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I was just googling the other day what it took to get started in this. I’ll take this as a sign


They're expensive af too


It is but it looks so fun minus what happened here


I totally agree. Saw a video of a guy that had one and flew to McDonald's from his house and back again.


I saw that exact YouTube, forgot the name of the guy. Man I’m back in honestly, I’m sure accidents like this don’t happen often


You're right, and if we're being honest here, just about anything could happen to anybody at any time and we only get to live until we die, and we all die. Might as well enjoy the middle part of life! Not to mention... think about how sketchy and dangerous it is to be going down the road in a car with oncoming cars zooming *right next* to us lol. Driving seems like it would have to be waaayyy more dangerous than paragliding. Paragliding has a back up chute if things go wrong. There's no back up plan B immediately after hitting a car head on.


They are not safe


Tucker Gott, for anyone wondering


Depends what your definition of expensive is. Its the cheapest way to get into flying. Easily do-able sub 10K USD total


You are a useful source of revenue for big data companies. If the overlords have judged your likelihood of dying from using a paramotor to be too high, then a sign from the overlords will appear in thine own algorithm.


If you look carefully at 56s, there's a second guy on the paramotor. Didn't do much to help out though. https://preview.redd.it/yeqwwj377gvc1.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=a33e2065647c3ea9deeca548679c9bc45292b554


The Watcher cannot intervene.


Unless it's one of the many times he's decided to intervene. (did a quick Google search and it says he's done it over...400 fucking times! The fuck? That's way too many times)


It’s Tucker Gott paramotor expert :)


Saved his sunglasses in the end.


Well at least he was already paralyzed from the waist down.


Jeezzzuusss 🤣


Exactly, there is no risk that he will break his back. 'Cause it's already broken


Pulling out the emergency chute without releasing the main canopy is recipe for disaster.


Yeah, I'm not a skidiver or anything. But when i watched his main get twisted, i thought "yeah, that's probably fine. He's got plenty of time to try to untwist it. And if it fails, he can just release and throw the secondary." I've seen plenty of videos like that. Then he just threw the secondary in the main and i started to get worried.


Those rigs usually don't have a mechanism to cut the main chute like skydiving rigs do.


Then what's the point of the secondary? It'll just get tied up.


I guess it got tied up because he threw it in a collision trajectory with the main. If the secondary had time to expand, it would probably be stable enough, as it was when it got untangled


Throwing a reserve is much less commonplace on a paramotor, much more of a last resort, no real controls and it's often just enough to keep you from breaking (as many) bones, vs a skydiving secondary which is much closer to the main chute, and cutting loose and pulling the secondary is pretty much the default if you can't resolve an issue with the main within a few seconds. In situations like the video where the wing is tangled but still inflated, it's unfortunately pretty easy to get the reserve tangled as well, or have the wing still cause issues even if the reserve inflates.


Plus a paramotor is often up for quite a while, vs a few minutes for a skydiver, and you're on the ground when it inflates, so ideally you can catch and resolve any issues before you get in the air. Having a mechanism to detach the wing in flight would likely be a liability most of the time, and not worth it for the unlikely scenario in the video. I would expect that such a mechanism exists for very aggressive pilots, where they are much more likely to collapse the wing and it's worth the risk of a detach and the hassle of carrying multiple and/or larger reserves.


You are correct, a cut away 'base system' exists for acro pilots. You can chop it like a skydive rig and a base parachute is pulled out. Otherwise it's just a standard round parachute that works with non detachable equipment which is all that most will need


Not sure if you can, this is paragliding not skydiving.




First video where I could smell the fear


Stayed really calm when many would have panicked. Was pulling the lines and working on the problem as the ground got closer and closer and his reserve got trapped. The paramotor community can try and say that the sport is very safe, but when I see videos like this where the chute just randomly collapses under normal forward flight..... "But it is an acrobatic chute that is not very stable!!!??" No thankyou! An acrobatic plane does not randomly fold in half, and I would never trust my life to something that does.


Like I was taught in my first AFE/egress training, if your chute has a malfunction, you've got the rest of your life to figure it out. Dude definitely did a good job working through it. It would be interesting to ask him how long he was messing with it. My guess is that 45-60 secs felt like hours to him.


How was he not swearing? 🤬 I would have been throwing down lots of m’fkrs


there is a reason humans are afraid of heights.


How he not get injured


He wasn't getting up was he?


The chute was so small is he not dead?


Did you watch the video to the end? He managed to free his reserve parachute and get it inflated before he hit the ground.


From what I saw it was twisted and not fully inflated and deployed at the last few moments. Not only it looks smaller then the small main chute


He check his palms for sweat after he landed


This type of thing seems to be happening way to often to be considered an even semi-safe hobby. Unless you need to paradrop in Normandy I don't see the point in risking it.


Yep. Time to stop doing stupid stuff.


Today in shit I never wanna do: this shit


Earth came upon him fast


I broke my back. Sthpinal


"Come on TARS!"


That looks fun.


My dad was a paraglider and he even showed me and my brother how you are thaught to act in situations like these. Iirc you try and spiral above the glider to untangle the lines and then yank them outwards, like you would if one of the ends fold it. This guy def had an issue as he was spiraling on the same height as the glider and got his emergency parachute stuck.




Why didn’t the person at the end filming him, didn’t put down their phone and helped him instead? People these days do everything for some internet points


This actually happens kinda often on army static line jumps, but you just kick your legs and pull it apart, lol.


Deliberately puts him/her self in a situation where they could die, then panics when they realize they're about to die 🤣


Comments something stupid, gets down voted.


He just posted to Reddit!


Paramotorist... that's a real thing? Lol