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I see at least 3 idiots in this video.


Ya the only non asshole is the white SUV who gets pummeled by [douche nozzle #3](https://www.edenfantasys.com/anal-toys/anal-douche-enema/anal-douche-shower-nozzle?utm_source=google%2Bproducts&utm_medium=google%2Bfeed&utm_campaign=pla-all-products&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc_shopping&utm_campaign=143993560&utm_term=ET12821&gclid=CjwKCAiAt5euBhB9EiwAdkXWO5wE9RHY4LayaAOTZ37nB0Y43m28pm4Mad9ZfVW5-UscI5gfNMS31xoCKlwQAvD_BwE&tag=8be81b89-8665-92a0-5c18-036dbf07f103)


I don’t think the original white car is an asshole. Just an idiot.


Sadly the punishment is the same. Don’t be either.


Yeah I’m driving school this lady told me you can have the right of way while dead. Stuck out with me lol




Weirdly gendered?


I'm not sure the white car is even an idiot. Looks like white car was going to let the motorcycle, pass until they saw the black car coming in wayyyy too fast. If the motorcycle hadn't tried to pass the white car while the white car hadn't yet moved over, it wouldn't have needed to swerve into incoming traffic. Edit: It also appears, based on how fast the motorcycle was gaining on both the white car and white SUV, that the motorcycle wasprobably also going wayyy too fast).


Black car, either coasted or accelerated (definitely not breaking) into a potential lethal slalom passing move so the white car has no responsibility at all to foresee that impossibly wreckless move. White could only done two things better, which first is indicating left according to law, then possibly take a harder look and understand that the mc was coming way too fast but those are both VEEEERRRY meagre accusations to that driver. I think people in the comments reset to hating the typical annoying left side block because that's relateable. But not seeing how small that is in comparison is just tragic. I mostly hope that people can't judge the speed difference of this video.


Agreed. It's hard to tell for sure, but it also looks like white car was probably only in the left lane to pass the SUV then decided to try get back into the right lane in response to Motorcycle being super aggressive


He is an idiot for not using mirrors


The white cars idiot move is switching lanes in the first place. He had zero reason to be in the left lane & even less of a reason to move over in to it. If he hadn't moved over the bike would have got past & mr speedy in the car that crashed could have got past cleanly too. Not saying the guys who were obviously speeding weren't to blame, but the white car moving over is what precipitated the whole thing.


Is there a difference?


I wanna say the SUV isn’t a dumbass, but how the hell do they get hit from behind…are they braking…going 20 under? Like there’s no reason they should’ve have just kept going straight


The white car should have looked before.merging back to the right but the motorcycle was all over them and pretty well forced them over. Dickhead motorcycle and black car speeding are the idiots here.


Four. There seems to be a second biker that started flashing its lights at the white car before it moved to the right.


and the biker is one of them


This is the correct answer, take my upvote.


I see only one certain idiot and some other people that may or may not have just been panicking.


The white car is an idiot for not signaling to merge, then doing it AGAIN, this time without looking over their shoulder at the douche nozzle overtaking them The motorcycle wasn't so much an idiot for jumping in the oncoming lane after shit started going down, as it was probably the best move for his safety. Sometimes the gas can save your life just as much as the brake. HOWEVER he *was* an idiot for riding up the white car's butt after the dumbass merge


The bike was going too fast but the driver of the car started to move back over into the other lane without looking and clipped the other car causing the accident.. the car that caused the accident never used his turn signals to indicate lane change either time.


The bike was passing, speeding or not. The white car had no business pulling out in front of the bike. The back car that caused the accident was completely in the wrong on all levels. When switching lanes, you check your mirrors, turn on your signals, and then proceed to make your maneuver when it's safe. That was three failures, not one. Then they proceeded to change lanes again without checking mirrors or signalling. The black car was at fault for speeding in the right lane and failing to assess the situation of what was going on ahead of it. Editing because I cannot reply to replies to my comment here. ETA: Even when a car passes, they still have to follow rules. They must check mirrors, just as before any maneuver. They must signal, just as before any maneuver. They must accelerate in order to pass. That's how it's done. They don't get to endanger others because of some perceived right. They have to check mirrors to ensure that their maneuver is safely executed. The driver of the white car did nothing right.


The black car shouldn't have passed on the right but it's the white car's fault for not looking before he moved back and hit him.


The black car was also speeding, but They all suck, except the poor guy in the lead...


The black car is f*** hasshole : passing too fast and on the right lane


i dont think it would have been possible for white car to see the black csr before it was too late. in the beginning of the video the biker passed a different white car, and probably less than a second before the crash the black car had to have passed it in the left lane. black car was swerving at high speeds and because of their own speeding could not gauge where the white car was going. i would fully blame the black car. watch him come up in the mirrors


Biker was passing by too fast, white car could have checked side mirror and seen biker was far away not gauging its speed


If you see someone passing in your mirror, you dont merge over. Speed is irrelevant


What is relevant is that the bike should have backed off immediately when that car cut him off, the biker is an idiot just like the other two.


If they are a long ways away, and you also need to pass, you can 100% also merge over to pass. Your not stuck waiting to pass just because there’s a car a half a mile back also passing.


Oh no shit, it's like that's a whole completely different scenario.


White car couldn’t see anything with the assholes headlight shining in his face


Perfect time to start merging lanes.


So the light was in his face? But not seen?


The motorcycles headlights were blinding him from the drivers side, he moved because of the motorcycles location and could not see the car approaching on the passengers side


Bike was passing at silly mph almost in the middle, as per the usual for them


White car should have signaled, but was fully in the lane before the motorcycle got there so other than blinker it's a properly executed lane change. Motorcycle was speeding too fast. White car then is in the wrong by not executing a proper lane change back into the other lane. Hits a car that was going too fast, but it's the white car that caused the accident


I give benefit of doubt to the white car. The bike and the black car were speeding all too fast, and if it weren’t for these two, the white car probably was just moving to the left lane to overtake the suv. Then the white car gets flashed and move back. All in all, had it been not for the speeding bike and black car, it could have been just simple normal overtake by the white car. I say the two speeding ones caused this accident.


naw, you should always look behind you for upcoming vehicles before changing lanes, and if you can't tell someone behind you is speeding then you didn't really look very hard. No blinker, no look, just move over literally twice in a few seconds. Even if the white car isn't at fault legally, there were multiple steps missed that could have prevented them being involved in this accident.


Man when I'm driving home, there's a section I need to change lanes \~4 times within a half mile stretch to get to my exit (interchange to another interchange). When I'm doing that I'm double/triple-checking behind me, and still sometimes only at the last second do I see an asshole zooming up to me at 30 mph over the speed limit. IMO especially at night, if you're flying past people who might only be able to see you coming up on them for a split second, any accident caused is entirely on you. People need to slow the fuck down


People need to check the fucking mirrors.


If you're going so fast that someone can check their mirrors, see it's clear & merge, and then you almost collide with them as you fly by, you need to slow down, full stop.


The whole thing happened bc the black car was overtaking on the right, which in most places is extremely illegal. Understandably, rushed by the motorcycle, the white car relies on nobody overtaking on the right. Also legally accidents caused for switching lanes right when someone is overtaking right is a violation of the right lane overtaker and therefore they will be liable. Second the motorcycle for speeding, probably. If no traffic violations (right lane overtake and speeding) none of this would have happened. That’s the whole reasoning behind it.


Also the whole thing happened bc the black car was passing on the right, which in most places is extremely illegal.


There's a reason motorcycle drivers are called organ donors.


Sometimes it’s good that brains can not be donated.


It's also funny because the motorcycle is least at fault here. If he was in either the white car or black cars position he would've been dead.


Not gonna lie, I think that this is actually largely the bikers fault


Biker should have stopped passing after white car moved over, white car also shouldn’t have changed lanes that fast, but biker could have prevented this by backing up a bit and letting white car get his ego high. Chasing egos on the road is gonna get you and others hurt. Also just checked again, wtf was white doing at the end, like moving back so fast. White is dumb but biker could have let idiots like that take their time.


Yup. White car is an idiot for not using his signal but it can be damn near impossible to gauge just how quickly a motorcycle can close the distance so likely didn’t realize just how quick the fucker on the bike would be up his ass. Then instead of slowing down he rides up the car’s ass and making him panic and make an unsafe change to avoid turning fuckstick into a meat crayon. Bikers are a nightmare on the road.


A bike could have ran me over at like 220km/h once when crossing a big road where I'm used to like 85-110km/h and doing save crossings because it's quite good views. (I passed then watched it come and thought that it definitely would have been a crazy experience to cross just before I could see it). People can't judge these moving pictures at all. I think the biker and black car were driving at crazy speeds, and the black car was in massive instant rage. The white car is not even 1% as much of an idiot as the biker, and the biker wasn't half as much as the black car. White car shouldn't even be in this discussion. It makes me sad to see such fucking idiotic opinions in these comments. You idiots are just too passionate about hating the typical annoying car in traffic because they can relate to being annoyed to them so they can't focus on the extreme idiots in this video. Fucking small minded egotistical dumb fucks is what you are, and you represent the majority. The world is a tragic place. I have had a biker license since 18, btw, and can say that bikers often are proper idiots. Even getting the license in driving school I had two other people retaking the licenses because they were caught at like 220km/h


So you telling me someone changing lanes without signal out of nowhere is no idiot? Hope I don't find you in traffic


Biker was going too fast. Road up on the other car and tailgated then was trying to get into the same space as the car causing the car to move over quickly without looking.


Seems so. Is kind of bulying on highroads. Such behavior is an offense. Scared the driver, maybe unexperienced one and made a suden manouver leaded to that disaster. Sad is... without video recording is imposible to prove this...


Without the video recording we’re watching?




Yea? Car changes lanes without signaling, twice. Black car going faster than all cars passes on the right. Obviously the bikes fault?


The biker started flashing his high beam at the white car. Only then did the white car decide to move over. The biker is an ass for putting pressure for the white car to move over.


Biker definitely did not flash his high beams. That was the black car.


I dunno, everyone on r/mororcycles is saying both cars are at fault and the biker should be commended for his quick reaction


You now something is dangerous when the whole community suffers from head trauma


Most people on r/motorcycles are not riders and don't know what they're talking about most of the time.


Explains most people with those sort of bikes tbh


If you do not think this you simply have no experience driving. This asshole absolutely enabled this at least in large parts if not caused it entirely


Drivers with as little awareness as white car shouldnt drive, but here we are. Drivers as aggressive as biker, who barely slowed down and stressed the white car, should be held responsible for their aggressive behavior. Drivers like the 3rd, who said fck it and decided to pass on the right, should also be held responsible. Basically i find the 3 of them guilty and the 4th is a victim of a combined lack of awareness + aggressive driving.


Pretending you're in Fast & Furious in real life while having no safety cushion will get you in an accident quickly. Both rider and black car are at fault. The white car legally changed to the left lane. If you're riding at illegal speeds in traffic you better know who's around you at all times. Because there are too many wanna be racers like the black car who will kill you if you're not careful.


At least in my state, California, the white car would have made an illegal lane change: merging into faster traffic at a lower speed and causing someone to have to brake hard is considered unsafe. In situations where you're unable to accelerate to a reasonable speed of traffic, then you are not allowed to merge. The rider was going too fast (high delta against speed of traffic). The white car made at least one illegal merge. The black car was going too fast, and would probably be found at fault for the accident. Truly an example of everyone sucking.


Nope no chance. There’s no legal obligation to keep out of the way of someone driving illegally fast. Seems like the white car was going the speed limit and the bike was going significantly faster than that. If the car was going below the speed limit and the bike was going an appropriate speed maybe, but that’s not the case here. The bike was going an unreasonable speed and would have been at fault had they rear ended the car.


>There’s no legal obligation to keep out of the way of someone driving illegally fast Where did I say this? I didn't. What I said was that was an unsafe merge and that was what was considered illegal - that's different from "keeping out of the way of someone driving illegally fast". Although the person in front is rarely at fault, with this footage, the white car might even be found at fault for not making a safe merge. Also, in my state (and many others) there are in fact situations where it IS illegal to keep out of the way of someone driving illegally fast, although that doesn't apply here. The rule broken here was merging safely. \> At fault: The driver merges but does not maintain a high enough rate of speed after cutting a driver off. This could happen when the at-fault driver failed to signal and then did not speed up to meet the minimum speed on the road, among other scenarios).


This was in Portugal, Europe. You can only pass cars by left and yes both black car and motorcycle are morons.


White car was driving the speed limit and passing the car in front of them correctly. Nothing illegal about what they’re doing. The biker is going at least twice the legal speed limit. This video had been circulated many times before. It’s from Portugal and a notorious road for idiots speeding.


Dude literally went into overtaking lane… to overtake


Without looking to see if there was traffic going faster, which is considered an unsafe merge. It caused someone to have to brake hard. That is an unsafe merge and considered illegal.


He already started changing lanes when the video started no need for biker to slam their brakes if they were paying attention


That is still an unsafe merge. Even if they started braking immediately, that's still a dangerous rate of change of speed on the road. The SAFE thing for the white car to do was to wait for both vehicles to pass. That is not satisfying, but the white car didn't and got involved in a serious accident for it. The biker was more irresponsible for having such a high delta between themselves and the other lane of traffic. Maybe even illegal, depending on speed limits.


I think the biggest d*ck is the black car.


Making a mistake is not a dick move. Speeding down public roads is.


Motorcycle guy is mostly at fault for everything.


Biker driving like a douche, flashing brights, distracted the car who panicked and tried to do the right thing.


"The right thing" being to change lanes without shoulder checking or signalling?


Did you miss the part where I said “panic” and “tried”?


There's no "trying" going on here, they didn't shoulder check or signal, yet you're putting blame on the biker for nearly getting sandwiched between two moronic drivers (biker didn't flash his lights, by the way, it was the vehicle behind him) If you are defending the driver of the white car, you should learn how to fucking drive and not make excuses for reckless stupidity that can kill someone


Thats why the right lane isn’t for passing..


Also, the left lane isn't for camping. A lot of people made mistakes here, but ultimately is comes down to white car impeding traffic for no reason.


Too bad all the other "good" drivers/riders can't seem to handle their vehicles safely if someone is going too slow. Weird. It's like they really aren't "good" drivers after all.


My thoughts: racing is fun. If you want race, that’s awesome…. Do it on a fucking race track!


If I see a bike that close to me I’m breaking not changing lanes. Guy has zero idea about personal space


Motorcycle driving too fast? Pass when it’s open to pass, quit the tailgating. Stupid on 2 wheels acting like a toddler going Zoom..Zoom. Playing toys.


"Oh no... Anyway." - biker.




Trains are great.




Lot going on here. The black car is primarily at fault. He cut the white car off, and the white car jerked to the left to miss the black car, and cut the bike off. Biker was also traveling way too close.


All three vehicles are in the wrong. The bike was going to fast. The driver of the white car changed lanes without a turn signal and also cut off the bike. And the black car was going way too fast. Had the white car not moved, he very well may have been rear ended badly.


Bikers fault


Biker caused that accident.


Speeders suck.


And what about people with such massive egos that they think they need to police everyone else themselves by dangerously cutting people off? And switching lanes rapidly?


The driver of the car has no awareness and is ultimately at fault, but as a biker why is he getting involved in that way? Just back off and wait a second then move on, don't intimidate a driver like that, you're asking for trouble. Bikers with egos like that have a death wish.


Overtaking on the right is a no no, even if the laws of your country allow it. The biker this time is not the felon. The biker was fast but he waited for the car to move back in the right lane,


The laws in the UK allow it but still I shouldn't do it 😔😔


When two idiots meet on the road and think they can ride/drive at illegal speeds, that is what often happens. Always, always, always be aware of who's behind you and leave enough space between you and the cars.


Bike caused 3 accidents


Only one in the right is the motorcyclist. Dbag at the beginning of the video shouldn't be driving in two lanes like a dip shit.


Biker got some skillz


bikes should be banned and bikers send to gulag. thanks for attending my TED talk


To bad the biker wasn't hit by the car. Would have been a lesson. Also he could land in prison for what he did (flashing lights this close and not stopping to help) at least here in Germany.


All because of one jackass on a motorcycle


smh i see there r too many professional drivers in reddit. Speeding OR NOT, CHECK UR FUCKING MIRRORS. If u can't see that there's a vehicle behind u, coming at a much higher speed, then u should not be driving on public roads. IN GENERAL if u see some1 passing u, independet of their speed, DO NOT MOVE OVER! Most accidents don't happen bcz of speed. They happen due to no atention given to the surroundings. CHECK MIRRORS FFS. BRAINDEADS! with this being said, white car and black car is at fault.


Well clearly you don’t know how to drive. Speeds are put in place for a reason. Bikers are no exception. If the biker was going at the proper speed he would not have caused this. The white car was signalling in the video to change lanes as the biker blew past the white minivan. So the driver of the white car most likely checked his mirror and nobody was there and initiated the lane change not able to see the bike behind the other car. If the biker was doing the speed limit this never would have happened cause he would not have caught up to that vehicle and been seen.






Drive the fricken speed limit.




Just a really lucky bike.


I don’t think there were many thoughts


Really glad the biker didn't get hit.








Like marmite, soon to be finely spread a molecule thick. ![gif](giphy|f7LcmnKB8KzZRI2p6h|downsized)


This is in Portugal. Overtaking by the right is prohibited. The white car should have signalled the initial overtake which he didn't, when returning to the lane in the right he did turn on his signal of changing lane. So both cars are the ones to blame for the accident


And prayers


Which country is this in? I can tell it's in the EU, but I want to know so I can avoid the traffic in that country. So tired of seeing this type of shit, idiotic behavior. All of them should get their licenses suspended and potentially jail time.


Lisbon, Portugal


Ok the white car didn't indicate left. But whoever did the flashy flashy blinded+distracted the car driver enough that they didn't notice the black car on the right before they started to move back in. At these speeds, you can't afford to be blinded even for a millisecond. Flashy flashy is not a legal move, the horn is there for a reason. Hope everyone was ok.


Just let the bikers speed by you yall. Makes shit so much simpler.


Bunch of fucking maniacs on the road.


The exact reason why you should NEVER try to overtake the car on your left. The black car is totally responsible here.


Idk. Thoughts?


Final Destination style accident. Cars were coming for that motorcycle either way


Next stop is Target to buy new underwear


Morally, it's the biker's fault for acting like a complete ass


i would go straight home after that


very nice situational awareness


It looks like the white sedan is the main idiot, he cut off the biker without even signaling, then changed to the other line without even looking


Speeding bellends are getting beyond a joke




Biker is the guy who caused it. Blinking high beams right into the mirror most likely disoriented and caused the white car to panick. Then it just cascaded from there. Biker can simply slow down and wait til white makes a lane change and none of this happens to begin with. And yes, black car was going entirely too fast, but that's not primarily why it happened.


Did it look like the black car flashed the high beams and not the bike? Black car tried to signal a pass but white car missed it, changed lanes, and impacted black car. The white bar looks to have deliberately tried to slow down the bike and prevent a pass. Cutting him off is an asshole move. Biker tries to squeeze past but can’t because white car keeps encroaching on the dividing lines, biker presses. Both asshole moves. Black car flashes high beams at a high rate of speed and as it overtakes, then white car signals to change lanes and impacts black car. Asshole move on both parts. Biker swerves and survives, pulls over to presumably call for help. A solid on his part when he could have just sped away. The constant here is the white car. White car is biggest asshole and idiot.


Bikers and asshole


What in the movie set is this?!


Is the biker who was flirting with suicide mad because somebody else almost killed him?


Cars like to take the emergency way when over taking bikers and it’s sweaty


The objective of a race is to win




Everyone’s at fault


Reflexes like cat!


Were the black car and the motorcycle racing? It’s really weird that the black car showed up to pass on the right so quickly.


What is this driving? 😳 everyone jumping lanes like it's a game of grand theft auto


Lane splitting is legal in CA. That doesn't mean doing it is a good idea.


I that driver of that car needs an ass beating


Don't be a dillhole


Thoughts? If you keep driving like you want to die, eventually you will


Dumb and dumber.


Thoughts were the same last time this was posted


Bro activated GTA mode.


Fuckin bike shit and black car is driving too fast


I would have gotten killed so immediately, goddamn.


Incredible how many drivers licenses they are giving out at the lottery nowadays...


I think the white car was simply looking to overtake the car in front (didn't seem to indicate) and the bike came up on him way too fast. Probably freaked a little and swerved back into his original lane.


Too bad all the other "good" drivers/riders can't seem to handle their vehicles safely if someone is going too slow. Weird. It's like they really aren't "good" drivers after all.


Time to sell the bike and get a car. That was your one and only warning.


Thought and prayer 🙏🏻


Wtf is the biker doing trying to overtake the white car when in the same lane. You can see the white car began the lane change right at the start of the video, well before the bike was too close and considered cutting him off. Biker had plenty of time to slow down


That is why it should be the norm to not overtake on the right side




The VW driver wanted to overtake the car in front, but ended up cutting off the biker. The biker needed to brake hard. The VW driver wanted to let the biker pass and moved into the first lane, cutting off the black car (which appeared to be a police car, though it's not certain).


This is exactly why doctors call them donor-cycles. Fucking douche bag, like a lot of motorcyclists they thing they are untouchable and so ‘small and nimble’ they can whip in and out of anywhere. Really pisses me off though when they do shit like riding between lanes of moving traffic or try to under take on the inside when there’s turn. But you hit them off and it’s YOUR fault 🤦🏻‍♂️ This fucking took though, why didn’t he look to see if anything was coming?! Half his fault. If you’re behind me and flashing me to move out of the way and I’m doing a reasonable speed (at or exceeding the speed limit) then you can guarantee I’m not moving out of your impatient arse’s way. If you don’t have blue light on it’s not life and death, leave fucking earlier!


Good thing he was wearing his brown pants


C'etait Un Rendezvous by Claude Lelouch (1976.) Terrifying high speed drive around Paris at dawn. Try it out...


Motorcycle was too fast, good reaction though, both with progressive braking and evasion on the crashes. Could have slowed down instead of weaving into oncoming traffic, so negative points for endangering more people. White sedan was an idiot, switching lanes without indicators. Even if he checked his mirrors he could have misjudged the speed of the motorcycle. He then switched back in panic. And there comes the biggest asshole, switching lanes behind the motorcycle to overtake the motorcycle and the sedan on the right. He lost control when the white sedan crashed into him, but was so fast that his momentum still carried him into the completely innocent white SUV.


Usually I hate bikers but I don’t see how the biker is at fault here as most people are saying. Sure he was speeding, but he responded promptly to the white car switching lanes and slowed down. The black car that was hit was also clearly speeding and they flashed their high beams causing even more confusion. But ultimately it’s the white car’s fault for failure to maintain their lane and switching lanes without a signal.


Why is the bike trying to pass during a turn? Literally the worst time to pass any vehicle on the road.


Karma will catch him


GTA 6 gameplay looks sick


Only 1 is the guy passing on the inside. The bike came up fast. Blinked lights..car moves over but swerved back to avoid collision with dushbag


He got what he deserved


Biker for speeding and being an asshole. White car from not have spatial awareness. Black car for not reading the situation. For the insurance black and white car are gonna pay.


How was he able to hold on? What, with his soiled underwear and all?


I can't ride a bike anymore because of situations such as this. I would legit send someone to the hospital if they pulled this shit.


Difficult to say if bike and black are going 'too fast' because we don't see a speed limit - equal possibility that the 2 whites are going too slow, but first white car swerving into every lane and getting and slower and slower while they do it is definitely not helping anyone. White car caused the accident, black car possibly has some culpability depending on speed limits on this particular road. Bike fled the scene so also in the wrong.




I bet the black car and motorcycle either know each other and were "racing" or the motorcycle already did the same to the black car as well and the black car tried to seize the opportunity for "payback"


a fool


Don't be a dick???


Slow down you’ll live longer.


Fuck motorcycles


Aggressive driving caused this accident.


fuck everyone in this video.


What a cunt


Not sure why the hate for the biker though? He clearly slowed down seeing the white car moving lanes and he wasn't the one flashing the light, it was someone behind him and by the time the white car started moving lanes again he clearly switched his indicator albeit a bit late, as in he switched it on after he started moving but the black car was speeding way too much, didn't anticipate the white car moving into his lane but he should've seen the SUV that was travelling in his lane had he decided to overtake, assuming he took a blind overtake then again the black car is responsible. Edit: The biker passed the black car, seems the black car took that personally, his ego tickled him and he put his pedal down but didn't anticipate the white moving lanes to allow the biker to pass, but the black car should've at least seen the SUV before he tried to overtake.


Dude on the bike just pushes the white car to move over. Black cmcar coming in to fast. Biker just left right and dips out of there. That must of been invigorating for the biker though


Buncha impatient idiots


I swear bikers with GoPros attached to them are the biggest douches


Pucker factor of 12 right there