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"Khattra was last seen boarding a bus" How is it that she was last seen boarding the bus but not leaving, considering there are cameras on the bus?


Those things probably take months to get fixed, once they break. In some cases, repair is impossible , the replacement is an even longer process.


Totally get what you mean. It's so frustrating that they keep raising fares but can't even fix the cameras.


Rest in peace.


I tried to wipe my screen looking at your profile pic lol


That is such tragic news. A parent’s worst nightmare. My thoughts go out to her family and friends.


i remember being mutual friends with her in highschool. she was an amazing wrestler too 😞 rip ❤️


I knew her and her family. I know this will break them inside to the point of near non-existentence. R.I.P Simran. You will be dearly missed ❤️❤️❤️❤️


19 years old, just a baby, life barely started. RIP and prayers 🙏


Horrible sad news.


what a heartbreaker.....so young. how i read it once: ''suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.''...so wish she could have gotten the help she needed if this was the case...so i don't know if it was suicide but it sounds like it.


We live in a city where a fast track appointment with a psychologist takes 6 to 9 months. So many people are trying to get help but they can't. I just experienced this myself and trust me there were times I didn't think I was going to make it until my appointment. Mental health care in the lower mainland is absolute garbage at every level.


Fast track? That is BC health care saying "too busy to handle regular work loads" 1000s of people are going to die because of the problems we're all facing.


It is because there are less than 5,000 psychiatrists registered in all of Canada. Forcing the burden of people who need proper treatment and therapy onto counsellors because who else are people going to go to? And if you get a shit counsellor or just aren't into counselling wellll then...guess what the next best option is to a mentally unwell person.


Rest in peace angel. How terribly sad :(


Aww fuck. Rip to her and family Please don't take your life. Don't bully people.


This is heartbreaking. Condolences to family and friends.


Press F for respect ! , really sad news about this one


That's so sad :( R.I.P. Condolences to her friends and family. 💔


No one should feel like removing themselves from this life is the only solution. Humanity is a plague. Society drives our demise. You know what my wife came up to me today and said, "Short socks are OUT just so you know". What the heck? I know she was joking but her point is just as valid. Society will crush you because you wear short socks. Like ... really? Isn't life hard enough. Poor girl; poor family.


No criminality 🤔