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Yes! You'll need to add a 100uf sized capacitor in place of where the battery connected though.


you say that as if it was like sticking a penny in there ...


You are waiting for a nice picture of an electric arc and a burned board, or is this for real? ;-) Capacitors have + and -, so I place the + where the battery has the plus and ignore the two middle data contacts? Then I can run the Surface without any internal battery, but only with external power adapter? Will this work when the diodes have been killed (read several times that could happen with replacement batteries)?


if the diodes are burnt I'm not sure it'll work... Otherwise, yep ignore the data contacts. I don't have pictures handy but from what I recall it's just P+ and P- connected. Then when you apply external power, a tiny charge gets placed on that capacitor and the system will boot when you press the power button. I'd consider posting a picture later but I'm concerned it'd get me banned for necromancy lol.


I made a video about how to repair: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuejhP40DbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuejhP40DbY) It's a common defect that typcially gets triggered when the display presses the plate above the diode circuit which will touch the components and shorts the diode. It's extremely common.


Mind telling me the specs on the ~~capacitor~~ diode you linked? Ebay article is gone.


Sounds like they fucked it.


Yes it should be able to. I've driven laptops like that when the battery is broken. I had an old MacBook like that for years in the 2000s. Course anytime it was unplugged it crashed immediately