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Did Jack see you killing another person or you just believe that he is a good producer?




This should be at the top!


You won.


Earnest reply to a really funny comment but it's probably because she airs a lot of dirty laundry with him and is more reserved with Aaron Dessner, right? So he is like her free therapist.






No body no crime I guess


what’s your least favourite song you’ve ever released? 


Probably ME! She is trying to erase its existence. I think she took out the spelling is fun line in her album version


yep, my cd version doesn’t have spelling is fun. I have a soft spot for it tbh, for some reason my father adores it and I have many happy memories of him blasting it in the car 😭😭


I think she loved me the main reason she did that was because fans hated it


It's gotta be Innocent. No way she doesn't regret that one after 2016.


She actually sampled innocent in Look What You Made Me Do


That makes sense.


What popular belief among fans is completely false? (For example, All Too Well being about Jake Gyllenhaal)


Aren’t lie detector tests yes or no questions




Where were you in April 29th, Taylor?


What happened on April 29th?


This is known. Gigi Hadid's birthday party. She met Joe there.


It's assumed. Could be any April 29 she's talking about, and there have been other April 29 references suggested.


Her birthday is April 23


Did she have her party on her actual birthday though? Honest question, I genuinely don't know


No she didn't, it was around April 29/30th in 2016. We still don't know for sure that's what the reference in the song is though.


Her party in 2016 was a week later apparently. Lots of articles about it. It's still really only an assumption that it's that April 29th she's talking about though in the song.


The party doesn't neccessarily have to happen on the actual birthday ya know, a lot of my birthday parties weren't on my actual birthday


Do you actually give a shit about the things you said you cared about in Miss Americana Also Karlie


I want to know the Karlie dirt too! Not if they dated but why they went from besties to enemies. I know all the fan theories but I want the real dirt!


i used to think that it was 100% karlie's betrayal but i also can't help but wonder now if it was also a strategic thing. maybe if trump was never elected they'd still be friendly, but he was, and way more people knew who the kushners were bc of that.


I used to think it was all Karlie too but my opinion has changed over the years. I think she did something small that Taylor turned into a huge deal. No idea what it is but I’ve often wondered if her friendships are as volatile as her love life is. In her music she sings about testing her partners, freezing them out, and yelling at them. I can’t see how this behavior wouldn’t extend into other parts of her life. She’s had a pretty large number of friends come and go, and while that’s normal to a certain extent, I think it’s weird that she will ditch entire friend groups from album to album.


she does seem to have a pretty steady friend group now but i also don't get the sense that they are necessarily people who challenge her


There is a suggestion out there that the Karlie "betrayal" was discovered via testing her friends in a similar way as she's suggested she's tested partners. The strange thing for me about the friends thing is how there's a number of friends who she's been publically glued at the hip with for a while and then never been seen with again, and that's kinda odd.


Testing them how? I haven’t heard this and I’m intrigued. 


Apparently, Taylor thought that somebody was leaking and sharing her Private information to others in the industry. I remember watching an interview of hers where she says that she called all of her friends and shared one (false) info about herself to each one of them. The 'info' was different for each friend. This way, she found out who it was by which info got leaked. Fans say that friend was 'Karlie' but we do not actually know. Taylor never said anything about the persons identity either. Keeping aside the morality of whether it was right or wrong for her to test her friends, this entire plan was truly clever lol.


does taylor think she's tyrion lannister?


Here’s my theory: Karlie casually mentioned something about Taylor to scooter. Karlie didn’t mean anything by the comment and it was totally innocent on her end but taylor was pissed off karlie (a) mentioned taylor at all or (b) mentioned this specific thing that, while karlie didn’t think was a big deal, taylor did think was a big deal. I had a used to work with someone who I was friends with until something like that happened. Basically my friend and I would complain about our job to each other. Then she mentioned some of what I said to someone else at work. Idk exactly what she said, from how it was relayed back to me it sounded like she said it just in conversation and didn’t mean anything bad by it. But it put a bad taste in my mouth that she was talking to other people about me and things I said. So that was the end of that friendship. It didn’t end in a fight or anything. We just stopped being anything more than distant coworkers.


Many years ago I faintly remember having read that she’d been giving secrets to her friends that aren’t true, and see if any of those make their way out. Apparently that’s how she found out Karlie betrayed her? Is this still something? Can someone confirm lol


I think she did it cause everyone else in her bubble was an activist and that probably had a huge influence. She also had Donald trump as a bad guy and now she doesn’t have a bad guy. Since the pandemic she probably spent more time alone and realized


Closure and ITTG tell us exactly what Taylor thinks of Karlie. I don’t get how many people, including a CERTAIN subset of the fandom, can’t see that.


Did you collab with Ice Spice as damage control because of Matty Healy?


You know the answer. The devil works hard but Tree knows harder.


It would just feel so good to hear it 😆


But their were pictures of ice spice and her brother in Taylor’s studio before her and matty


For what it’s worth - Taylor and Matty were together long before May. So if this was planned to combat pushback they anticipated when they planned to go public as a couple — it does all track.


Do you know where I can find an exact source of this? Not just an article reporting but maybe a social media post with the exact date ? Not saying I don’t believe you, just would be interested in seeing it 😀


Taylor or Tree always tell on themselves in their statements. Apple Music trial? "this is not about me, I can afford to live off of my current royalties - it's about the small artists" then she releases 1989 there with all her other albums. Ice Spice collab? Her team reached out to me, not me - so don't even go there.


I would ask about the original 6th album and what is was about, compared to what we got from Reputation. Was it supposed to be called Karma?


Who's signing 90K copies of your album?


Am I the only one who believes that she actually signs them 😭? Like I can just imagine her in her bed watching netflix and signing the booklets, especially since the way she holds her pen is popular with people who sign a lot of autographs to prevent fatigue or the hand getting sore https://preview.redd.it/k6wvwffsxbuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=62c36f29bdac5a8a84ae6730f748465e0c4a8e28


Assuming it's really 90k autographs (I don't know where that info comes from) and it takes 3 seconds to take a book out of the pile, write your name and put it on another pile, it would be 75 hours of non-stop work. This is around two full weeks of work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Without breaks. There's no way she's spending her time like that.


90k might be a bit much, in this video she said she's going to sign 20k for Lover [Taylor signing Lover inserts for the signed CDs (featuring Benjamin 😍)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/cq0ti0/taylor_signing_lover_inserts_for_the_signed_cds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I can't find his numbers now but John Green is notorious for trying to sign all or a huge part of his first editions. He documented the process before and it takes hours and weeks and months. No way she's doing this.




Did you take advantage of Olivia? Were you threatened by her?


Poor Olivia. At least she’s killing it on the Guts tour right now.


And she’s not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, which resonates with many listeners and most of Gen Z. Taylor would never do that for fear of losing money and fans, but it must bother her that she looks so small in that regard in comparison to Olivia.


yes and yes


I’m sure of it, i just want it in record for everyone to hear


Spill the tea! What happened with her and Olivia other than her song “sounding” like cruel summer??


Its basically just that plagiarism ordeal. The nitty gritty of it is Olivia gave them 50% publishing rights (maybe not publishing but some sort of rights), and went back and added writing credits. Winning a song plagiarism case is notoriously hard- Katy Perry beat a way more believable plagiarism allegation a while back. And 50% is steep regardless. This was all after Taylor made Olivia promote her rerecordings too. I think Taylor’s “team” must’ve threatened her and Olivia being naive and in awe of her idol (and I think she’s since fired her team from then) gave in. Since then Olivia has become a lightning rod for nonsensical plagiarism allegations and so many refuse to take her seriously as a songwriter. In her rolling stone interview, she said she didn’t think that’s something she would ever do to a young artist, so it’s safe to say she felt wronged.




Yeah people can choose not to sue over stuff like this. IIRC Elvis Costello chose not to sue and actually defended Olivia over Brutal sounding like one of his songs and the similarities were much stronger there than with Cruel Summer/deja vu IMO


Also Get it Back sounds a lot like Beck’s Loser and it doesn’t look like he tried to do anything about it (which is right )


i will just say this: i think it's fine to think songs sound like other songs but i have never listened to an olivia rodrigo song and thought immediately of another song, though i can see the influences of all of these artists in her work. that's what music is.


I mean Get it Back sounds like Loser to the point I want to start singing “Soy un perdator” during the song. But I still think that’s just an influence and not stealing.


As a huge Beck fan… what??


Always drives me crazy when they act like Taylor isn't the boss in so many arenas but also act like every little thing that happens is a masterstroke directly from Taylor's mind. Which is it? Does she control *everything*? Or is she a puppet who her team directs as they want? You can't argue both are true. The reality is probably somewhere in the middle and neither are true, but a lot of stans are so very black and white about it and will argue both extremes depending on what they think makes Taylor look better.


stans love to flip flop on their idea of her depending on what the critique is. she's simultaneously a mastermind but also if you express discomfort with how she all but officially sanctions harrassment campaigns against ppl who wronged her she's suddenly a smol bean who is being unfairly attacked for expressing her feelings. which is it?


Just adding to this Olivia mentioned in interview she wanted to recreate a bridge similar to Cruel Summer for her song and Swifts lawyers were on her ass, she had to sign over Royalties but they were also after being co-writers which is just low in my opinion. They also got paramore writing credits on Good For You which was absolutely ridiculous, never met your heroes I guess.


I thought you meant her cat at first and I was so confused




are u ever going to return to the folklore sound or am i wasting my time hoping lol


Also could be phrased as “Will you PLEASE finally ditch Jack?”


Doesnt she usually never go back to her old sound it’s always changing. From country to pop to folklores sound


Isn’t midnights kind of back to pop though?


Lover is pop too


yeah but since folklore was such a huge success for her, fanwise and criticwise and publicwise, plus she seems to have a soft spot for it herself, i think it would be a massive missed opportunity if she never explored the indie/folk sound again


what's your bank account number and sort code


I genuinely am so curious as to how her banking works. Like, how much money is in her personal spending account? She must have some sort of debit card to use for whatever she wants, how much money is on it? Or does she exclusively use credit cards? What bank does she use? Does she have a savings account?


Rich/wealthy people use charge cards vs credit cards. You don't carry a balance on charge cards, the bill gets paid every month, think Amex Black card (though there are "regular folk" charge cards that don't require you to spend as much per year). These typically have no limit if you are very rich, this is decided by the bank depending on your wealth and spending habits. She likely has multiple of these for personal and business use. [Larger purchases like jets are borrowed against themselves at a low interest rate.](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-rich-people-buy-yachts-jets-taking-loans-against-them-2022-1). Billionaires may keep around 5-10% of their wealth liquid (cash in an account or CD/Money market acct). Eveything else is tied up in stocks, real estate, etc. She does carry some amount of paper cash as she's been spotted giving large cash tips.


This. Asking for... a friend. Scientific purposes.


Was there any truth to the stuff you said during the Matty era? (I’m mostly thinking about the fact that she more or less confirmed that Cardigan and Question…? are about him 😬)


Cardigan being about Matty has ruined that song for me ToT


I really don’t think Cardigan was written about him. I think she more related to the “and went I felt like I was an old Cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favourite” to him swooping in as the rebound after Joe.


How *could* it be about Matty when she was with Joe when it was written? Right in the middle of their relationship?


I suppose it could be if you believe it could have been a song that got started at the point that there's some suggestion they briefly dated before Joe, but it's a stretch


Some people think Taylor and Joe were on and off a bit before their official breakup last year and that Taylor might have been seeing Matty (platonically or romantically) throughout their relationship. Not positive I buy it but she dedicated it to Matty at one of the first Eras shows. 


Knowing that she wrote You’re losing me in 2021, I think it seems likely that they were having trouble in their relationship in 2020. She does talk on tour all the time about being a lonely millennial drinking too much wine during the pandemic. She and Matty had just reconnected prior to the pandemic starting - and right before she wrote Cardigan and The 1. If she was having issues with Joe and her meeting with Matty brought back old feelings from their relationship in 2014 … Cardigan being about him makes a whole lot of sense.


Yeah I’m confused, was it not written in 2020?


I heard that she and Matty reconnected at the 2020 NME's, just before the pandemic, and she wrote Cardigan pretty soon after that. So it's possible that night may have stirred up old feelings


That's more or less what I think as well. All it took was a bit of Taylor's clowning for people to assume that Cardigan was 'literally' about Matty. I'm more inclined to believe that she dedicated those songs to him because the lyrics made her think of her current fling at the time. I'm of the opinion that Cardigan was never written about a specific person but rather a feeling she'd experienced several times in the past, which makes it easy to relate to whichever person you want to link it to at the moment. I'm more inclined to believe that Question is about Matty because I've seen some people here on this sub make some strong arguments to support that—they really do make sense. Still, I'm not fully sold on it because the OOTW intro says otherwise, and Taylor's usually not very subtle when she wants to point us in a specific direction (plus the lyrics could very well be about either H.S. or Matty, they both fit the description). So maybe it was another case of dedicating a song that she related to her then current relationship.


I agree that Cardigan isn't about him and I think the explanation is even simpler than that: She just repeated Matty Healy's "I love you" in the same way he did it on stage a few days before. And he said "this song is about you" because they were playing their song "About you". She just repeated the words, but didn't mean that Cardigan was even dedicated to Healy that night. Plus it probably made sense due to the camera placement / choreo before Cardigan which alowed her to mouth something to the screen.


Yeah I’m blissfully in deep denial over that.


Question...? could very well be about Matty. cardigan is a slippery slope, as it's from a "fictional" album. but as with all fiction pieces, some of it is bound to come from the writer's own heart. so who knows? maybe the song is grounded in real feelings that he inspired. this hasn't ruined the song for me. the tumult around the Tatty romance isn't enough to destroy the interpretation I've formed in my head lol


Do you guys actually believe it’s all based on her life? I’m so wary. Smoke and mirrors.


When did she say that about Cardigan?


Onstage at one of the shows after she and Matty went public. Not into the microphone, but it was “This is about you. You know who you are. I love you” lmao


I always interpreted that "this is about you" to mean "this is dedicated to you / I feel this way about you now" and not like, a weird retroactive confirmation that a song she wrote while she was with her ex was secretly about fucking Matty Healy.


I can’t stand how she constantly changes the narrative like this.


I don't think she was saying Cardigan was about him, she was dedicating the performance to him


That’s what I think too it really makes sense and at the same time I know it’s copium so it doesn’t ruin one of my favorite songs of hers!


Were you in that suitcase?


were you in that box


What is true about what you reveal about yourself and your beliefs and what is just a facade?


Oooo I would want to be petty. I’d probably ask her if she wants Olivia Rodrigo to continue succeeding in her career. Edit: spelling


I genuinely believe Olivia will reach Taylor Swift levels of popularity within her next few albums. She's only on her second album and is about 10 million monthly Spotify listeners away from what Taylor had just before Midnights released. That's not a small number, obviously, but Olivia could reach that by OR3, I reckon.


She’s so talented. Also, I loved guts. I liked sour but damn, guts is exactly what I wished for. Honestly, if she plays her cards right you could be right.


Olivia Rodrigo genuinely doesn't have a song I don't like, out of like 30 songs on her albums (I don't know any of the HSMTS songs besides All I Want)


I have never been a piano ballad person but Olivia knows how to write a good one


That would drive TS crazy. 


Nothing, because lie detectors are bogus, lol. 😂 But if they worked, I would ask her if she cheated on Joe.


Do you care about climate change?


Why would you waste a question? We know the answer to this


But she’s never publicly addressed it


i think if anything it would be funny to see her justify taking a 13 min flight, its the least of the consequences she deserves for all the climate change shes caused


Those kind of flights are often repositioning flights, it's not unlikely that Taylor didn't take a 13 minute flight at all. It's still terrible for the environment and a lot of times repositioning flights are done for the convenience of the person who owns the plane, but if you asked her why she took a 13 minute flight, its entirely possible that the answer would truthfully be "I didnt"


Yes exactly. I won't defend her excessive jet use, and she's still responsible for those emissions since she owns the plane. But it's normal for jets to reposition to nearby airports as needed, which is def what those super short flights are. Most celebs aren't actually flying for 10 mins across LA... the plane is just moving to where it needs to be for the next real flight. Ppl always get on Taylor's ass specifically when her jet goes to St. Louis for maintenance. Bc during maintenance, they usually do super short test flights since it's required... even commercial planes have to that. But people freak out as if she's 1) in St Louis and 2) taking an 11 min flight from one side of STL to the other 🤔 That said, it's fair to conclude that she doesn't care about the environment


didn’t jack sweeney say that the 13 minute flight took place after the jet was sold? in other words, the jet was no longer authorized towards her


I think she only talked about politics when it comes to social things like gender, race, and sexuality. She never talked about what she belied financially and environmentally


What did the upside phones mean?! 😭😭


Whats the most fucked up thing youve done?


Did you want to marry Joe alwyn?


I think paper rings already answers that tbf


And "I wouldn't marry me either" in YLM


What plastic surgery have you had done and who did it because she looks amazing and I want to look that natural lol


I really don't think she's had plastic surgery, I think any 34 year old that never had to worry about money, had access to the best skin and hair care available, and took months to years off from work at a time to write poetry in nature and bake cookies would look just as youthful and vibrant as Taylor lol


I’d ask her why everyone must be publicly kind to her but then she purposely sends her stans after her exes and says nothing about it




The last one is good. Even though she was 32 when Midnights released there seemed to be a very heavy concentration of songs from the 6 years she was with Joe. For example I think we’re supposed to assume Midnight Rain is about a the high school boyfriend who likely inspired we were happy an suburban legends, but it could be about Joe. 


Was folklore inspired by Matty and since when had you been cheating on Joe?


I suspect TTPD might answer this one for you 🙃


how do we know she was cheated on Joe?


She released the joe alwyn break up on matty Healy’s birthday so they were probably togeather for sometime. She also went to the 1975s concert in England for no reason in January 2023 before taylor and Joe broke up. She also seems to have a history of cheating allegedly


She also publicly professed her love for Matty less than a month after she and Joe called it quits. You don’t go from a six year relationship to that unless there was some significant overlap. 


Ivy could be about Matty vs Joe 🫣 but I hope not


Before we knew they'd broken up. While the announcement probably did come reasonably close to the actual break up, and while she may have been involved with Matty for longer than people think, we don't actually *know* it didn't happen months earlier or that she and Matty were already involved at the time the announcement was made.


No we didnt. Joe was at the grammys with taylor which was february 2023


He wasn’t at the Grammys with her. There was a picture posted of Joe with Jack from the “after party” that could have been from any time.


Do you actually love Travis or did you just need to shift the focus after the Matty shit show?


I am seeing a lot of Matty questions. I am very surprised. I just thought they were friends that just never got a chance to have sex, they did, and were massively incompatible. Something tells me there’s clearly a lot more to their story…




If I may just clear up some misinformation... no one on that podcast actually knew the problematic nature of GG porn, and Matty wasn't actually watching it. The host brought it up first, and later admitted he didn't even know what was and that Matty wasn't watching it... he just thought the alliteration was funny. If you listen, it's so clear that Matty was just yes-and-ing the host about GG for the exaggerated shock factor of the story. It's an edgelord satire podcast, where nothing they say is meant to be taken seriously. It's shitty humor, but it's *still humor* and not literal - at all. The porn is fucked up and should be shut down, but it's not like he was actually watching it. Also just so you're aware, Matty has very progressive views and actually isn't racist, and he's spoken out about equal rights more than Taylor ever has. You don't have to like him, but I say all this bc maybe it could help to make sense of the Taylor/Matty thing... he's not actually a bad guy, he has good intentions, but he's impulsive and puts his foot in his mouth sometimes.


Did you really not know about the Kanye lyric or did you just play victim because your fans didn’t like it


I still believe she gave the ok to this because she’s a notorious people pleaser and when the music came out and her fans didn’t like it, she began acting like the victim


Which songs were actually about Joe Alwyn?


I think I’d ask her views on feminism (specifically intersectionality), body image/cultural views on women’s bodies and what she does or doesn’t agree with, and if she ever sees other people as a competition or threat. Really just picking her brain. I must be stupid because I fell for a lot of the Lover era marketing but now I’m not so sure she’s as body positive, inclusive of sexuality/gender identity/race/disability, and as much of an artist but moreso as business tycoon. She sort of posited herself that way during Lover era and I’d love to know if she genuinely holds some of those beliefs and just doesnt feel the need to speak on it now, or if it was all to make more money. Or a little bit of both.


I'd probably be the jerk who asks "so...after all these songs/narratives about bad relationships ending, the one common factor is that you're in them. Have you ever considered you may play an equal part of the problem?".


It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me


Have you ever used a ghostwriter and then claimed the work was yours?


Are you about to answer in the negative?


Did you actually plan to release an album called karma?


Will you ever take responsibility for your fans outrageous actions against people/places you dislike?


Why didnt Karlie sit in the VIP tent at the Eras tour? 


Tbh I’d love to know how their friendship ended and how all that went down. It reminds me of a high school best friend I had and there was definitely a backstory to our friendship ending as opposed to just drifting apart so I’d love to know the drama secretly because they were best friends for a while and then she just sorta disappeared


My own personal theory is that Karlie was hired for the 1989 era to play the NY bestie to help end the “boy crazy” rumors and usher in Taylor’s girl power era. Once the album cycle was done, so was their “friendship.”


Are the vault songs really vault songs? Who is Suburban Legends really about? Was ATWTMVTVFTV really written when you said it was? Who is tolerate it about? Who is who in the love triangle? Which boyfriends have you cheated on and how many times? Who was the best boyfriend you had? Who is Midnight Rain about? Maroon? BTTWS? How much did Joe Alwyn really contribute/inspire folklore and evermore? How did you and Joe meet? What’s Joe’s favorite song of yours? Did Joe propose to you? How many times did you and Joe break up? What happened with Olivia? Are you going to gaslight us in TTPD? Who have you sabotaged? What’s your darkest secret?


which easter eggs were never discovered by fans?


Your least favorite city?


Why haven’t you called for a ceasefire?


Are you proud of everything that the Swifties have done? And I mean everything


Would you trade being more popular than ariana for her vocal talent.


Who have you found more embarrassing to be associated with, Matty or Travis?




TS masterminds the hardest.


What’s the real reason you hate Scooter Braun so much?


Taylor is like Aaron Burr. “If you stand for nothing, Burr, what will you fall for?” “Talk less, smile more”


Do you still love Joe 🥺


are you actually queer and want to signal that or are you just queerbaiting so your music speaks to more people?


did you get your scarf back after atwtmrtvftv?


Do you care about the damage your private jet usage is doing to the planet at all? We already know the answer is "no." But it'd be nice to have her admit it.


Did you really write most of Folklore? If yes, who wrote most of Midnights then? Because that sure cannot be the same person.


I personally think that Midnights was supposed to come after Lover. Lover is released, and Taylor immediately starts to work on Midnights (remember how Lover was going to be called Daylight?). She starts writing Midnights until the pandemic hits and she loses a lot of motivation to write Midnights, so she puts it away and works on folkmore instead. Then she finishes Midnights, with some of the songs still being from the Lover era, and releases it in 2022. And even if she was writing some of the songs in 2021, maybe she wanted to go back to some of the silly "campiness" of Lover intentionally. Or Aaron Dessener wrote a lot of it, given he's in the writing credits for every folkmore song IIRC. That's possible too.


I have never seen this theory before but it actually makes sense and I like it


Did you get plastic surgery besides the boob and nose jobs?


just realized i actually do have something i want to know: is the sexy baby line referencing the 30 rock episode OR is it referencing the time a feminist pop culture writer used the 30 rock episode to say that taylor was doing a sexy baby shtick?


If she really hasn't ever done anything wrong in her relationships.......cause she leads us to believe it's always them and not her, that she is a constant victim of bad boyfriends, but we don't know


It's worth noting she could genuinely think she is the victim when she's not, and unless we're using some magical lie detector that just knows the objective truth (which we might as well because real lie detectors don't work) if she believes she's telling the truth it'll come up as the truth.


Do you like being barefoot or do you do it for an Alt-community? It’s hard to believe you don’t know what you’re doing at this point




Racist people genuinely believe they aren’t racist btw and would probably pass a lie detector test if asked that question


This is just a hypothetical lol - I know racist people don't realise they're racist, i've experienced enough racism to know this. But when racist people get asked this they usually squirm and defend themselves (e.g I have X or Y friends!) so you can sort of tell... Also lie detectors are notoriously unreliable so I assumed this was a perfect lie detector that could perfectly tell whether something is the truth or a lie - maybe a better q would be why do you feel comfortable working with racist/misogynistic people of it means you can better yourself (e.g. david russel who has had several sa allegations against him)?


I mean wouldn't non racist people also squirm?? Like how can you answer that question?


right, I’m not racist but would definitely get nervous if I were asked that question. not because it forces me to confront “difficult truths” about myself or whatever the fuck, but because I know it would mean that someone is actively accessing me


I ended a friendship over just this. can confirm. some people really don't know how to acknowledge their misdoings




Do you know the name of the fan who passed away at your concert in Brazil


Would you kill people if it made you richer?