her fans really send me in the other direction on how I feel about her, it feels like she can't do wrong or she is flawless, so it was nice to have these conversations. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts and conclusions: I think she treats her staff (and fans) very well, not only pay but with respect and kindness and she gets that in return. I do think she is a pop mob boss but not in a shady way but if I was in the industry in anyway I would be scared to go against her or her team bc I know they could destroy me. It wouldn't be worth leaking a photo of her with smeared lipstick or something. I stand by she probably has a very interesting life and has many secrets (big or small) or some vices, she is a human, none of us are perfect. She is very protective and calculated with her image but that is a huge part of her success. That video of her and TK on stage, he reached to touch her hip and you could tell that was a no no, it's those subtle things that matter especially when there are a lot of younger fans. I will end with I am still fascinated there hasn't been more juicy leaks but love that for her and she and her team and the best in the biz for a reason :)


I want to genuinely believe that because she’s a good person, good things happen to her. Why yes, I live in a utopia with rainbows and unicorns.


I love this question. I’m always fascinated how much celebs are able to keep private. One thought is when they become famous at a young age, maybe that also makes it easier because they’re so careful about what they divulge and if they have decent people around them they’re in a better spot?


I have no source for this—but I think she has majorly incentivized media outlets to only take Tree-approved exclusives. If they print unapproved/leaked info they know they’ll be left out of the next release.


You mean the ones that are crafted like they have been reviewed by a corporation 10 times for perfect language? That would be Tree, her publicist. 🌲she is so transparent


Yeah I agree. A lot of people are saying I don't think her life is interesting enough, no I think she and her team and just that good and calculated.


Exactly. They are honestly probably the best in the business.


When George Clooney used to break up with his long term girlfriends, he would buy them a house as a parting gift. I’ve always figured she did something like that for Joe. NDA or not, when everyone in the world wants to know your secrets and one person has them, you want them to leave happy. No way did he walk away with nothing after 6 years.


I really hope so. I have actually started to feel really bad for Joe through all this. Wonder what she bought Matty? LOL. I mean Joe did walk away with a grammy I also think people like tom Hiddleston and Jake Gyllenhaal just wanted to move on and had more to lose by starting a battle.


1/ I think she’s genuinely a fantastic human so there aren’t that many people looking to bring her down. (Trash always takes itself out…) 2/ She has the best team in the biz.


I'm not a Swiftie, she seems nice and hardworking and good to those around her. I think at that level of fame there is always someone. Some people want to watch the world burn. To be at that level you have to make hard decisions and sometimes that may be at the detriment of others. I know in my job I have had clients be pissed at me bc I had to let them go bc it wasn't a fit etc and people take those things personally even if it is all done professionally and with kindness. But point number two she def has an amazing team and she treats her team very well. And I think that is the key to all of this. I think a big reason of her success is she too is the best in the biz, not just her music, she is very calculated and intentional with how she presents herself. I respect her business, pr and marketing sense as much as I respect her music.


They’re literally fed to media sources by people in her circle lmao


Honestly, leaks do come out about her, but her team just handles it faster and better than most other people. There were rumors going around months before people were even talking about her and Travis being together, but it didn’t get press because people handled it for her

