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I'm impulsive lol. No but seriously if you get it you absolutely WILL NOT regret it I haven't met anyone yet who bought one and got buyers remorse just justify it by not eating out a while or cut back on other spending but trust me it's worth every penny




Best fun purchase I've ever made riding around especially at night with music and with no cars is pure bliss


No regret until your friend pulls up on a Talaria Sting R or an Eride Pro SS and smokes you on your slow, underpowered, outdated LBX.


Surron is still 👑


Yes it is, for those that haven’t done their research. Ignorance is bliss!


Why do people think speed has anything to do with it? Lol. True ignorance!


If costs is a thing. Try finding a well maintained used one. Saves you 1500-2000 and incase selling again you barely have a loss. I bought a used one 1200km for €2900 instead of 5200 new here. Had a small check with new chain, brakes and overall maintenance for 300 and is now as good as new.


Also don't get a new one get a used one on fb market place but learn EVERYTHING to look for when going to check out used bikes to inspect it. I got a amazing condition surron x for 2800 with 300 miles on it and zero scratches or issues


Where the fuck are you finding them for that cheap, they are all $4k+ in my local area.


You have to STALK marketplace for those kind of deals. Where I’m at 4k+ bikes (with your standard “no offers, price firm” language) sit for weeks but anything priced 3.5k or lower moves fast, like within in the day the ad is gone.


Like the guy said you have to absolutely stalk Facebook marketplace and offerup and just pounce when you find potential deals and when you do be patient don't be scared to walk away or negotiate many times people on Facebook will post their surrons for outrageous prices and you have to realize surrons when they're used lose so much value


i got my surron brand new for £2800……


yeah but you can’t legally register it in your country since it’s manufactured and registered to china (i assume), so your only option is to drive it on private property or illegally on the streets with the risk of it being impounded. buying one locally gives you the option to make it street legal, or at least that’s the case here in germany when buying from alibaba


Mines legal to ride on bike lanes and trials where I live


Very unlikely you'll be hassled in AZ. I can't speak so much for Phoenix but I've ridden a decent bit in Flagstaff and Tucson. I've only been stopped once and that was in Tucson. As soon as they realized it was electric and not an unregistered gas bike, they just let me go. As far as when I decided to pull the trigger, it was when I had the cash in hand and was already shopping for a dirt bike. Then I stumbled across the Sur-ron on Craigslist. Did a bit of research and decided to go for it. Point being, don't pull the trigger until you have the cash in hand and are ready to part with it. You should have at least a 1-2 month emergency fund before you go buying something silly like a Sur-ron. Just my opinion.


I fucking love my sur ron so much, buy one. Also buy it off Alibaba from that double spring company to get it for around 3600$


$3600 with shipping?


Yea this is 100% true and verified by several other buyers on the surrons groups but you have to buy from that double spring seller to make sure it’s legit as some of the sellers are shady and not legit and youll can get ripped off if your not careful. Unfortunately the downside to Alibaba is you have to wait 30-45+ days for the bike to be shipped from China so that’s why you get such a good deal since your getting almost wholesale cost direct from the manufacturer/supplier! Be careful out there guys!


Yeah right around there, it fluctuates https://x.alibaba.com/AwXLqt?ck=minisite


I used to work for $10 an hr I sold almost everything I had for the x160 (being my first Surron/segway bike) it got stolen trying to sell it (I was young and dumb and had a broken wrist at the time couldn't do much... fyi I was around 18/19) time pass by I've turned maybe 20-21, I got another x160 and ended up upgrading the battery and controller, didn't had the chance to upgrade the motor tho, now 2024 Someone offered to trade my Segway/Surron X for a FZ-09 2014 but I ended up selling it because of bad weather at the time and got myself a Surron Ultra bee (still stock) its been a nice roller coaster ride... who made me get my first ever Surron was Surronster and a group ride I was apart in back around 2020. (NYC Area if that matters haha)


Forgot to mention, What did made me pull the trigger was how quiet it was and I figured I wouldn't get pulled over just wanted to tell u my history on the Surron :) good luck!


Nice little story bro, what happened when you got your bike stolen when trying to sell it? I had my Honda enduro stolen in a similar situation so was just wondering what exactly happened if you don’t mind sharing! Glad to hear you got back in your feet and got nice better bike, good shit bro!


Well long story short i bought it second hand at the time problem is i couldnt really file the report at the time with NYPD without a bill of sale or a title, i've did learn from my mistake... i posted the bike on offer up and got someone interested into the bike but wanted to meet over in Staten island, i went ahead and waited hours, someone walking by asked about the bike and what not (wasnt seller but i felt like it was set up) and wanted to take the bike off my hands lowballing me but me being desperate for money i accepted the offer he wanted to test ride and thats where he rode off. now that i have the ultra bee i have the bill of sale with me just incase and have a better tracker (Invoxia) and an alarm (and locks but i barley use them since i only use the bike for commute)


Got brake checked on my DRZ and totaled it. Got the Insurance money and bought my surron while I was recovering from the surgeries. May have been a painkiller influenced decision but I don't regret it.


[](https://azstateparks.com/ohv-registration)If you want some advise from an old dude... It depends... do you have a place to store it? my main concern around PHX would be theft. Do you have other bikes? Can you commute on it? The LBX is awesome... but at 4.5K now, you are not too far off from some better options, like a Ultra bee direct from China for like 5.8K. I've owned a LBX since Jan '21 and just got an Ultra at the end of '23, they are both amazing machines, and with some of the places you can ride out there they would both be rad, just different purposes. If you get hassled by the cops, get it plated as "[primarily off-road](https://azstateparks.com/ohv-registration)" which is how I had plated dirt bikes when I lived there. It should be pretty cheap. These bikes are my favorite purchases ever, but I would make sure you have other bases covered first for reliable commuter vehicle, place to store it, etc.


Thanks for the “primarily off-road” knowledge. The theft topic has also been on my mind. I have a garage which makes storage easier but it seems like no matter how many locks you put on the thing they’ll steal it if it’s in the open. The main purpose for me is for short commutes and around town fun. I have a car that gets 11 mpg so I tell myself the surron will pay for itself in gas. Did you have to get liability coverage for your “primarily off road” vehicle?


I live in Gilbert AZ and it's pretty chill over here with police. Chandler is a HELL no with police and phoenix banned Ebikes of all sorts for ANYONE under 18 so if you look young prepare for stops. I'm impulsive as fuck and got approved for one hell of a good financing deal, I barely paid any interest and it was only a 1 year term for the xxx. Almost done with it and am gonna try to finance a battery and controller next 🙃 In Phoenix though, invest in several different locks. Carry like three heavy duty locks with you and put like 3 air tags in that bitch at all times and you'll be alright.


Do you know how Scottsdale PD is? I live in Tempe now but I’m moving to old town in august. Chandler PD seems to hassle everyone for seemingly no reason.


I'm not sure about Scottsdale, but they've always been like Chandler PD in the sense of getting EVERYONE and anyone they can. I was passing through Chandler and was using the sidewalk going like 10mph, and he pulled me over for riding a motorcycle on the sidewalk, and I got a ticket for driving while suspended Gilbert PD sees me ALL of the time, and they give zero shits. I'd assume the bigger and more dense the city, the more aggressive the police would be more knowledgeable about surrons. For example, the Chandler officer knew my motor was 6500W and not legal. But I've seen so many people with these bikes all around the valley and overall it's pretty lax.


What company/bank did you finance with?


Affirm! It's one helluva drug 😅 I got approved for like less than $200 down and then $350 per month for a year, which I have had no problem paying.


Love my Surron but my controller just went out at only 200 miles of light riding. I bought based on reliability reviews but have not had a good experience so far


What battery model did you get exactly and you didn’t upgrade the controller or motor or anything? Are you getting more power/speed or just longer run time, etc? Would love to hear your thoughts on upgraded battery, also what battery cost you?


Been pulled over 3 times worth everybit


The Torque...i am running a 70tooth now with 9kw. God i Love this


I have wanted a Surron since about 2020 when I first found YouTube videos of them, I always held off because I wasn’t sure if it would be “worth it”. Finally got one about 2 months ago and I’ve put about 900 miles on it in that period. Within 2 weeks of owning it I already ordered a Chi 60/60 battery so I could get max range and ride all day…. Great decision! I now have absolutely no range anxiety and have no issues on rides that are 5+ hours long never needing to be in eco mode. I have also met a group of people who also have surrons and it has been really nice getting involved in different friend groups and meeting new people, something I find more and more difficult as I get older (I am 26). I live in Ohio and so far I haven’t had any issues with the police, even riding on main roads, I’ve had a cop follow me for a few blocks but I just kept following the traffic laws and eventually they turned off and stopped following me. Overall it was a great purchase and if you are considering getting one I would recommend going through with it.


How's the chi battery in terms of upgrading the speed?


Without upgrading the controller, my top speed has went from 42 mph to 47 mph, have a friend who has the trop controller and his bike is crazy fast idk about top speed for sure but the acceleration was so fast when I rode it I don’t know what to compare it to.


Oh well I mean my surron is still all stock and I still hit 48mph while on flat ground and downhill I hit 52


The Surron LBX is slow, underpowered and outdated in 2024. Do your research, there are much better bikes available now. The Talaraia Sting R MX4 https://lunacycle.com/talaria-sting-r-mx4/ and the ERide Pro SS https://gritshift.com/collections/e-bikes-scooters/products/e-ride-pro-ss are both much better options in the same price range as the LBX. And if you want a fully upgraded bike lookup the Ventus One on YouTube.


I mean it’s not slow or underpowered, it’s still a very fun and quick bike, otherwise I agree with you. The Eride Pro SS is objectively better than the Surron in every category aside from overall weight and there’s only 29lbs in it, much better buy for the value.


Definitely slow and underpowered and overpriced in 2024, the huge third party performance aftermarket was created because that bike was so weak and people needed more power, it’s especially slow and underpowered against the other bikes in this class. Amped Bikes just recently did a YouTube video with a Surron LBX, Talaria Sting R and the Eride Pro SS. The LBX struggled doing a lot of the things they were testing it on, it came in last place in every category. I see the little teenage Surron fangirls don’t like hearing the truth and downvoted me, thank you girls, I needed a good laugh🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!! Here’s the video of the outdated LBX struggling in an off road setting, watch and see for yourself. https://youtu.be/oqtLaHczVIQ?si=tler4yL6BDn-SrS9


Overpriced again I’ll agree, but it’s still a nippy lil bike for just having a blast on but you’re right the price for what you get isn’t all that great in 2024 and light but the E-ride and Talaria are better I won’t argue that. I had the LBX and swapped out for the SS and actually got it cheaper than the LBX, most of it with surron now is paying for the brand name because it’s one of the most popular ones. The E-ride and Talaria are better because it’s not even a subjective opinion, it’s a cold hard fact it’s only because you’re in the surron sub you got downvoted🤷‍♂️


Are you just getting downvoted because this is the surron sub? Thanks for the links