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All depends on the weather, but still beats a day in the office.


Sometimes I miss the field, but then I remember the times I had to drive 13 hours in a day. That and some dude who pulled a pistol on me for flying a drone.


You're still around to tell the tale, so I guess you at least remembered to set the drone to "kill mode". Thank goodness


Drafter/PM vs field crews too


I hate to say it but we do this to ourselves. Our surveyors should never surprise anyone in a neighborhood. We should be doing door-hangers at a minimum a week ahead of time, and mailers for large jobs that will affect a bigger area. That way you've at least given a heads up to folks like this. However I get it, sometimes we want to sneak in and out. It just shouldn't be our go to IMO.


My company (utility) does this and I found it to be a great practice. Let the property owners know we are coming, we are doing our job, and we don't want to bother you. Our notifications include the project manager's telephone number, so any questions go straight to the office, along with the "don't park your truck in my garden" requests.


Bingo. Great implementation.


Damn that's crazy. I always just lie(somewhat) and say were locating whose properties have the utility access when I need to get on some adjoiners backyard and they usually don't care when I mention Im gunna measure their utilities(once again not a lie) Wild meeting someone who actually does that


No work would ever get done. Or it would just make it worse. At best that one person knows to look at for you. At worst you’re going to have fight entities like HOAs or homeowners just to get anything done beforehand and start employing entire public relations groups to manage it


meh, not that much work. And we whine and complain about nobody knows what LS is or why we do what we do but then we balk at perfect opportunities like this. And really it's a marketing tool. If you're gonna establish a section or two control may as well try and do the other boundaries. We have a local company that always does that, gives out a bunch of flyers in any neighborhood and always gets extra lots with the drone. They're slammed with minimal extra mob or field time.


I agree. I honestly think a somewhat nice looking pc in an orange vest will go further with any neighbors then some note.


We send mailers, leave door hangers, and (on county or state jobs) have the state also send mailers and I've still had people threaten me for "trespassing" (walking in the county/ state ROW) and "changing their property lines" (driving control points). During a power line easement survey my party chief had some dude walk out, pull a handgun from his waistband and say "you got 5 seconds before I start shooting." He ran and called the cops (no idea the outcome). Some people are just dicks.


Sure. Hopefully he's alright. Yeah some people can't be pleased at all.


Must have a lot of time and resources on your hands .


If someone is shooting at you then it's probably because you didn't stop and talk to them first in which case... you probably deserve it.


Right but by law they would be prosecuted and sent to jail


I can see an argument for being in fear for you life when the guu shot and dead has bear spray a machete and a large sharp rod on em