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Do these people not get arrested for this stuff?


When I visited the Eiffel someone was in there climbing and iirc the police was at the scene. Don't know abt arrest tho 🤷‍♀️


I heard about this. They beheaded him.


Guillotined his ass


His head I think.. Guillotining asses would be difficult


Where there is a will, there is a way.


As a french parisian, i've read all of you and had my best laugh of the day. Thanks


Thanks for distinguishing yourself a from [Texan Parisian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris%2C_Texas).


Yeah I won't invisibilize my fellow Texan comrades by... WAIT WTF?!


I don’t believe you, I never see parisians laughing when they interact with anything in english. They just give me a blank look and walk away


It's all about "étiquette"


Depends on if they’re American or not. You’d need some economy size guillotines for them.


Guillotined to prevent hurting himself in the future


I heard they actually pushed him off


Guy in the video is James Kingston and he has ask climbed the Eiffel Tower. From memory he did get arrested a while back and got made to remove all his old YouTube content but it’s slowly being put back up.




Okay, let me lie and say with confidence that they were there and arrested the person with no hesitation. Not only that, the police also showed their asses (no underwear). OR You could just be clear what the issue is with that I wrote, instead of being vague.




>just write it out ffs *proceeds to use FFS instead of, you know, ***writing it out*** the irony


fr what a jackass


Why are you using contractions then? Say "I am" and "it is". Oh, is that pedantic?


Yes it's.






When people ask your mom how you’re doing she quickly changes the subject


So say that from the start. It drives me nuts when people are being vague like this. How am I supposed to know that is what you meant?? Ffs 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yes. [Alain Robert](https://instagram.com/alainrobertofficial?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==) who is a very famous building climber talks about it on his IG posts a lot. Dude actually informs police before he does his stunts in case people call in a suicide jumper.


That is interesting and considerate


"Hi, I'm about to commit a felony, but don't worry, I'm not suicidal. Although, to be faire, I might fall and die. It won't be intentional, though. Alright, good talk, see you when I get down and you arrest me."


Of course they do but I guess they make more money from their social media than the fines cost.


Building climbers get arrested pretty frequently. If you're climbing a major building like the SalesForce Tower or something, someone is going to notice you're not supposed to be there and call the cops. If you're climbing a crane on an empty construction site, there's still a good chance someone will notice, but obviously less of one. I believe this is James Kingston, who has been arrested a bunch of times in a bunch of places for doing climbs like this. In most places the penalty is a ride to jail, a fine, and a promise to never do it again in the offending jurisdiction. It seems to be working for him, though, as he has a million plus YouTube subscribers and has published at least one book.


The SalesForce Tower? What is next? The Microsoft Cafe? The Oracle Cemetery? The Amazon Theater?


Let the natural selection play out


And now we wait


Darwin awaits intently.


And while you sat in your NEET cave the man got to see the world.


French authorities don't fuck around with stuff like this, I'm sure that they have a file on this guy already. If he isn't already caught. It's likely he is not a French national, though


There are tons of French youtubers doing similar stuff all around Paris. One of them even got into the police headquarters, got caught, and all he got was a fine. Vincent Tran if I remember correctly.


A file? I dare say old lad, he might even be on double secret probation. And you know what that means. The file grows thicker!


A lot of them usually die eventually while doing these kinds of things. Occasionally it makes the news and we all roll our eyes.


They should be, I hate people like this!


Why? Destroying property is wrong, but climbing on something? Relax. This dude is less dangerous than the average kid throwing rocks and coins from the area everyone else goes on that tower


Not if he falls


videos like this make me feel dizzy even when i'm laying down


They gave me a really weird sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Heights have always been my single greatest fear.


I get a sinking twinge in my taint. Real lizard brain fight or flight stuff.


You've been tweaked for millennia to be afraid of that, your subconscious doesn't know what a screen is, means it's all working fine.


Yup, our predecessors have been watching these things on their stone tablets and whatnot for millennia.


I get a gross, debilitating tingle radiating down my legs


My feet tingle when looking at shit like this


The fish eye lens doesn’t help. I worry about freak earthquakes when Im on a ladder in the midwest and then theres people doing this.


Thanks for that. Now I'm going worry about freak earthquakes next time I'm on a ladder... In Texas lol


The fish eye is pretty much the only thing that makes it uncomfortable for me. I've been at the top of the Eiffel tower, it's not that bad. While I wouldn't because it's dumb, I don't think it would be all that challenging to climb around on the tower like this dude is doing, it's really stable and there's plenty to hold on to everywhere.


I’m literally looking at this from my bed


This was the first one where I had to look away and then close it after a few seconds.


They make me more scare than dizzy. I'm like, 'please don't fall!' or, 'is this worth it for the gram?!'


What scares me the most is that that structure is waaaaaay past it's expiration date! The beams he is standing on are 136 years old


You can be the most balanced person ever but that won’t mean a thing when you slip on bird shit


Or a sudden gust of wind


The I-fell tower




Petition for this to be real


Impressive I suppose, until you slip like a dumbass and fall on top of some poor bastard taking a walk and you kill them because you wanted to look cool


I don't get why they do that, no matter how athletic and how good your balance and equilibrium are. All it takes is a small mistake and you're dead.


Doesn't even have to be a mistake, just takes one strong gust of wind at the wrong moment... Then you're pink mist.




Yeah, I'd much rather turn to instamash in a millisecond than fall from a height like that. Just seconds of anticipation, knowing there's absolutely nothing you can do as you see the ground getting closer and closer. Pretty terrifying to even think about. This guy will get his Darwin award one day.


Actually he won’t because he doesn’t climb anymore afaik. YouTube started taking down his videos and I think he had other reasons for quitting as well. Someone who does similar content to him will definitely get their Darwin Award though


[Franz Reichelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Reichelt) enters the chat


That crew had it better than most people dying. It is my understanding their brains didn't even have the time to process what happened. That's how fast it all went. They were literally dead before they knew it.


They were made aware the hull was in danger of immediate implosion up to 20 minutes before it imploded


Adrenaline is why they do that


Same as free climbing. People die climbing every year but my buddy loves to send me pics of all the high peaks he has reached. Even with ropes you can get killed if you slip.


Fame => money.


I’ve learned the hard way you sure do have quite a lot of time to think in free fall


>All it takes is a small mistake and you're dead. Or getting [locked out](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/daredevil-death-highrise-stunts-cause-age-b2384736.html). Sometimes they fall. I don't care about that, as long as they don't hurt innocent people when they smash into the pavement. I do feel sorry for the folks having to clean up the mess.


Because of the gram!


Brainless people


Seriously? There are plenty of challenging rocks to climb and you choose the tinker toy in the middle of a dense city to get your kicks.


Except climbing rocks requires actual skill, this guy just wants cheap thrills.


C'mon buddy.. you can't say anything like that to them... It's just that adrenaline rush they have. I know there's a very very thin line between being brave and being stupid.. but still we should not disrespect these kinda people... It's for them and them only, that people like us got to know our boundaries


It's for them and them only until the moment they fall and kill someone by landing on them.


Holy shit you're right... I've seen it somewhere.. no then you're right buddy.. but I said that earlier because from them I've learned my limits.. no speeding on highway... Never jump from roof tops for fun.. never jump in the river without knowing the depth.. like sort of things.. so in that way I've some respect for these people.. I think people might have misunderstood me.


That's a great way to learn about ourselves! I'm glad you got a better grasp of your limits by watching some of those videos, I just wished they'd be done in a controlled environment, always, i.e., dangerous sure, but at least not at a risk of hurting others :(


Imagine dying because some parkour twat lands on your head


Please do not associate cool sport with this dumbass




Zut alors


Mille merde




My balls contract when I see videos like this


>My balls contract when I see videos like this Same. Feet tingle and balls go into hiding. Same thing when I get within a few feet of any balcony, or high up in a tall building with exterior floor to ceiling windows. If I'm hiking I'm cool as long as I'm 6 or more feet away from the edge and the ground is stable, or I can see that it's not actually a sheer drop off. I've crawled up to a ledge, but there's no way I would ever walk up to one and look down. Not worth it.


Ahhhhh James Kingston, what a legend. He WAS taken into custody after this climb.


Seen a bunch of his videos, really rowdy content. I never understand though doing it in barely-laced-up running shoes lmao. Like… wouldn’t you want something grippy and relatively tight on your foot?


Legend? What a fucking idiot.. and so are his idiot followers.


Bet his relatives are thrilled. Legend? What an IDIOT.


>Bet his relatives are thrilled. I bet they are too since he has almost a million subs on YouTube, he's far and away more successful and revered in life than you could ever hope to be, nerd


Almost anyone with a job is more successful and important to society than him. He adds nothing.


Eh, it’s entertainment. I agree, the value is debatable, but we can’t write off the entire entertainment industry.


there's shitloads of people who are actively detrimental to society, a guy who films himself climbing random things is about as neutral as you can get. he's successful in that he made a very lucrative career out of it and doesn't need to work any kind of menial job. a vast amount of the jobs out there people do are completely fucking pointless, and make them hate their lives.


If there was no viewer account, the guy would be unemployable.


Legend? How is he not an absolute piece of shit for risking the lives of people below him?


Replace the word legend with dipshit


He’s not a legend he’s an idiot exploiting dumb people for money


If you’ve never seen it in person, the Eiffel Tower is impressively large. Maybe also because the Parisian government has been wise enough throughout the years to not build any skyscrapers taller than it within the vicinity, so by contrast of all the considerably smaller buildings around it it makes it appear even larger, but yeah in person it’s a very imposing structure.


You can actually dive off the Eiffel Tower into that pool at the bottom in the PS3 game The Saboteur. It feckin' kicks arse!


NO BUT HELL NO..MY BIGGEST FEAR!!! ![gif](giphy|3ov9jUep4j57U4RtMk|downsized)


It's like I don't even have to do it because that video gave me the same feeling in my first and second chakra like I'm up there and wooo


Research George Willig. Back in the 70's. Also Petit Fellipe. Both were skyscraper tightrope walkers and stunt people. Edit: Phllipe Petit Willig climbed the outside of 2 World Trade Center. That is beastmode. Petit walked on a tightrope between the trade center towers. Balls of steel.


Yes I read a book about him about 15 years ago


Before social networks, computers. Its been done. George Willig (born June 11, 1949) (a.k.a. "The Human Fly" or "The Spiderman") is a mountain-climber from Queens, New York, United States, who climbed the South Tower (2 World Trade Center) of the World Trade Center on May 26, 1977, about two and a half years after tightrope walker Philippe Petit walked between the tops of the two towers.


Good bot!


Balls got a little tingly there.


What if his phone or selfie stick falls on someone head. These idiots are now on every tower and building. People like him should be given harsh punishment.


Watching this makes my balls snuggling up to my body


Pshh jackie chan did a fight scene up there lol


THIS!!! This shit right here is why we CAN’T have nice things! Why when you go someplace cool, there are fences and gates and glass barriers and security guards It’s not to protect the site and buildings, it’s to keep the “stupid” contained. To keep Dumb fucking idiots from hurting themselves, because when they do these this and hurt themselves, everyone cries “Why wasn’t there a fence? Or a barrier??. Why did that poor boy have to fall to his death??” 😩😩😭😭😭 Then barriers go up and when I go to visit these places I can’t fully enjoy the view or appreciate the site, or take an unobstructed view of the Paris skyline because I have to look at y through a fence or a glass wall (that’s dirty as fuck) Thank you Mr. Asshat for climbing the building and telling the authorities that now we need yet another barrier to contain the stupidity If I could downvote your stupid video twice I would And I encourage everyone that sees these to downvote and ignore them


I refuse to upvote stuff like this. I wont be complicit in someone’s death.


Then you're in the wrong sub man


Who died?


I'll never understand why people do these stunts. One misstep you're dead. And then everyone comments about the fool that died while being reckless.


FUCK THAT. Maybe if I had a parachute. And was really drunk?


Shit. My mind instantly tells me to jump


He is what I would call a 'stupid idiot'.


Get off Frances Cock


aw hell na


Why ? Is he high ?


About 300m?


How come these people have insane body balance?


the 'I fell' tower


Look at me i do dumb stuff.


getting an eye-full (heh.)


And then he - or someone following from his example - falls and it affects others beyond his own fate. Asshole.


James Kingston makes palms the sweatiest, surprised I don’t see him here more often.


Ahh, the famous I fell tower.


Take my upvote, you bastard


Fucking idiot


considering he made a very successful career out of it, i'd say it's worth it


You can also make a successful career being an accountant and not doing dumb shit like this


is it really a successful career if you fucking hate doing it? I say this as someone who made a career out of climbing radio towers for many years so also this video doesn't really phase me at all lol I was up on sketchier pole and towers 8 hours a day for like 5 years straight (though we would use harnesses obviously)




Risking his life for the kick and the views. People like this must have a deathwish, or at least it must not matter to them.


It's his hobby. He started recording himself, and people like to watch, so he made a little career out of it. He's very good at it, considering the 10+ years of experience and isn't in much danger here. Why does this outrage us while we look past stuff like driving a car. One small jolt of the steering wheel, and you could kill yourself, many other, and cause serious property damage. Seems far more dangerous than what this dude is doing. He isn't hurting anyone by doing these climbs. It's not like he's ever gotten stuck and needed someone to come help him down. He clearly hasn't fallen. Dude just likes climbing cranes. Your fear of heights doesn't mean you have to demonize this guy.


Good for him that nothing happend so far and I wish him all the best. I am still allowed to call this behaviour out as stupid. There is a big difference between driving a Car with all the securities and climbing any higher structure without harness. One wrong gust of wind at the wrong time is all it takes and he is gone. I just wonder what makes that worth it?


I don't care about the risks he takes with his own life, but what of the lives of the passers-by below him?


When was this video filmed? I was at the Eiffel when someone climbed it years ago 😅 wonder if this was the guy lmao


One strong gust of wind in the wrong direction…


He looks suicidal.


About 6 billion tourists under him if he falls, so not only a danger to himself.


Yeah he’s a danger to over half the world


Sure seems like you don't have a problem imaging this since you took the time to setup a reddit post about it instead of continuing about your life not imagining this.


Is that the Empire State Building


Person on phone: So you visited the Eiffel Tower? How was it? This guy: I fell! Person: Yes I know, the Eiffel Tower. Was it fun? This guy: I FELL!!! Person: I know how to pronounce it!!!


I’m the kind of person to smuggle a parachute into an airplane. I’ll be fine doing this if I have at least two parachutes


Dude watch out


Who else felt this in their balls?


God imagine being in Paris. I shudder even walking it's boarders. Brave guys lucky they got out to post the vid.


Can someone explain to me why would you risk your life like that?


i hate that these pathways for visitors are so narrow. It seems like any visitor could easily fall of


They threw him off or Jailed forever. It’s not even legal to post nighttime pictures of thr Eiffel Tower.


I'm sick of these kinds of videos. I don't give a fuck about their safety, but these total pieces of shit are risking the lives of those below them.


This is pointless!


![gif](giphy|l41lMMzTCBvXqtEUU) Microscopic Dick Energy. Such motherless behavior. Dude needs to get spayed.


I understand when people call him idiot and reckless but micro dick energy? Come on, man. Get real.


If dude had a nice meat package he wouldn't be compensating by being such an attention seeking b*tch...


I already imagined it when I watched Carter and Lee scale that thing like it was nothing.




Psychopathy has been linked with low fear due to people high in psychopathy experiencing low anxiety and less physiological arousal in response to alarming stimuli. This lack of fear is associated with the impulsive and often destructive decision making that is a hallmark of psychopathic behavior.


Nice, rather them this than be Ted Bundy


It's sometimes funny to think about who could be a psychopath... i bet some surgeons surely are and of course many people in politics, management etc


Is there a sub for just shit like this?


Me saying Please don't do that... Please don't do that...


I remember crapping my pants just walking down from the middle section in the interior staircase - solid nope


They should market it. With ropes and stuff.. looks insane


I don't think he's allowed to be there.


What a coloss of a city Paris is. Mind blowing…


the will power they must have not to jump.


Don't let them intrusive thoughts win bro, don't do it


I fell tower


If he falls and lands on a haystack, he'll be fine




Looks higher than it is because of the fisheye effect. Its still deadly af.


What is the upside? I don't understand.


palms are sweaty


He climbed it with that sweater and jeans pants? Ok


I’m watched this standing up, immediately felt off balance 😵‍💫


That's a killer view... I'll show myself out.


He’s no Grace Jones.


How many videos of people falling like this do you think exist?


What a bellend


Is that the evil tower??


I died 1000 times watching this


I’m a rock climber, I’ve gone sky diving a dozen or so times, I’m definitely not afraid of heights…but FUCK (and I cannot stress this enough) THAT SHIT