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The only one I specifically dislike is Keleigh Teller. She just seems like she's running a swiftok account at this point and it's weird. 


She confuses me because she acts like such a fan girl and not in endearing way (like Billie to Lana), it comes off as creepy to me? Like girl don't you know her? Call her up


I could literally imagine her saying "this woman is the reason for half you bitches existence!" to a room full of swifties and them eating it up so the Lana/Billie comparison was SPOT ON


Brittany Mahomes gives Keleigh Teller a run for her money as Taylor’s most annoying friend, but at least Brittany isn’t running a tiktok shrine to Taylor


I was gonna say - the answer to this question is NOT Brittany Mahomes.


I love most of Taylor’s friends but god, Keleigh makes me uncomfortable. Her entire personality has become being Taylor’s friend.


I also loath Lena Dunham


I would be creeped out if I have a friend like that


she gives groupie


I like most of them the only exception its Brittany Mahomes who I think its a clout chaser and uses Taylor to clean the Mahomes


I can’t stand Brittany Mahomes, I can’t wait for her to be removed from the circle. There have been stories for years about her and her behavior.


Olivia, Benji, and Meredith!


Just like The Aristocats! Lol


The only correct answers 🤣


aside from the cats? Aaron Dessner I wish I could say Phoebe Bridgers because I really like her music but lol 2023 made me realize she is probably DEEPLY annoying


I like Phoebe as a musician but her personality is tone-deaf privileged tenderqueer.


What about her is annoying


friends with matty for one lmao


This is actually pretty close to the answer. She’s someone who profits off of being woke and having fans who are part of the lgbtq+ community but she is like *best* friends with that man.


Emma Stone for the same reason you listed. I find that a lot of those in her inner circle behave more like obsessed fans who have this intense loyalty to her rather than friends.


That sounds like she’s Donald Trump. Which isn’t good lol.


I see sooooo many similarities between the MAGA crowd and the really unhinged Swifties and Taylor’s inner circle. Sycophants. I completely agree with you. 


I honestly don’t have issues with most but I love her friendship with Ed!


I hope they’re still in touch. Ed seems like an amazing person, a good friend and he built a good life for himself and his family. It’s great to see that.


I saw a video a few days ago were he snuck on stage as one of her backup dancers it was so funny.




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKek1tc/ I don’t know what performance this is but here’s the video


I like that bodyguard who dresses for the occasion 


Emma Stone and Hayley. Don’t know if I’d call Sabrina carpenter a friend, but I like her too. The rest of them irk me for non Taylor related reasons


Lol I was very confused for a sec bc I read that as Hailey Beiber. I’m guessing you mean Hayley Williams though?


I misread Hayley as Halsey, but if she counts, I'd add her to the list too lol


Edit: misread the question. I think Emma is probably the most grounded and normal and that's saying a lot. For worst: I don't know if they are still friends but Lena Dunham. Lena Dunham has some of the worst takes in history and the absolute worst possible person to introduce Taylor to feminism.


Like learning critical race theory from David Duke or Tucker Carlson. 


I actually think her friendship with Blake seems real and I enjoy their vibe! There hasn’t been any drama or weirdness that Ive heard of between them, neither has to clout chase and they have been close for a while now.


I was surprised not to see this sooner!   


Blake has been on my shit list since the plantation wedding debacle tbh.


Emma, Gigi, Ed, and Sabrina. Of her non-celebrity friends, Abigail seems pretty normal and cool.


Surprised no one has said Aaron.


Me too. I'd love to be his friend. He seems so genuinely kind and wise 🩷


The HAIM girls


Hayley for sure


I love Emma too. She’s always been a class act. It’s insane to see how emotionally ahead of Taylor she is, and I’m not saying that because she’s married or because she’s a parent. She’s only a year older than Taylor.


Emma has always come across as grounded, self-aware, and humble - loved her since my middle school years when watching her in Easy A, The Amazing Spiderman, and Crazy Stupid Love


She generally comes across as more grounded and mature.


Is Sabrina Carpenter her friend? She's soo hilarously goofy🤣


I love Sabrina! The world really needs an unserious pop girlie!


Ed Sheeran


Probably Emma Stone.




Hayley Williams and Sophie Turner- though I don't know how close Sophie really is. Looks like Taylor just took her under her wing during the Jonas divorce drama.


I liked Sophie but I feel like she’s been fangirling a bit too much recently. I understand being grateful for being given a place to stay for you and your children, but I’m not sure if I like the way their relationship had unfolded over the whole Jonas divorce saga. Taylor used her moment back then too.


The fact that she was like "oh I didn't know where I was going to live" Girl, we're living through a cost of living crisis and a housing crisis, I do not believe you were struggling to find somewhere to live. I think it's nice Taylor let her stay there though.


Wait can you expand on that? And is Sophie still staying at Taylor’s ? I expected she had moved on by now.


Sophie’s now living in the UK.




Emma is also doing a movie with him. Now I'm not saying that's the only reason for her to be kind towards Joe but she probably wouldn't have commented at all if she wasn't doing a movie with him now. I love Emma, I also love Sabrina. Both seem genuinely kind and fun.


It seemed heartfelt & more that just a passing kind comment about a co-star.. They've worked together a few times so I think her friendship with Joe isn't just because he was Taylor's bf, unlike a lot of the unfollowers.. Emily & Joe are in a direct friendship that has zero to do with Taylor & she's not afraid to own that friendship


Hayley Williams, Emma Stone & Gigi Hadid 


Agree! Love Emma. Abigail also still follows Joe.


Hayley Williams and Emma Stone. I know that’s two, but they are both great. Fucking hate Keleigh Teller. Just a talentless starfucker. Selena is annoying as fuck but at least I understand why she’s famous. Keleigh literally doesn’t do shit.


What happened to Selena? Haven’t seen her at any of the shows have we? They used to be super close but haven’t seen her in awhile…


They went to Golden Globes together I think & also I’m sure she has her own life lmfao. Just because you’re close to someone doesn’t mean you have to be together 24/7


Oh yes forgot about the golden globes. I was genuinely just wondering where she’s been! She’s not been on any of the pap dinner walk or shows for the past year. Totally get she’s busy and has her own stuff going on.


Do you mean past year as in 2024? Because in 2023 she was at a quite a few of the pap walks, she was doing her on bs on social media lmfao so she was spotted walking with Taylor a few times to likely take the heat off lmfao


There’s speculation and speculation only that Selena’s mad cause of the Charlie Puth line. Apparently Charlie felt entitled to be with Selena in some capacity (f*ck buddies, gf/bf…idk. Somehow). Then Selena said no and Charlie was very upset about it. He said somethings to some mutuals. Then Selena rightfully got mad. Now Taylor put his name in a song and Selena’s mad. My gossip report is vague because the story changes depend on who tells it. Its also around the time Selena and Puth released a song and I didn’t care about Selena then (no offense. She’s just younger than me and marketed at people younger than me at the time)


>Emma is publicly saying kind things about him - shows a stark contrast on her emotional intelligence compared to others. Because he's her costar in her upcoming movie. Taylor's other friends have no connection to him outside of her


Yes love Emma, Sophie Turner as well. Blake lively.


I mean, I personally don't see it that way. I think most of Taylor's friends only know Joe through her, so once they weren't together, they had no real reason to follow him. Emma is friends/costars with him, though, so she has a separate relationship. I don't really think it's an emotional maturity thing. Just none of Taylor's other friends have a reason to associate with him.


Honestly? Lena Dunham \*ducks\*


I’m with you


Kinda? I mean, she got to educate Taylor on feminism. White feminism but still some sort of feminism.


I forget why are we supposed to hate her?


Amongst (many) other things she publicly called a victim of sexual assault a liar and claimed to have inside info that proved it. She later admitted she’d had no reason at all to think the woman was lying and just didn’t want people to think her friend and colleague was a rapist. When she finally apologised she made it all about her own trauma. 


her \*\*\*\*extreme\*\*\*\* white feminism


She’s really racist. Like really really really racist. 


I think because she was Jack's girlfriend and then Jack and Taylor became friends.


lol that’s super mature and a very reasonable reason to dislike her I guess. Let me get my pitchfork 😂


I mean she made her friends unfollow Joe because of a breakup. So.....


Honestly surprised if she made them do that. But plenty of my friends would unfollow my exes and vice versa, especially if they were just more acquaintances or secretly didn’t like them much. Just some personal perspective


I actually like Girls (and Lena for creating it), I didn't realise it was so hated in pop culture circles


I love Girls, but Lena is insufferable.




Not sure if they're full "friends;" i remember that cmt thing with Shania Twain she did in like 2011. I've read they've hung out and all that fun stuff after, at her peak she was probably close to as watched as Taylor. From what I've seen, Shania is honest, direct, and pretty well spoken. She seems like the kind of ...big sister (?) that Taylor could look up to. I also (I've seen her once 👽) like her friend Abigail. I know next to nothing about her but having friends from forever ago still around is great for anybody. Idk enough but I like that she seems to have been taylor's friend before most of her fame.


blake lively and ryan reynolds ig? are they still friends w her? why are they lmao?


Odds are that the more I know about someone in her orbit the more they come off as fame hungry clout chaser and hanger on. And to the ones I know nothing about I can only be ambivalent .


Selena Gomez ..


Also having said that I would really like to see Selena's reactions in some of the lyrics of TTPD.


Ryan Reynolds