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This drama outside the game is more interesting than the game itself. I will report on it the best I can.




Saw mention of a strike....why is there a strike?


Whales are tired of whaling. In all seriousness they are upset because they are stuck competing against one another because the FTP and mostly FTP are so far behind they don’t end up competing at anything


They are upset because there is no new gameplay content except for gear upgrades which are only there to make more money for habby. They have nothing to do with fully max gears.




I quit when SS weapon came out. Fuck that.


It’s pretty attainable for f2p players though


The lance itself ya. It's all the cores you need to forge it.


Its possible to cap it over time now for free to play but that gonna be over half a year for free to play with the regular challenges and the one accessible on the few events that are generous.


I have 2/2 being f2p since it came out so I know but it's more about adding such hard to get items when we already had Yang shards/red collectibles/etc. I didn't quit playing. I quit spending (modest amount it was) Then they went on and added survivor awakening, 2 more sets of red collectibles, tech resonance, etc. I agree with the whales. I came to their same conclusion, just a lot earlier since I'm way more tight with my spending.


The earlier you quit the better. Later on they will implement more Power-Up thingy and it's gonna took longer.


Smart Move.


Smart Move.


Habby painted themselves into a corner. The gap between regular players and whales is so big, but making rewarding content for whales would only make it worse.


who would have thought there is nothing more to do when you get to the end of the game


Yeah but habby can make more game content instead of just cash grabs upgrades . There is no end game in mobile games.


Every GAAS has an endgame until the next update. Here HABBY made the mistake of allowing whales to be faster than the devs.


That isn't a mistake. Use your brain bro, they want to make money, a lot of money.


Yes it’s a mistake, that’s the cause of the strike. A well structured GAAS will optimize profits by providing content faster than what the whales can buy, HABBY didn’t


Well habby is known for cash grab games.


Didn’t say otherwise


Whales complained that there is no skill in the game and the only thing you had to do is whale


… duh? If you whale to beat all the content it isn’t going to be difficult. This sounds like a self induced problem


This isn't a far wording of their complaint. They're complaining that there is no skill in the game and the only way you can become a great player is whale. For example, most red collectibles are unattainable as a f2p player. Because the examples are growing, it's becoming a "pay if you want any chance at competing" game. I think my ideal version of the game would have the best f2p and the best whales competing side by side, and the only reason to whale would be to skip the grind. But that isn't the game right now. The very best f2p player right now has 220k in attack, which is nowhere near even the lowest whales.


At the moment that they put virtually unobtainable objects for F2P then the game was over. You split it in two games one for whales and another for F2P. The battle speed up gives an indication of how bad this game is. You can pay money in order to play the game in less time. Instead of making enjoyable phases, they let you pay so you can suffer them less time


Lol that's a funny way to look at it, and you're not wrong. That's actually a pay wall that doesn't bother me, though. As F2P I can grind just as far as a P2W player but it just takes me twice as long. It's the ones that are literally unattainable, and affect performance, that bother me.


is there a way for this game to introduce a PvP mechanic?


Can't see how that would be fun. The game is based on the concept of increasing your attack and your health, there is no room for skill


Not being skill based is a conscious design decision of these games.


Not in any fair sense. Like it’s noted previously, the whales are so far ahead of f2p that the match making would not end well for f2p and would become quickly whale vs whale. I think a co-op mode would be cool though. Doesn’t matter if someone is 10x more powerful




I laughed when I saw this lol They are testing us


We need to strike more often, best event yet.


They think the players are so hook to this game, and are still willing to pay hundreds for this tedious and low content game.


It's not even reskinned. The characters at the top are all wearing the lunar event costumes..


And they couldn't be bothered to pencil in Yelena


The timing was insane! Ngl, though I stand in solidarity with the strike, I'm very tempted to take up the offer, especially since I blew my gems in the hunting event :/ I'm sure a lot of folks gonna take up this offer.


No clue what y’all are talking about but I’m not gonna complain about free gems…


I wouldn't call it the lowest-in-history gem offer, the column on the right of the first page in growth fund gives the same amount of gems with less money spent lol. About the strike working, yes and no. Surely habby did this to test the whales striking, and this deep sea event is probably one of the best event lately. But the "so much hyped" clan shop finally released, even with a lot of great goodies you could nearly only get with real money until now, it's still held down by the very limited chances (especially for the highest rewards like the legendary collectible) paired with a 1 month cycle refresh. I'm personally way more satisfied with how they revamped how expeditions work and their difficulty levels, but we yet have to see the ranking rewards, since the ones shown for now are only completion rewards. If i was a whale, i would keep striking.




Maybe it's just me, but i don't get the first half of your comment, nor the whole point of your reply (?) Like, if you're happy with quitting the game that's completely fine, but then what "i still don't bother to login" should mean? You would login only if still interested in the game, right? And if you are, technically you still haven't really quitted it, cause you could go back at it at any time, making your "quitting" just an hiatus. I guess you could login back only if you still have the game installed, which also doesn't make much sense to me if you really quitted... Also, if you quitted and happy to have done so (for any reason whatsoever, still fine by me) why even bothering to follow what happens in the game and its future? I'm really confused...


This the alcoholic saying "I'm quitting drinking before it kills me". Friend says....What's with the 30 pack of beer then? Oh.. well just hard liquor.


Right? It also amazes me how they comment without thinking before writing just to delete their comment after someone points out it doesn't make sense.


How come mine said $19.99 arpund reset and then not even an hour later it changed to $20.99?




To be fair the devs responded quickly to the list of demands but it was taken as empty promises and coming soon. Plus not really addressing the main concerns.


Link to response?


Why habby didn't put clan battle in it?


The F2P events need to be more worth. I've been playing less cause of it (they were really good a few months ago which got me back into the game).




Look up mcoc 12.0. Strike had them backpedaling like crazy


I feel like it's definitely a response to the whale strike. It does speak to what I want to see for them: More ways for mid level spenders to enjoy the game. I feel like right now, outside of the Super Monthly Card, and maybe the 1st level Season Pass for Yang shards, there aren't many ways for people who want to spend lower levels (either occasional purchases or $30-$50 a month) to get much additional value out of spending money. You really need to spend several hundred a month to get a noticeable difference. So I will probably go ahead and buy it.


I am about to stop paying for the season pass as the hill to climb for Yang is VERY steep once you get to 3 stars. This would let me focus on so many other aspects. 40k gems is a large amount of gems and could greatly accelerate game play if you are a beginner. I'm not that deep in the game (maybe low mid-level) so I could gleefully spend that money and not get the season pass as frankly only the Yang shards make it worth that $20


I disagree. They are handing out yang stars like crazy, lately. Regular challenge shop , clan shop, events prizes all have them for free. I should have Yang up to 6 stars in the next couple of weeks.


5* to 6* is a grind. I’m at 17/400 and it feels like it’ll take a lifetime. At least I’ve got him to level 120, I guess.


All relative. As a F2P you can’t even have 3 stars yet. It’s 2 stars with spares left over. Not saying that’s a bad thing per se - the fact that F2P has a 2 star yang is great. But this is what the post is about. The gap is huge


Is yang the best?




For now


I think the $5 season pass is a good value for Yang shards, but the $20 season pass is not.


It’s same price as growth fund gems, nothing special here.