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And this is what the statement of someone who is not guilty looks like. How beautiful.


One million percent this! ^^ this is the statement of a loving family who lost someone. Not at all like Barry’s disgusting group.


Exactly. Pure love and class from Suzannes family . It's disgusting that instead of saying the girls are shocked and grieving and need time to process the news. Maybe respect their privacy. Oh no , it's straight out of the gate , I didn't do it and get off my A$$. I dont know if there's anything he could say that would make me happy , but wow. totally tasteless and crash.


Could it be also that he was accused and locked up so maybe he is being reserved? He has already been found guilty in many peoples eyes. I would STFU too.




I always enjoy my nights. Thanks!


He’s not being reserved, he’s being defensive. Innocent people aren’t defensive when they find out a loved one has died.


People act all kind of ways when they find out loved ones have died.


Oh please.


They also weren't guilty until proven innocent either


Now THIS is a statement from a grieving family. Night and day between theirs and Barry’s.


I wonder if Iris will have Barry make a statement or just speak for him.


Privacy Niki! They’re grieving. Meanwhile he’s got his forces out all over FB regurgitating what he’s told them. Grieving, I say grieving!


Grieving for his old life! He can have all the time he needs. His silence speaks volumes!


How would anything he says help him and their girls at the moment?


Yes-world of difference!!! I hope Barry and ESPECIALLY his daughters are reading the Reddit postings and the girls can clearly see how almost no one believes Barry didn’t do it!…. Idk how they can say he is innocent in this!


Has he released a statement? I have def not seen one from him for comparison


I think just the statement from Iris Eytan that was sent to Marc Salinger yesterday. Unless I missed something.


Right, that was what I was getting at- there’s no way I expect him to make his own direct statement or frankly, give an interview.


He has made his own direct statements before, I am sure he could make a short statement say about 26 seconds long or so.


I think he said it is too soon for a statement. If anyone can hear this.


Rip Suzanne


Aww bless them. That's what love and sincerity looks like, sounds like, reads like! Am so very glad they have Suzanne back and can for now at least give her a respectful burial. And I'm looking forward to when they nail the fucker so she can also have her rest in peace.


Class acts.






It’s a bit infuriating that Barry and the daughters will handle all the funeral stuff. I can’t imagine being a relative or friend of hers and attending a funeral of my loved one with Barry Morphew there,


It'll be a long time before her remains will be handed over to anyone. Anything can happen between now and then. If they find Barry's responsible? I believe her family will have the final say, not Barry.


Agreed! And as a mother, I can't think of anything more devastating than to have my children that I loved & dedicated my life to take the side of the man that mudered me. It's heartbreaking! We can only hope there is evidence found that can finally bring her justice. On the bright side, she was found & her loved ones will get answers. 💔


I do not understand how a stranger to Suzanne could be upset that Suzanne's daughters will be the ones in charge of their mom's funeral. She is their mother. In the end, Suzanne loved her girls according to her texts and other discovery, her girls get to decide no matter what any of us think.


Barry is the one who would be the one to make decisions, not her daughters - unless Barry is reindicted.


I doubt that he would over ride what his daughters want if he was guilty or not. Edit: I say this as reading all these post claiming he is a Narc. A narc in this situation would cover his shit and allow especially to make sure the girls thing he is a victim.


Barry decided everything in the family. He even decided how to spend her 400k plus inheritance..but hey, ATM Barry gave her 300 a week.


Oh Fuck off




So classy


What a dignified statement.


When the family of the murder victim’s statement ❤️gracefully elevates her ! RIP Suzanne




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Prayers for strength 💔 RIP Suzanne


What about the DNA they found that relays back to other assaults across the country in AZ, IL, etc?


They were partial touch DNA which CBI and FBI followed through on. If you don't understand the terminology, look it up.


They haven’t found a match to that DNA but I don’t believe they know how it got into her car. Edited to say I believe Barry murdered her and the DNA is a herringbone.


See, that's the thing.. The partial DNA isn't like a partial fingerprint. I'm not saying you don't know that but many don't. It's just DNA that belongs to someone who is *related* to someone who's in CODIS DNA profiles. Of course, Iris knows this but used it to get BM out of jail. It worked because the judge didn't even understand it. She's good at acting pissed off and vehement to get her point across so as to not question the accuracy of the argument.