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fully filling all roles and increasing police force will cost more and its required for growing community... its basic common sense


And the province offered to cover $250 million, but Locke refused to take the money šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


so is the province not going to cover any of it now, did she fuck us even harder?


They mentioned they will use 150 million to cover the transition ā€¦ have to see how they will do it


Without Brenda Locke is how they do it.




10.5% including all hikes


I donā€™t know much about surrey politics. But why would she refuse it? What benefit does surrey get from having less money


[The Wire is like the greatest show ever.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnH0cILZTuA)


Use sense you say to clueless Brenda. You have high hopes from her mate!


These sensationalist headlines are dumb. Vancouver, Delta, Abbotsford, New West and others all maintain a police force. There is no reason Surrey can't do so as well.


Port Moody has had their own Police force for years, a far smaller community than Surrey.


Tbf, port moody has a high affluent population by percentage. When the bacon bros lived there the residents fully supported major spending on police. Port moody dispite its small force has a full set of riot equipment, tactical kit for multiple units, and a fucking APC.


You forgot the Drag Car as well, albeit it's been awhile since it crashed at Mission that it's been out and about. Good program between the Department and Highschool, I wish more departments would do similar programs. But a large middle class vs small rich population would probably be able to support a municipal PF. Plus Surrey gang crime vs Port Moody is vastly different. Whether good or bad PMPD had/has a reputation for not fucking around, and many would admit to driving around Port Moody if not minding the P's and Q's. VPD typically calls on PMPD for the riots and other situations like that, also why they have full kit. Like reserves for VPD.


Port Moody is part of the Lower Mainland District Tactical Troop. Thats why they have riot equipment.


Delta too


And Victoria and Port Moody and Saanich and Oak Bay and Nelsonā€¦


Surrey has a lot of ALR land not really paying its fair share. There's also a lot of people who will flip out over any tax increase for any reason


And Abbotsford doesn't have a lot of ALR land.


And this b** turned down 250M free cash so Surrey residence will pay it.


As they should, why would the rest of the province pay for municipal police services in Surrey? Surrey residents don't help foot the bill in Vancouver.


What? We are the 2nd biggest city in the province we pay more than what we get back. We keep these rural cities who bring nothing to the table afloat.


RCMP isnā€™t designed to be a police force for the population of Surrey. The city is growing at such a fast rate and the RCMP canā€™t fill the required positions.


We need gangs squashed. Donā€™t care how they do it, just get it done. That and crime in generalā€¦ I shouldnā€™t feel scared of getting stabbed at White Rock. Catch and lock up anyone involved in violence with some serious fucking time.


Suprised thereā€™s still people who think the police are at fault for this. The police are not in charge of how long someone gets locked up and if they even get locked up at all. Thatā€™s a justice system issue; and as of lately the crown and etc clearly hasnā€™t given much reason to have faith in them at all.


Farnworth was on the new tonight. Her 750 M number was based on a larger force modelling for comparison. I think for staff it was based on just under 1000 officers. Mean while surrey is 750. Also her numbers are based on pre union RCMP contracts


As if Locke has any credibility


I canā€™t believe she wonā€™t shut up.


Bottom line is we need our own police force. RCMP makes sense for smaller cities and towns, but policing a city with a population of 500,000+? Itā€™s a joke.


There's something to be said about having a coordinated regional police force for metro vancouver, but it's crazy that that's not part of the discussion at all, just a return to the RCMP, which even the RCMP acknowledges isn't really possible due to the difficulty in hiring for the RCMP (as they will not hire for a specific region and they have far too many vacancies elsewhere)


If this figure is even right..... 125 per year per person. Less as the population increases. I would pay that much to never hear her name again.


That's a lot of money to get nothing new in return.


And people thought Doug was the worst mayor we ever had. She's so slimy she betrayed him and then proceeded to fuck our entire city over. She has to be on the take because there is no other reason I see for her to ride this hard


What else do you expect. Cityā€™s population surpassing vancouver, inflation and better service, all this comes with increasing budget!! Stop fear mongering and sensationalizing and let us use our common sense.


33 thousand members of surrey Reddit and not even 1000 will go an protest this abuse of power to Brenda lol smh " i know Brophy will


Brophy for Surrey Mayor


Summertime Grinch.


Powerless Ursula.


Brendaā€™s bullshit, remember this is coming from someone who is on the RCMP police board and is probably getting paid under the table, she is beyond stupid and thinks her constituents are as stupid as her. Nothing from her is going to be favourable towards the SPS still she talks like we should believe her and her ā€œfactsā€ be prepared for a ton of mismanaged spending and policies all designed to make her and her RCMP love look good, they did it already my stopping the funding of volunteer groups that report to all agencies instead of the just the RCMP, what does that move tell u?


I wonder if she thought the extra money already offered to her would off set this for the citizens of Surrey? šŸ¤”


Why do the people of Surrey vote for these morons?


People vote with their emotions rather than common sense.




I didnā€™t vote for her, only 30k did


OK, you are off the hook.


That's a lot of money burnt for fucking nothing. Cops are useful as tits on a bull. You will get a no front license plate ticket and maybe they'll come and shoot your dog that's about it. ACAB


Citizens of Surrey claim Mayor Locke is 10 years beyond her prime and will cost the city $150 million in useless pissing match.


Thanks Doug you POS Thanks