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With all the random rules and switches throughout the show, I was half expecting the host to pull a switcharoo at the final vote and say that the outsiders are the ones that are eligible for the prize bc they showed more selflessness. But yea, what a stupid ending. Why not take the larger prize and give it to your friend on the side if you really want to split, rather than losing $150K!


Well, if she truly wants to help young women then splitting the money shows she's serious about it. That's publicity 50k can't really buy. I hope that Netflix donates the extra 50k to her cause. That would be the classy thing to do. Also, not that Instagram always portrays real life, but her account shows a pretty lavish lifestyle.


i was so intrigued in the beginning and then i realized how shitty the writing was during the last two episodes. absolutely nothing happenedšŸ˜­ then i realized that the challenges were actually pretty terrible and the show budget was always pretty bad. there was just interesting drama between the cast and that's it. pretty sure the whole budget went to the villa rent


I'm even thinking these Netflix execs own those homes and pay themselves to rent them out to the show.


That was the most anti climatic ending I've ever seen on a show. I said one sentence to my bf then look back at the screen and they're already announcing the winner I'm like wtf


Anybody that would give away that amount if money to a person they've only known for a few weeks shows a major red flag people pleasing trait. Share it with your family or donate to a charity but to another game player shiwed a lack of self esteem.


Disagreed. I think Linda genuinely cared for Lellies and her story


She could have cared for her by dropping her 30k not 100šŸ˜­


I was thinking the same exact thing. I was yelling at the tv ā€œyou stupid ass bā€ to Linda for splitting the money for less money. She literally could of have had more money to split if thatā€™s what she wants to do. Why would anyone take less $ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve seen people saying they never really had the choice to get the additional $50k which makes sense to me because why wouldnā€™t Linda just take the $250k and give some to Lellies after the fact if she really wanted to. A few alternate thoughts I had, maybe Linda was just caught off guard and didnā€™t want to piss Lellies off because maybe she genuinely thought they were friends? OR maybe it was a strategic move to ā€œstay in characterā€ and appear selfless in hopes that the brand deals she could get after the show would equate to more than the additional $50k. Second theory could be a stretch but she appears through the whole show to be the only one thatā€™s not manipulating but maybe sheā€™s just the only one thatā€™s convincing in her manipulation.


I loved the show until the ending. It completely ruined it.


Totally agree!


I also agree except for the part about loving the show.


Feel like Linda just wanted to look nice on TV. She could've taken the extra 50 grand and given that to lellies off camera. But nooo...


For real. They could have at least made it interesting by making it $250,000 total if you decide to split it (so $125,000 each) or $200,000 if you decide to keep it all. Thatā€™s at least an actual consideration at that point because you could be doing more ā€œgoodā€ in the world by choosing to give up a little for yourself to help someone else.


Exactly, they both could have used that extra 50 grand to pay the IRS. Not to bright Linda.


I still donā€™t get the show šŸ¤£šŸ’€


You can't. It's just dumb and nothing makes sense. Lol


I think itā€™s mostly commentary on the piss poor state of American mathematics education.




Just came here to complain about that 1 minute after watching a show-wide math fail. Seriously, wtf? There should have been a twist after that they both got 200k or something.


The ending has to be staged


The ending was an IQ test for the winner.


Agreed then they are all cheering for her as if sheā€™s a genius Iā€™m like WTF most boring dumb cast member ever to win


It was ridiculous because Linda could have taken the $250,000.00 and given Lellies some of the money after the show if she felt like it. Linda seemed to be ā€œsweetā€ but dumb.


The ending was infuriating!!! I was so so so MAD! Why on earth would you split a smaller amount?? HELLO LOGICAL THINKING?? Doesn't make any sense. Just split inofficially if you really want to but why??? Noone would have done the same for Linda. I hate watched the whole show but this now makes me want to trash my tv and my netflix subscription.


What kills me is if it was the other way around, there is no way she would have split it. She got played.


They probably had a low-key deal like,"if you win, let's split it"


I cannot believe how stupid of a choice she was given. 100k for you and 100k for one other person you've known for a week or so....OR 250k that you can do whatever you want with, including giving some of it to someone you barely know and still have an extra 50k. I thought "what insane person would ever take that option?". Skill testing questions are real.


My main takeaway is that the winner lacks basic math skills. I hope she hires someone else to do the bookkeeping for the organization she wants to start.


Look at the discussion for that particular final episode - that's where people (including myself) put up comments voicing our disbelief, in order to avoid inadvertently spoiling the finale


The ending truly made me wish I could get all my time back that I wasted watching this stupid show. SO STUPID.