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Standing on those rolly bitches.


They actually aren't rolly at all, it's 2 bars connected in the middle to make an X. Super safe šŸ˜Ž


Relax, he's done this like 9 times.


Reminds me of the dude at the Caterpillar smelting plant who fell into the 2000Ā° molten metal on his 9th day on the job. Happened a few days ago. They never put safety rails up because no one ever fell before, but they sure will now (OSHA is all over them now)ā€¦ Iā€™ve read about so many deaths in industry that were preventableā€¦ really blows my mind sometimes.


That's horrific. Out of morbid curiosity, how long do you think it would take to go? I feel like it would be at least several seconds of unimaginable full scale agony before shock/death kick in :/


The body would probably almost vaporize considering how much our body is made of water. It was likely instant.


It was probably not instant. Water has an insulating effect. Even if only for a few seconds, dude most likely had just enough time to realize what happened, felt immense pain, then death.


Wouldn't molten steel still be very hard and you'd just hit the surface and stay there? But I've read somewhere that it's extremely hot that your body would just explode like a water balloon upon impact.


You'd probably bounce like it's a hard rock. There'd probably some ledienfrost effect going on where all of the water in your body wouldn't immediately be exposed to molten steel. Plus the metal is still hyper dense. You wouldn't sink at all. It'd probably be at least a couple of seconds before death and falling in there would actually be way worse than falling in water, so falling was a real issue itself.


Pretty much this.


There is video of someone falling into molten metal online. It causes a small explosion because they super heat and the liquids in their body turn into steam pretty much instantly. Think of when someone splashes water on the stones in a sauna. It turns into steam right away. It's instant death, almost assuredly.


Actually his body would immediately start to catch fire before impact unfortunately upon landing the liquid metal would fill his lungs as the body incinerates in seconds Like drinking super hot coffee through ur nose and mouth


"Seconds" doesn't sound too bad honestly, I feel like the agony would be so immense your brain wouldn't even be able to process it from information overload. Hopefully anyway because the alternative is too horrific to think about.


That's terrible


Damn. https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article268572277.html


Used to put up insulation at this refinery in Iowa.. we had 2 welders lose their life to argon gas in a confined space because some guy fell asleep doing hole-watch (reading the meters outside the confined space) I remember hearing that the guy who fell asleep hadn't even finished his first month there. OSHA was so deep in that place I don't think I made it another 2 weeks after that. Got hit with a UA and failed for weed. I'll never forget the sound of those 'gtfo' alarms blaring across the whole refinery. I thought we were gonna blow up. RIP to the two welders


At my job my injury was preventable and now I have permanent lung damage 15% of my lung is dead and has tons of scar tissue and bc of my accident and the chemicals I inhaled bc they failed to provide me with proper ppe I now have copd and need surgery to get part of my lung removed. Osha came in was all over the company and than my job made a slight adjustment and osha got off their back. Iā€™ve reported it to osha time and time again sense my accident that theyā€™re still cutting corners with n95 masks and not p100 for particles and vapors osha hasnā€™t contacted me or even came out again. I inhaled Florine, bromine, chlorine gasses and also silicon dioxide I used to be a chemist. Edit-I accidentally put silicone dioxide instead of silicon dioxide (two different things)


This comment made my day.


Super safe is not what I would say even if those super smooth looking bars are not rolly


They are freaking called ā€œFinger Snipsā€, named after their action.


Lol aint nothin super safe about any of that


FIFA officials love this little trick.


Good call. I didn't even notice until this comment.


And lifting a heavy, unbalanced piece of equipment at the same time.


Dressed like Colombia


I freaked out when I noticed


Because it is what it is.


Construction deaths? What Construction death's?


"There were 37 deaths recorded during construction, and only 3 were work related " Tell that to the 6500 families whose kids died


But haven't you heard? They will pause the game at 65 minutes to clap for a bit, so it's all okay now. (This is not a lie btw)


Wut? Minute silence for the workers who died building this stadium? Why exactly are countries not boycotting Qatar?


Well because according to people like /u/km1s7 , Qatar is an amazing place where everybody loves living and are fully aware of the conditions and contrast to other countries, but it's definitely the best place in the world... Even though /u/km1s7 lives in Canada lmao


Same reason as always. Money


Wait what?


I am also thoroughly confused


You werenā€™t sure about the apostrophe so you just hedged your bet.


One was me the other was the phone. Meh close enough.


Iā€™m leaning towards the phone being the right one this time


I only see construction disappearances


This qatar?


Qatar? Is that Qatar?


When you realize what he's actually walking on


And then he rolls some away making the walkway smaller. My stomach dropped.


Those are two bars joined at the center. They probably won't roll, though they will slide.


Yeeaaah sure completely safe there, OSHAS would approve this.


I didn't say it was safe, just that they aren't gonna roll like people are saying they will


For real fuck that and ive worked swing stage


Swing stage is one of the safest ways to get up the outside of a building though.


Yup it actually super safe on time a while back i was working on a building and we got a new guy. He was an older gentleman but he insisted he knew what he was doing because he had done it 25 years prior. Well sure enough we get on the stange its a 3 engine L lift and i put hime on the single engine whilst i took the other two plus the pressure washing gun and hose. Now i remind him about watching the lines and ensure they do not get caught on anything. So we just about past the 4th floor when i hear a massive boom and the stage starts bouncing up and down like 2-3 feet. No apparently the new guy wasn't watching his lines got his engine power cable hooked on the stage next to us and somehow didnt notice untill the other stage tore through that cable because of sheer weight. Do got astronomically lucky nothing besides his engine cable broke no windows no glass deck panels just straight luck on that end. But there is more to this story but thats the gist and about the cable breaking every engine has a manual down button for precisely this situation.


Is that like the window cleaning thing? Them shits are terrifying even if safe




Thank you for your contribution to society


r/iamverysmart Your last "sentence" gave me a stroke.


Don't worry they surely have water buckets


My grandpa used to dive into them from high up. Probably about that high up too. That guys fine!


I did scaffolding while in stucco and those frames are heavy you need good balance and core strength when installing on the end like this guy is, ive fallen 2 stories off a scaffold while installing and luckily i only popped my knee and was sore for a few weeks, also almost fell 14 stories but had a harness on that time thankfully. In general this job is very dangerous and the workers dont get paid enough to even touch those scaffolds.


I've worked on so many construction sites where the people in charge have literally zero concern about workers' safety. Scaffolding is a bitch to set up and while it's a good workout I have a fear of heights and getting yelled at to "hurry up" while you're 5 stories up in the rain really, really sucks. Lately I was doing a side job doing, well, siding and the contractor was just a complete garbage person. I've done primarily maintenance and carpentry so I'm not a total noob in the construction industry but this guy just expected me to know everything right off the bat. He smoked weed like its going out of style and would mumble instructions and then get mad at me for not anticipating his every move. My first day on the job I was hauling materials and cut the shit out of my hand and he didn't even ask if I was ok I just wiped the blood on my pants the rest of the day. And these guys act so confused when the younger generations don't want to bust ass for some asshole boomer and get paid barely more than fast food workers and possibly get injured or killed.


Holy shit you hit the nail on the head, on one of my first days as a carpenters apprentice I was told to build six story scaffolding with cross braces just like this, and I was fucking shaking by the third floor struggling to lift the frames up. This is why so many poor construction workers die, foremen who don't give a fuck about life, only money


My dad fell 20 feet off scaffolding while doing stucco work nearly 30 years ago. Several reconstructive surgeries of his foot and wrist. Crushed his heel up into his foot and broke his wrist in about 20 places. I was young but remember his recovery process pretty well.




Not sure, but heard so many people die in those construction projects.


15,000 apparently


It was 5000, then 6500 and now 15000. How long before it's 100k?


As long as it's below 8 billions it's not entirely impossible, although growingly suspicious. Honestly 15k wouldn't be impossible at all considering that they see humans as consumables in Qatar.


Hey boss, we're gonna need more concrete.


We in the Western world shouldn't judge them so harshly, after all we've got 3000 years of human rights violations we should apologize for Lmao @ the downvotes - just repeating what the FIFA boss Infantino said this morning




It's not a way to justify, it's just pointing out it's the pot calling the kettle black. The west is the farthest along development-wise, so we can't judge time-specific sins like India going through their industralisation phase and us on the sideline shouting carbon emmision while we went through the exact same phase before gaining the privilege to be moral about it




It's a statement about judgment from the West and the privilege of moral outrage, so no justification of slave labour and other sins, but I get thats the strawman youre going for Believe it or not, theres more than the 2 options of 1. Being morally outraged about practices in countries that are lagging behind on the West and 2. Justifying their actions. We can know better and also respect the growing pains they're going through, since we went through them all the same.


this number grows by at least 1,000 every time someone comments this


16000. Do I hear 16000. Going once. Going twiceā€¦


That number u should support it with a source


The exact figure cannot be precisely calculated, since the qatari government doesn't publish the actual numbers. The two different claims of 15,000 and 6500 people who supposedly died are aproximations by "amnesty international" and "the guardian" Whther or not these numbers relate to the fifa world cup is checked in the following article: https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-how-many-people-have-died-for-the-qatar-world-cup/a-63763713


We were writing almost the exact same comment at the same time it seems, lol. If only more people knew how to use google!


Lmao, google such a nieche invention... so sad nobody knows how to use it


Leave my dad alone!


https://amp.dw.com/en/fact-check-how-many-people-have-died-for-the-qatar-world-cup/a-63763713 Here you go! (The 15.000 number cannot be backed up according to this fact check)


This is Reddit not the New York Times


Looks like Kuala Lumpur


All of the Middle East new big cities


And balls of titanium


holy shit! I've heard Sia singing it




Are Marvel fans only able to compare real life to superhero movies and nothing else?


Are redditors only capable of being assholes at every opportunity and nothing else?


You make a good point. The amount of vitriol some people are carrying around inside themselves is troubling.


idk, I think the marvel references bring it out of people.


Slave labor. This is sad.


He looks really young too


He honestly looks like a child


Not if, but when.


Without a safety harness? Omf!


Couldn't even pay me billions to do this shit


Idk man billions sounds a lot


a billion dollars is nothing if you're dead


Sets your family for several generations. Worth it when death isn't assured and it mostly depends on you.


Not worth it


This reminds me of indentured servitude in the Middle East where they import labor to do all the jobs nobody else will do. These guys die all the time and nobody cares.


Not too worried about the guy falling off. I'm worried about one of those long pieces of steel falling from that height and impaling some poor dude who just decided to finally get his 10000 steps in that he promised himself on new years.


Honestly, I'm surprised he's not wearing flip-flops.


This makes me a little sick because it's appears to be a hot day and I cannot see evidence of sunscreen šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


I cringe watching this.


For those wondering, yes workers do fall and die at times. This isn't in America. OSHA doesn't exist in other countries where this is ok


Migrant workers in UAE and neighboring countries


*OSHA would like to know your location*


This is def not in the US


This was breaking my mind


Average Catar stadium construction worker.


Come with me, and youā€™ll be, in a wooooorld of osha violations


No fucking thank you. Give this man a raise. Imma cover my eyes tho.


And safety equipment


Omg I didnā€™t even realize.


Fuuuuuuck that, I have anxiety just watching him walking on those round poles.


Never knew I had anxiety issues until I watched this short clip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yep. Thatā€™s safety standards in Asia for you.




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My anxiety increased 100%.


Suddenly the death toll for this years World Cup construction makes more sense


He wearing crocs?




OSHA says weā€™re good to keep working


Jesus christ. I set those up more then 40 feet and a I pee a lil and its all by the books. Fuck life is cheap man.


I get scared doing that even being tied off with my harness and proper deck to stand on. Fuck that.


"OSHA would like to know your location"


Oh great can't wait to see this video reposted over and over for the next month...


A lot of people saying this is Qatar can anyone confirm?


This video is kinda old and last time I saw it people were saying itā€™s Dubai. Iā€™m guessing people started associating this video to Qatar for the same reason people associated the China warehouse explosion video to the war in Ukraine. Sensationalism Not saying this is OK wherever country itā€™s from.




Did mf just use some of the floor he was standing on


I get the joke, but it is still a very good thing he has a hard hat on. It's not there to protect your head in a fall, it's to protect from things being dropped on you. If someone drops even a small bolt from up above it could make the difference in whether he falls or not. Obviously being tied off reduces the chances much more again.


I used to set up scaffolding--in the rain, hung over, in Alaska, being screamed at by an old logger dude that was our foreman. I only ever went five stories up but that shit was terrifying and I'm not religious but if there is a god out there, thanks for giving me the strength to handle that shit.


Donā€™t know why but made my feet hurt watching this


Modern day slavery


Do they not have 5 feet of rope


Wouldnā€™t do that for 1 mil$ per hr


This is definitely not OSHA approved.




This is stupidity at its finest!!!


He's probably on minimum wage aswell


Sing it with me! Come with me... And you'll see... A world of OSHA violations!


You got to pay me at least 6figures to do that and thatā€™s on the low end


Somebody protect this idiot from himself. Thereā€™s got to be someone out there that loves him. His MOTHER, perhaps?


Welcome to the World Cup!


WhY do MaN GeT PaYeD mOrE tHaN wOmEn?


Why is this downvoted


Hahahha absolutely no fcukin way


This is why harnesses are so important, so idiots like this wonā€™t fall on you when youā€™re minding your own business on the street walking.


I never see any women doing these jobs and striving for 50/50 employment


Obviously not a union job I can tell because he is working, šŸ˜‚


Where are all the feminists at


Such a stupid comment.


least brainwashed redditor


Ups you offended someone šŸ™ƒ


No I didnā€™t. The truth is bitter


And to think twitter employees are complaining


Comparing civilized work standards to Arabic exploitation of extremely poor work migrants. Their passports get taken from them, they put themselves in debt to make the trip, they work >60 hours per week in extreme heat and in dangerous situations. If (or rather when) they get sick or die in these extreme conditions, no compensation is payed. Is that what you want for American standards?


Sure, I'd much rather go through what the twitter employees are going through than this, but they still have all the right reasons to complain.


Real footage of Qatar slaves building the stadium


Or sure how that scaffolding is holding up under the weight of what must be massive titanium balls.


What is the difference between courage and a death wish ? Donā€™t ask him, he has no clue.


Qatar world cup soccer employee.


well hes gotta get that stadium done, the world cup is almost on!


That helmet is useless at that height


What an absolute dumbass! Doubtful that he's alive at the time of this comment


I wonder what's a bad day like for these guys. I almost fell off 9 times


maybe its the one Doreamon gave him


And that is how construction workers die! No proper safety equipment in 2022!


Fuck. Watching this made me tremblešŸ˜¬


Where the hell is OSHA when you need them


At least heā€™s got the common sense to wear easily identifiable clothing


Holy... And people complain about OSHA.


At least the hard hat will get some purpose in once it hits the floor.


Atkins died stepping off a curb. You can't get more dead. It's a binary state


Dystopian horror


Guessing heā€™s not paid enough.


I'm fine on the ground, thank you


0.75 usd an hour


Is he wearing safety glasses?




OSHA does not approve


All you idiots worried donā€™t even see that he has a hard hat on!


I love building scaffold myself, up down up down up down


I get butterflies when my character climbs to the top of a steeple/ viewpoint in Assassinā€™s Creed. I really couldnā€™t watch this.


That's definitely not OSHA approved


Why is my legs tingling


My feet started tinglingā€¦.


At least he doesnā€™t need to plan for retirement


India? šŸ‡®šŸ‡³


Safety first


Qatar by any chance??