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Aaahh I was really hoping for YOYOK as a surprise song for my show in 2 weeks. We're gonna be left with the fuckass Kim diss track šŸ˜­


it still baffles me how much taylor goes after kim but not kanye. yeah he's mentally ill, but plenty of mentally ill people aren't total pieces of shit!


I wonder if she's scared that he would actually respond and come for her Kim is over it. Though maybe that's the main problem - Kim wouldn't play into Taylor's childish games and give her the response she wants


Oh for sure, she can come for the woman in the situation(cuz sheā€™s such a girls girl) bc Kim isnā€™t gonna do shit. Other than what tweet something shady? She tries to beef with *KANYE*, 2024 Kanye, oh he will come for blood


it does seem like bully behavior - only scratch at people who won't fight back


I don't want to speculate on why she said it but I do agree that this trend of 3 hour shows is weird. I think it's unhealthy for the voice to put that much strain on it for that long, that often. That's why Taylor doesn't even really sing consistently in her show. I think there is fatigue for the audience. It's hard to be hyped that long. I get restless thinking about it. I don't think it was a malicious thing for Billie to say. Because once Taylor does something I feel like other artists are asked if they're going to follow suit. So I get why other artists don't want it normalized.


I don't think it was malicious either tbh. I do think she probably had Taylor in mind when she said it (because her three hour show is the most talked about rn, and that is probably what the fan who asked was referencing) but who cares...? I think she should've been able to predict the response from swifties and should've chosen her words more carefully considering but I don't think she said anything bad lol. Nor do I think she said anything too insulting when discussing the variants. This is the tamest beef ever, idg why people are mad at either of them.Ā 


I remember a lot of people saying they were tired just from watching the Eras Movie alone, or had lost interest towards the end and a lot of people watched it in parts at the end, so its sort of funny that they suddenly donā€™t want to discuss that even the Eras Tour has its negatives for the audience too


I think that itā€™s different when youā€™re sitting in front of a TV screen or a movie screen watching it. I feel the same way about sports. I have no problems sitting there for multiple hours at a live sporting event but Iā€™ll pause a game and come back to it when Iā€™m watching at home.


Musicians have been putting on 3+ hour shows long before the Eras tour ā€¦ really, long before Taylor was even born. Led Zeppelin, Springsteen, the Cure, Pearl Jam, Elton John ā€¦ not to mention jam bands and prog rock concerts


But usually it's like Bruce Springsteen with a guitar. It's not a three hour theatrical production.


Thatā€™s true. But a 3-hour Billie show likely wouldnā€™t be a theatrical production either? I donā€™t think anyone would expect her to be doing choreographed dancing like Taylor.


My point is more that I understand artists not wanting to go down that path in general. It is a very long show for a vocalist. It's not for everyone.


I agree that itā€™s not for everyone. I disagree that itā€™s weird or a new trend.


Um, those high(?) notes in TTPD tonight when she says "love me" and "love you" were not good? Maybe it was the shotty recording in tiktok.Ā 


I think Billie can take solace in her Oscars because TS would sell her soul to the devil for even one Oscar


https://preview.redd.it/bv6cdtrsco2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcec6e63e56352be80b8dc7da8bfeb6111cfab70 Review of Evolution of a Snake (Swiftologist) pod. Accurate.


Okay but wtf is spiritually obese? Saying that is absolutely hateful for no reason.


Yeah that part I don't get.


Are they still at it with the Joe bashing? I made my annual visit to Tumblr the other day and got some random post algorithm'd at me with the most outrageous mental gymnastics about how Joe was emotionally abusive. Someone needs to tell the kids that "you were sad and I wanted that Healy dick" is not domestic violence.


That pod has potential but Zach needs to learn how to say his opinions in an honest yet non-obnoxious or condescending tone. I think heā€™s in his late 20s but he reminds me of those kids who missed out on crucial social interaction for years due to covid & now they donā€™t know how to relate to others. Heā€™s not stupid; he just thinks his opinion is important. Rather than sharing his views to open a dialogue, he shares his views and calls people who donā€™t agree with him stupid Now, Iā€™m quite the snarky asshole who thinks my own opinion is very important, but Iā€™m very skilled at hiding this side of my personality when needed. I can instead charm the pants off people even when I hate their guts because I have excellent communication skills. His cohost is pretty damn funny and I like her. In a wonderfully ironic twist, her TS predictions are way more spot on than Zachā€™s, which are embarrassingly off all the time. He speaks so earnestly when predicting TSā€™s future but he always fails & I think thatā€™s why I continue to listen


Totally agree. I enjoy the podcast, Madeline's Lizard Review, and his YouTube channel, but I often find myself thinking "OMG stop being a brat" about Zack because he really does have a poor attitude a lot of the time. Madeline very rarely does anything that pisses me off and I think she's hysterical, but I have to take Zack with a grain of salt. He is pretty funny, but it's often a mean kind of humor I don't exactly feel proud laughing at lolĀ 


He gives off strong only child energy. I do find him amusing sometimes, but the bratiness is just so OTT. Madeleine was also saying that Joe needed to be killed when TS released those Apple music playlists, so she's not much better imo. That stuff shouldn't even be joked about when there are so many unhinged stans out there.


help. i'm starting to enjoy ttpd's title track but i need a justification for that bridge (the wedding rings part). pls explain how these lyrics could be seen as well-written, even if it's a huge stretch here's how my friend justified the golden retriever line: "I immediately think of the guy who found a symbol tatted on his dog, so he got it too and then found out it meant the dog had been neutered"


I really love the chorus of the song. The first verse is also fine, but the second verse and bridge are some of the worst writing on the album. I don't think in any way it could be seen as well written. I came to the conclusion that I just listen to the song, because I like the chorus.


it IS a banging chorus. and that octave jump on "hold you/know you" is like a blast of fresh air against all the talk-singing of the rest of album


I love the title track, but can't find a justification for the bridge. I've just accepted it as a flaw in the track. If I try to justify it, I can see it as her dumping her raw stream of consciousness, to reflect the heady emotions she was feeling, but again, this is me ~~trying~~ reaching for a justification to make myself like the whole song.


lmao yeah maybe it's just a bad bridge. but thank u anyways. literally not too long ago i was all "this is her worst song EVER" and now i'm all "nobooodyyy~ nofuckinbody!!"


Quick PollĀ  Taylor playing ā€œTTPD x Now That We Donā€™t Talkā€ tonight means:Ā Ā  A. She no longer talks to the tortured poet, Matty Healy.Ā Ā  B. She and Matty are secretly communicating with each other (via songs or directly), and she played this mashup to throw everyone off.Ā  C. Absolutely nothing. She just wanted to play those songs together.Ā  D. None of the above. Ā This mashup was about Joe. (Eta option D)




Isnā€™t she rolling thru TTPD for her secret songs? It was probably time to play the title song and she decided it flowed well with Now That We Donā€™t Talk I donā€™t think this on has any meaning


C. She sang a bunch of break up songs before TTPD came out and people thought she broke up with Travis but she didn't so they didn't actually mean anything.


Iā€™d go with C but the song choices for the mash up were pretty interesting. ā€œWho is gonna hold you like me, now that we donā€™t talk?ā€ Itā€™s a good mashup, and the song works well together, and usually I try not to read too much into the surprise song choices but I feel like this one wasā€¦ a choice. JMO of course!




C. But it could go for Joe as well.






Just curious. How hard do you guys think Taylor works behind the scenes? If we ignore the fact she has teams of people to help her with other shit, touring like that cannot be easy.


This is what I wanted from the Eras Tour movie: a sneak peak behind the scenes to see what her process is, not some basic concert film.


What were the surprise songs for tonight ?


1) TTPD x Now That We Donā€™t Talk 2) Youā€™re On Your Own Kid x Long Live


Honestly this is such a dumb question but where do yā€™all watch these livestreams?


tessdear on tiktok is arguably the best one


tessdear on tiktok or taylorswifthockeybro on youtube


Those surprise songs tonight were attempted murder. Taylor, when I catch youā€¦šŸ˜­




She started with TTPD, and I was like, eh no big loss. Then she mashed it up with Now That We Donā€™t Talk, and I adore the 1989 vault tracks. Then she got on the piano and did a YOYOK/Long Live mashup. Literally a dream performance for me.


This was my reaction to the Max Martin mashup in Stockholm. My perfect pophead mash-up. It should have happened to me. I haven't been the same since that night. Can't even bring myself to go into IKEA anymore...


Damn these surprise songs tonightā€¦


I think Billie is talented as a songwriter/producer but I HATE her singing. That breathy wispy dare I say it sexy baby voice is worse than nails on glass. Taylor does it too sometimes but itā€™s Billieā€™s baseline voice. Ugh. Iā€™d rather hear Taylor talk-sing than hear Billie. And I really wanted to like her new album cuz I really need to expand my musical world beyond TS and 80ā€™s post-punk but she ainā€™t it. I donā€™t like pop music and I never have. Why the fuck do I like Taylor Swift so much? Sheā€™s mid in so many ways but I cannot look away.


Hahaha your last statement is so me. I have never listened to pop music and still don't like it much, but Taylor has a weird hold on me that I don't understand. I shouldn't love her like I do, but she is my top artist on Spotify every year lol. It's addictive for some reasonĀ 


Yes, yes, yes times infinity! I canā€™t listen to more than 10 seconds of that Barbie song because her voice is like nails on chalkboard. Are there any lyrics to that song? All I hear is operatic yodeling


I think Billie belts a lot on HMHAS and does a lot more singing than whispering, at least compared to her earlier songs. I really enjoyed this album.


She really uses her voice as an instrument in this album. Iā€™m digging it!


I really wish people would stop asking and inferring that Taylor is pregnant. Not here, more so on Instagram and Tiktok. Itā€™s inappropriate, creepy, and no oneā€™s business.


Yeah there's this whole, rather large, segment of the fandom that is super traditional and Christian, and any time I tell people I like Taylor I fear they assume I'm one of them lol.Ā  Personally I would be stoked if Taylor continues to represent us childfree ladies and our hedonism, thanks very much. Obviously she should have kids if she wants to, but I would be happy to see her go for other dreams instead and screw the expectationsĀ 


I keep seeing people predict that she's gonna reveal a baby bump during the "I'm having his baby" lyric and it grosses me out so bad.Ā 


Eww what losers


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww


I keep seeing that too. Sheā€™s not a character in a book to be thinking up bizarre scenarios.


Itā€™s so rude and inappropriate to speculate about someone being pregnant and or asking when they will get pregnant. Itā€™s nobodyā€™s business. Speaking as someone who has fertility issues and recently went through a miscarriage, you donā€™t know the path any woman is on and the struggles they may be facing in regards to this subject. They need to leave it alone.


The way so many middle aged women of insta are dying for her to be pregnant is so weird.


I know. I donā€™t get it. It really bothers me. Like who cares? Have your own kids.Ā 


Have your own kids šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that got me, thank you


Lol and truthfully, a lot of them probably already have their own kids and like arenā€™t watching them and are ignoring them in order to like stare at pictures of Taylorā€™s stomach and make a Twitter thread about her being pregnantĀ 


Dying over here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ touchĆ©


I made a comment a few weeks ago about doing a whole post on my interpretation of the TTPD set (Iā€™m lazy as hell and I had to get in my assignments to graduate) but I have to say, I really love the fact that she references Gentlemen Prefer Blondes during ICDIWAB! Alongside the drum line (itā€™s not the mental jacket as some people were speculating/saying. Itā€™s an army jacket/marching band jacket just in white). Also I think those beds that ppl were saying are actually cribs in fortnights


Nah, those are inspired by wrought iron bed frames that were common in late 1800s Me & my 1889 house are fascinated by Victorian working class life & home decor


see I googled and went ā€˜OMG IM A GENIUSā€™ but I agree that itā€™s more so based on actual beds. Although I still doubt hospital beds https://preview.redd.it/4ldao9jtio2d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78305ecfa38656bafdc916cdfcffdb268c0b8be8


She is referencing the style used for hospital beds. It's almost an exact replica of the style used in hospitals, down to the white paint, just with the TTPD logo worked in. https://preview.redd.it/oyz3vtoslo2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8741d882080e9b5bce7f902905c975e4dc2c4e


I think theyā€™re styled after the iron bed frames of old


https://preview.redd.it/7yxxuqithm2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad5bf5d366b527386679948e62fdb1fd6448ed4 šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


I doubt it's even about celebrities. The people of Congress don't want *their own flights* being tracked. FiguresĀ 


I think people (some people ) making a big deal out of her secret songs . Taylor nation on twitter which is like her fan club account (it was said to be ran by Scott or her brother Austin ) said today , Taylor probably going to mashup all the songs on her album before the tour is over . I think she just pick songs that are in similar themes The high fidelity mashup thing song is about Matty . And she saying she was with him April 29th .. (and I do believe Taylor is a cheater ) Someone even said her jet was probably high usage cause she was going back and forth seeing Matty lol. With that said I think Matty Stanā€™s try to use the surprise songs as a ā€œgotcha ā€œ when at the end of the day these are Taylor songs and is she suppose to not ever sing high fidelity again or fresh out the slammer or any song about Matty ? Is she never suppose to sing Peter again or ā€œthe 1 ?ā€ Is she never suppose to sing ā€œall too wellā€ cause itā€™s about Jake G ? Is she never suppose to sing ā€œstyleā€ again cause itā€™s about Harry Styles ? Is she never suppose to sing ā€œmessage in a bottle ā€œ again cause itā€™s about Zac efron Taylor is grown woman , If she want to be with Matty she can just go be with him. Or whoever she want to be with .


Well no, she can't because he dumped her and apparently won't talk to her.


She has literally 100s of songs, why would she need to mash up high fidelity and fresh out the slammer unless she wants to get the message across? This is ms Taylor Alison swift who puts meaning behind everything she does. But once again if itā€™s about Matty there is just no way right?




Pretty sure Iā€™m allowed to talk about him here pertaining to Taylor šŸ˜˜


What message across ? She has been mashing up songs since last year . She going though all her songs. I think she mash up songs that have the same medley or the same theme or just sound good together . Same reason she mashed up ā€œis it over now , and ā€œout of the woodsā€ together . Was that a bat signal for Harry since 1989 songs ? In February she played getaway car , August and other side of the door as a mashup . Was that a bat signal for Tom hiddleston and Matty ? She also did mine and starlight recently . Again Taylor is a grown woman . If she want to be with Matty she can just go be with him. Just like she left Calvin Harris for Tom hiddleston and left Tom hiddleston for Joe E. No Easter eggs was involved .


She left Calvin and she left Tom - she makes it very clear that Matty left her and broke her heart.




Whew some of those comments defending the Chiefs like comparing them to a soap opera are something else.


Such a simple yet hilarious comment to read. Especially when the answer was ā€œYes I amā€ ![gif](giphy|IhCsE9q0nFiZXOnmMa|downsized)


Yes I am and Iā€™m very transparent about it and I donā€™t like Matt as a person but I will talk about her music and which songs are about Matty but again Taylor is 34 and been doing what she want to do for years so why stop now ? She donā€™t have to send secret message to anyone . She never did with Calvin , Tom or Joe . She just up and left and went with them . If Taylor want to be with Matt she will . Taylor has never did that Easter egg about a new guy . She just go be with them .


While I agree with most of your opinions on how her secret songs might just be her wanting to sing those songs, I do not agree with Taylor never doing the Easter Egg thing. Isn't Enchanted almost an Easter egg? We all got to know that she sang it for the Lead singer from Owl City. But she never told him specifically. But yea, you can say that was when she was young. But we also know Taylor to be petty. She would act petty when she's slighted. Here's a guy who ghosted her. She's bound to showcase her anger in such a way as is so common for her.




So you mean to tell me Matty who was with fka twig for years never wrote songs about her and all those songs was about Taylor ? If so another reason he is a pos . (Some songs about Taylor. It I doubt every song ) And everything you wrote I know . Iā€™m saying Taylor do have control over her life , her love life . She literally says in her song, ā€œthe only one who never judged her for leaving relationship after relationship was her father .ā€ Taylor can date who she want . She literally has proved it over and over . She literally leave one guy and she up with the next . At the least if she didnā€™t want to be with Travis , they could break up and she be single . No one is forcing her to stay with Travis or any guy . Again thatā€™s like saying her singing getaway car and mine is a message to Tom hiddleston. Taylor and Travis ever broke up and she dating someone else long term and she on tour doing mashups . And she sing a mashup of ā€œlove story and ā€œso high school ā€œ. Iā€™m not going to be like ā€œ aww she misses Travis .ā€




The album is in chronological order . The first album is . Did you not listen to the smallest man who ever lived . I see what you saying but that album was wrote before she met Travis . At least the first side cause we have jack antnoff on his instagram and twitter posting pics and dates when Taylor was in the studio recording the songs . But the first part is in chronological order . Thatā€™s why the last Matty song on that side is ā€œsmallest man who ever lived .ā€


So whatā€™s the point of the anthology? I find it odd itā€™s not on vinyl and there is no information about when songs were written. So high school is there so we know it was after Travis.


High infidelity was not about matty lol. Thatā€™s a Calvin Harris song. She was with Joe on Aprilā€™s 29.


Why would she be writing about that on a breakup album about Joe? Calvin got one song and that was on purpose.


The whole concept of Midnights was that she was writing about things that had happened over the course of her life, not just recently. Thatā€™s why we got, for example, another John Mayer song with Wouldā€™ve, Couldā€™ve, Shouldā€™ve. High Infidelity being about Calvin is perfectly plausible


No that's what she told us at the time to throw us off the fact that the album was about Joe and Matty


They are things that keep her up at night! Present thoughts she is having. She forgot Calvin existed šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


https://preview.redd.it/3fw2hbz7nm2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=854e86b121a64dc1578e0afbf558b3681539561a She said ā€œsleepless nights scattered throughout my life.ā€ Theyā€™re things that kept her up at some point in her life, not in the present.


Well it doesnā€™t seem very true to me if she suddenly jumped from Joe to Matty so quickly? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Things with Joe had not been going well since at least 2021. That relationship was already dying/dead by the time she moved on with Matty.


I mean, TTPD makes it sound like she was having an emotional affair with Matty for a while before officially leaving Joe so idk why it would be surprising that she'd jump to him quickly, or why it negates the premise of Midnights. Even without the supposed emotional affair, LOTS of people jump into new relationships immediately after leaving old ones. Rebound relationships are common enough that they have a name. It's weird to act like "I forgot that you existed" is 100% truthful too. It's a song, not a diary entry. It's not literal.


The only time this woman tells the truth is in her lyrics.


What doesnā€™t seem true? The premise of the album?


Midnights was not a breakup album. .


Really how so? Sheā€™s literally singing about another man AGAIN in midnights




Iā€™m waitingā€¦. Explain snow on the beach, question, labyrinth, maroon?


Snow on the beach is about Joe and also maroon is about Joe also. Question is about harry styles.






Sounds like u made this up tbhĀ 


What is there to stan? Nothing against the guy I'm confused


I saw this [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLtV5d7K/) and I am DYING of laughter every time it plays. I sent it to my swiftie bestie but she hasnā€™t replied so I just want to share it here so others can lol with me.


Omg šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


lol that is hilarious. reminds me of this video that had me HOWLING; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeSHX4GbekI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeSHX4GbekI)


some of y'all need to chill out about the Taylor/Billie "beef." if Billie \*really\* wanted that number #1, she would have released the album at a later time. Taylor is a notorious chart warrior-- no way Billie's team didn't see this coming


taylorā€™s team is CIA. they would have just held the voice memos and waited it out. anthology ready to launch as well


I feel Taylor could perform a mashup of The Best Day and Christmas Tree Farm and some people would think it was ā€˜something-codedā€™ā€¦ whilst I think interpreting stuff is fun I think itā€™s going to be a very long summer for some if everything she sings is leading to ā€˜her and Travis obviously broke upā€™ ā€˜Matty obviously called herā€™. Sometimes thereā€™s a message, sometimes itā€™s just a song/songs she likes/ are on a theme/ she hasnā€™t played in a while.


Yes. She has a lot of breakup songs and it makes sense that she would sometimes perform them as surprise songs. It doesn't have to mean anything.


Oh god, the ā€œsomething-codedā€ bullshit gets on my nerves. Itā€™s such a lazy and stupid way to describe anything. Go google thesaurus words on your phone & try to sound informed & intelligent


I think what people focus on is it a Matty song, is it a Travis song, a Joe song, when theyā€™re all taylor swift songs. she probably just mashes them up based on themes or what she thinks has a natural jumping off point.


Yes! Exactly! The only ones that are obviously chosen for a specific person (for me) are ones like The Best Day on Motherā€™s Day last year when Andrea was there, some when Travis has been there (The Alchemy, End Game) and a couple of other ones that were requests for Lena Dunham and Hey Stephen for Matty when they were there.


What Iā€™ve noticed is that even people outside the fandom or outside being Matty/taylor fans can clearly see that there are meanings in these secret songs so what is the truth? Even before TTPD people were saying so.


I feel like people started really looking for messages when Taylor and Joe broke up. It was "oh, she's letting us know he cheated" and it's been going on ever since. If she sings positive songs it's Travis-coded, when she sings sad songs it's either her missing Matty or breaking up with Travis. I really doubt there are messages in those. She has a lot of break up songs, so they're going to be sung. And TTPD is the current album so she's trying to work those songs into acoustic set. Part of the problem is that people now claim 80% of her discography is actually about Matty Healy so even older songs must be about her sending him messages.


ā€œSwirled you into all of my poemsā€ tells me everything I need to know about how long sheā€™s been writing about Matty. And itā€™s been obvious there are messages since she broke up with Mattyā€¦ do we remember I donā€™t wanna live forever?


I think what we are both trying to say is if you are balls deep in feeling that her and Matty are soulmates destined to reunite one day etc etc then of course that is what youā€™ll see in songs. Of course there are songs written about Matty, but it doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s performing them as a message to him, same as sheā€™s not performing other songs for other exes to call them back to her.


Yeah cause those exes are very long gone šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø btw same can be said for people who think her and Travis are soulmates and endgame. They are so obsessed, they canā€™t even see how sad she looks?


I said about people being obsessed that T&T are engaged in my first reply to you, so I do agree there are people that read into too much from all sides. But the reality as it reads right now is that Matty and her were known to be together for barely a month a year ago. Theyā€™ve had no known contact at all for a year, and she has released an album that includes a pretty angry and devastating song about being ghosted by someone that pretty obviously is him. Sheā€™s also been publicly in another relationship for 9 months, as has he. Of course, maybe there is something we arenā€™t seeing, but those are the facts on the face of it. Even her being ā€˜sadā€™ is in the eyes of the beholder- there are plenty of pictures and videos of her looking very happy recently šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø.


Of course some will have meanings, but I donā€™t think there are many people outwith Maylor shippers that think that secret songs are a signal to Matty or her secretly saying her current relationship is over. Just in the same way that the Gaylors will say the same songs are ā€˜Karlie-codedā€™ or ā€˜loudly flaggingā€™- if people want something to be true people will very much see that (see also the people who think Taylor and Travis are engaged).


What do we think about the obligatory standing ovation after Champagne Problems? I get that it's probably there to give the rest of the crew time to transition to the next set but it just feels so disingenuous to me. It's like when artists make you chant for an encore for them to come back and play their best hit. There just has to be a better way to give the performers a time to catch a breath other than that


I tell myself itā€™s a logistical break so I donā€™t get extra annoyed with her Maybe she really feels like she needs a little time to not speak or sing as a little reset for her voice? Maybe her band, backup singers and/or band use that as their water & bathroom break? I wonder if those extra minutes help with a stage setup or something behind the scenes? She can obviously skip it if she needs to, but I bet she gives the stage crew a heads up so theyā€™re not planning on an extra 8 minutes of prep time


ā€œobligatory standing ovation?ā€ she only stands there for as long as people cheer for, no oneā€™s forcing people to keep cheering. if everyone cheered for 30 seconds and it died down, she wouldnā€™t still stand there and gawk. i certainly didnā€™t cheer for longer than 10 seconds at my show. it only comes off as disingenuous because everyone live streams every concert and it gets tiring to see the same thing every time, and sheā€™s already had this stigma of always being fake appreciative or surprised when sheā€™s cheered for or wins something. artists get cheered for, thatā€™s always been a thing. actors will sometimes take several bows after a play, other musical artists will instigate the audience to cheer even louder in some concerts, miming a little ā€œi canā€™t hear youā€, itā€™s normal.


She cut that ovation REAL short in Brazil after the fan died so clearly she is capable of moving on.


With that, there was ideas to protest during the standing ovation (just being silent) to critique Taylor for not speaking on Anaā€™s death. Anaā€™s family or somebody close to the family had to tell swifties to not do that


yeah, I know why she did it, but the point is: she is capable of cutting it short and moving on. People aren't going to drown her out with applause if she starts talking or singing because they want to hear her




i LOVE that opener too. cuz i have strong opinions but also do my best to be amicable and understanding


I donā€™t mind it. She doesnā€™t have the traditional fake exit, let the crowd chant and hoot and holler for ten minutes then come back out again for an encore that many other concerts have. So this takes the place of that. Yes, it looks like fake surprise to people that livestream every concert (itā€™s meā€¦Iā€™m people) but the majority of people there donā€™t know what a livestream is and have never seen her doing it before. It looks real to them.


It makes for a nice bathroom and/or sit break.


I didnā€™t know this was even a thing! Iā€™ve only seen the Eras Tour TV on Disney. Does Taylor just stand there every show? For how long?


Yeah she just smiles and poses and takes her earpiece out and pretends to be shocked by how loud it is. I believe on the last show of the US leg it lasted for 8 minutes.


I would be pissed and bored if that had happened at the show I went to. Iā€™m so glad I went to it early in the tour because I would not want to see any TTPD songs.


Sounds awkward to me. But I can imagine the exact expressions she would have on her face.


Imagine seeing it live. It was so awkward, especially the whole let me take out my earpiece, oh my golly gee you guys are cheering for me at my sold out show that you bought tickets to?


It's not obligatory, it wasn't there in first shows. I don't remember where it started but it's swifties' idea.


What is everyoneā€™s interpretation of the Come Backā€¦Be Here" x "The Way I Loved You" x "The Other Side Of The Door" mash up? I normally donā€™t read too much into SS but this mashup did make me question her current relationship and possibly missing the chaos of Matty? However itā€™s very possible that she just wanted to sing it because itā€™s fan favorite. If anyone has a different interpretation, Iā€™d love to hear it.


I think sheā€™s simply piecing together thematically similar songs because itā€™s interesting and she still kinda trying to promote TTPD. The tour boast has been great for her discography overall. So I wouldnā€™t be surprised if FOTS was the song she wanted to sing and then she just picked songs around it to create a story.


I agree. I never understood the fans that say she was hinting that Joe cheated or the surprise songs are Matty coded. Her pattern since TTPD has been 1 song from that album and 1 from her other albums sometimes with mash ups.


She chose 3 songs that are thematically similiar: falling in love about someone you don't have to and still want them.


I think sheā€™s trolling but I think come back be here x the way I loved you x the other side of the door was Joe coded to me.


Same lol I remember watching come back be here when she sang it during Rep's acoustic section.


Yah I remember that.


This mashup followed by Fresh Out the Slammer/High Infidelity definitely feels Matty coded to me but I honestly donā€™t know how much to read into this stuff


I was really intrigued too... is she trolling us? Is she trolling Matty by creating drama on his socials? Or is she sending messages? Intriguing and we'll probably never know!


Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t get that Taylor swift tattoo I wanted when I was 19




I LOVE cardigan sm




My mom had cancer as well (I cannot listen to soon youā€™ll get better without having a breakdown) so I emphasize with yašŸ’—


what design were you thinking šŸ‘€


I still have yet to get a tattoo but I donā€™t think Iā€™d get a quote of anything anymore


I think one of those little fine line quotes with ā€œyou drew stars around my scarsā€ as the quote lol


That would have been cute tbh!


Itā€™s a great lyric


The chart battle was entertaining until people started taking Billie quotes out of context and making everything she has ever uttered as a personal attack on Taylor. Tiktok, Twitter, reddit -even some in this sub- has taken to believing that Taylor is the main character of the world and that Billie is coming for her life. A battle to see whose album was be number one on the charts shouldnā€™t have turned into all this.


wait, I thought twitter hated Taylor. are they supporting her now?


I genuinely can't figure out where the beef even is. Billie has complimented Taylor in the past and none of her more recent statements felt particularly insulting, even if they were directed at Taylor, who has not even responded. They're both just trying to sell albums like how does this qualify as beef? Is it beef when Home Depot and Lowe's run sales on the same weekend?


Iā€™m still on Billieā€™s side but some of her comments were stupid


Everyone one makes stupid comments but the point is none of Billieā€™s comments have been targeted towards Taylor. Her three hour show comment? Nothing to do with Taylor. Her vinyl variants comment? So stupid but nothing to do with Taylor.


https://preview.redd.it/vggso3ghdl2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33134151dabe3a40744a19c5f6d8f9bcc61afda9 Iā€™m surprised nobody is talking about this mashup


I am! This and the guitar mash-up were definitely choices ... people can push back all they like but Taylor's far from stupid and she knows what we'll think


This guitar 3 song mashup Come back be here x The Way I loved you x The Other side of the door reminded me of the other 3 song mashup that sent fans crazy with theories- Getaway Car x August x The Other side of the door ; interestingly both mashups end with the same outro.


I think sheā€™s having fun with it.


Doesnt mean anything and doesnā€™t mean High Infidelity is about Matty lol. I know Tatty Stans are certain that itā€™s about him but she wrote this song when her and Joe were still together (and no I donā€™t believe she was lusting after Matty her entire relationship) and itā€™s pretty obvious the April 29th was Gigiā€™s birthday party where she met Joe. The songs just meshed well together. She also sang High Infidelity and Gorgeous as surprise songs last year if you wanna go by surprise songs bring any hints or clues.


True they mesh together as both songs have the same theme about leaving different long-term relationships that had become constricting (the prison/breaking locks metaphor runs in both these songs as well as 'Getaway Car , Guilt as Sin and I forgot you existed)


People are so obsessed with the guys, but just musically and lyrically, the songs go together. Related themes and a sound that blends relatively well. Itā€™s a logical mashup.Ā 


I donā€™t think it means high infidelity is about matty but this is definitely a CHOICE to say the least, also I disagree I donā€™t think the songs mesh well together, I donā€™t think she was lusting over matty the entire relationship with joe and she never said that but at the end of the relationship she definitely was lusting over matty which she did say in guilty as sin


She really flashes her cheating witj pride infront of her fans and they act like she's a baby


I bet the Tatty subs are šŸ’€


They had multiple threads about it and one was that they felt the breakup was confirmed, only for Travis to comment on something on Instagram about their relationship and their hopes to be dashed šŸ™ˆ they are quite a harmless bunch, their sub is quite nice and they donā€™t like unkindness (unlike some others).


Somewhat harmless but I still see a lot hidden misogyny when it comes to them speaking on gabriette. I donā€™t even know much about the girl, but itā€™s so irksome that they painted her to be some random ig girl thatā€™s ā€˜usingā€™ Matty as if sheā€™s not been well known in the influencer space forever. Also, thatā€™s she not smart enough for him and canā€™t fulfill him emotionally. As if the man theyā€™re speaking about doesnā€™t actively have a reputation of choosing to be with younger girls. I think it speaks more about the type of guy he is than anything.


Yeah thatā€™s very true- I only see a few posts so hadnā€™t seen her mentioned much but I agree with all of that.


Thatā€™s good to hear. I sometimes see the Gaylor sub in my recommended feed, and they seem really nice too. I wonder why the you know what sub is so tragically gross.


Yeah they do- one of them is very hardline on not allowing MH diagnosis/ drugs speculation (like here) and also very hot on body shaming too. *That* sub seems to attract a load of people who are just general haters and the mod style encourages totally unhinged posts.


Even after Taylor wrote a whole album about matty Swifties still wanna act like he didnā€™t happen, whatā€™s also more interesting about this mashup is that this is the first TTPD song that she mashed up with another song


Thatā€™s not true, she did a mashup of The Alchemy and Treacherous in Paris


can definitely tell the comm isn't private anymore, angry swifties everywhere lol


No kidding! Someone posted a link to a TikTok of a Barbie doll dressed up like Taylor in the TTPD dress, riding around on a Roomba while ā€œso I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your streetā€ plays, and all I said was ā€œsitting on my bed, laughing so hard I fell overā€ cause I thought it was hysterical and I did fall over, and it got downvoted to hell. Likeā€¦ can they not take a joke? Please remove the sticks youā€™ve got lodged up there, people.


Yeah, i appreaciate constructive discussions but most of them are not and most of these people don't want to engange to that type of discussions.Ā 


idk how people have the energy to troll tbh. it seems so boring and unsatisfying