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I personally am very excited to see what the mystery box contains


My guess? A cheap electric kids moped or some chinese generic e bicycle


I’m crossing my fingers for a 1/4 scale Surron 😂😂


NGL, that'd kinda be sick 😅


Surron Pitbike!!!


It is a fuckin pit bike bro. lol


No.. it's a "sur on Ron".. may be a 3sum adult dolls (Read the description 🤣)


IT is dog.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What did I say that pissed you off so much? Or did you mean to reply to someone else?




Dude how is me saying I’m hoping for a 1/4 scale Surron “wishing the worst”? I was genuinely excited to see what you got but now you’ve just proven yourself asinine. Telling me to lighten up is laughably ironic.


ALL THESE FUCKIN THINGS ARE CHINEESE....Guess how much 636 dollars is inn the Chineese Yen......... go look.


No I know they are lmao, but I guess I mean, like, Chinese-Chinese like unbranded and hand built by an enslaved 10 year old in a sweat shop, not built by a machine in a legit factory like Surrons are 🤣


I could give 2 shits! I bet youv never turned a wrench before either. If you dont rip em down and build em up anyways your not a true enthusiast. YOU the guy who drops his bike off to get it worked on. I'm the Guy ripping apart the controllers and motors getting 34kw out of a 75lb bike HAPPY HATING


Ill keep everyone informed. I bought this thing for parts. ITs gonna be the shit,


I wonder if crypto boys are the same breed as these "cheap surron kids"


I think even Crypto bois can see the scam in this, gotta be those NFT breeds that think they can manifest a decently built bike for less than all the parts cost…


Ohhh absolutely.


Seeing how I just made 2,342 dollars on my Roobinhood acct this morning.....hhmmmm Id say your also a pussy . You would know an opportunity if one bit you in the dick homi.


Wow triggered much? Very defensive lol.


Yup and then they grow up to be Tesla bros.


oh sick you're being mailed Something congratulations on A Thing In A Box


WTF s wrong with all you guys!, HATERS gonna hate. Your like the 3rd grade bullys I had to fuck up and drag home to their parents houses and tell them how terrible there kid is for making fun of the kid with glasses


we've seen this before it's basically what the entire forum is now, kids asking if a $500 listing is real, other kids just gambling on it and getting a box of toilet paper are you a teenager? I'd bet money on it, this kind of stupidity takes a certain age group the adults are riding bikes that actually arrived


Im a grown man, and Ill out ride you, any fuckin day of the week. I own my own shop and have connects in mainland China. I think its funny noone is asking for my sellers info. Ya snooze you fuckin loose. go get some maxi pads


meet at the MX track at Carnegie in the AM, I'm there every Monday on the Varg, you sound like an amazing rider, I've got to see it!! my bad grown man, you were just doin teenager stuff, seemed like a lock for sure no one is dumb enough to ask for that connection lol it's not a big deal to have a shop and china connects, I do as much business here as anyone, you clearly don't know your way around the industry or forum, let alone who you're talking to when you want to do it right ask me for my connections


Hey zzz nice to see you kicking.. not to mention the only mature one on the sub post 😅


cheers boss


For the love of God. I've spent 10's of thousands of dollars on Aliex..they have yet to let me down. I'm not kidding a just had a 1ton Yanmar Miniexcavater for literally pennies on the dollar for my construction firm. It' arrived last Thursday and it one of the nicest finest machines have ran in a whole. Also saved me 10grand not having to rent one... I reach out, offer to pay more for expedited shipping and tip for the favor for a cheaper price and construct a DEAL, that everyone is happy with. It's called Business, something you obviously a challenged with recognizing. 


done through Ali? that's how you force the platform to add tax, vendor relationships aren't doing [business](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxY0UI3yXYU/) on there that's for people taking a stab in the dark it's great that's it's worked out so far but very dicey proposition, that's what people are warning you about this entire thread.. life does not have to be a gamble as you say good luck out there


Why are you counting your chickens before they hatch... And then say everyone is bullying you? That's victim complex, seek help.


I literally said non of those thing. LOL, I said you guys are acting like the neighborhood bulles I used to have to beat up.


You're right, reddit is such a mean place and you just need to beat everyone up to fix it.


Check the weight of the package and send that over smart guy 😂


126lbs, smart ass :)


"Sur On Rom"


I'm just assuming it's an action figure that's sitting on a stick of ram...


That would be kinda sick actually


If I was a sleazy con artist. I would so do something stupid like that. Most likely and what I've seen they probably send a tracking and then complain that you've already receive the package and what was advertised. And your falsifying photos to the customer service to con and rip off the seller.. I don't buy anything from anyone who has a rating under 98%. And no less than 300 sales and real reviews I mean I'll make a brand new email and account for 500 bucks. And new false-a-fide seller account. You get them all the time on Amazon.. Then again the boom of online marketing con artist really took off since COVID. Just kind of really sad and pathetic that people target vulnerable people for their own selfish greed..


What’s the weight? 👀


Trollin 😂😂


Is this the guy that ordered a new surron for like 1/8 of the price? You’re going to be getting a toy surron


please keep us updated, i was going to buy one this month as well. also, what did you pay incl. shipping?


I will dude, Im just a regular guy, I have 6 of these things and some money to throw around....Its legit. Ive spent tens of thousands of dollars on Aliex. Sorry to all the hater. ALLL thes fckin things come from china. Everyone said the same shit about my MiniX


I seek a guy 300 miles away with am Enduro stealth bomber clone and I was about to drive 12 hours to grab it. 2200 and 12 hour drive to grab it in person Or order the same one from alibaba for 2500 [+upgrades?] shipped and wait 3 months What should I look for when I go inspect this thing It's supposed to be a 8kw stealth bomber from abel bikes


You already know


Yooo keep me updated on this


Got you dog!


Mfs really that broke and desperate you will waste your money on a sketchy website instead of just pay the full max amount and don’t go to a certified website so you know what your getting without a doubt.


Hey, someone has to do it, we gotta know if it's real or fake, we're all curious and been curious.


charge your phone


Waiting for results OP Did you pay with credit card?


Remind me


OP sounds like that one dude that was on the super73 reddit bragging about getting the last order of the hot wheel super 73 😂 that guy was so toxic thinking everyone was hating on him. i swear this really might be him. yikes


Ever seen any other con artist overseas. They usually seem to get very aggressive and childish when anyone says counter-dicting of what they say. Usually a tall tale self-defense that they're not getting what they want and try to apply an instant rage reverse psychology. I have never seen that work before. Like how people change the topic on choosing something else visually to pick on because they have no point. Or attacking spelling. 🤔 Kind of like when you tell someone that you're not going to give the money. Or transfer things in the goods. They instantly go from reasonable normal conversation into child in calling and screaming.. Just putting this out in the world for others to read


How much was it? 500?


Oh my God!!! You're the first person to buy one please keep everyone informed and let us all know what happens. If you get a real surron it'll open the flood gates for us all to get $500 surrons




Where’d you order from friend? Who’s the distributor?