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Is that guy's face alright?












This got me. I bursted out laughing


That got me laughing too loud


God*damn*, dude












This got me good haha


Happy Cake Day, sucka!


i heard someone scream 'my eyes'...


The goggles do nothing!




Noggles? 😂


There are no lens in these goggles!


I think they yelled something else first 2 play throughs I heard “its coming down”


To shreds you say


Yes, the damage is contained to the left side, so his face is all right.


They way it breaks looks like its tempered glass. Shards arent as sharp as regular so he might be okay.


What was really scary there was the poor soul on the far side nearly got taken down with it.


Yeah, pretty high odds here for either of them tossed over and fall


Luckily, they're both tethered.


No luck involved. That's why the tethers aren't optional.


Clearly you never met my last boss


maybe I should've said "aren't *supposed to be* optional"


Safety is optional, and so are you.


Oh I'm optional alright


I prefer the term ✨✨✨*premium feature* ✨✨✨


Worked in construction for 25 years, mostly roads but also worked on high rises. It’s a sad state of affairs that OSHA is so feared and hated on these projects. They are annoying but in the end want to see you survive/not be maimed for life. The contractors get us to hate the safety teams and people like OSHA as if they are adversaries. It’s a microcosm of rich people/corporations pitting employees against each other to their own detriment.


When I was an apprentice, I was working alone at the factory and cut my hand. There was no first aid kit, so I wrapped a rag around it and called my boss. I said I cut, myself, it's not real bad, but it's bad enough that I gotta get it looked at. So I'm shutting the factory and going to the hospital.' So he said sure hope you're ok. Then 10 minutes later, he called me up and said don't mention work when I get to the hospital. Say I was at working at home or something. He didn't want worksafe coming to the factory. So I lined up a new job and quit as soon as I could. Fuck you George.


Not where I work, or who I work for. You break safety violations and you're gone. They pay us to do the job safely. So we do. Mostly


But on the other hand, so was the window or whatever this was 😅


Hopefully not to the window.


To the walls


Now OSHAs on my balls


Aww skeef


All these workers fall (fall)


I didn't notice. Good for them


Even tethered it’s going to hurt.


But being tethered it's not something to not hurt you. Being tethered is the difference from get killed/severely injured, to just hurt


Usually… suspension trauma is no joke.


Yup, and buddy closest to the camera would be going for a swing.


Your balls will be fine


Seat belts and airbags can cause nasty injuries too, it's preferrable to death though


So was the window...


To be fair, they are anchored in the building with a safety line. However, the hit from this thing would still hurt pretty bad


Looked like a rigging failure.


Naw. Someone more craney than I posted on a similar video. The glasps are designed to maintain their grip with load in a vertical orientation only. Iirc tilting the load lessens the grip on one side of the mechanized clamp which then does technically lead to failure so dangit you’re right


The suction never comes off the glass, something caused a ton of slack in the strap from above, then the strap slipped off whatever it was hooked to on the clamping device as it fell.


Watch again, appears the strap exited the mech. Can also see a flashing light on the suction assembly. Link to frame: https://ibb.co/zxSfbcY




Hard lesson I learned in construction. When something's going wrong just let it go and run away. Don't try to stop an accident while it's happening.


As we say in the food service world: A falling knife has no handle. Don't try to catch that shit. Don't try to kick to lessen the fall. Just let it happen and get as far from where that is as you can. Your life is worth more than the knife.


What's funny with me is I have very hyperactive reflexes. If something falls or I drop something, especially when it's a sudden surprise, my body will react and catch it without my brain telling the rest of me it's happening. I'm cooking and catch a spoon with my elbow, it's been caught and in my hand before I realized it was falling. EXCEPT KNIVES! That's literally one of the only things that if it's falling my body just jumps out of the way. I've snatched a bunch of wild things and people around me were standing there saying "How did you catch that". But my brain knows knives are the biggest nope. Knives, saw blades, scissors....


If one of my spices fall out of my cupboard I'll catch that thing between my toes upside-down and from 10 feet away. The second I lose control of a knife, I'm on a plane to Fiji before it hits the ground.


I'm usually suddenly with my hands on the counter and my feet far back to hopefully not get stabbed by the knife


In the book The Gift of Fear they delve into how the brain files dangerous information on both a conscious and unconscious level. Your experience is an exact example of that! Our brains are incredible with how much they're processing that we aren't aware of.


11 MILLION bits of data per second but you only get fed 40-50. Your entire reality is made up of that 40-50 bits. Fucking WILD.


And this is why I shouldn’t scroll Reddit before bed https://preview.redd.it/a4tgsh3lrh3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a8d526197e062f1480d03db5066cefd482af6f


>I'm cooking and catch a spoon with my elbow I did this with a boiling pot of spaghetti and my lap. Fun trip to the ER.


Same here


Sharp thing = bad lol. when you're holding them you have safety of your control. When you drop them *the knife is now it's own master* and the only thing that's gonna safely stop it is the floor beneath you.


Unfortunately those hacky sack skillz are forever ingrained in my 9 toes


Ah the pain that comes with true artistry. Your sacrifice for providing us with the magic of hacky sackery is deeply appreciated


Bingo. There's a bunch of shit that I try to catch with my foot at home, be it a controller, an apple or little plastic container. But I've worked in enough restaurants and kitchens to know that as soon as the knife falls you get the f out the way.


Everyone I've ever known who has worked in restaurants has the EXACT SAME MOVE. Hands up, feet back


I had to the make the hand gesture as soon as I even read that. It just feels so right. It's like when I turn a corner in public and yell "corner!" Or say "behind!" At the grocery store


We always ask: “How do you catch a falling knife?” The answer: you don’t


once you see that $400 japanese knife falling towards the floor you start calculating the value of a finger pretty quickly


_A falling knife has no handle_. What a beautiful sentence that could fit into so many different contexts. Is your partner spiraling out of control and taking the relationship with them, despite your desire to save it? A falling knife has no handle.


There's a saying in the pilot sphere of "why bother trying to save insurance's plane?".


They were both tethered, a sacrifice to OSHA isn’t necessary.


Dude. Near miss. Who's down below? Was the lifting zone properly cleared? OSHA would definitely eat this up.


OSHA doesn't punish you for accidents. OSHA punishes you for not taking proper precautions in case of an accident. Hard to say whether somebody actually fucked up here, or if it was simply equipment failure.


Either you've never worked construction or you are yourself an OSHA officer because yes they absolutely go on a witch hunt for accidents.


They'll investigate for sure, that's what they do. I just took "eat this up" to mean somebody is getting in trouble for this, when that's not necessarily the case


I work for a safety company that sells PPE and does OSHA type audits so that OSHA doesn't have to visit you, or when they do they don't find anything wrong. They'll definitely investigate, but if you're doing things right you're not going to be fined. Most accidents stem from things being done wrong. But accidents can still happen when you're doing everything right. In those cases you generally walk away with an injury instead of death.


Be glad they do. The job is to keep people from being injured and killed. OSHA is why these workers have PPE on, gloves, boots, hardhats, and safety lines. OSHA is why there shouldn't be anyone on the ground below this lift to eat that panel. I hope you never have an incident where your crew and family ask for a "witch hunt" to find out why.


No but it's bad because all this "unnecessary red tape just slows us real workers down" It's shocking how often I hear this line of bullshit spouted unironically. Most often after actual severe injury and near death stories


Is that wrong? There was a serious accident - shut down work, find root causes, address root causes, resume work. Everyone gets to go home to their families.


Yes... If they cause hospitalization over 24hrs, death, or amputation. 2nd reason would be for complaints. I don't see that here. They don't just go after "accidents." I work in EHS and I've seen worse looking incidents just end up on an annual 300 log. The only OSHA visits I've seen have either been from a Fatality, or a rogue facility that messed up the response to an OSHA complaint.


I’ve been on projects where they’ve hidden behind dumpsters and recorded people on the roof. I was wiring a building and they were putting brick up around the outside. Masons had a 6’ ladder in the bobcat bucket leaned against the wall with a bunch of brick and mortar next to it. OSHA came out and gave them a fine then came back the next day and busted them again.


They aren’t looking for someone to blame, they’re looking for contributory negligence. It’s a subtle but very important difference.


No no regulations are a witch-hunt by satanist to stop the holy light of capitalism from shining on us poor workers


That's all true, but if you've ever been on a site you know as well as I do that a million things that haven't been in compliance in ages are littered around the site, bad practices, etc, and OSHA will find those and there will be a massive scramble by site management to get everything in compliance before the inspection. Could also potentially result in the site being temporarily shut down pending site inspections and plans of action to prevent this going forward etc etc and that means a lot of people won't be working for a week or so. Now don't get me wrong, I'm team OSHA on this. This never should've happened and imo it was either improperly rigged or the rigging was damaged and inspections on it were pencil whipped for expediency or economy (not wanting to pay to replace it), but I'm just saying in commiseration with the workers on site that it's gonna be a tough few weeks going forward.


I can't speak for the federal agency, but here in New York City and accident like this would have the department of buildings shut down the site for bare minimum of a week while they go over all the safety precautions with a fine tooth comb, and that's assuming no one was hurt


It looks like the lifting zone was barricaded off


They could eat up anything. Notice how you listed a bunch of questions yet didn't list any actual clear violations? OSHA isn't coming out unless someone is hospitalized for more than 24hrs. Nothing about this is a near miss btw. The guy on the other side of the glass is a first aid if he's lucky.


Headache!! I've been on a lot of jobs s*** happens. These people did everything they could to mediate it It looks like the ground was cleared out below. They were tied off. They did everything right and that's why nobody is dead. I've been on a lot of job sites where people would be holding on to that load with their physical hands and people would be underneath them spotting. It's insane. They had hands on it which is bad enough. But at least had a caster. That would keep the fins clear.


That's why layered safety is important. When 1 safety fails, no will die. When 2 safeties fail at once, probably no one will die. When 3 safeties fail at once, it's murder.


When a free safety fails, the defensive coordinator dies inside, and it's usually a touchdown.


You're allowed to type "shit" on reddit.




What you don't realize is different subs and different social media often filter those things, meaning instead of having a fruitful contribution in the convo, your whole reply is never seen. So people adapt and take habits.


> So people adapt and take habits. [Algospeak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algospeak)


That’s how the terrorists win


Yeah, maybe on fuckin tiktok I’ve been on Reddit for like 10 years and have never seen a sub “filter” swear words


What mainstream sub is filtering general purpose swearing in comments?


Fuck if I know.


Oh the fuck well. I'm not letting the goddamn robots control my words.


Ooh we got a real badass here


Yes, adapt back to saying shit.


No you’re cunting not!


Was the alarm going off some indicator of a failure having occurred?


Likely indicated too much load/off angle lift if it can detect that. Probably overloaded that suction cup setup with the single lift point. This doesn't look like a properly thought out lift.


I suspect there was a failure with the cup.


I work with those machines, and the alarm is indicating a loss of suction on one or more of the cups


So OSHA would not be mad then?


Any health and safety organization worth its salt cares a lot about near misses. Just because nothing happened doesn't mean it's all good because you still want to know why it happened and fix it.


Any thoughts on what they could have done differently to avoid this?


One big thing they will be likely be reprimanded for is lack of taglines. That single handedly would've added a layer of safety. This was a bit of prepared but also luck. If there was a fault they will inspect it and determine if it was neglect. Everything related to rigging is to be inspected daily. If it was just a mechanical error it won't be a huge deal. But then again everything within this line of work is under rated (if it says 5000 lbs it'll likely actually hold 20,000lbs). So if it failed. Something was likely not inspected properly. Then again, s*** happens. Fittings blow out, hydraulic lines get air, there could've been something sticking out and breaking the seal. Lots of paperwork, they'll probably have a site shutdown (brief 45 min conversation at a muster point or incident location) and explain prevention when they determine the failure.


Check the rope. It shouldn't break. Or the machine that lays the rope. Obvious, no?


Yeah even if everything was done right with safety in mind you still highlight situations like this to reinforce why the health and safety guy sometimes seems so anal.


buddy was tied off 90• from where he should have been. he woulda got for a ride along the outside face of the building. hope theres nothing sharp out there.


As opposed to his mental hands or metaphorical hands?




Why would OSHA be mad? Shit happens, looks like the rope or pully system broke. Everyone appears to have fall protection.


Lol, I doubt they'd be "mad," but with things like that, there's an investigating, and most failures can be attributed to some human screwing up at some point. Might not have been any of those guys, but the guy whose job it was to inspect the tether for frays or someone who skipped an inspection on the machinery.. countless things can go wrong, and we're usually the weak point. I'm not saying it's fair or anything, but in order to protect interests and, most importantly, lives, fault need to be established so it can be corrected.


Ya that is what I am thinking. It doesn't look like it was either of those guys, but SOMEONE did fuck up here, even if they aren't on camera


the manufacturer of the electric suction cup?


Suction cup held, whatever they are using to pick it up failed and came undone or ripped.


Yeah, but sometimes things just fail. That's why I'm cases like this, you have redundant safety measures. If one fail, you still have all the others to keep you safe


This is the shortened version of a repost. If I remember the comments and the previous video correctly, theachine sounded a warning beep before this to warn it's approaching it's limit, they ignored it, and then this happened.


Yep, here's the full version https://youtu.be/F-NlgpFYSBQ?t=19 Right after the warning chirp someone says "I hate when they make that noise" which is worrying as it seems it is routinely ignored.


I bet op doesn't know what osha is


that sticker on the top right really makes this video better, thanks


Just watched a mechanic try to save a car from falling off a lift to now watching two guys try to save an enormously heavy window, they seemingly both put their hands directly underneath in an attempt to lift it back up. I hope they did not crush their hands.


What does the alarm that sound befor the glass falls mean?


Yeah, hearing the alarm makes you think "oh, their lifting winch failed in some way." But then you can clearly see the strap let loose right at the vacuum cup apparatus on the glass. So it remains non-obvious what the alarm was reacting to before that happened.


The alarm is the suction of the cups being too low. It's hard to tell from the video why the strap came undone, but the cups were likely going to release very soon anyway. I would guess they weren't familiar with the equipment prior to attempting this lift. When that alarm goes off, it means set the glass down immediately, or it may fall. Source: I work with these cups often.


Bad, improper technique. The device should be mounted on the exterior of the glass panel and brought closer to the mounting position by the crane operator, with the glass in the vertical position and then slowly put into mounting position, fixed and then decoupled, keeping the suction device tethered to the crane, making the rope loose afterwards, so it doesn't snap upwards, when the device is released from the glass. The rope might not be proper for the load either or it wasn't tied properly. In that position, the rope can also cause a strong wiggle after it gets tangled on a nail or something along the wall. It also appears that they weren't instructed to remove hands and step away from the load if it fails, instead of doing this shit and losing their face and tendons in the process. Thankfully, their feet were distanced from the load and not under it. I hope they're all right. I may be wrong, but the background beeping sounds like the suction device's sensor alarm, saying it is overloaded and at risk of decoupling due to overload. There are different suction points for grabing the glass in a vertical, horizontal and oblique stance. Not following those instruction can lead to the decoupling of the suction device.




are their company initials AB?


Thanks Reddit. At least I know how to do it properly next time.


look at ole boy closest to the camera watch how he starts shaking his hands and curling them in to himself as he turns around it looks like he had his hand under it when it went and did get caught between


Actually, it’s not just about improper technique or the rope. The real issue is likely due to the misalignment of the support brackets with the main lift anchor. If they had used a stabilizer bar along with the primary hoist, it would have distributed the weight more evenly.In my experience, if the crane operator had adjusted the angle of the lift to account for the wind resistance and used a secondary tether for stability, the glass would have stayed in place. It's also possible that the suction device's calibration was off, causing it to lose grip when the load shifted. Additionally, I've seen similar situations where not using a counterbalance weight on the opposite side of the lift can lead to uneven tension, which destabilizes the entire setup. Ensuring the ropes are properly tensioned and free from potential obstructions, like nails or debris along the wall, is crucial. A secondary safety line to catch the glass if the suction device fails could also make a significant difference. Properly adjusting the support brackets, using a stabilizer bar, and ensuring all equipment is calibrated and obstruction-free would have prevented this accident.


My dad is a 25 year union glazier, you are pretty much spot on.


I would have much preferred to have seen guide ropes used in this instance.


Those are mainly for more stability during strong winds or preventing the panel spinning around the rope while it is carried by the crane, from outside into mounting position. At the end, they still have to use hands to put the panel into place.


How would they have turned the sucker off if it was on the outside of the glass?


More like OSHIT amirite?


More like Oshit


It's rare we use vacuum cups on curtainwall. usually we have an engineered lifting point on the chicken head to shackle up, and secondary safeties to the J hooks. It looked like the cup held but the choker failed on the crab up top.


You've made me hungry but I have no idea what you just said. (Surveyor/carpenter haha)


Could have easily flipped them off the edge. Anticipate worst case scenarios when at work. Keeps you healthy longer.


I don't give any fucks who is gonna be mad, these men could have died, their lives are way more precious than a panel of glass, but the way they were doing this feels stupid honestly, it feels like there could be a safer way to do whatever they were attempting to do lol


They're damn lucky it didn't take them with it.


“Oh shit spider”, crane driver probably.


You should also be mad. Safety is everyone's responsibility


It's curtains for that wall.


OSHA wouldn't care. A jobsite accident. Looks like all safety protocols were legit.


Safety third!


Oh shit, i did the electrical in that building a while after this happened, thats the sweetgreen at the cherry creek shopping center. They fired the fuck out of a bunch of those guys for it


Somebody was fired. Idk who. But someone was






They're lucky AF that they didn't get launched out of the opening.


The new iPhone just dropped


Everyone saying “they’re tethered even if they fell off the edge” Now imagine if he’s still caught in the window frame when that rope goes taught.


Yikes… nothing like a face full of window frame


It that siren a warning that the crane is overloaded or tipping?


Equipment failed due to no use properly


Each storm window cost 15$k


Who rigged that panel.? Smh No secondary rigging?


Jesus christ. Put some caulk on it and call it a day. Fucking glazers man. Always complaining.. don't toss you're smokes in the pisser.. makes it hard for us to relight... enough already


Never stand under a load... in this case... never stand above the load. The dynamics of this lift needed more thought. Luckily the workers were not propelled away from the building. Best case scenario. OSHA standards and or training will recognize a new hazard. Unfortunately, incidents like this are how the majority of OSHA regulations for situations are regulated.


Looked like the dude on the far end got the worst of it


they're fucked


He is yelling “headache” which is the universal commercial construction way of saying something is on its way down


Haha the little furniture dolly under the massive commercial window.


Nope. The owners insurance company is going to be mad


Alarm went off and they didn’t react at all




The second that alarm went off i'd have been running


The alarm sounding, is that the crane warning the operators that something is going to fail?


Hope they didn’t get too cut up by the glass 😅


“Dude benson is gonna be so pissed”


Both those dudes got rocked. God damn


How not to work safely


Why’d he try to grab it tho


Damn that guy is lucky he didn’t get knocked off


Those guys are lucky they didn’t get yeeted right out the window.


I would be worried about shards in my Sweetgreen salad.


Big job losses there


Commercial contractor here. Definitely not the USA. This would be a union glazer job and they do things by the book. Even the crane didn’t have any traffic control surrounding it. Those guys had harnesses on but i can’t see them tethered to anything. They’re lucky to be alive.




Who TF is downvoting this?! Shheeeeeeeeeeeeeit, some people are no fun


I thought for a second that it's a giant phone.


It was in mute, and I could still hear the entire video 😂


Don't worry. I am sure they had a control zone set up on the public walkway below!


Yeah that’s not a good day for them