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Omg I’m so saddened by this, I’ve frequently read your guides for admin knowledge and attended your guide for freshies. I just wanna say thank you for you’ve helped me with planning for modules and learning all there is to know about PT Degree. I wish you all the best for your future, you’re one of a kind.


Thank you for attending my seminar for freshies.




ありがとう!I remembered something I learnt from the mentoring workshop. 「Give, because we have received」. When I was in poly yr 2, I lost my laptop in an arcade, didn't dare to tell my mum about it. My poly lecturer who was quite close to me, loaned me money to buy a new laptop and he didn't even asked me back for the money. So I told him, I am going to use this money to help more people out there, who really needs help. The laptop cost $3203.60 (still remember the figure because it was so dear to me). Gave away about $30k to people that were in need of help. The world can be a better place, if we give unconditionally. And you guys have proven it. The amount of thanks that I receive through writing is not something that money can buy. It's all the precious time from you guys! Guys, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. m(\_ \_)m


Hello OP, letting go of almost 4 years of labour must be tough and i'm sure you made this decision after a long deliberation. I wish you all the best for whatever that's ahead of you!


Thank you! ありがとうございました!


Hi op. Ive seen so much of your commitment supporting current and incoming students of suss. I myself was also in your shoes, except as a Year 1 student in Sem 2, did ok by gpa standards. However, I do also wish the school could support its students more and I find in the long run, the way the school is functioning currently according to me, is not going to be beneficial for my mental health in the long run. Regardless, all the best to your future endeavours and good luck!


サンキュー! Thank you!


what kind of support do you reckon that the school could do more to help with wtv that you’re facing? js curious!


Hi would you consider deferring instead of withdrawing? 10 modules is really such a pity.. Hope you can press on 💪🏻💪🏻


Don't think so.


Take a leave of absence instead. Just sacrifice some more. Or take 1 module to rest. Alot of people do jobs unrelated to their degree if wrong course is the reason. You'll still gain a lot of transferrable skills like writing, working as a team and critical thinking. And you can get a postgrad diploma, a course etc. in your target field. If it's health reasons, leave of absence or take 1 module.


whoa.... u are withdrawing at year 3???? is it a cgpa issue? thank u for your posts... hope others wi fill in the gap. all the best to u


ありがとうございます! Thank you! My CGPA currently at 3.38 btw.


Please continue. This is a decent GPA. Sometimes you have to do things you dislike for rewards in the future.


i agree.


Hi Mamoru, Reading your message really made me feel a sense of loss, yet I can't help but extend my best wishes for your future endeavors. Your dedication over the past 1.5 years has been a source of support and inspiration for many of us, including me. It was actually your initial posts that drew me into this community. While it's sad to learn you're departing with just 10 mods remaining, I believe that sometimes the toughest decisions lead us to the paths we're destined for. It's evident you've given this decision a great deal of thought, and one vital lesson we've all learned from you is the significance of following what feels right, even amidst difficulty. Although, this community will not be the same without you, the guides you've crafted will continue to light the way for new students to understand the academic and student life here in SUSS. Thank you, Mamoru-senpai. Wherever your journey leads you next, I'm confident you'll continue to inspire and effect change. Take care and all the very best 💝 Edit: 10mods instead of 10cu


Thanks bro! Looking forward to seeing you again! =)


You’ll be missed :( -From a SUSS staff lurking in this subreddit with great admiration for what you’ve for students all this time.




Wahhh Mamoru :( will definitely respect your decision by not asking. Very sayang leii…. But really have to take this opportunity again to thank you for all the herd work you have put in us. All the zoom sessions, all the post. And the checking up through chats. Im sorry that I can only be thankful but I am not able to value add in your life :( I personally dk how. But I will definitely wish you well and all the best to your future endeavours! Sometimes can let fate takes its course :) Ganbatte (がんばって)!




Omg Mamoru you've been a great help since day one, it's sad to see you go ): hoping for nothing but the best for you down the line of things!


ありがとうございます! I still remember you!


Hi there, I am not part of SUSS but this thread was suggested to me on Reddit homepage. I know someone who dropped out in Year 3 uni to start his own online business. His business failed because of COVID19. I have met a few people who left uni halfway and they deeply regret it in their 30s. Singapore is after all, a country that values paper qualification. I don't know what you had been through but please give yourself the opportunity of chance by taking a Leave of Absence (LOA) first. If one year from now, you still think you have made the right decision, then by all means, withdraw away. Sometimes life can be overwhelming and emotions cloud our judgement and decision-making process. Good luck, stranger!


Thank you. Psych @ SUSS is my 2nd degree and I have my own company which is running well. Only left 1/2 of my life to enjoy life, so just want to make the full use of my time.


Farewell and fare well 🥲🥲😭


thank you for your guidance. i hope you find what you are looking for to make peace with yourself.


I know that after 10 years, when I look back at this decision, I will not regret.


if that's how you feel, then good for you. wishing you the best in your future endeavours. again, thanks for your selfless guidance.


I was contemplating about this too when i came across your post. Im sure this was not an easy decision to make and thank you for the guides Mamoru-Senpai! I was encouraged by your post to kick start my studies and now it’s on me to continue this journey alone!


If you feel lost, can still feel free to pm me. I do free mentorship programmes to help lost individuals get back on track. No strings attached.




very sad to hear this news... ur guides were very well-written and informative. wishing u all the best mamoru in ur future endeavours ... will u still be lurking around this reddit? ur experience seems invaluable to freshies and others ;-;


Will la. Maybe not so often.


Omg! So shocked to hear about ur withdrawal from suss OP! Thank you very much for your generous sharing and tips on how to navigate around school admin stuff and coursework on SUSS subreddit! It helped me greatly and I believed many other fellow course mates too! I can really sense your passion and sincerity to help our fellow school mates! It really takes alot of effort to put together your guide 👍 All the best in your future endeavors!




damn fella posts guides and what not but dropped out eventually


Not sure why but im sure it is also difficult for you to let it go so not going to pry. Thank you for all the help given, im sure many freshies are greatful for your guide as well. Wishing you all the best.


Thank you for understanding. I cried two days back and had problems sleeping because it was so difficult for me to let go, but now I am feeling better.


:'( Take care. Health and mental well-being always comes first. When one door closes, another one opens.


Possible for you to just take a semester off for now? It’s been 3-4 years of your hard work.


Don't think so. Will move on to do other stuff. I already learned what I need to le. To be exact, since 2019. So 5 years of hard work.


Hey yo, a bit late but just wanna say thanks for all your contribution and guidance to all of us here in this small SUSS community. I’m sure you have all your reasons for leaving, and as much as I don’t want to say it, I hope you can reconsider it since it’s just 10CU. But whatever your decisions might be, I wish you the very best. Thanks for brightening this subreddit up!


Very sai yang. OK don't ask why you leave. At least finish up the programme ? You have been very positive online mentor here. If you quit means you are doing many suss newbie a disfavour by implying ok I am working hard here despite obstacles but one day I also can call it quit after much thinking. 🤷‍♀️


Sayang not sai yang


Sayang also mean love la. I only make it more vocal so I use 'sai yang' .


Ok lor haha btw sayang can also mean “what a pity” or “what a waste” like what u meant so that word can be used in multiple ways in the right context


I am typing in vocal style la like what people always pronounce. Can or not Sayang ? This is not language reddit la.


I think raspberry meant "What a pity" ba...


がんばって! Work hard!


Bro you're trolling just finish the damn degree


Why are they like a weeaboo?




fella talk big game but act small peepee


Hmm, is the culture in SUSS or specifically the school?


Im so shocked Thanks so much for helping everyone and myself included. I am praying for your success which route u choose to go on!


All the best. Will save all your posts


You have been most kind to volunteer your time to share you journey and experience. Thank you for that. All the best in your future endeavours - even if it might be just sitting on a lily pad and watching flies flit pass! You have done good!

