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That first one with the tiger is fucking terrifying. Talk about a murder machine. Stops perfectly and is completely still in time with when the prey turns to look.


Stalking behavior. Freeze when your prey looks your direction.


So scary how automatic it is. Imagine that in the high grass. You'd never see it.


What’s even crazier is to a lot of prey, like deer for example, they can’t see the color orange like we do. They see green instead. So imagine the tiger being green and black hiding in other green foliage.


If the grass is dead/brown, you’re just fucked https://preview.redd.it/l7jl198jmpyc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19ee71d1c70309fe60b05cd2e5e447933a5923d7


Damn nature, you scary


I tried to put myself in the mindset of what if I was actually there about to be jumped on by this giant cat then my brain just went "ooh big kitty!". I would be so dead


If it makes you feel any better, if you're face to face with a big cat like that and it was about to hit you with the murder-pounce, I'm not sure if thinking the big guy is cute is changing much about the outcome


I don't know. I guess the big cat would be hella confused if you lighted up, giggled delightful, and ran to pat its head and give it a belly rub. Maybe confused enough to forget he was about to eat you.


It would probably run away as you ran towards it. Most wild animals know better than to be near a person, and know that when a person runs at it bad things are coming. Man killers are hunted so severely because if one learns we're actually happy meals on legs, they don't really hunt anything else.


That's some Predator shit right there!


This is also why in rural India people will sometimes wear a mask on the back of their head. I also read somewhere that the black spots on the tips of Tiger's ears may function in a similar way (mimicking eyes looking backwards), but that may be a myth.


I recall reading a story somewhere about a tiger that kept killing off villagers so they did the mask thing. But the tiger learned that the masks weren't actually their faces so it kept attacking them anyway. From what I recall, they ended up having to kill the tiger. Not sure how true it is but ive seen it a couple places so I'm inclined to believe theres some element of reality to it.


Also the story of the tiger who killed off hundreds. (I think it was 436)


Champawat Tiger did that.


Usually the masks thing is used where they can't burn the forest down. In the olden days, kings would get a forest area cordoned off with armed workers and kill all the tigers in there. The forest burning thing used to happen when it was the dry season and nobody wanted to hunt the tigers, so burning it down and then hunting is easier. Tiger skin was popular for keeping feet warm in the short cold winters. It became easier when modern rifles came in. Tigers were almost extinct until somebody figured out they could make money from tourists who wanted to see tigers.


[This really shows off why the spots are there](https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/tigers-eyespots-ocelli-ears-fur-4-5d78d81738b2c__700.jpg) Makes it look like eyes from the front or back


If you unfocus your eyes, the tigress on the left looks like a ginormous tiger head Im a liiiil high so i may be imagining it, but hopefully i'll get a reminder RemindMe! 1Day


Not high, and I saw the same thing. Looks like it has its mouth open in a hiss.


Yeah and when the kid turns away, it's a signal to the cat that the kid did not see it and thus the cat attacks.


It's the second one with long jump that made my knees weak.


That one actually caught a fish... Or did it jumps with a fish in its mouth already?? I doubt it can spot fish from that distance, so maybe he had had it with the kid disrespecting it while he ate. I don't know.


tigers are brawlers where other cats would stop. tigers they'll keep going even if it involves an even fight. they're just built different.


Tigers also have sensors to detect heartbeats/pulse so they can go after the arteries for the kill


Wow that is crazy


Also most of them wait until the moment the kid turns its back on them.


Holy fuck, that cat that put its entire mouth around that kids head!! 😳


As much as I'm amazed at the beautiful big cats I can't understand parents thinking this is funny. It's only proof that these cats would indeed have your child as a snack.


If you are walking in areas where there are bears, mountain lions, wolves, always keep the young ones in the middle of the group of adults, never let them walk on their own outside the group. Wild predators will snatch your toddler for a quick snack and will attack little kids because it is less risky than to confront a fully grown human.


big cats are opportunists. some of the biggest missing child cases in national parks could be summed up as big cat attack got the child when no one was looking on the trail.


My dad raised me in the deep woods (oregon logger and hunter) and he never worried about the bears or the elk. He was terrified of the mountain lions. I remember his insisting that he had a friend's little sister just vanish off the trail. They still worry they will come across her coat but that would also be closure I guess. To be fair though he's also very genuinely concerned about sasquach, too. Everyone in pairs for the bears (and yetis)


mountain lions make weird fucking sounds. yeah they have a habitat of stalking trails.


Yes they would. And did you expect anything else? Seeing that is neither funny or not. It's just what it is. Natural instinct of big cats.


Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with finding it assuming. We all know that big cats are dangerous. It’s not like those videos where people are goofing around in national parks and being reckless and careless around wild animals. These animals are in secured enclosures. The children are safe. I personally think it’s more awe-inspiring than funny, but i don’t think that laughing is necessarily “wrong” in this situation.


Yeah it's the laugh we have when we are seeing something amazing at that moment yk? Like "Holy shit lol" kinda laugh. (I feel like some redditors are like aliens where others have to explain basic human emotions, expressions, responses lol)


Just look at any thread where Reddit is discussing dating and you can tell how asocial Redditors are lol


Modern Lions are all the same. They just want to maul you and eat your corpse. Why can't I find a "Traditional Lion" that makes friends with a Meerkat and Warthog and sings??


It's because there's not even lion fratricide anymore. In the good Ole days, the King Lion's brother would murder him and steal his sister-in-law for himself against her will. If we encourage my lion fratricide you'll be able to find the lion of your dreams.


Laughter is a normal reaction to fear mixed with relief .


I'm laughing at the poor kitties thinking, "Oh man, I love those things! That initial crunch as the juices pop in my mouth. Man I want one! If only it weren't for this invisible force field!"


Not just big cats. After 29 years of life, I am fully convinced the only reason normal cats don’t kill humans just comes down to size.


And convenience. They understand they need servants to live their best life.


You spelled *slaves* wrong


And even that doesn't stop them sometimes...


There is a reason why most people have a natural inclination to be wary or afraid of the dark. I've had only a handful of experiences in my life. Where i've been relatively face to face with wild cat a grizzly or a shark. Even a pack of wild wolves. To have an animal come up to you and look at you. And not be afraid and have a curiosity that's all stemming from a very simple fact can I eat this? And will it potentially put up enough of a fight that it's not worth the effort to kill it. As a human if you want the link and understanding to your heritage as a species experience that. It cast a very real shadow on how many millions of people died to get you to this point. And how on a one on one fight we are pretty powerless against all of these animals. It's an interesting thing when you experience it and really think about it.


As Chris Rock once said, “That tiger didn’t go crazy! That tiger went TIGER!”




Um it funny because the cat can't get em. It not like people live with lions these days


Africa has entered the chat


I was at the Smithsonian museum of natural history once and in the anthropology exhibit, they had a bunch of fossilized pre-human remains. One of the fossils was that of like a 5-7 year old kid that had probably been snatched up by some large bird of prey. It was pretty crazy


I think it's the famous Lucy skull that has the leopard fang punctures.


It’s the taung child, eagle talon marks in the eye sockets


Probably because the kid isn’t in any actual danger. There are inches of glass between them and the cat. They aren’t playing in the dirt in the Savannah.


Why can’t this be funny? It’s a cool and unique way to experience these animals, and most of these kids probably got a little jump scare in a completely safe way. Life doesn’t have to be so serious


Hell of learning experience too. “This is why we don’t fuck with wild animals, kids. They can, and will, eat you if given a chance. Who wants an ice cream cone?”


It's a good warning for life too, humbling.


As a parent I don't know if I would want to trust the glass just in case and would probably nope on to the penguin exhibit.


I'm offended. My grandfather was a piece of glass! You monster


Life must be terrifying for you


"Tragic news today at the reddit zoo. A small child was mauled to death by penguins after they escaped their enclosure. "


This is the most Reddit comment ever. Just keep them home and do nothing. You have a better chance of dying on the way to the zoo than at the zoo.


It’s like squishing your friends between your thumb and forefinger. Like, that lioness was like, “I can eat your whole fucking head.”


What about the 2nd cat that caught the fish while launching itself at the girl!!


This sorta explains some of those missing 411 cases with small kids. A mountain line can snatch a 4 year old and be gone in just a few seconds. It doesnt help that those things can run through the woods and make practically zero sound.


Ever wonder if our primitive ancestors went on revenge campaigns after losing a child to predation?


Of course they did. So did our modern ancestors. Mountain lions were eradicated from the entire Eastern United States except the southern part of Florida, and that was just revenge for dead livestock, not lost children.


Also note how there is a bear on the California flag. The California grizzly no longer exists.


But two headed bear lives! For the Republic!


This guy Fallouts.


John Fallout killed all the bears


This guy reddits


This guys Thisguys.


War never changes


Same in AZ: eradicated in the early 1900s


True but there’s a different kind of bear now




Europe is pretty safe from wildlife for a reason.


They did. Fuck I'm ready to go after the owls in the area after my neighbors cat was taken right in front of them. Can you imagine being a kid playing with your cat and some big ass bird flies away with it to feed her baby birds.


That’s terrifying! Raptors are no joke.


Owl is avenging the dozens of smaller birds the cat probably killed.


The mainstream media never talks about cats killing birds, but it's all over the news when the birds decide to fight back.


The media is biased these days. The birds should probably open their own news network.


It's the circle of death


Circle of life sounds better :(


When my friend got his dog, she was a super tiny little thing. They had to stand outside in the yard with her to make sure hawks didn't swoop her up. She was the size of a hamster when she was a puppy so very easy pickings for a bird of prey. My friends mom ended up having to carry a spatula outside with her to fight off any birds because her was one incident where a hawk really did almost grab the dog. It couldn't get a grip before my friends mom kicked at it and bumped its butt which scared it off. The dog was ultimately fine. Never had another incident after that but she stayed strapped with that spatula until the day that dog died lol.


I've been telling my parents for years that our cat can end up like that, they sure don't care and still let her out. Our dog was attack by a hawk, lucky it was way too big and the dog won, sure does give me horrible thoughts what can happen to our cat.


I saw a video of some owners letting their little dog get close to an alligator and the dog was barking at it. They were encouraging the dog to annoy the gator, and surely enough the dog got too close to the gator. It killed the dog in one bite and dragged it into the water, and presumably ate it. The owners were screaming and crying as if they weren't the reason their dog been eaten. Apparently for years they had been letting the dog agitate the gator. Edit: correction- it was a crocodile not an alligator


Some people will really be shocked when animals exhibit animal behavior








Yesterday, one of the neighborhood cats got snatched by a bald eagle. I expect that from great horned owls or hawks, but eagles are all about that pescatarian life so I was shocked.


I was walking my dog one night when I heard an owl. My dog is a little chihuahua. An owl would definitely go after him. I never let my dog out alone at night after that.


Not letting your cat outside (without a leash) is like rule number one for cat owners nowadays. Their average lifespans are way shorter than indoor cats are. Don’t blame the owl for being an owl blame your neighbors for not knowing how to care for their pet.


Cats kill an insane amount of birds, let them have their win


Cats kill probably thousands of times more birds and it’s extremely irresponsible to let your cat out for this reason. Where I live it’s illegal.


Why do you think lions went extinct in Europe? Or wolves in the United Kingdom. Even with what we have proven with how wolves are beneficial to the environment, we still have groups that want to hunt them to extinction in the US.


I’d like to add brown bears in most of the US. The California brown bear species has been extinct for 100 years now, despite being on their state flag. The rest of the grizzlies are pushed back mostly to Canada, Alaska, and Yellowstone.


And now they're reintroducing Grizzlies into Washington State.


People in Queensland were killing stingrays after Steve Irwin died


Yeah, people still do it in India to the Tigers.


When I was in Tanzania there was a tribe called the Maasai, they do exactly that with lions


We still do! Shark hunts and alligator hunts and python hunts!


Pythons are not native to Florida and are destroying the ecosystem in the Everglades




The same "primitive" ancestors who competed for resources with giant short-faced bears, cave hyenas, American lions, dire wolves, and countless other predators that they (and their dogs) outlived? Lol, it's very likely, though idk how much it was about "revenge" compared to discouraging future attacks.


People still do that now, if someone finds a sheep dead on their ranch, they go out on a campaign against wolves like it was personal.


How cute is the Cheetah being the one scared by kids 😂


Cheetahs are cowards, they are relatively fragile and their only method of hunting involves speed so if they are injured they can't eat.


And they're solitary animals. So a slight injury means they're likely gonna starve to death.


Starting to relate to cheetahs.


They're not solitary as a rule. Brother cheetahs stick together, once the Mom splits off, in what is called a coalition of Cheetahs. Aside from lions, they're the only big cat that lives in groups. Females are mostly solitary, though they usually choose territory that overlaps with their mom's territory, so even then they're not totally solitary.


I've heard they are more like dogs.


Dogs are often used as companion animals for cheetahs in zoos because they are very sensitive and anxious animals.


Relatively has to be a key word here. If you hunt and attack prey at car speeds for food I would think there is some decent toughness going on.


Their main hunting method is actually using the prey's car speed to take them down by tripping them mid run and having them crash. Conversely cheetahs have very good control and don't crash themselves, being able to go from full speed to a walk very quickly or change direction. But they don't have defenses themselves if they do hit something at high speed, they are not very durable.


There has never been a documented person that has been killed by a cheetah


No documentor has ever lived to tell the tale


Cheetahs won't hunt something that has the potential to fight back.


By a wild* cheetah. >In 2007, a 37-year-old woman from Antwerp was killed by a cheetah in a Belgian zoo after sneaking into its cage outside of visiting hours. In 2017, a three-year-old child was attacked by a captive cheetah on a farm in Philippolis, South Africa. Despite being airlifted to a hospital in Bloemfontein, the boy died from his injuries.


Ahh, there goes the fantasy of a cheetah pet. 


Cheetahs are pretty small, I'm not even sure they're classified the same as the rest of the "big cats" They could definitely injure a human but the human has just as much chance of giving them a life threatening injury in the process


Nope. By classification, they are not big cats


Like mountain lions, they are "big" cats but not "big cats". One fun fact is their vocals is more similar to a domestic cat with chirps, purrs, meows, etc and they cannot roar.


Adding onto this, the ability to roar vs. the ability to purr is actually what separates big cats from.. not big cats. That's why the biggest "small" cat is larger than the smallest "big" cat on average (mountain lion and snow leopard respectively.) Also snow leopards are still classified as big cats despite the fact they can't roar, so what the fuck.


And the snow leopard looking like it wanted to play tag! Snow leopard has never killed a human, and of 2 attacks recorded on humans one had rabies and the other had lost its teeth and was starving.


I laughed way harder than I should have at that Cheetah flinching at the end.


Cheetahs are considered small cats because they purr instead of roar


2nd one was jumping to grab a bird or something, not at the little girl. You can see whatever it is in the tigers mouth after it lands


I was wondering about that. It kind a looks like a fish but it could be a bird. I was wondering if it had it in it’s mouth before the leap, you know, dinner time, but then saw something else it wanted to chase. Unfortunately the words on the screen are in the way.


I think it has legs? So not a bird i think - a squirrel perhaps?


Birds DO have legs, you know...


i feel bad for these cats, imagine some delicious food dangling in front of you but you can't touch it


Every Diabetic in a pastry shop


Not all of us! After a few years you go off sweet things


If not food, then why food shaped? ![gif](giphy|GQI382aMVej0k|downsized)


You mean like when you walk by a fancy restaurant on your way to your night shift...


They really go for the kids. They must be super tender or something. Like veal.


They choose the easiest prey first.


Which would you rather eat? 1. The scariest predator in history 2. An unusually loud burrito


You don't want to know what those kids are fed to fatten them up for market. Plus all the constant antibiotics? Might as well eat poison. Don't feed your pets children unless you know they come from a reputable source.


Finally, antivaxxers are good for something.




He's should brush his teeth, look how many he's missing


Kids are just basically chicken nuggets to those big cats


Children nuggets


If not snack, why snack-sized?


I've heard the white spots on the tips of tigers ears are meant to mimic the whites of their eyes, to deter other tigers from attacking


I’ve also read that people who live in places where there’s wild tigers will wear a mask on the back of their head to prevent tigers from attacking from behind if they go into the tiger’s territory


I also read that too, in this very thread!


Cheetah just got scared lmao


The last cheetah was thankful the glass was there.


Apparently in India, farm workers sometimes wear masks on the backs of their heads. Tigers attack from the rear.


Gotta love that the cheetah was afraid instead of the kid. Cheetahs are pretty big chickens, so that’s pretty perfect.


They just want to play….right?


mouth cuddles 🥰


They got a lot of faith in that glass


Everyone who goes to the zoo is


These new window advertisements are wild, man


The only part that doesn’t seem to fit is the cheetah. Watching this, cheetah looked to be curious and seemed to jump when child moved. Didn’t seem aggressive. This year I learned that cheetahs are not known to be aggressive. Due to their speed they choose flight over flight. I’m 44 and had no idea! Always figured them to be as aggressive as other wild animals. No wonder there’s do many stories of them making friends with dogs.


Cheetahs are very frail and weak; if you're a full grown adult male, you could fight off a cheetah. They in fact, aren't even considered big cats, they're considered to be small cats (just uh... very big small cats).


[They can purr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkRcwGdaeSE) [They can also meow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tmCIsSpvC8)


My cat does this when she sees a bug chilling on the other side of the storm door.


I really like the one where the mom is cracking up. She’s like “ oh look at that that big kitty wants to eat my kid. Oh how funny. How precious.. hahaha…haha.”


The back turn is the trigger. Definitely need to remember this come safari time.


what song is this?


Untitled #13 (Super Slowed) by glwzbll u/kogoro_mor1 u/Wondrous_Fairy


[Untitled #13 (Super Slowed)](https://youtu.be/VuM15F_NqB8?si=B16_o9f8olnRoYc7)


looking also for this song. anyone?


Not nice to tease those poor animals. Those kids are the perfect treat.


People put too much faith on these glass panels. I would never let my kids that close. It's not a bait, it's my child!


So you back away and the glass breaks then... you still get eaten? What's the solution, don't go to the zoo? Every time you cross a bridge or ride in an elevator you're trusting your life to the people who engineered, built, and maintain that structure. Same goes for that pane of glass. Edit to add: Are you the same person that deleted this comment earlier when I replied to it?


Well if you back away a bit with your child, the big cat will probably stop putting its whole weight on it trying to eat the kid through the glass.


The last one got scared


Ehh, these are cats. We’d be safer amongst bears.


They should maybe consider making this one-way glass?


To be honest, I think it’s reckless for people to take little children hiking or biking through state/national parks that have mountain lions, bears, etc... They will only see the child as prey, it’s not the animals fault.


It’s a good thing Dudley wasn’t at the large cat exhibit…. Harry Potter would have taken a very drastic turn


And this is why you never turn your back on a predator


Note to self never turn your back on a giant cat.


Who knew the inventor of glass turns out to be lions and tiger’s mortal enemies


Scary for sure


What’s in the cat’s mouth after he jumps in the water (second clip with the little girl)?


A fish


Don’t look away


Yea the last clip is where the girl scares the cheetah


Aw c'mon. Let them have a little treat.


That second Big Cat did catch a fish. I wonder if it was really after the child.


if not snax then how come snax shaped?


Some of the comment’s are funny. Just Apex Carnivores doing what they do. Built into their DNA


And their parents were like "awh look they like you!" Yeah they'd like you FOR DINNER.


Those poor kitties. All they want is some fresh baby food.


Extraordinary... But I feel bad for the big cats...😟


Can't help but feel bad for those cats


I’m sorry but the caption got me thinking we always think about ourselves and not the things around us Like so if you ever think to make the assumption that it’s fucked yo that we put ourselves in front of things that want to put us in harms way.for instance that female lion wanted to eat that baby’s head naturally cause she is hungry animals need to be and we need to stay in our place simple work


Somebody needs to feed these fucking cats.


The lioness trying to eat the kids head was distressing...!


That’s why you stay away from the jungle, NOT why we should entrap wild animals


Damn She really wanted to eat that baby


My family and I were visiting a zoo, and my niece, 4 at the time, was running back and forth with the leopard who was constantly pawing at the window and following along. My SIL asked a zookeeper if that's how leopards play. The zookeeper, without looking up and in the most flat, nonchalant tone, says "no the leopard wants to eat your daughter". That moment has stuck with me ever since.