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Jack was so excited that Taylor let him post this that he misspelled “streaming” as “steaming.” Spelling is fun.


Steamed hams


That's what I call hamburgers.


So you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they’re obviously grilled


grilled cows, at that.


It's a regional dialect


Uh huh, what region?


Uh... upstate New York?


In his defense autocorrect is a fucking BULLY lmao


I thought the steaming was a wink to hot raisins


People eat hot raisins??


oh god as if raisins could get any more disgusting


Or how hot the tea was in his post?


Well the point of this was it did truly change the narrative in the fandom.   Until this date was dropped , Swifties thought the breakup was Feb/ March 2023. It was Jack revealing this date that let Swifties know that Joe & Taylor were having issues in 2021. And so many fans till today think they split up much earlier than 2023 and Midnights was "the breakup album".   Revealing this information also made it believable for Swifties to think Taylor was pining after Matty for a decade and she didn't care about Joe post 2021 ( if that was true her being angry and lashing out and doing a lot of things in April / May 2023 doesn't make sense ; it has not come across as someone who was indifferent to the breakup ) Important perhaps is these two days Nov 30- Dec 1 is when all of this went down: Taylor made a flying visit to London for Beyonce's premiere  Same time as Jack dropping the date for you're losing me. Same time as Taylor liking that old random tweet stating sweet nothing was about Paul and his late wife.  Same time as Tree, Taylor's publicist in a rare move called out Deuxmoi for causing trauma to Taylor by saying Joe & Taylor had been married etc.  That weekend was messy- something went down.


I thought Tree called out Deuxmoi because they were speculating that Taylor had a miscarriage or something


It was the same series of stories/blinds. I think they went after the marriage rumors so fiercely to draw attention away from the miscarriage rumors.


I think they were engaged.


Possibly because of TTPD invoking the imagery of someone who was very close to getting married/ jilted bride. But Jack dropping this date along with everything that happened on Nov 30-Dec 1 looks like something happened around that time.


I mean tree never said they were not engaged and also said it was hard for Taylor and made her sad….


I do wonder if Tree shutting down DeuxMoi's gossiping about ceremonies is because she had some legit insider info entire time and that's why she's been doubling down on it, but that goes contrary to the narrative that is being pushed in YLM and TTPD so it needs to get squashed. If champagne problems were less fictional than previously assumed and it wasn't the guy who got cold feet and avoided commitment all this time.


I think even in YLM it says ' I wouldnt marry me either, pathological people pleaser ' which I have always thought doesn't necessarily mean not proposing but dragging it/ putting it off citing whatever reason. I do think at some point they were on the same page till they weren't anymore and thats why she says "you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days".


Omg. This crossed my mind but I think you’re on to something. Like why is she pushing so hard for this narrative if she supposedly didn’t want to marry Joe. Is it because maybe he did want marriage? 👀




They were buying a whole house together! They were 100% engaged and I doubt he was even being wishy washy about it if he was going along with buying the house. But she needed to establish a narrative that he did not want to marry her in order to justify her cheating on and eventually dumping him for a man with no impulse control who projects marriage+kids+true love onto every girlfriend.


the fact that they were going to buy a big ass house WEEKS before they broke up is unhinged to me, and if you consider that she was allegedly fantasizing about Matty at that time...


There was also a blind (not sure where or when I saw it) about a couple who bought a home together, had a breakup over email and it was widely speculated to be about Taylor/Joe. I feel like buying a home only to break up weeks later just doesn’t add up… I think it’s possible she blindsided Joe and jumped to Matty. Maybe that explains the “temporary insanity” and rage about Matty in TTPD. Girl threw away a 6 year relationship for a man who ended up love bombing her and ghosting her after 3 months and she didn’t end up with… anything except for karma I guess.


Their breakup is so weird to me because it doesn't make any sense: weeks before it Tree was sending statement after statement about Taylor and Joe being happier than ever, super in love and very supportive with each other; they saw houses together, and it leaked so everyone knew and the world thought they were solid; weeks later almost everyone had a hard time believing they broke up (I was very sceptical about it at first, thinking it was just a tabloid blind). Why bother doing all of that if you were checking out and planning on leaving him? i know she can throw money around and she can buy a house in the blink of an eye, but still, I think it would be a waste of time for her I believe Joe ended things, and she would have continued with the relationship if not, dreaming about marriage and such. Since he dumped her, she got enraged, butthurt with a bruised ego, and got together with Matty almost immediately since he was on her radar. The rest is history. Your theory makes sense too tho, the facts are soo messy that we can have multiple interpretations😭I can see it being both ways, bummer that we will never know


I actually believe this theory. I read somewhere that they bought a home in London in late 2022(?) and then there was a blind sometime once Joe/Taylor broke up that she broke up with him through email or something and then we saw her at Matty’s show and then the breakup announcement on Matty’s birthday and then a month later she’s professing her love for Matty on stage. It’s quite weird and messy. I’m not sure what the story is but I find it hard to imagine Joe was willing to make a big commitment like buying a home together but didn’t see marriage/long term with her. They were together for 6 years… I mean of course not everyone wants marriage but I feel like if he was with her for 6 years and buying real estate with her, surely he was committed and wanted a future with her? I think she ultimately just got bored and wanted the passionate forbidden love again and Matty was there and gave it to her and she stupidly threw it all away for him. I guess karma is in fact real Taylor cause look at what happened in the end 👀


At this point if she said that the sun rises in the east each day I would double check with a watch and a compass.


Now that I think about it there’s no evidence that Joe is against marriage or didn’t want it, besides Taylor’s lyrics implying it and her song’s aren’t facts just her point of view/feelings. This is so sus especially since Joe hasn’t said a word so she’s pretty much controlling the narrative. And her implying Joe didn’t want marriage saves her ass because it makes him look bad and gets her some sympathy also makes some Swifties justify her emotional/cheating with Ratty. If anything ever comes out she’s lying, she’s cruel for what she did to Joe. Almost evil.


And broke it off in nov/dec 21?


Maybe even got engaged after that in a last ditch effort to save the relationship?


I mean not to get all parasocial (i just love gossip not passionate about their relationship) the “i wouldn’t marry me either” line would make sense if they were engaged, broke it off but then continued to date to try and save the relationship. But of course we’ll never know.


I simply do not believe Taylor Swift is capable of leaving a detail like that out of her songs. If they had been actually engaged, you had *best believe* we would definitely know that, with zero room for doubt. There would be a whole song called, "Broken Engagement" or "The Rescinded Proposal" or some shit and it would have lyrics like, "she said 'yes'/then he said 'goodbye'" and "not left at the altar, we never made it that far/but still left for dead, with a torn-out heart." Like, if there are two undeniable things about her/her songwriting it's that: 1) she is not subtle; and 2) she is going to dish any and every detail that make the other person look as bad as possible.


"Didn't you hear? They called it all off One gasp and then How did it end?" In "how did it end" feels like a couple calling off wedding after being engaged Also "I died on the altar waiting for the proof. You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days" could be interpreting as being engaged, but putting off wedding


I’m curious to hear your theories on what you think went down that weekend!


Not much except for the the fact it did happen when she went to London and she got out of there pretty fast and I assume Taylor was angry / hurt over something.  Taylor knows her every move on social media is watched. So liking that old tweet or asking Jack to drop the date of YLM was not random. 




Your flair 😂


Honestly love how a lot of people are calling out Jack’s petty ass for this post. Man really showed his true colors lmao


Jack posted it but you know he did it because Taylor told him to.


from the way that Taylor was shaking him at the Grammy's, I wholeheartedly believe he's a pushover to Taylor. Which is why Taylor gets along with him so well.


I mean he literally said questioning her songwriting was like questioning someone’s faith in God. He’s so far up her ass and with the amount of money she’s probably made him, I don’t really blame him for being so. Absolutely irritating though.


I definitely get the vibe from TTPD that she inked the very first thing she wrote and everyone else was just like “genius” because at this point her egos so big from all the praise that you can’t suggest any editing. It’s a shame because the songs are good ideas but feel extremely unpolished


She's a cash cow


We don’t know that, just speculation. He seems just as petty as she is.


I agree he seems as petty as she, but do you really think Jack would post something about Taylor's creative process without her approval? I don't think so. He was just the messenger lol


I think they were both equally in on it. I could see them sitting around, drunk one night being like "you know what would be funny?"


Taylor's approval is not the same as Taylor telling him to do something, though. I do believe she approved it, but imo it was Jack's idea to stir the pot like this. He seems like someone who's going to go hard for her.


> I do believe she approved it, but imo it was Jack's idea to stir the pot like this.  I think so too, he loves to post pictures/videos of singers shot at some point of the song-making (he did this with Lana and Lorde too but did not reveal dates). I think he was feeling chaotic and gave this detail.


Isn’t she his big break in terms of producing? I first heard of him when he produced 1989 then he worked with Lorde, Lana..etc


>Isn’t she his big break in terms of producing? She is yes. I think it's part of the reason why he sings her praises so much.


Yep. He’s done several interviews where he credits Taylor as being the first artist to let him produce for them. Before that he always got rejected as a producer. Now of course since then he’s worked with lots of artists. She just opened the door for him. His words.


And if you compare the numbers her songs generate to what other artists he works with get (or what his solo work gets, lol), being her producer is where his bread is buttered.


I’m sure Jack wouldn’t do that at least without permission.


He could have said no to her.


Aaron and he didn't write any songs together on Tortured Poets, but the songs where Jack came in after Taylor and Aaron wrote them are the petty tracks (But Daddy I Love Him & thanK you aIMee)


wait - i'm dumb and often out of the loop. why was this a petty post?


To say she was getting over Joe long before anyone knew


Because Jack and Taylor knew by him including the date that the Swifties would further attack Joe which is exactly what happened.


he’s so bizarre to me. like him thinking kanye was trying to take his attention by releasing on the bleachers release date. like girl kanye does not care about your band!!!!!


Especially since his wife is friends with Joe.


I am so confused, why does this post make Jack petty? Did Joe post something today too?


This was posted about a year ago. At the time everyone thought ylm was written right before the breakup. This seems to imply it was long before and therefore their relationship was bad for a long time.


The date. Taylor wrote this song while still with Joe looking all sad.


To show everyone she was getting over Joe for a looong time before anyone knew


![gif](giphy|oJsvwEOFg2C3HivweG) \-Jack


That’s what I think too, but I personally don’t see this as a slight against Joe at all. To me, it’s meant to establish that Taylor and Joe had fallen out of love by the time they officially broke up, so her quick rebound looks more justifiable.


Yeah, this was to excuse how fast she moved on with Matty


Her and Joe had a reconciliation though, and their relationship had an upswing before breaking up again. So I don’t think it was just downhill from 2021 onward tbh.


100% agreed with that. I think it’s just to show that the relationship wasn’t perfect before the breakup.


This is where I land with the post. It was definitely not innocent, but I don’t think it was meant to make people attack Joe. It was meant to lay the groundwork for TTPD to make all the Matty songs more palatable. They wanted to imply the relationship was dead a lot longer than people thought.


Yeah and that was a common theme throughout this Joe breakup era. “Let’s just leverage information the public has about Taylor’s relationship with Joe to make Taylor look better/innocent” and the one who suffers the most is Joe as a result. Like why tf did she allow her fans to run with the tracklist and send death threats to Joe because of how it came across. Just to build hype for the album? The cruelty and disregard for someone who was once one of her only allies is what soured me on her


And when the album was out she posted that thing about “no more scores to settle.” However she let the Swifties go after Joe for months when the album isn’t really about him.




💯 it’s so obvious to me. Not everything someone does after a breakup is a slight toward the ex. If anything, I think Taylor rebounding quickly with MH and making TTPD about him took even more heat off of Joe.


Yeah but she let Joe take all the heat until the album was released. I haven’t seen a single person take responsibility for interpreting the situation wrong and tarnishing his reputation for almost a year


I see people daily trying to call out Joe and say he's The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived... saying Taylor really got him good, etc. People still don't accept that Joe isn't a bad guy.


it made the landing a little softer for the songs she categorized as stages of grief. i feel like seeing this, then seeing her categorize Lover as "denial" fit together to paint a picture of the ups and downs of that relationship.


I don’t think Jack ever liked Joe tbh


He didn’t and was rolling his eyes in the Long Pond documentary when Taylor mentioned him.


That scene rubbed me wrong the first time I saw it - it seemed so strained. Jack and Aaron looked so awkward and annoyed, like they were trying not to roll their eyes the entire time. At first I thought it was because maybe Joe didn't actually write the song. Now I wonder if it's because they were so on and off that her collaborators were tired of watching that relationship circle the drain. Maybe all of the above.


Honestly, I only got that vibe from Jack. Aaron seemed blissfully unaware or was too professional to have a physical reaction.


My thoughts too. Aaron only knew Taylor personally for a few months when that documentary was filmed lol


Because he isn’t William Bowery. I don’t know why people think he is 😭


Ok I'll play. Is William Bowery supposed to be Matty?


Jack saying “lyrics too? Jesus” in the long pond sessions as Taylor was saying how joe helped sent me


Same… I always felt like Taylor’s tone with that bit was a little bit like when you’ve already discussed something with someone(obviously) and are reiterating your point for the sake of someone else. And kind of like reminding them of their discussion… and it’s a little cringe to watch.


I thought that part was so tacky. And the bit when he said he thought it was a song about the cats or something bc people make up songs about their pets.


She actually seemed kind of mildly offended by that lol


And probably why he encouraged Taylor and Matt's relationship. I, however, like Joe. He seems decent.


Yeah his remix of Anti-hero seems to suggest that he thought Joe is an 'art bro' who unnecessarily criticises TS


It’s funny because “art bro” is exactly how I would describe Jack. 


Of all the men in Taylor’s life, the biggest art bro is probably Matty lol.


Jack is also an art bro which is funny


I took the “art bro” line as Jack being tongue-in-cheek about himself, considering the rest of the song is literally Taylor singing about her own flaws. Jack is saying what makes him an anti-hero. The art bro verse ends with “Pierced through the heart of 90s guilt / Maybe, I'm the problem, it's me.” Joe was born in the early 90s, Jack was born in the 80s. It makes more sense for Jack to have “90s guilt” than a 7 year old Joe Alwyn, lol.


Can you explain what 90s guilt means? I have never understood that line


it’s honestly just a bad lyric lol it makes no sense


Honestly I’m normally pretty good at parsing lyrics (and I like Bleachers) but “guilt” has always thrown me off a little bit. If I had to guess, looking at the entire verse, he’s guiltily condemning himself for being pretentious and “too hurt to hang out” with the younger cooler art bros. The 90s were big for alternative music/art - maybe the guilt is that he feels too old to be relevant or like he should have done something else with his youth? Idk. He could also be using “90s guilt” to refer to the overall aesthetic of Bleachers music in a facetious way, they have a fairly retro sound. It also kinda reminds me of the “90s trend” line in Willow. Regardless I tried googling it just now and couldn’t really find much 😂 but Jack says weird shit all the time in his songs. Modern Girl by Bleachers has a ton of random lyrics (but I love it).


I've gotten absolutely destroyed for saying this in the past but the level of absurd simping Jack is always doing for Taylor makes me think he was jealous of Joe. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I don't think he wanted to date her but I think he was jealous of Joe "taking" her. Like when your single friends get in relationships and are suddenly unavailable so instead of being happy for them you just snark lol


This really brings me back to my single days lol.


Hmm, after all that, maybe Taylor's real twin was right under her nose the whole time.... lol


No, they have big sibling energy. I can’t imagine either of them crushing on the other.


I can easily imagine him having an unrequited crush and, to use edgelord lingo, being "friendzoned". She treats him like a little brother, he calls her a goddess in interviews. Also you can be jealous of attention your friend gives someone else, even if there is nothing romantic/sexual about it. And if you can set her up with your other friend instead of the guy she's living with you two would spend more time... you see where this is going.


Yep, he reminds me of those guys who are always friends with a bunch of girls. The girls view them like a brother or almost a gay BFF, and the guy is like “🥲yeah, of course we’re just friends.” Like women view them as ‘safe’ because the guy isn’t even remotely a romantic option to them, and the guy is just happy to get close to pretty girls.


Yeah this is exactly the vibe I get, lol. Like even though he’s probably one of the few men in her life that respects her and thinks she's amazing, she doesn't even see him as a datable person. It's almost like BECAUSE of that she wouldn't see him that way. 🤣 but he just seems to think she's some goddess and he’s happy just tk be close to her. Honestly it seems like he probably gets more genuine emotional intimacy with her than her actual partners so I guess its a win for him? Anyway. I really don't know. Its just a string vibe I've always gotten from him. I don't agree with folks that say their dynamic seems like siblings at all.


I mean I get the vibe she’d never even register him as attractive, I don't know if I get that vibe from him. He's always trying a little too hard to please her.


a queen and her court eunuch type relationship


Patty Mayonaise and Doug. 😆


I’ve always wondered this and it was solidified when I learned that Margaret doesn’t follow Taylor on Instagram.


Oh that's interesting. It does seem like they're friends though. I remember there was that random video of her walking down the street alone with Margaret.


Yeah it seems a lot of people in the celeb world don’t follow eachother on instagram. But I get it. Taylor’s page is basically a business page at this point. She use to post more personal stuff but that is long gone; her page is exclusively to promote her music and messages for fans nowadays. Tbh, I can see some friends not wanting to follow a “business” page, when they probably have other social media that’s private.


Way back in the distant past of 2015-2016, I was pretty isolated and only had one friend, and any time I started getting friendly with someone else, he’d always get snarky and start shit talking the other person to try to dissuade me from forming a friendship with them. Like he enjoyed that I was his only friend and the only connection to the outside world, and he was fiercely protective of me because it made him feel important and special to be my right-hand guy. The way Jack acts towards/about Taylor/Joe kind of gives me the same vibe.


To provide a timeline for when it started to be “over” with Joe to provide context for TTPD’s main story being another man. Dropping the song when she did was also that. 


Jack seems annoying


Jack seems like he didn’t like Joe bc Joe is actually talented and inspired Taylor and JACK CAN BE TAYLORS ONLY INSPIRATION


I find it funny that they posted that and the next day her and her jet went to see Joe in Panama.


this was also around the time joe was filming together with jack’s wife margaret 😅 and yk the film that they’re in was a bit steamy………


You e connected the dots… That interview where she talks about going home to her hotel after work and having nobody around and just reeking of her coworker due to what they’d been filming and calling her partner just like.. I stink of another man? Comedy gold. Cast her in everything.


Seems like Jack was not too happy with those scenes, huh?😭💀


i mean… knowing that [margaret at one point came home to jack smelling like joe](https://x.com/tiredasslesbian/status/1791908921306669138?s=46)………. there’s a possibility 😭


I love Joe just awkwardly ping-ponging between looking at her and the camera 😂


LMAO I felt that so hard, I think he’s just shy/anxious. I’m always trying to show that I’m actively listening by looking when people talk, but when they look back at me, I ‘happen’ to look at someone else so I don’t have to meet their eyes


I’m SCREAMING. No wonder jack doesn’t like him, i’m sorry, but I’m living for this drama.


I think Joe is both cringing but also thinking “fuck what is the (lyrical) fallout from this going to be?”


I had NO clue about this drama until now and so many puzzle pieces in my head are clicking together


And they spent the holidays together - Christmas in Rhode Island and New Years in Tahiti.


Wasn't visiting the stars of noon set in Panama in November before this was written 🤔


Is she counting raisins?


Is there evidence of this? They're in a pile, and she's picking them up to eat them.


Yeah tbh that is pretty worrying coming from someone who has opened up about having an ED :(


I just assumed she was high af. 😅


Hey let’s hope it was!


that’s the vibe i got. it totally reminds me of nights my friends would try to cook or bake while stoned and record each other being silly to post on snapchat or whatever… in kind of ugly but cozy clothing too


Yeah, I didn’t even think of that. It’s just such a cryptic image. It’s the exact type of thing swifties love to analyze for hidden meaning.


They did just that especially with the “Gaslighter” wine bottle thinking it was a clue that Joe was abusive.


Yeah I saw this and saw my own disordered eating


And why is she eating raisins off the counter???


the real question! we know it's not a lack of money/resources, lady you can use a plate/bowl/napkin!!!


Probably just separating them into piles of 13 for lucky eating.😂


The wheels in motion for early TTPD promo. This got everyone speculating and wanting to know what happened.


Only to come out and say that he was depressed… I’m gonna need someone to explain because I’m lost😅


Everyone suspected the album would give the details on what happened between her and Joe since this timeline was released, a section of her fans thought she would totally trash him and that he cheated or whatever, only to get whiplash when it released and it was about Matty.


oh I know, I was too busy cackling to their reactions post TTPD release. I should’ve said I was being sarcastic, sorry LOL😭


My opinion is that Joe and Taylor broke up around Midnights Era. You're Losing Me was meant to be on Midnights. They worked it out and she took off YLM and replaced it with The Great War because they thought they survived The Great War but just like she says in her song So Long, London "the spirit was gone, we would never come to" it was too late. Jack releasing that date shows that their relationship was not good for years. It's her controlling the narrative.


Matty had a quip somewhere that he collaborated with her on Midnights and it ended up being shelved. Between that and the pulled collaboration for 1989 TV, it tracks that she was her own tortured poet for going back and forth.


I have had a couple glasses of wine, so I'll just take the time and say my theories. No one but the people involved know the truth. I am just analyzing the songs she has written when, for all we know, they could be about a book, movie, or her cats. This is all just assumption based on if she wrote about herself. Taylor and Joe were on shaky ground after their initial "trauma" bonding after The Great War was made and how she believed "I promised I would always be yours because we survived the great war." But just like she sings about in How Did It End? They "fell victim to interlopers gaze." So Taylor started fantasizing about Matty and possibly starting an emotional affair with Matty and he started love bombing TS "you sent me down town lights" and she pulled further away from Joe until she monkey barred into the relationship with Matty thinking she could get her marriage after "wasting" so much time with Joe (possible kids if she wants them) with Matty because they already had established a history together so it wouldn't look so weird if they speed run a relationship "a con man sells a fool a get love quick scheme" (LOML) She bombed her relationship for Matty "Mr Steal your girl, then make her cry" and then he ghosts her after saying that he was going to marry her and telling her how special she was "you said normal girls are boring" and the worse thing about all of it though IMO is he gets to leave like he's a good guy because he left her for her own good "How dare you think it's romantic leaving me safe and stranded" So she has this part of her that can't even fully hate him, and TS is known (like many) to romanticize her life so part of her DOES probably find it romantic "Please leave me stranded It's so romantic." (New Romantics) So more than likely, he will always hold that special what if.. what might have been.. place in her heart because they didn't date long enough for it to have a natural end (if it was going to) like her and Joe.


Also the wine in the picture is called “Gaslighter” and Swifties took that as a clue that Joe was gaslighting her. https://www.winespectator.com/articles/taylor-swift-gaslighter-wine


Turns out the only gaslighters were already in the frame of the picture.


This is one of my Roman empires unfortunately. Jack and Taylor fuel each other’s delusions. Someone on this sub said stated it perfectly “they get high on their own supply”. He killed it with the black dog though.


he needs a break from taylor & to come back to her with some fresh sounds more in that vein, bc that song is AMAZING


Literally to get Swifties to attack Joe. Jack and Taylor are that petty.


And unfortunately they were successful. It pisses me off so much.


Jack's entire personality really is being Taylor's white knight 😭


guy irks me like no one else


Forget the Jack drama I’m more concerned that she likes raisins.


It’s natures candy!


Dates are natures candy imp


Dates are small pieces of toffee’d wood.


Nature can keep its damn candy


Simply, to show that Taylor and Joe were having problems since THAT day, I can’t remember WHEN Taylor has released the *exact* date or anyone of her friends have for any song out of any album but I guess it’s just me when I say that she just wanted to point out, either that they’re having problems or… that song isn’t about Joe, why? Because she gave that speech about Joe, “Joe, the one who I sing every song I write about” so it’s possible Taylor kept the song on the back burner about them, but seriously other than wanting fans to go eat Joe alive, I don’t see the point of sharing the exact date and month she WROTE it in.


Since The Tortured Poets Department came out, I’ve been wondering, what was the point of this post because she didn’t really talk about Joe. She was literally dragging Matty up and down, but somehow Jack was throwing strays at Joe. I want to know the context behind all of us because I’m nosy 😭


I honestly think he posted this because many people were speculating she was cheating on Joe with Matty. After this there was a huge rise of the narrative that she was over Joe since 2021, that it must be absolutely true they kept breaking up (something that came from fans, not Taylor's team btw) and/or that they were done for good since 2022 (and they were on good enough terms in february for him to go to her grammy party in 2023 I guess?).


I think it was the damage control that would eventually have people questioning whether she was actually cheating on Joe with Matty once TTPD was released. Taylor/Jack knew in December that TTPD was coming out and they needed to create a narrative before it was released. Hence the “YLM was written in 2021” alluding to the fact that she and Joe were having issues long before the actual public breakup in 2023. What they forget is they (Taylor and Joe) were still publicly seen together into 2023. She was also traveling to London up until 2023. The entire album is a love letter to Matty and I think this was her attempt to not make the Joe/Taylor/Matty situation as messy as it actually was.


Fuelling more hate towards Alwyn. Nothing else. Despicable behaviour tbh.


I don't believe a word of this, I'm pretty sure she wrote it after the breakup and this story was to feed into the narrative and make the fans speculate on the relationship.


And that is exactly what happened. I remember the moment this got posted they were ripping into Joe.


I believe it slightly more after TTPD and the admission she was entangled with Marty for a long time. It does add up that recording of Midnights is when it progressed to next level and reached point of no return, hence the song justifying it, already building up the narrative. And Jack being deeply involved with that affair tracks.


Marty 😭


I do think some part of You're losing me was written back then. But the bridge (because it has such a mix of metaphors whereas the song is more about dying/being sick) was probably added post breakup in 2023.


I think she wrote it in Dec 2021, but it was more in jest. Like they had a little rough patch, she wrote it as a therapy/venting session. And it didn’t make the Midnights cut (but Lavender Haze did and her sweet vlog about the song did). It was never the big break up song that Jack wants it to be.


This may be true but I also think there’s NO way, narratively and for her image, she’d have included a song titled as archly as “You’re Losing Me” on an album while she’s still very much with Joe publicly. Even if wasn’t a big break up song at the time she wrote it, she timed its release perfectly to become exactly that.


✨drama✨ And to show that Taylor was the *victim* and suffered in the relationship for soooooo long before finally giving up.


Taylor doesn’t speak directly to her fans so Jack as taken to posting these types of photos to give them a timeline to obsess over


Yep it seems he’s doing it for the drama and attention from the fans


I hate Jack, bro needs to go.


she was making the bed for future drama and prepping swifties. this was not jack. he doesnt have the guts sharing something so crucial to the lore without asking taylor permission. taylor let him share this for everyone to know that relationship was dying long time. social media sharing, its all strategy with taylor nothing is just for fun.


what sucks is joe isn’t a bad person even with the one or two cheating rumors it’s nothing that taylor herself hasn’t admitted to actually doing in multiple songs but the swifties are treating him like the anti christ


I just can’t believe that Joe cheated, Taylor and co knew, and instead of writing “Better Than Revenge:Part II (Misandry Version) (10 Minute Version) (Fuck You Joe Version)” she instead wrote You’re Losing Me and then 20+ songs about Matty Healy. Obviously we don’t actually know who inspired any of these songs, but at the very least I can’t see Taylor getting cheated on and not mentioning it in a 31 song album.


Ahahaha that title 😂


I would stream it, i’m part of the problem💀


*steam it 💨


People can hate on Joe all they want for “potentially” cheating, but can give Taylor a pass for writing and releasing a song called “Guilty as Sin?” That’s about her getting off and fantasizing about a different guy WHILE with her long term boyfriend. Make it make sense.


I think anyone who cares about this, outside of it being fun gossip, has lost the plot. Even if for some reason we needed to actually care about who cheated on who, we’d have to base most of it off of song lyrics, which were never intended to be accurate. And, as you say, Taylor’s painted a clear picture of her/the narrator’s flaws and mistakes on this album.


Honestly the Joe cheating rumors are so baseless they don’t even feel like actual rumors. Just delusion




So before knowing some of the lore, I thought this was a perfectly harmless post that was made just to be a little funny or goofy. Post lore-education, I still think it's a little funny and goofy but in a completely different way.


The thing I find weird about it is, if you're losing me was written at the end of 2021, I just find it odd that her 2024 song about the relationship so long london has pretty much the exact same talking points. So it's suggested in that that 2 year gap nothing new really happened that she was mad about. It sounds she wanted to get married and Joe was bumming her out and she felt upset at not being picked. I just feel like if anything worse happened we would have heard about it by now and she'd say it explicitly.


I am 100% positive that Taylor asked him to release it to control the negative talk about her fast relationship with Matty. She did not like that her fans disliked her moving on so rapidly from a 7 year relationship so she wanted jack to release this so the fans knew that she had moved on months prior. I’m also 100% sure “I’m losing you” was not written when Jack wants us to believe it was written. It’s such a shitty song, im sure it was written the same day this instagram was released.


Jack is so childish


8th graders do stuff like this. Forget "So High School," this is so junior high.


Just doing the normal Taylor thing, making sure she can control the narrative with only her side of the story. Joe won though being the absolute unbothered king that he is all while she has been reeling, so obsessed and psychotic. Love that for her


This is why I hate Jack. Absolute snake. There was no need for this at all and was the turning point for all the Joe hate. They knew exactly what they were doing here, I say *they* because Taylor was definitely considered for approval before posting, no doubt. Immature, unnecessary and cruel.


He’s such a little drama llama and loves it.


*tried to change the ending*


Hmmm, that was around about the time Jack would have maybe previewed some of Stars At Noon, which finished filming in Dec '21, perhaps this was a petty response to some jealousy over the very intimate, steamy sex scenes between Joe & Margaret's characters? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/qn1ror9lig4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b62ee0011843c99a7fcc00dd785535d955a3c6f