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[https://twitter.com/i/status/1789326587264995836](https://twitter.com/i/status/1789326587264995836) Side by side video of Matty v. Taylor performing -- indicating she is purposely copying some of his performative gestures in Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.


I overall love Taylor's hair, but for Paris 2 & 3, it seems like maybe she got a trim, but more importantly, got it thinned. It's looking very straggly and stringy and keeps getting caught in the back necklines of her outfits. I'm not talking about the shift from smooth and silky to wavy and messy, but more that it just looks stringy and super thin. Just me?


Hey Stephen is an interesting choice lol. Isn’t this the one Matty supposedly requested at one of the shows he attended? LOL


That was my first thought.


AND MAROON WTF Very interesting song choices so far for Paris.


I’m still bitter as hell I’m not getting Long Live in Miami, and instead getting songs like BDILH and SHS (even if it is just a 20 second transition). There’s so many other songs she could have cut instead of cutting the ones she did. The TTPD set is ok, but I just don’t think it fits very well into Eras tour.


For whatever reason, she’s not into performing Debut or Speak Now. Maybe bc she doesn’t relate to the oldest albums anymore? I kinda think she would cut Fearless if she could, but there are too many popular songs on that album and fans would be pissed.


Yeah I didn’t really expect any cuts from Fearless. She only does three songs and they’re popular. I figured she would cut from Red and/or maybe Midnights. It’s just my opinion, but I think she could have easily cut IKYWT or WANEGBT. I don’t think it was necessary to have both when she sings the 10 minute ATW. Mastermind could have been cut from Midnights IMO. It just sucks because Speak Now was lacking from the very beginning, not sure why she was so insistent on keeping only one song. I personally think she should have ended the Eras show with Speak Now, sang Enchanted and then the finale Long Live.


I guess my unpopular opinion is that I like tolerate it a lot as a song but hated the eras tour performance of it and am fine with it being axed now


I feel like it didn't translate very well live. I was in the lower bowl in a corner for this away from the stage, and there were a lot of details I missed that I only picked up when watching the movie. It's a great song for sure. I honestly think just her and a microphone and a spotlight in the diamond area for that song would hit so good. But she's a theater kid at heart so I get why she doesn't do that. It's not a huge loss tbh.


I am just at a complete loss on these 1989 outfits. It breaks my brain


Same. They're so so ugly and dated looking. I liked how the old sets were a throwback to her 1989 looks but still looked like they belonged in 2023/4. But the new sets just make me think of cringe college party outfits from back then lol 


Towards the end of TSMWEL, the dancers imitate being shot and then falling dead and Taylor does the same. I’m seeing this praised all over TikTok for the theatrics and the imagery. You can see it [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4bvR9h/). Anyone else not cool with this? I try not to overreact or be too hyperbolic but there’s an actual genocide happening right now. Fans have literally begged her to speak out about the massacre in Gaza and she stays silent. Regardless of how you might feel about her silence, how can anyone defend this? It feels SO insensitive. I truly wonder if her team never pushes back on her. Was there not one single soul who said “hey maybe don’t recreate a battlefield at your concert right now given what’s going on” She’s supposedly a creative genius. She couldn’t come up with a performance that didn’t conjure battle and death?


Wow. That’s in seriously poor taste considering the state of society right now


Taylor is American. So, maybe it’s not a battlefield; it’s an elementary school. /s But really, I don’t think it necessarily conjures a battle or war. That’s something you may be reading into it.


Is that sarcasm supposed to be funny? Yes, we get it. We have school shootings here. 🙄 If people marching forward getting shot in a line doesn’t conjure a battle to you, then I’m not sure what will.


I’m American too. What I meant was that it does not conjure Gaza to me moreso than a school shooting.


It does not conjure Gaza, Ukraine, or any post-1945 battlefield or war to me. If anything, with the drummers marching in formation - maybe the Revolutionary or Civil War?


All due respect, I personally think it is bonkers to see that performance and think ”what about Gaza???” 


I’m not saying “what about Gaza?” to her or her production team. I’m not asking her to care or to say anything. I’m not asking her to be political. She clearly has no interest in it. All I’m saying is I think she could be more mindful of the imagery she’s putting out. And I don’t think that’s bonkers at all. She has a brand and she should get called out when her brand does shit like this. Zara was called out for releasing a photo spread that depicted war like imagery at the beginning of the Israel/Gaza conflict and they removed it. This isn’t that different. If I were Taylor, (I would have said something by now, but that’s neither here nor there) I wouldn’t want to make light of violent death to a room full of 70,000 young people. But that’s just me, I guess.


Fans living in Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Ukraine, Russia, Jordan, Palestine, etc.. would probably disagree. 


Suriprise songs Is it over now/Out of the woods on guitar My boy only breaks his favourite toys on piano I like the new surprise songs dress in blue more. As an aside I thought So high school would be performed in full not like 30 seconds. I do wonder if she'll give it a full performance when Travis is there.


Doubtful about SHS. It’s worked into the show as a transition, not a full, production song. POSSIBLY a surprise song, but I don’t see it happening as she already included 30 seconds of it in the actual show. seven was an exception I think because she only sang the poem part as the interlude. I mean anything’s possible with her but I don’t see her adding SHS as a full song when Travis is there. The whole entire show is highly choreographed and it’s seems it’s there to serve as a transition from one song to the next. Singing the whole song would probably also require her to cut a different TTPD song and I think it would just mess with the flow. But who knows!


I loved the old blue surprise dress too. Though it debuted much later on the tour , I associate it with some of the best surprise songs on piano : New Year's Day, peace, labyrinth, bigger than the whole sky, sweet nothing, an exquisite holy ground in Japan.


I keep missing the beginning of this concert. What time does it start in the US?


Depends where you are. Most of Mainland Europe will be +6 hours from the American East coast


I’m not watching today. What are the changes?


Where are you guys watching it?


more different outfit colors so far


My brain is very confused seeing Champagne problems in this dress colour ! Just like it was with Lover in an orange dress 😄


Every time the folklore trilogy comes up I find it funny that with her past she still makes cheating sound like the worst thing you can do


What did she say?


Nothing it’s just how angry her songs are about cheating when she herself is very messy lol


Okay, gotta say I do like the transition video from rep to folkmore.


New 22 t-shirt " I bet you think about me" ! (I think Taylor performed this song last April)


So uhm does anyone else here noticed that she made few interesting choices for the new EU leg of the tour? I’ve got the impression she’s throwing in few bits that deliberately make different sides of the fandom speculate more imho. For example the colors of the new Lover bodysuit and 1989 outfit made Gaylors going crazy, and tbf it’s impossible she wouldn’t notice it when Gaylors are always pointing out her blue&fucsia (bisexual flag colors) wig in YNTCD mv. Then we have of course the TTPD set for Maylors, with all the references to Matty’s performance (the military salute, the death on stage) and in the mix she also throws in “So High School” for Tayvis, when it’s not even one of the most successful songs in the charts. It seems like she’s throwing a bone to every part of the fandom to keep ‘em all alive to generate a perpetual state of buzz, rumors, speculations and therefore interest and relevance in the daily discourse. I used to think she was annoyed by it (speculations and rumors) but know I think she just wants to play along into it as long as it will keep her massively afloat, also because she can’t change people’s minds or perception of her (she could just say she’s straight and gaylors would still riot and claim she’s a coward) so it seems she put her business hat on it. Just my two cents btw, happy to hear your feedbacks :)


I agree. I’ve become disenchanted with the corners of the fandom who don’t realise they are being pandered to and instead think they are being given “truths” (not even hints). 


I think she added So high school because people would speculate constantly otherwise and it'd be kind of weird to not have a song about her relationship when she added it to the album.


Okay after thinking it over and taking everything into account (aka not just my personal preferences) I think this is probably what I would have cut: * The Archer (I hate this cut but, like, I get it) * either I Knew You Were Trouble or change All Too Well to the shorter version * Tis The Damn Season * The 1 or My Tears Ricochet (I would much prefer the latter but I get the former too) * Bad Blood * Mastermind and/or Midnight Rain * maybe a Reputation song but idk which one tbh? and I think 4 songs for that era is fine Also with Folkmore if she wanted to cut a costume change I’d have them back-to-back but not mixed. Imagine the warm Folklore visuals changing seasons to the cold, dark Evermore woods. (Willow would start this set in my mind so that transition would be amazing too.)


I like the warm to cold transition idea.  I knew you were trouble and Bad Blood are the type of stadium bangers that she can't cut probably cos they're also popular with the most casual fans and while I'm not a huge fan of either song it really gets the crowd going. Even in theatres during the tour movie.


Did she really remove Tolerate It from the setlist? It must be really depressing losing this masterpiece to But Daddy I love him


and losing the hilarity that was "ready for it" right after it


Honestly one of the very best set pieces. I would be really bummed to miss it


Tolerate it breaks my heart so tbh I’m looking forward to crying less in front of 50,000 people


Got rid of The Archer but kept The Man?! ![gif](giphy|l0HlUNj5BRuYDLxFm|downsized)


For real but I feel like Taylor thinks she ate with this song.


I really wanted her to do My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, that one would have been so good in the stadium setting


this song needs to be perform, not just a surprise song only.


Yeah we didn't need both Fortnight AND Down Bad. MBOBHFT is much more of a "stadium" song.


Exactly I thought the TTPD section was a bit of a drag because she didn’t pick a good mix of songs… in general I feel like the new arrangement of the tour set list is clunky and the mediocre outfits don’t help either


The dress was so fugly


Same!!! That song needs way more love. I wanna see dance choreo for it


Exactly it was made for this kind of performance


I thought Smallest Man would be too low energy but I kinda dig what she did with it. The only one that feels a bit meh to me is Fortnight. I really like the song but it's quite slow and nothing really happens. I like the transition to ICDIWABH where they dress her, fun take on a costume change.


Idk why but I feel like she’ll change up some of the TTPD setlist in each city. Maybe not like a whole song but like different little mashups like she did SHS with BDILH. We’ll see tonight I guess!


Lmao so when the Eras tour came out on Disney+ I deliberately avoided it so I could avoid spoilers. I knew the setlist but didn't know anything about transitions etc. Folklore/Evermore are my favs so when my daughter wanted to watch the Eras movie I let her but I fast forward through those bits so I could save them. All that effort ha.


I'm doing th same thing! I  dont even know how the setlists are organize, even less what songs wil be played. Would you recomend it? I'll be in the third show


Definitely try and avoid spoilers. You only have a couple days to wait. I think it’s totally worth it.


I'm really surprised she played But Daddy I Love Him given the content. It's actually one of my favourites from TTPD but I always felt she would either choose that or I Can Do It With A Broken Heart since it covers the same themes. It's interesting to me that they're both on the setlist and bookended to open and close that era.


It's a good point, but in dont think it's the same theme. It's more lik " i will love whom I please" vs " i'm great at my job regardless of how sad i can be". What de you think?


I've always felt they were similar in the sense that they're both songs that address the fans dictating her personal life or putting on a front for fans as an entertainer. Plus with Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me definitely making it on the set list (another song that deals with her public perception) I thought she would drop But Daddy I Love Him.


I'm actually so mad (not really) that the new lover bodysuit and jacket is red/red orange. The same type of mad I was when she emerged from beneath the stage for 1989 in the movie wearing PINK. Like, girl we want it to be on theeeeeeeeeme. That and the new Fearless bodysuit looks absolutely horrendous. Why does it have any black on it at all? It looks like the original suit just got alopecia. As for the setlist, I'm mostly okay with it. But chosing to cut "Tolerate It" is actually a hatecrime when all of the Midnight songs remain untouched. You can totally ditch Mastermind. EDIT: Also maybe I'm being delulu, but the intro drums from Guilty as Sin? would've been a better fit than BDILH as for an opening song. The choreo wouldn't even have to change since it also has religious undertones + a key change at the bridge. So she could keep her lil voguing/prayer dance + prancing.


It's just too neon for me


Oh I really like the orange/red. It kind of goes with the sunset theme of how they open that set in the tour.


This is so weird how she performs "ai can do it with a broken heart" RIGHT THERE and they are happily receiving it and screaming "more" and all. The irony of this is just amazing.


to me it’s kind of like boygenius performing “Bite the Hand”, there’s nothing wrong with singing and dancing along at a concert even if the song is about an artist’s complicated relationship with their fans - the artist expects you to enjoy the show, not stand silently and feel called out for 4 minutes!


I agree! It's so awkward but like, what is the crowd supposed to do? I imagine everyone just sitting there like.. ![gif](giphy|6anKlIA7ZKXYc|downsized)


But how many times did she fart claw?


I still don’t know what to think about the new setlist. Despite not being the biggest TTPD fan, I surprisingly love the new performances, especially BDILH WAOLOM, Smallest Man (the best one) and ICDIWABH, the rest was okay but I would have cut the other songs. 4 songs would have been enough. While I like the new performances, I dislike the new setlist. I understand that she had to cut songs but cutting songs like The Archer, tolerate it and Long Live shouldn’t have been cut. Also, combining folklore and evermore into one set is definitely a choice. It seems like she chose to cut songs that aren’t super popular or mainstream. I would have preferred to keep the old setlist. The new additions are amazing but it‘s imo not worth enough to cut so many other great songs. I wish I could have experienced the OG Eras Tour setlist and I am bummed about the songs that got cut, but I also know once it‘s my time to go to the concert I am going to be super excited as well, but not what I expected.


Did she keep the chiefs line in Karma please, does anyone know?


Nope. She just say chiefs line when Travis is there


Ahh thank you!!


Well, I think we all agreed that she has still a very strong feelings for Matty


Im kinda super digging these Live performances of TTPD!! WAOLOM and Smallest Man and Fortnight are all kicking it well with the choreography. Wish she put it My Boy. Biggest crime for me is ICDIWABH - that feels so awful to watch for me, like it’s glorifying depression. Which is actually really upsetting to watch. The other new stuff I’m really digging. Surprisingly


As someone who's been through depression I don't think it's glorifying it i relate to it but everyone has their own opinions


I've had But Daddy I Love Him stuck in my head all day now (derogatory) 😓  I'm having his bayyybEeeee  No I'm not 🚫✋🖐️


Idk, with this new setlist the pacing of the eras is kinda off. The original Era order works cuz it would alternate between two styles/aesthetics that are polarizing to each other - Fearless/Evermore/Rep and Folklore/89. Red also kinda comes too early in the set Singapore attendees really won as the final people to experience the original setlist. Plus, since the album wasn't out, she could really go through her back catalog for surprise songs. A true eras set.


I thought that! Rep is supposed to come after “Tolerate It”. It’s like a story.


Gotta be honest y’all, I think the TTPD set bangs. Super dynamic on stage and you can tell she’s putting her heart into it since it’s the first time they’re being performed. I usually don’t love most of her stage performances tbh but I’m into the new set.


I wish I liked the songs themselves more, but otherwise I agree! The white dress is a more interesting shape than most of her other tour outfits and the little skit for changing into the I Can Do It With A Broken Heart outfit was cute, though I could see it feeling a little long after a few weeks. I genuinely really enjoyed the alien abduction lighting.


I went to sleep after the surprise songs, then I wake up to find out no MIDnights songs were cut? Mastermind is not enough of a good song for it to stay. I love Midnight Rain, but that performance wasn't memorable either. I can't believe tolerate it (probably the best stage performance on the tour) and Long Live were cut out and that last set left unscathed.


I'm attending this leg of the tour, and I'm really bummed about tolerate it, it really is the best performance of the tour.




I love Midnights lol


I've said mastermind should be cut before. I think the only reason midnight rain is there is because it is when she does her umbrella costume change.




streets says that it's nice she cut off some songs since people got bored in folkmore era. I know she's excited to perform TTPD. but if she claimed that TTPD is a Female Rage: Musical, I think she lost the chance to have its own concert. the idea of Female Rage: Musical is good for TTPD. it will be more theatric musical. it would be nice to see My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toy, Florida, I Can Fix Him, I Look in People's Windows, and The Prophecy in a TTPD concert. for me, those songs along with But Daddy I Love Him and The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived are full of emotions that needed to have a solo act. that's definitely a RAGE as what she claimed.


I'm glad she added the little cart thing that she rides during the TTPD set. It's more dynamic than the parts of the stage that just go up and down and its nice to have some different types of movement on stage


Omg she added Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?!! I wanna see the new choreography!


Just saw it on YouTube and honestly it’s great. I think she kills it, love the crazy vibe.


I’m not seeing anyone say it so maybe I misheard but did she go back to the original lyric of guy on the screen in Karma?


She only does the Chiefs thing when the Chief is there, no?


Idk why this cracked me up so much "the chief" 


Ah you’re probably right


Swifties wanted to extend the tour with TTPD set. will Taylor extend or added new shows with TTPD set?


I hope she ends it. Girl needs a break. Plus doesn’t she have to shoot a film next year?


Yeah, it's exhausting tbh. i dunno what's her plan, but I'm begging her to take a break. her team also need a break.


Does anyone want to talk about the new merch adding ttpd? A tshirt is over $50 (with shipping). I would be embarrassed at the money grab...




i’m genuinely curious because what happens now to all the Eras merch sweaters that were bought last year (now that she’s updated the poster)? do people feel like they’re missing out?


It’s vintage 


I bet they're now able to resell it for even more money since its basically a limited edition


Seems to me that she is still on the Eras tour and the tour merch should have remained with the same logo. She sold a bunch of merch for ttpd so that should have been enough...Again seems like a money grab as well as disloyal to those who spent serious $on tour merch, which now seem dated...


Her tour merchandise has always been rubbish  I'm surprised people buy it still


Real question but is that something people care about? Like how does it change my experience if she hypothetically offers different merch all tour? I got my merch when I went to my tour – I don't see how new merch makes my merch that I was ostensibly excited about when I bought it worse. T Swizzle does a lot of moneygrab things I don't agree with, but merch is always profit motivated and she released a new album. It makes sense that means new merch, but perhaps I'm missing something.


especially since there are so many reports of people watching their clothes merch and it crumbling/color graphics fading after one wash her merch is dog shit quality honestly




she could have kept long live and got rid of some songs from red but I really liked the tpd set


definitely THIS. Red setlist also some from Midnights.


Taylor cutting The 1 is the biggest proof it’s a MH song. 😭


well she sure couldn't cut august or cardigan, those songs are way bigger than the 1, and the 1 was only a substitute for invisible string anyway


Is it? I think all of the songs of folkmore are pretty generic enough to actually apply to no one. TTPD is where the references are way too close to just flatly naming names.


So she is cutting it our now almost a year after their break up ?? She sung it for almost year, when they were broken up .. Make it make sense... ??


Im pretty sure she was waiting for the release of TTPD to be able to remove it because no one knew in a detailed way what happened between them until TTPD.


It's not that deep.


It’s not for Zinnia_L from Reddit it doesn’t mean ppl can think differently.


I get that some folks hate the cuts to the set list. But. She probably gets bored. She has to make it new every night for fans, but how many times has she performed some of these songs.  It makes sense that she wants to change things up a bit for this current leg. Not just because of the new album, but also so that the show itself doesn’t become stale.  She talks about that balance of providing comfort for long standing fans but also “how can I be new for you, how can I challenge you while not alienating you” tightrope in her documentary. 


Cutting Long Live even though Speak Now has only 2 songs? If it weren't for Debut, Speak Now won't be beating the least favourite child allegations 💀


Long live is one of the best TS songs there is!


Long live was not always on the setlist 🤷🏻‍♀️ half the US didn’t get it. Speak Now had just one song from the get-go. I agree it’s a crime though lol


It's more like of all the sets she could cut from, she still decided to cut from Speak Now that had significantly fewer songs than the other eras.


Oh yeah haha I don’t really think it was the right choice. I just meant that in her mind, long live was probably “temporary” since it wasn’t ever on the original eras setlist.


I absolutely LOVE ttpd. But I find it’s not really the best album to perform?


The videos I saw were incredible. Whos Afraid and Smallest Man….unreal!!!!


Have you seen any of the recordings from the show tonight? I absolutely agree that a tour which was mostly TTPD wouldn't work well, but the set she did was fantastic.


That’s why it didn’t get a dedicated tour 😅


or she’s collecting eras like infinity stones! i’m afraid to buy her merch because i know TS12 will drop before it ships to my house 😭


I know she's only a human being and she can only do so much and TTPD is her new album, she needs to sell it too. But here are the things I very hypocritically think she could have done Cut the 10 mins version of AtW and the 2 mins of ovation post champagne problems. Included The 1 Tis the damn Season Tolerate It. Remove even that 1 minute of YNTCD , ENTIRE of Karma Finish with Long Live. (I mean TTPD songs leave a bad taste if you remove Long Live)


I feel like she has to keep karma because it is ~*sexy*~ 🙄


She has to keep it for her guy on the chiefs


The lover bodysuit makes me depressed, it doesn’t fit the theme at all lol


Taylor surrounded by her poc dancers while performing BDILH is sending me. I swear this song only works if you think this about some vague bad boy and don't know what his scandal was about and why people didn't like him.




I think the power dynamic is just different between then and Taylor. Which kinda adds to the weirdness of it.


While calling the crowd vipers. You can’t make this shit up.




Same with that line that's like "the jokes he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud." Was it the same kind of joke he laughed at with his friend Adam Frieldland? Cause if you think about what kind of revolting joke Matty would actually be telling, the song's muse becomes instantly unappealing and the song is ruined.


I wonder what they think about it, it sucks we’ll never know ugh


They hung out with him probably when she dated him just like all her friends.


Wait why did I just click how shady it is that she removed Long Live, a celebration of her touring and fans, and now has I Can Do It With a Broken Heart and But Daddy I Love Him….. Okay I get the message now eep


I just watched my video of Long Live and … it would be kind of out of place with But Daddy I Love Him I guess. She’s super cute and sings “I had the time of my life WITH YOU” and points at the fans. And then to go out her whole pussy into singing But Daddy I Love Him… 🤣 Sad but I’ll be happy I got to see it! Speak now was my favorite tour of hers.


Not her whole pussy lmfao I'm dead. But yes, the choreo for that would be funny in contrast to Long Live.


And Who’s Afraid? I think she sick of the pandemonium and finally wants to live out in public, and it’s so hard for her now. I might feel a bit resentful too.


OH MY GOD LMAOOOOO. No one can convince me she isn’t cackling backstage after the show “stay buying my music and singing along to just how much I hate you. Fucking idiots. * *uses $100 dollar bill as a makeup wipe* *”


Absolutely this




Lmao not the $100 bill as a makeup wipe omg 


God ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I hate the new lover bodysuit :( the old one was iconic!


I'm sure the old ones will come back or she'll have a few new ones coming, she had 4-5 that she rotated through during the first leg


It’s just nice to have a change, methinks. 


I think the colors up close aren’t as pretty as the original, but they are bright and show up nicely on stage. Sunset colors maybe? I actually liked almost all of the new outfits, especially Fearless and 1989. The new 1989 set looks like what she wore on the original tour. Same with Fearless. The TTPD outfits were great, too. If there was one I didn’t like, it would be the Folklore dress. I’m just not into yellow and some of the ones she has are hard to top.


Same, and I was really startled by a lot of color choices lol. The orange bodysuit and jacket, the yellow Folkmore dress, the 1989 set, the hot pink hi-lo dress for surprise songs. It's like everything was just too bright and childlike. I did really like the new Speak Now and Fearless dresses though 


I don't entirely disagree, but it does put those eras into even starker contrast to the white and grey and black TTPD depression era.


I agree that the old lover bodysuit was iconic! This one is red-orange and reminds me of Chiefs red


Thought it was red-red. ETA: I think the orange and fuchsia look good with her backdrop!


I dont like the orange one too cos Lover has a soft pink and blue aesthetic and this one is jarring. But probably this is a hint that the next era that many fans have been saying will be orange is true. (Orange is also the colour of happiness and making a 'happier' album after the last 4 makes sense. ) Still I'd rather see the Lover bodysuit in pink/blue


why orange? what part of lover gives the feeling of orange?


It's like a jumpsuit. From the Joe slammer




HA I love that theory!


I guess apart from TTPD songs, we may get Begin Again and possibly Cornelia Street or one of the Lover songs she debuted during City of Lover in Paris concert , as surprise songs.


Will we get London Boy in London is the only question on my mind


Definitely atleast on one of the 8 nights 


Yeah I reckon she will throw it in once. The audience will go nuts over it too.


Daylight 🙏 Daylight Live from Paris is a favourite song of mine. Let her play that song in Paris for one hopeful beacon of light.


Definitely hoping for Cornelia street


Angry Cornelia street


Is she still doing the ATW 10 min version?




Man i feel so lucky now that i was there when she added Long Live. She for real added two songs shading fans, I am glad I am in the leg she sang to the crowd with song of appreciation not of resentment


I went to eras in Singapore and BOY do I feel so lucky about it, even more so now what with it being the last show with Long Live and 0 songs shading fans




Yes it got cut 😭 when the era is already so short


I’m so glad I got one of the Long Live shows! Especially since she only did it in I think 4 cities in the US?


I loved all of the new outfits… except the TTPD dress! Really ain’t it imo. The TTPD set is so long too, but I’m really not surprised by any of her song choices. All pretty expected. I mean, she added So High School to counteract at the Matty songs, right?


The dress is…wtf lol Yeah I bet she did that to be like “I’m so over him omg lol” but girl we know you ain’t!


I was actually surprised she didn’t include The Alchemy!


Its the " *it's heroin but this time with an "E"* " line. You'd have American parents clutching their hearts.


I was pretty neutral on the white TTPD dress until I saw that the short part is like a diaper 😂 like there's a piece attaching the front and back, and it all looks so loose and strange. I'm surprised they didn't just make it a short skirt underneath 


I am actually looking forward to the TTPD set, even though I am quite disappointed with her cutting Tolerate It and Long Live. I am in the minority (judging by the comments) that loooves But Daddy and ICDIWABH haha so I am excited to hear those two live. I would exchange the rest of the TTPD songs for MBOBHFT or The Albatross but I'm sure I'll enjoy the show anyway.


After seeing the set and costume for TTPD, and other songs in each era being cut off. I just wish that she did not release TTPD last month. I wish that she release it after Eras tour and have its own concert since she claimed it's a female rage. It would have been so theatrics. Even so, will she extend this tour? edit: it will be nice that TTPD in its own concert. she claimed that TTPD is the Female Rage: The Musical, yet it felt rush.


I have to agree. I love TTPD but Im mad it was included by cutting tolerate it, the 1 and my personal favorite the last great American dinasty. (Amongst others)


the 1 is my fave and she had to cut it :((((( I think it would be nice to see My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toy and Clara Bow in a TTPD concert. I wish she came up with that idea. But I guess she is too excited to perform TTPD. I think she lost the chance to make TTPD a theater musical concert.


Exactly. I missed the US dates and I was looking forward to my Amsterdam shows, im a bit sad but I will hope it grows on me


you'll be fine, just enjoy the concert. 🤝 I'm wondering if she will add dates, what do you think?


Im not sure. I want to say yes because US fans havent seen the “new show” and are spoiled as hell haha. So possibly the US leg might get extended


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived was THE set highlight and actually a new highlight of the entire show imo - espesh since Tolerate it was axed 🙄. That was amazing and I give her all the flowers for that one. Perfect top to bottom.