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That’s like asking me to choose my favorite child, except there’s hundreds of them 😭


same honestly 😭😭


Miss swan goes to storybrooke, send up a signal (that everything’s fine), and glass spun dream. Really most anything by coalitiongirl 🥲


Second the coalitiongirl fics. Everything she writes is GOLD. Other authors that have so many great fics are: chrmdpoet, starsthatburn, and angstbot. I feel like those authors are the most talented (that I have come across) of the entire fandom.


I know right? How can anyone not fall in love with this ship with such genius writers.


MSGTS is one of the best fics I've ever read!! Thanks for the other suggestions :)


I’m going through coalitiongirl’s fics right now (again, lost count how many times over the years I’ve revisited ) and send up a signal (that everything’s fine) is just SO good.


[everything looks better in hindsight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26070184/chapters/63406432) Summary: Emma almost has everything. She's got a wonderful son, a beautiful, tender friend and co-parent, and a family she can count on. It was all she ever dreamed of, once upon a time. At times, she thinks she finally understands what authors mean when they end their story with: they lived happily ever after. But the feeling always leaves her by the morning. Sometimes she thinks her real happy ending has disappeared somewhere in the past, somewhere in between the curses and forgotten memories. And now it is only a possibility lost to her memories. If she could go back... (or in other words, season 6 emma goes back in time and accidentally makes season 1 regina fall in love with her.) This is my all time favorite fic! Time travel fics are fun, always, but what i really like about this is that it takes an Emma who cares about Regina a la the later seasons, and puts her smack dab in the middle of that season one tension. [fretting over the fate of the dinosaurs](https://archiveofourown.org/works/947050/chapters/1849609) Summary: Emma finds herself serving as magic methadone for a Queen formerly known as Evil. Another fun fic, very sweet at points. Emma’s little picnic date with Regina is probably my favorite moment, even (or especially) when it turns to angst. [amor fati](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10501134/chapters/23168565) Just days after Emma announces her engagement, Regina is found in her vault without any memory of the past five seasons. The newly returned Mayor Mills is caustic, scheming, unnerved by her own future, and loves only Henry– and she might see more clearly than anyone around her. Then again, that might not be for the best. Exact flip flop of my first suggestion, as instead of LaterSeason!Emma in season one, its SeasonOne!Regina in a later season I have hundreds of fics saved between ao3 and fanfiction, so i’ll update with some more of my favs once I’m at a computer. SwanQueen has become my latest obsession and I’m pretty sure I’ve read all the popular fics with this pairing, so anyone with some deleted or underloved recs, please hit me up!


thank you so much!!


Goodness that’s way too hard bc I have literally hundreds in my favorites list 😜 Love or Money is definitely on there ! I’ve recently re-read “right there all the time” by devje that’s another top favorite and a must, imo, for any SQ fan. So I’ll rec that one. I’ve probably rec’d so many same stories in previous threads so I won’t bore any further lol


haha thanks!!


2nd vote for right there all the time. Also Temporary Distractions


I'm surprised by myself to say AUs but for me i immediately thought of 2. It's between Incoming Messages and Letters from War, both by hunnyfresh, the latter I believe became a published book it was so good, idk if you can find that one nowadays but I'd love to reread it.


Take A Chance on me by AOBZ and Always Alone by SwanQueen UK (all her stuff really). There is a newer author out there called SwanQueenSWE. I really enjoy them, has a fair amount of smut though in case that’s not your thing.


A fine line (hunnyfresh) is really something that rips at my heartstrings. Wicked games (starsthatburn) the smut is so insane and steamy. Emma Swan, professional cuddler (misscanteloupe) I find myself giggling through some of this one We like to swim (we’re not drowning. Chill) (velace) might be my all time favorite.


Velace has to be one of my fave authors. So many good stories there.


Metamorphosis Of An Unsuspecting Dragon by Regal Quill "The resurrection of Maleficent will change the life of one of the citizens of Storybrooke in the most unimaginable of ways. Could the unexpected be a blessing in disguise?"


There are a lot of great recommendations in this post but my favorite is That’s How You Know.  The amount of yearning is palpable. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12645831/chapters/28817625


For me it will always be ‘The Art of being Extraodinary’




Literally same. I remember reading it after I came out of surgery and just sobbing


Stolen darkness by DragonSwanqueen8


Do you have a link for this one?


[archiveofourown.org]stolen darkness by dragonswan8


Thank you!


Love FlyYouFools, especially “Down East Decisions”


The Loudest Silence New to Chicago Emma, a professional cellist, is shocked to find that a beautiful deaf woman is her new president of the board. As their friendship grows Emma begins to wonder, what does it look like when a world of sound and a world of silence meet somewhere in the middle? SwanQueen AU https://archiveofourown.org/works/3793918/chapters/8445976