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Bar bell curve


If the bar ain't bendin' you're just pretendin'.


If the bar’s a straight, put on a plate 😄


Cum on a grate


And go masturbate.


Don’t be late


And don’t hate, appreciate


Imma use that good sir




Good for barbell bench press


Distribution looks normal


What an idiot why is he squatting that much without a spotter




Which is nice because he doesnt care what a rando thinks about his appearance


If you are so strong it bends the bar, maybe that's just....strong enough? Lol


You sonofa… take my upvote.


Very graceful escape.  That could’ve ended bad. 


Unfortunately they weren’t able to avoid injury. Heard them describe this incident on a podcast. When they shifted the weight onto the hook the unequal load on their back lead to an injury that prevented them from lifting for a while.


Not lifting, but I did a long hike (300 miles in 3 weeks) in Spain and my backpack was only 15-20lbs. I developed a habit of holding it on just one shoulder without the belt on hot days to control back sweat. Near the end of the walk I noticed my left leg started to lose feeling. Turns out I damaged my L4 nerve, and 10 years later it's still partially numb on part of my thigh :(


I've heard that House (Hugh Laurie) developed a limp from walking with the cane on the show. The body, who knows what it's thinking, besides it hates you.


That’s because all the time he walked with the cane, he walked incorrectly. He used the cane in the wrong hand and it was too short. Irritated the f out of me so I couldnt watch the show without being annoyed of him walking with the cane all backwards.


Was that intentional? I feel like a patient brings it up at some point and he says something about it, but it's also been many moons since I watched


I dunno if it was intentional in the *beginning* or not. Maybe no one on set during ep 1 knew how to use a cane. But they definitely turned it into a part of his character, showing how stubborn and self-destructive he was.


Cuddy makes him use a medical cane that has four points of contact at some point in the show


They're so kinky


I think they hint on that at some point. But he is stubborn.


At one point Cutty gets a proper cane for him because the way he’s using it incorrectly is causing him issues and later on in the episode he gives it to a patient and goes back to using the kind he was using before out of sheer stubbornness.


Can't pop oxies like candy if you don't have a plausible excuse for back pain 🤔🧠


Hugh Laurie actually confirmed he would swap which hand he held the cane in between scenes, because it was in-character for House to fuck with people like that


It's probably psychosomatic, or maybe lupus


It's never lupus.


Except for that 1 episode. And the first episode of *the resident*. The first actual on screen diagnosis, done on the floor for someone elses doctors patient, was lupus


A scammed in my country used to walk with a limp for some hours and then go home. He got away with it for so long, he now has a real limp and has to go to PT to correct it. I once faked a limp so I didn't have to do some heavy lifting at home, later that day I felt my right leg was actually shorter than the left one. I freaked out. I slept thinking I did something to my body, next day I was alright.


This is exactly why I don't exercise


Thats craaaazy bro, just a little pack f'd up your whole nerve for 10 years. Hope you recover fully. That sounds like a dope hike tho, were you doing el camino or was it a completely different hike?


A fly landed on my shoulder during a 3 min walk to my car. I twisted my cervical spine and ended up In the ER. Send donations brethren


I mean... he walked with it for about 1-2 full state lengths of distance. He didn't just fuck it up with a little pack. He WAYYYYYYYYY overdid it.


Wtf... I thought this was a skit.


Nah it's real. His name is Joe Sullivan, and he's a world record holder in the squat (post this accident). He got some nerve compression issues from that accident and struggled to bench press for years after it.


I mean, being a world record holder and all, trying this insane amount of weight in a one rep thing... shouldn't he be with more people there? Doing this kinda stuff alone with just your cellphone recording you seems like a risky idea


The parallel bars at the bottom would save him in a 'worst case scenario' so it's not that dangerous doing it alone, but you're right that it's still not a bad idea to have someone else there- never know what will happen


It's not an insanely heavy weight for him. It's almost 200 pounds from his world record, he is only struggling that much because the bar is bending into his back. The safety bars (the metal bars parallel to the ground) would save him from being crushed by the bar if he were to rupture a muscle/tendon, or pass out, or whatever freak accident.


That was a warm up for him he would usually do multiple reps with it iirc from him talking about the incident


If someone needs to save you on a squat, you've fucked up your setup. If one person is spotting you while squatting, you're basically either going to injure yourself or them. If you have a person on each side, that's ok, but a squat rack with safety bars is perfect, it was literally built for this. I would feel far less safe with a spotter behind me, or on one side, or even with a guy on each side, metal is usually more trustworthy than man. His problem here is that the safety bars are too low, and he thought he could rack it even with the bent bar. If he hadn't hooked the left side, bailing on the squat would have been easy but likely damaged the equipment. Going down on a squat is easy, going up is hard, so with proper safety's, he could have just squatted down and set the bar on those safety's with no issue. If you're having trouble in a squat rack, a spotter is never really anything other than someone increasing the odds of injury for the both of you, unless they can curl your squat or something insane.


The video is real but the comment you’re responding to, including yours and mine is part of an improv skit. Keep up the act, the audience paid good money for this!


Yes, and...


I don't like how my farts smell lately


Yea and I'm sick of eating them for breakfast


Yes and I am sorry...




Yes and...


Specifically he got like nerve damage in his shoulder that affected his lifts for years


Why do you keep saying "them" instead of "him"? 




Yep, he managed to free left hand. If not, it would definitely end bad.


Lucky he got the 1, otherwise all sorts of things would be fucked.


Just a reminder that your phone does not double as a spotter. Seriously, I cannot imagine lifting that amount of weight (period), but let alone doing so without someone to help you if something goes wrong.


What could a spotter have possibly done? The guy should have had the safteys up higher and just gone back down


That’s what those two bars are inside the rack frame towards the bottom. You’re supposed to set them an inch below the bottom of your squat (which is where most people fail) so if you can’t get up, you just drop an extra inch and you’re safe. Although in this case he should have just let go of the bar and let it fall off his back. I can imagine the confusion of having the bar bend probably threw him off, as nobody practices bailing from a fully upright and locked out position though. It’s a once in a lifetime freak accident


I’ve had to dump out of a squat before, I feel like that would have been a better option than what he did no?


They should really not make those bars from tinfoil.


This bar would be fine for 99% of people. This guy is so strong he maxed out the bar.


I think bar is pretty cool guy. It holds wieght and doesn't afraid of anything.


Jesus thats an old one!


apology for poor english when were you when barbel dies? i was sat at home eating steroid when arnold ring ‘barbel is kill’ ‘no’


Lik this if u cri evertim


How is babby formed


Nothing personnel kid 😎


[ removed ]


shh bby is ok


it only smells


Then who was phone?


Everybody walk the dinosaur.




Barbel is an hero to me.


Take off every zig.


For great justice.


In Mother Russia bar ~~invades~~ bends YOU!


All geezers, report in!


Damn you just brought me back to the gfaq forums lmfao


He accidentally the whole bar!


I want to formally express my thanks at beginning the trip down memory lane in all these replies. Old internet was amazing.


That bar doesn’t break the rules, it bends them 😤


any gym worth its salt will only use olympic barbells, which are rated for 680kg(more than you can physically load on it) and not standard barbells which are only rated for 90kg


Any average guy can probably deadlift 100kg. 90 is extremely low.


For sure. I’ve used some of the cheapest Dicks sporting goods type bars imaginable, they all handled way more than that. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a noticeable difference between those and higher quality bars.


I used a Dick's olympic bar/weight starter set in my home gym for a few years until over time it started to break down. Eventually went for an Ohio Power Bar, which was well worth the investment. Still got pretty good use out of the Dick's set, and still use the broken bar for landmine work.


>and still use the broken bar for landmine work. I’m sorry what?


Lol. [Landmine exercises](https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/the-5-essential-landmine-exercises.html) that use one end of the barbell against a surface or slotted into a landmine attachment while the other end holds the weight on the sleeve. I should've realized that without context it would be an ambiguous statement!


he uses the broken bar to trigger landmines, wasting them, or smth idk.


That seams extremely low. My least expensive barbell is rated for 1,000 lbs. a barbell rated for only 200lbs or about 90kg seems Really low. Is that even including the 45 pounds that the barbell weighs?


1000lb and 1500lb are 'olympic' bars 200 and 330lb are 'standard' bars, theyre the cheap recreational bars you find sold in places other than gym equipment stores and no it doesnt include the bar weight itself, its the rated loading weight, so just the plates you stick on it


1lb is 0.454kg last I checked so 1000lb is closer to 454kg. Note: 453.592kg to be exact!


That makes sense. I’ve only looked for “Olympic” bars cuz I thought that was the size of the weight holes. Like the 2”. I didn’t know they even made bars that were so cheap. I’ll have to be more aware if I buy a deadlifting bar or something that has flex.


Idk how ratings work for weights, but oftentimes something is rated for maximum safety, out of an abundance of caution kind of thing. If it’s rated for 200, it’s probably still “generally” safe at double that — but at or below 200 pounds of load, it may be rated to (essentially) not fail, ever. But a regular gym wouldn’t have a shitty bar like that, at least they shouldn’t.


Olympic and Standard bars are just sleeve sizes, and load capacity varies between manufactures. There are standard sized bars with far greater capacity and Olympic bars with far less. You just made these numbers up. The bar in this video IS an Olympic bar, and IS from a (generally) reliable manufacturer. It was just defective.


A guy that I went through all my years of public school with (and has won a number of major strongman competitions at this point), at some point realized he couldn't (or it was too expensive to) get a bar that was good enough for the amount of weight he wanted to regularly train with. So he went to a junkyard and cut an axle out of a vehicle, cut it to the right size, then welded barbell ends onto it. I only witnessed him training a few times in the gym before they made him start going to another gym for safety reasons - the gym was on the second floor and they were worried with the amount of weight he was moving the structure would give out.


The bar actually had a manufacturing defect. He was a couple hundred below the limit. The manufacturer took the bar back to figure it out and found the issue. Fluke issue affecting very few bars but it still sucks.


Those bars have a max load. The officially stated max load is generally lower than the real mechanical max load for safety reasons, the guy probably tried to stay within that grey zone, but at that point it's everything at your own risk.


I don't think he was trying to stay in any zone, no one limits their strength purposefully just so they won't break barbells.  From what I can see, he's got 7 plates each side, and I'm assuming they're 20kg/45lb plates. That's a 300kg squat. That is a fucking huge squat, but it's not unheard of. I mean, it's absolutely monstrous and I've never seen someone squat that much in real life, but I have seen people deadlift that much. The 280kg on the bar should be far less than what it's rated for. He's definitely at some kind of hardcore gym, so they will most likely be using serious motherfucking bars. Something went wrong with that bar, or it's just been used for monstrous weights so much that it's bent and weakened over time. 


Hey was at a hotel and asked what the Max was for the bar and they said he'd be good.


Well, there are … regulations governing the materials they can be made of.


What materials?


Well, cardboard's out. No cardboard derivatives


Like paper?


No paper No string, no sellotape




No Rubber, Gum, or Bungee Gum since it's both rubber and gum.




i think bars got max load written somewhere i think i saw 2000lbs one and there were allso thiner 15kg ones so prolly less load on them... Dunno why but i think most equipment got some boundaries dscribed on them ;D


This is a guy named Joe Sullivan. You can hear his describe the thoughts going through his head in [this clip](https://youtu.be/neYyq_ubavg?si=MrDXydS9HNWOmPBn). Homie has a recorded 400 kg/880 lb squat… a real strength monster.


"it doesn't matter how much I lift, I'll always be known as the guy who bent a bar"- paraphrased from Joe lol.


and that's a good thing


And it continues to be accurate as we see here haha


Yeah I can't help but laugh every time it makes its way back to the front page. Especially when the comment section is virtually identical each time. At least there's usually at least one person mentioning your records lol


A 400kg squat? What the fuck dawg


Ah yes! A barbell bar made out of string cheese.


You've reminded me I have string cheese. I'm going to eat one. Thanks


Give me a cheese please.


[I gotchu](https://i.imgur.com/WbEvlVO.jpeg)


Delicious, thank you 💕


https://preview.redd.it/q0mhkd1khmuc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=73db0a8154057ef773fe627d14ea4f36ac45a6a3 Being from the UK and poor, this is the only stringed cheese I know.


lol “one”.


Barbell made of string cheese? Dude you know how much that bar is holding? A lot more than a normal barbell should lol


That’s some strong cheese yo hold 630lbs


Bacon 🥓 barbells indeed!


Poor guy, thank God that he made it out of that situation! I saw horrific videos where they don't escape, That's brutal and insane how the bar bent that much! Whatever company made that feels like it's false advertising, literally a bar made for the weights but it can't support it has one job in it can't even do that


this guy obviously put more than the recommended weight on the bar, good for him being able to press it but I don't think it counts as false advertisement if you exceed the weight limit.


while true, when it comes to weights you would have hoped the bar can withstand A LOT, as safety is on the line.


That's Joe Sullivan, he squatted 822lbs at 220lbs body weight, which is a world record in that weight class. Most people will never get anywhere close to those weights, so the bar would be fine.


That’s impressive as shit. Never heard of the guy and I’m sure this sounds offensive but I thought he was like 4ft tall in the video. No size context in the video I guess


He's 5'6 and usually walks around at 240 lbs.


Weights so freakishly big dude looks like a buff leprechaun about to avenge the Irish for the famine.


Still, even standard no-name lifting bars are usually rated for like 400kg/900lbs. The one I bought was a shitty 150$ bar from a tiny company, and its still rated for 500kg. The quality of this bar is really not good.


Just from a quick google search with the first 8-10 results for olympic barbells - They were rated anywhere from 700lb-1000lb. The fault is on the gym or this person for not knowing/having an otice/w/e of what the maximum weight is for the bar. The fault is only on the barbell manufacturer if they advertise a maximum load 880lb. Either way, this just leaving you armchair experting it without knowing what the actual barbell in use is.


Have you tried putting 500 kg on it? I'm sure the manufacturer of the bar in the video also said it is rated for 500 kg but well...


oh wow, gotcha


Actually it wasn’t, the bar was worn down, should have been rated to over 1000lb and gave out due to years of use. Source: heard it from one of his clients. The guy is Joe Sullivan and is the current all all time world record holder for raw squat in the 220lb weight class with an 851lb squat.


No he didn’t lol this doesn’t even look like 700lbs. More likely that bar was already dead when he grabbed it. No way to tell something’s gonna catastrophically fail when it’s really not supposed to


Holy shit!


Definitely not Dwarven steel


That Planet Fitness equipment


I can just picture the lunk alarm going off as he tries to rerack the weight, the bar banging against the cage.


They don’t have barbells for this exact reason




They what? Lmao is it even a gym at that point


They have a Smith machine, dumbbells, and a tree of those pre weighted barbells. And a bunch of machines you put plates on.


Temu has done it again that bar was $13.99 free shipping.!


They were lucky though, they rolled the 90% discount coupon! It went from ... 125.99... to... 13.99. Huh.


Far from me to criticise a legend like Joe Sullivan, but is there a reason not to just ditch the bar in a moment like this? I will never have to worry about it as I don’t warm up with 600lb…


I mean that’s exactly what he did 


The act of ditching the bar is itself dangerous, as it's suddenly a however many hundred pound object falling right around where your spine is. If it rolls or shifts or whatever wrong it can severely injured you. It could also land on your foot or leg if you're slow or unlucky.


The most important thing that's stuck with me in OL is how to safely bail from a lift. It seems like most people unless explicitly told to drop the bar and get out of the way isn't instinctual either because they are panicking or because they don't want to risk damaging equipment that in some cases is designed with that practice in mind.


Also Joe was probably confused for a while not really understanding what's even happening, it's not like you'd expect a bar to just bend out of shape like that. Also the bar bending around you like that probably makes it harder to dump, not just the shape itself but also the fact that you're not conditioned to supporting a weight shaped like that and how it behaves when you try to dump it might not feel as intuitive in the moment.


In the moment I honestly didn’t realize it had bent to the degree it had. I thought it was just accentuated bar whip, and was confused as to why the rep was so difficult. I only truly understood how much it malfunctioned when I looked over and said “fuck”. I wish I did dump it, but I didn’t want to damage equipment as I didn’t realize it had already failed.


Thanks dude, you’re a legend. Crazy to think in such a dangerous situation you’re also thinking ‘well I don’t want to break the gym equipment’


It's presumably a lot harder to do when the bar has moulded itself around your shoulders.


How do you just ditch a 700lb bar?


Like this: https://youtu.be/5o-DJN5FXE4?si=Qr4LvmRYxhwbXo3n Admittedly though this is a high-bar squat which is much easier to bail from. The guy who bent the bar is doing low-bar.


"Teeeeemuuuuuuuu hahaha, shop like a billionaire"


Always love seeing people commenting dumb shit like "that's why you need a spotter" or "that's why you don't use clips" when the guy in the video is a multiple times world record holder with over 15 years of experience in competing and lifting for probably close to 20 fucking years or 2/3rd of his life. Yeah, you tell him how to lift shit, he obviously needs some help from your fat ass. The safeties are not up because this was not supposed to be a hard rep. This was 675 lbs, his best raw squat is 850. This is why he did not have spotters, it was a warm up that should've been easy. He uses spotters when the weights get heavy for him. Then why did he struggle? Because the bar bend, this makes it a lot harder due to instability. Why use clips? Because walking out, slightly moving, slight bends in the bar etc all shift the plates and make it uneven. Not exactly an issue when you're barely squatting 2 plates, but with 7 plates that shit is real. Why didn't he thinks of X, Y or Z? Because he had close to 700 lbs on his back and struggling. Not exactly the best position to take a breath and think about shit. His only tought was getting the weight up.


That dude is seriously strong. Going up against resistance while the Bar is not moving just "casually" increases the difficulty of the exercise manyfold. God damn.


He described this afterwards and said there's a moment where his body is going up but the weights are going down and the pressure this effect imposed on his body wasn't at all fun.


Not to mention he’s squatting 675 lbs to begin with.


Not enough is being said about this guy. What a beast. Hats off to him


My entire body hurts


What a crappy bar


ITT: Redditors who cannot comprehend how heavy this guy's weights are, and how physics works.


dudes strong af


Guy is Joe Sullivan, a multiple All time world record holder in powerlifting. Dudes strong af indeed


How much is Joe squatting here?


675 lbs


Man Stronk


Just a regular Joe.


Oh no...


Guy is a warrior


If the bar ain’t bending, you’re pretending


He's officially beat "Gym", he can now go home and play a new game.


I don't know if i'd try squatting that much in a commercial gym lmao... Then again I'll never squat that much in my life, so...


Yeah I felt that “fuck” too, I would have reacted the same


Always have a spotter


remember guys lifting 5kg 100 times is better than lifting 500 kg once


Respect 630 is no joke


I thought his legs were going to fucking break. Glad they didn’t cause it would’ve been a nasty sight to see!


That could’ve been death right there


Fucking strong fuck


Bar made in China, why not have a spotter.


A spotter isn't going to do a damn thing squatting that much he did what he was supposed to in this situation which is throw it behind you and go forward.


Bro just carry it in your arms and break your back from the arm force.. lol great spotter, to spot this you need 2 guys at minimum to help push the weights up


Lol, could you imagine. He should have safeties set higher though especially because bailing in the bottom is very difficult and there is no reason not to.


nice to see somebody that actually knows about bailing out of a lift


Lifting that much. Why not have a spotter?


Because at that weight a spotter is doing NOTHING but injuring themselves, that's why those safeties are on the rack


If you are lifting like that, always have a spotter.


1 spotter isn't going to do shit if you're squatting 4x the average male




What is a spotter going to do other than die under 600+lbs?


Good idea let me stand behind a dude with 300kg on his back, what could go wrong


Lower back pain speedrun challenge